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An electronic system that attempts to eliminate the role of a third party in the execution of orders entered by an exchange market maker or an over-the-counter market maker, and permits such orders to be entirely or partly executed Read more:
In other words the Electronic Communication is described as An ECN connects major brokerages and individual traders so that they can trade directly

between themselves without having to go through a middleman. Read more:

IMPORTANCE OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION As science and IT demand is increasing day by day and as the boundaries of work are reducing .the world is getting smaller day by day as its the time of globalization so now in this highly cooperate world, the most valuable thing is time .as it is said by Benjamin Franklin Remember that time is money .So it is the main thing for the organizations to save and manage their time properly in order to make high profits so with considering all these factors the best possible way to save time for the organizations and to increase their profits the medium is known as ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION .electronic communication plays a very significant role in an organizations as in the article of Joseph R.herkert assessing the impact of shift to electronic communication and information dissemination by a professional organization in this article is stated that what was the impact of shifting to electronic communication by institute of electric and electronic engineers (IEEE) it is stated that with the rapid increase in the electronic media the importance of electronic communication has raised some important questions for (IEEE) that they need to build some strategy to come in the raise of electronic world In the article given it is stated that they developed the electronic product committee has planned a future vision for the (IEEE) that they identified the importance of electronic communications and it is stated that their information now will include graphics ,sounds ,videos and others to make it more significant it is further stated that IEEE information format will be on electronic media such as internet ,CDs and other mass storage devices as other functions done by electronic product committee it is stated that they made the IEEE ELECTRONIC library The IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL) is a CD-ROM based product that includes full-image access to over 100 periodicals. They also introduced ON-line journals which is used for publication on proprietary networks they also introduced magazines online and citations online so in the journal it discussed that how the Institute of electric and electronic engineers(IEEE) determine the importance of electronic communication and the work done by electronic product committee so hence with the referred journal we came to knew that how The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the largest technical society in the world, recognized its increasing dependence on electronic media.

TYPES OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION:There are number of ways in which an organization can interact with each other so there are lot of electronic mediums but few of them which of them played a significant role on the success of organization and its behavior are : EMAILs: Electronic mail, commonly known as email or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more recipients. Email was widely accepted by the business community as the first broad electronic communication medium and was the first e-revolution in organization communication.

The original idea of e-mail was that it facilitates our communication and makes lives at work easier as it is clearly mentioned in the article The Impact of E-mail Communication on Organizational Life by Daantje Derks, Arnold B. Bakker they stated the impact that how electronic mail has showed its importance on organization as from the research it had came to know that that it is confirmed that electronic communication is very important for the organization and email is the most prevalent form of medium it is also came to known from the research that with the rapid increase in the technology the use of emails have widely increased in the mobile phones as it is one of the most demanding application used in smart phones now a days. The impact of e-mail on a regular workday is inherent on differences between e-mail and face-to-face (F2F) communication. McKenna and Bargh (2000) listed these differences in four categories first they have stated that the physical distances have been reduced , the time factor is also one of major advantages we came to known through the research thirdly it is easier to be anonymous while talking and communication via email and the last is unline face to face meeting that one can easily talk to the internet rather going to meet each other which may cause additional effort so according to the research danntje derks and Arnold have discussed that by taking these things into consideration there is absolute advantage for the organizations. In further research weve found an article Electronic performance appraisals: The evicts of e-mail communication on peer ratings in actual and simulated environments byTerri R. Kurtzberg , Charles E. Naquin b, Liuba Y. Belkin which also states the importance of electronic mail that how it has enhances the performance of organization and how it is better than other mediums As it is described clearly that it has saved us from face to face negations are one can easily communicate with a number of people at the moment rather meeting one person at a moment the importance of electronic mail was also discussed by William lucas in the article Effects of E-Mail on the Organization in which he laid a very point about email that managers should understand that importance and significance of electronic mail that they should understand the current situation it also states the point that E-mail eases internal communications for those working in foreign languages in this research we found that William lucas has found out the importance of electronic communication via this table

After this table we can know that impact of electronic mail on organization is huge in our research we have came across the importance of electronic mail that in the Institute of electric and electronic engineers (IEEE) when they realized the importance of electronic with other facilities provided by Electronic product committee another committee Under the direction of the Electronic Communications Steering Committee, electronic communication services were provided to their members their customer and the general public the form of email services and email alias service ,newsgroups and other anonymous servers . so through the research we can identified that how Electronic mail has presented a positive impact on the organization. MOBILE TECHNOLOGY: Mobile technology is a collective term it is used to explain the different type of communication cellular technology .mobile technology has evolved quite aggressively over the recent year this millennium has made a vast expansion and innovation in mobile phone technology as it moves from two way pager to GPS and to mobile/wireless computing. The mobile phone technology has played a very vital role in organization as from the research it can predict that with the use of mobile technology the productivity and profitability rates have been increased in the article written by Daantje Derks1, Arnold B. Bakker the impact of email
communication on organizational life states the importances of mobile technologies like teleworking and employee incentives like giving smart phone to employees that as email is not a new coomunication medium but wireless email systems being fascilitated by a smartphone has enabled the users to connect in a more better way. Mobile e-mail devices may affect social dynamics by enabling new forms of interaction and collaboration (Lyytinen & Yoo, 2002a; Pica & Kakihara, 2003) another major factor provided by dantjee is that with the help of smartphones it has managed work home balance in the research (baron 2005 ; Edwards,2002) stated that mobile tools can lead to increased productivity and to enhanced the effictiveness. As we can also see the present scenario that demand for such smartphones have increased which offer such application through mobile tenchnogies like Apple ,iphone and ipad because as these devices are user friendly they are also offering google android and windows or using

blackberry is also consider as a major bone for workforce. Through the research it is conducted that the massive growth of these technologies over the world has made the managers and the organization how to get their firms benefit from the present trend. During the research there comes a very interesting information regarding the importance of mobile phone technology that 97% of mobile subscribers will read an SMS (text) message within 15 minutes of receiving it; 84% will respond within 1 hour. (do you know any other medium that gets your target's attention that fast? so by this quote we can state that now there is a time to make your self adapt to this situation as there is a myth that mobile phone are only for teens but the studies shows that the prime purchasers lies in the 35 -44 and 45-54 age brackets, the recent study of indicates that almost 40% of consumers are extremely interested in receiving mobile cards and coupons for wide variety of services and purchases. The another important feature of mobile technology is text messaging the growth of text or instant messaging is anonymous during the recent years which states in 2001 the use of text messaging was only 8% among U.S. Employees now the number is increased about more than 50% the reason is just that is fast and inexpensive means for managers to stay in touch with employees and for employees to stay in touch with each other .the importance of Text messaging can be referred to the example of the CEO of the consulting firm Accenture Bill Green doesnt have the proper office because he is on the roads all the time so the major medium for him to stay in touch with everyone is text messaging. Electronic Calendaring and Electronic scheduling: During the research there comes another positive factor of electronic communication is electronic calendaring and electronic scheduling the article written in this regard by Bart van den Hooff Electronic coordination and collective action: use and effects of electronic calendaring and scheduling it explains that The electronic calendar is a relatively simple ICT application that can have positive contributions to the coordination of activities in organizations he explains that electronic communication is increasing so much day by day that the concept of paper work is demenishing day by day and in accordance to that for communicating electronic calendaring is used like it is used for setting meeting daily plans , activities during the research bart ven den hoof also presented the working of electronic calendaring and electronic scheduling

The use of this electronic communication is important now for everyone in the organization as it is discussed that it allows the elimination of error and it also result positively in the means of connecting and communicating .The world is getting smaller day by day and now it is the period of globalization so one should choose the possible shortest and time saving mode of communicating so in order to save and make a proper reminder electronic calendaring has played a very vital role in groupware work as the burden of work is higher so the electronic communication can lead to high performance rate and work with more efficiency


Effective communication between trading partners is vital for operational efficiency and better trading relations. Such communication takes place at different managerial levels, using a variety of means, including Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) For operational efficiency and for getting positive and better trading relations effective communication between trading partners is necessary the communication in this case take place at various different levels and variety of mediums are being used and one of the mean is electronic data interchange during the research it was come to know that EDI use the communication pattern between the top management and between management levels in the article An assessment of EDI use and other channel communications on trading behavior and trading partner knowledge by Makoto Nakayama which states the importance and describes the results of Electronic data interchange basically EDI facilitates a well distribution of the organization and as well as better understanding of the partner of the organization. The basic feature of the EDI is that is one of the several communication which is used by the partners for exchanging trading information rather than on other medium like face to face meeting informal business gatherings from the research it has also come to know that EDI links provide frequent contacts between firms at various departmental in organizational .Edi is much more structured than other communication like extranet intranet etc .In the research did by Makoto Nakayama the survey which was taken proven the result that data from 99 retailers and 72 suppliers found that more partner knowledge by top management resulted in greater EDI use. VIRTUAL ORGANIZATIONS (VO): with the rapid increase in the it department and with the rapid increase of electronic media now communication is almost on electronic mediums so the with the increase in the electronic medium and electronic communication there is a also rapid increase in virtual organizations in the article by Niki Panteli Revisiting the nature of virtual organizations: reflections on mobile communication systems he states that the reality of virtual organization is gaining attention and the cause is that every thing is totally or electronic media so here comes the chance of less office expense and office cost he futher states that advancement in IT has resulted many organizations to emerge or to wrok or operate in virtual space these are considered as imaginary organizations . electronic media or Computer mediated communication can enable these forms of organizations to come over constraints on time and distance in the other articles by troyj.strader and fu-ren (information infrastructure for electronic virtual organization management) in which he states about the emerging v form of organization he sates that today new organization is emerging and replacing the M-form of organization as before it was U-form of organization during the research we have came through that the reasons of the Vform of organization is that the place of business is continuously increasing with shorter life cycle and in order to that it requires quicker response to market opportunities the second factor of such organization is that It requires less cost and the means of operations are totally electronic means emails, text messaging, EDI, Smartphone, blogs etc are main component for such business in which they can contact with their customers suppliers and run the operational

activities so in order to run the virtual business there is a need of electronic communication which is hence leading a positive impact on the organization

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