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A Growing Concern


April 2012

Norley residents joined those from other villages in the The campaign says it is also unhappy that work to prepare Delamere Forest area to demonstrate against the Forestry plots, including the felling of trees and placing of markers for Commissions plans to develop the Forest particularly, the houses, has already begun. This, they feel, should at least through its Forest Holidays offshoot, plans for a forest have awaited the outcome of the current consultation process, holiday property development in the North section of and the planning application that has yet to be made, let Delamere Forest. The demonstration was organised by CADD, the Communities Against Delameres Destruction. A good number of people attended to voice their concerns, as our pictures show. The local press attended, as did Granada TV, who covered the event in Granada Reports, on 25 March. Details of plans were provided in last months NN. But further details can be found on the CADD website The website also contains information on how to join the protest, template letters and so on. Nigel Gilding heads up the CADD campaign. We spoke to him to find out what he aims to achieve Awareness seems to be the main thing. Not everyone will Nigel Gilding talking to Jon Wild about the Delamere proposals realise that the location of 78 houses, some substantial in size in the forest (with a purported year round 90% occupancy News Inside rate) will have a considerable impact on the whole forest. Jubilee latest.................................................... Nigel points out that the population in residence at any one time (perhaps 450) will be similar in size to that of Manley, A visitor writes ....................some observations and that all will be using cars on newly made roads into the A Cottage Garden.......................... @ Stonyford forest. He is concerned about impacts on wildlife and on local Hannah.......................................... British No. 1 residents. Opening up the forest in this way will take cars Norley History .......................................... 1891 into one of the few unspoiled and really quiet areas of the forest. He is concerned that the forest and how people will Keep em for Karen be able to enjoy it will be changed forever. Norley NewsApril 2012 1

alone agreed, They believe the work undertaken goes well beyond what has been described so far as routine thinning. Of course there are issues about the sustainability of the forest. In these times assets are often required to pay their way. And the proposals have so far made much of their green credentials and economic benefits to the area. But Nigel worries that these economic benefits suggested may not be felt around the Forest area, but elsewhere the Forestry Commission being a large, national organisation. The plans for the holiday lets are just part of a bigger plan, to include the building of a new and considerably bigger visitor centre near to the present one, and a push to increase the numbers of visitors to around the million mark, from the current 750,000 per year. The Forestry Commission say; We have undertaken this pre-planning consultation exercise and have welcomed comments from all. The drop in sessions provided us with the opportunity to talk to large numbers of people to explain the plans in detail and dispel any misunderstandings. The Forestry Commission and Forest Holidays have an established track record of delivering these proposals on the FC estate, within forest settings, without detriment to the trees, ecology or wider environment. This is achieved by our detailed understanding of the forest together with specialist knowledge and construction techniques, allowing the discrete and careful insertion of the purpose built units into a natural setting. Development of the proposals will be of low impact to the existing woodland, as will the ongoing operation of the site. The proposals will also allow this part of the forest to be managed as continuous cover forest, rather than being clear felled and replanted, and provide for further planting and

management to expand and diversify the habitat and provide for further ecological diversification. Some Norley residents may feel that this is an issue based some way from Norley. That may be true to a degree, but the Forest is an amenity many of us use on a regular basis, and it is important we all receive the information we need to make up our minds about these plans. Your NN suggests that you have a look on line at the CADD site also at the Forest Holidays site at too, which shows pictures of other, similar developments. The consultation will have closed by the time you read this, but the campaign are keen you take every opportunity to express your views anyway as all comments will be reported to planners when the time comes.

Norley's Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

Stop Press: Norley's big lunch to celebrate the jubilee will now be a party picnic lunch. This will be on School Bank near the Tigers Head at 1:30pm Sunday 3rd June 2012. Bring your favourite foods and celebrate with family and friends. Fun and frolics for all will include the Diamond Games, bouncy castle and traditional games. Plans for the Scarecrow walk on Tuesday are also progressing. We have lots of offers to make scarecrows, but we need lots more! See the form below. Please can we ask for volunteers to donate some time to help arrange this free event to bring the village together? There won't be another Diamond Jubilee for most of us. Let's make it an event to remember. Details of how you can help follow below.
Victoria Greasley


Brown Moss Farm, Norley Road, Norley WA6 6LJ tel: 01928 787500 email:

Long established 100% equine veterinary clinic based in Norley Practice covers most of Cheshire, extending to Southern Lancashire, South West Greater Manchester, Merseyside and The Wirral Excellent purpose built facilities 24 hour Emergency Cover Most advanced and portable digital X-ray equipment Ultrasound, Endoscopy, ECG and In-house laboratory facilities All our vets and staff are experienced riders and horse owners themselves No call out charge for Norley patients!

Norley News April 2012

What? Help setting up of tables and chairs What for? Village Street Party When? Sunday, 3rd June am What? Help with setting up of games, suggesting games, run games What for? The Diamond Games (Children Games, adults welcome!) When? Sunday, 3rd June , 2.00 pm & 5.00 pm Ideas so far; Egg & Spoon Race, Tug of War, Three legged race What? Help putting up bunting What for? Village Street Party When? Saturday, 2nd June pm What? Help with preparing cakes, coffee and tea & selling them Help with setting up tables and chairs What for? Village Hall afternoon coffee & cake When? Tuesday, 5th June (main event) Village History pictures-items of interest for display wanted. What? Help with designing the Jubilee Programme What for? Jubilee Weekend When? Well in advance
Norley NewsApril 2012

John Whitlow at The Tigers Head 01928 788309 thetigershead@googlemail. com Nick Taylor 01928 789933 nicholasjtaylor100@yahoo.c

Victoria Greasley 01928 242 943 victoria.greasley@virgincare

Jon Wild 01928 788282,

Jon Wild, as above

Alison Greasley 01928 788006. alisongreasley916@hotmail.

NHS Communication and Involvement Survey

The local NHS is reviewing how it communicates information and provides opportunities for patients and the public to have their say. They are asking local people to contribute their views and would like them to complete a s u r v e y. T h i s c a n b e d o n e o n l i n e a t or contact the NHS survey team by phone on 0800 5877 888. The survey is short and simple. It asks questions such as How do you find out about local health services and staying healthy campaigns and takes just a few minutes to complete. You can win a 30 voucher if you complete the survey!

My Norley Visits
For the last ten years or so I have been coming for the day, twice a month, to visit my good friend. She has a small dog which I take for a walk in the morning and again later in the afternoon around Norley. On these walks I have met some very nice people and when I meet these days we have a bit of a chat. I also visit your village shop. One thing I always do is read the Norley News which Im sure is much appreciated by the people of Norley. I became a community (Parish) councillor in the early seventies in my village but this month will be my last; I shall not be standing in next months elections. Im now in my early seventies. The greatest gift most of us have is good health,

but as one gets older, this is gradually taken back. In some ways your village is ahead of us, in other ways you are behing us. We dont have a village paper like you do, or as many events in the year. In this months Norley News, two of your headlines which grabbed my attention were No more dog mess and What a load of rubbish. This does not surprise me as Ive never seen a village so short of litter bins. Wrexham Borough Council supply all villages with smart, vandal proof litter bins (they are very heavy). These bins are emptied every week. The council also provides doggy bags free if one calls in at one of the council offices. We have about ten bins in my village which have greatly reduced dog mess and litter in the village. Also to help the aged and school children we have about five bus stop shelters in the village, again provided by Wrexham Council. Please dont take this as criticism of your lovely village, its just my thoughts put to paper. At the present time Wrexham Borough Council are having solar panels fitted on all council owned houses and O.A.P. bungalows and to date have completed a few hundred. I thank you for your time in reading this letter. Keep up the good work.
Many thanks, N Jackson, Penycae, Clwyd

Stonyford Cottage Gardens

We met Tony and Jan Overland on a particularly beautiful afternoon in March, when the charming gardens were looking at their very best. Those of you who have been to Stonyford Cottage will be aware of the beautiful setting and the tranquil atmosphere. What you may be less aware of is

Norley News April 2012

New developments for this year include improved walkways in the garden, a new bird watching hide, an information centre and the chance to get closer to the gardens hens. Events to watch out for this year include the National Garden Scheme open days on Sun 10 June, and Sun 5 August (both 1.30-5PM), the Plant Hunters Fair on 5 June, and a performance of Much Ado About Nothing, given by the Folksy Theatre Company in the garden, on 2 August. The Garden is on Stonyford Lane, reached from Norley by following Cheesehill Lane, towards Oakmere. They are open Tuesday to Sunday, 10AM-5PM, Bank Holidays 105PM. Admission is 3.50, but they offer a very attractive Garden Season Pass for 5, that includes 10% discount on plants purchased. that there have been improvements made to the garden, that this is a really good value place to buy home grown plants, and that there are some interesting events coming up over the summer. Tony and Jan have lived in this area for 40 years, around 30 at Stonyford Cottage. They run the business with their sons Andrew, Phillip daughter-in-law Angie. The gardens have been open to the public since 1993. They have for some years taken part in Open Days for charity under the National Gardens Scheme. As well as the enchanting garden with its pond (looking great in Spring) and shop, there is a tempting tearoom. The shop grows all its own plants, focusing on shrubs, alpines, perennials, and conservatory plants. Tony studied originally at Kew Gardens, and has worked in horticulture for 40 years. His sons and daughter-in-law are taking on more of the business now.

Delamere Forest 41 Club

41 Club meets locally once a month and provides fellowship and community service activities for ex members of Round Table and associates. Our organisation has more than 20 active members with a large proportion living in Norley, Acton Bridge, Kingsley and Cuddington. The charity side is only a small part of our activities we are a social club with a conscience. If you are interested and / or would like to get involved please contact Martin Bell on 01928 788658 or John Morris on 01606 851377

M.P. Building and Joinery (Based in Norley) All Aspects of Building and Joinery

Odd Jobs A Treat

Extensions and Renovations Complete Loft and Garage Conversions Windows, Doors, Soffits, Facias and Gutters Solid Wood Flooring and Floor and Wall Tiling Driveways, Paths, Concrete Bases & Footings Timber Garden Buildings, Workplace, Office or Storage Plumbing, Painting, Brickwork,Plastering and Roofing Time served tradesmen over 30 years of experience Insurance covered, All work Guaranteed For a free estimate & advice call Mark on 01928 787046 or on 07932695311
Norley NewsApril 2012 5

British Number 1
On Saturday 24th of March I went to York to compete in the British Orienteering Sprint Championships and Middle Distance Championships 2012. When I, my mum and my dad arrived at the University of York, we dropped off all our equipment in the sports hall and went outside and waited for our start time. The weather was cold and foggy and cheering in people was less enthusiastic than normal. As soon it was time to go to the start I started feeling really nervous and excited, I was jumping up and down. Finally we arrived; I got my number and stared at the clock waiting impatiently for it to change. At last it did and I went in to the starting box. 4 minutes later I set off and grabbed my map, (it was huge). I concentrated on the map and nearly ran into another competitor. Half way round the course I made a mistake, running straight past the control and past a load of trees! I soon realized my mistake and corrected as fast as I could. The finish was near, I could hear the commentator. As I neared the last control I put on a sprint and finished the course in a time of 15 minutes and 2 seconds. My print-outs said I was 1st and so I was very pleased. I stayed in 1st place and so went into the A final. There was a huge scrum to find out when the start times were, but eventually I managed to find out. After a 3 hour wait competitors started finishing, so went out to cheer them in. Then I made my way to the start, feeling quite positive because I knew I had already beaten all the girls in my class. Once I had set off, I settled down quite quickly and started to enjoy my run. That was until I made an error and went the wrong way this could have been a disaster in a sprint event.

Fortunately I only lost about a minute and made up the lost time later on in the course. During my sprint for the finish, I heard the commentator announcing my name and saying I was leading my age group. I had a nerve-wracking wait until all the other competitors had finished, but at last I knew I had won my first individual British Championship! I felt a bit embarrassed when I stood on the podium and collected my medal and Buff! The following day was the Middle Distance Championship at Strensall Common, near York. This was a single run over a distance of 2.3 km. The area was a marshy, flat military training area and we were told to watch out for unexploded

Replacement Double Glazed Units
Fed up of trying to see through those misty/failed double glazed units? Units can be replaced in wood, pvc, and aluminium. Glazing for windows, doors, patios, roof lights, and greenhouses Call Kevin or Sue on 01928 787256 Free quotes given Your local independent tradesman 30 years experience All types of glazing work undertaken
6 Norley News April 2012

bombs and adders! I found the course was really simple, but I did make one small mistake. Once again I was identified by the commentator and I knew I had done well. It was another long wait for prize-giving, but it was a lovely sunny day and I cheered in other members of my club, Deeside OC. Overall, it was a thoroughly enjoyable and successful weekend and I was over the moon with my results. I am now double British Champion!
by Hannah Hateley

Norley circa 1891

Norley is a township formed in 1832 into a parish and scattered village, one and a half miles from Delamere station, three miles South West of Acton Bridge; four and a half miles South East of Frodsham,and 175 miles from London by rail. The Church of St. John the Evangelist rebuilt in 1879 at a cost, including the organ of 5000. It is an edifice of red sandstone consisting of chancel, nave, south porch, and a tower at the East end, containing a clock and one bell, with seating for about 300. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent of 43, gross yearly valus 175, net 155, in the gifr of Samuel Henry Woodhouse Esq., andn held since 1887 by Revd C R Nunn of Cambridge and Durham universities and F.R.G.S. Wesleyan Methodist Chapel also, Temperance Hall built in 1888 at a cost of 300. The Independent Order of Rechabites No. 19 District hold their meetings in the Temperance Hall. Norley Bank is the seat of Colonel Walter Richard Lascelles J.P.; and Norley Hall of Samuel Henry Woodhouse Esq. J.P. The Right Honorable Arthur Hugh Smith-Barry M.P. of Fota Island Queenstown is Lord of the Manor. S H Woodhouse is the principal landowner. The soil is light and sandy, and the

subsoil is marl. Chief crops early potatoes and pasture. The area is 1411 acres, rateable value 3753, and the population in 1891 is 694 persons. Endowed Church school (mixed) built 1835 for 125 children And average attendance 95, George Lake the master. Private Residents: Colonel Walter Richard Lascelles J.P. Norley Bank. The Revd Charles Rushbrooke Nunn, F.R.G.S. Vicar. Mrs,. Nutting. Samuel Henry Woodhouse J.P. Norley Hall. Commercial: Joseph Blain, Blacksmith Mrs. Elizabeth Blakeborough, Grocer and Beer Retailer. James Chrimes Painter, Paperhanger, Decorator, Grocer , Draper and General Dealer. John Chrimes, Saddler and Post Office. Joseph Chrimes, Farmer. Joseph Chrimes ,Shopkeeper. Robert Chrimes, Farmer. Walter Chrimes, Wheelwright, Coffin Maker, Carpenter and Joiner. Samuel Chrimes, Junior, Farmer and Shopkeeper. Arthur Done, Farmer (Wob Farm) Christopher Fletcher, Cowkeeper. John Gerrard Farmer. Thomas Grice, Farmer. Richard Hardman, Plasterer. Mrs Annie Hitchen, Farmer. James Hough, Farmer. Samuel Hough, Farmer and Cowkeeper William Hough, Butcher. Mark Humphries, Bricklayer and Plasterer.

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Norley NewsApril 2012 7

Ralph Humphries, Joiner. Charles Jeffrey, Head Gardener to Colonel W.R.Lascelles. Edward Jones, Farmer (Town Farm) John Lewis, Farmer. Richard Lewis, Farmer. Samuel Lewis, Farmer. Thomas Lightfoot, Farmer. Willian Lightfoot, Baker and Flour Dealer. John Maddock, Farmer Miss Annie Minshal, Farmer, (Hatchmere) Thomas Newall, Farmer. Joseph Nixon, Joiner. John Pickering, Farmer, William Pickering, Farmer, Hugh Richardson Farmer. Mrs Ann Jane Robinson, Farmer (Brown Moss Farm) James Robinson, Beer retailer, Hatchmere. Samuel Robinson, Farmer (Green Slate Farm) Thomas Robinson, Farmer (Norley Hall Farm) George Sanders, Shopkeeper. John Savage, Shoemaker. Joseph Thompson, Beer Retailer. Thomas Thompson. Wheelwright and Coffin Maker. Caleb Walker, Farmer. John Walker, Tailor. Thomas Williams, Cow Keeper. Abraham Worsley, Cowkeeper. William Yearsley, Tailor. William Youd, Boot and Shoe Maker, and Letter Carrier.

Norley Affordable Housing CALL FOR LAND!

The Open Morning and survey identified that there is a need for Affordable Housing in Norley. The Parish Council is working with PlusDane Housing Association to deliver a small number of houses to meet needs of local residents. The next step is to identify a suitable site(s), which will be appraised by PlusDane and Cheshire West and Chester Council. The Parish Council will formally consult with Norley residents once a short-list of sites has been prepared. To be suitable, land has to: Be in an appropriate location (i.e. sit within or on the edge of the village boundary) Relate well to the village Have access to the highway Small sites (e.g. space for a pair of semi-detached houses) are welcome. In villages like Norley, Affordable Housing is usually sited on so-called rural exception sites i.e. sites that would not normally be granted planning permission for houses because of the present tight restrictions on building within the greenbelt. As a rough guide, the Housing Association would expect to pay in the region of 10-15,000 per plot (1 pair of semidetached houses = 2 plots). If you are interested in selling land that you think may be suitable, please contact Mike Watson, Development Manager at PlusDane Group (Tel: 01260 288 226; Email: PLEASE RESPOND BY THE END OF APRIL

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Norley News April 2012

Eyes Peeled Please

Below, a picture taken in Narrow Lane below Home Farm house, down towards Crowton, obviously fly tipped. Disgusting!

telephone 01606 596390. Quote Reference 1234. Volunteering for Cheshire West Citizens Advice will enable you to receive free training and equip you with new skills which could make a difference to you and your community. Here is what one of our volunteers had to say. I have acquired new skills. I was learning new things and the variety is endless. The Citizens Advice helped me to get my confidence back, got my career going and helped me to get a paid job Don't delay as our next free training sessions are due to start soon.

Norley CE Primary School April Newsletter Cheshire West Citizens Advice

Volunteers Needed as Adviceline Assessors in Winsford Do you have good listening skills and a few hours a week to spare? If so, we are recruiting people to join our team and train as Adviceline telephone assessors. We also have a few vacancies for face to face assessors in Winsford and Northwich. Our next training programme is due to start soon, so if you are interested please email or

Cross Country
On Friday the 16th of March, year 3, 4, 5 and 6 went to the Cross Country in Delamere Forest and did their very best. A talk at the beginning with all the competitors, told them what to do. These were some of the Schools competing: ST Lukes, Norley, Kingsley ST John, Helsby Hillside, Frodsham Weavervale The first race was the younger year 3 girls, when the whistle blew they set off and the younger year 3 boys lined up. Lots of people had turned up to cheer on the children competing; School children and adults covered the finish line waiting


to help people in poverty out of poverty 13 - 19 May 2012
Christian Aid works with its partners in crisis situations and also in more long term projects as it aims to bring an end to poverty around the world by tackling its root causes as well as its effects.

This year Christian Aid is highlighting its work in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone is one of the hungriest countries in the world. But helped by Christian Aid partner the Methodist Church of Sierra Leone (MCSL), some people there have found the tools to move beyond hunger and speak out for the changes they want to see.

Please give generously in Christian Aid Week as your gift will help people to help themselves
If you would consider joining the band of collectors in Norley. please contact either Ruth Lane (788071) or Rita Boon (788185).

Norley NewsApril 2012

for the first finishers. As soon as the last children from the following race had finished the next race started. There were many strong positions, in particular a 1st in older year 6 girls, many 3rdds in a variety of age groups, 4ths and lots more excellent places. Everyone enjoyed the experience of the Cross Country and the year 6s savoured their last race.
Hannah Y6

Over all it was a great day.

By Tabi

& Grace

April Recipes
I hope you enjoyed last months recipes and have found time to visit Dave and Mary at The Stores, Norley. Aprils recipes were compiled over a Saturday morning discussion on Daves range of St Pierre brioche. Brioche is a versatile ingredient, it is delicious when toasted or even dunked into a mug of hot chocolate. Apparently brioche makes amazing bread and butter pudding. A big thank you to Betty Knight for her recipe inspiration. Carrying on with the indulgent pudding theme, it was not difficult to create another pudding, given the great range of dried fruits, nuts and berries, syrups and even organic treacles close at hand. Sticky Date and Almond Squares are easy to make, and can be eaten hot with a dollop of crme fraiche or left to cool in the tin.

Art Day
On Thursday the 15th of March. Kingsley year 5 and 6 and Norley year 5 and 6 had an art day. Kinsley came down to Norley to do this art day with us. So when they got here we started. An art teacher, Lucy Seker, came in to do the art day with us. Lucy taught us how to do our self-portraits. To start we had to draw a face shape, and then we had to put lines on the face to get the features in the right places. After we had done the lines we stared drawing the eyes, nose, lips and all the other things you have on your face. After we had finished our self-portraits we did Pablo Picassos work. His type of art was very adventurous; he made faces with a twist, all the features were all muddle. So when we did our work like his we got a piece of A3 paper and started. To make a good effect on the pictures we used oil pastels.

Bread and Butter Brioche Pudding

Ingredients 284ml carton double cream 300ml whole milk or one pint whole milk, omit the cream


Norley News April 2012

8 egg yolks 75g caster sugar vanilla essence(optional) 1 pack St Pierre chocolate chip brioche rolls Serves 4

100g plain flour 100g flaked almonds Makes about 16 squares

Method First make the custard. Put the cream, milk in a saucepan. Bring to the boil, and remove from the heat. Put the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl and whisk until doubled in volume. Slowly pour the hot cream mixture on to the egg yolk mixture, stirring all the time. Add vanilla if using. Return the whole lot to the pan and cook gently over a low heat, stirring all the time, until the custard is thick enough to coat the back of a wooden spoon. Pour the custard into a bowl, and leave to cool. Put a piece of cling film directly on to the surface of the custard to prevent a skin forming. Slice the brioche rolls into 1cm-thick slices and lay 1/3 of them flat in the bottom of a large, deep-sided oven proof dish and pour 1/3 of the custard over the top. Push the brioche down to ensure it soaks up the custard. Repeat the process. Cut the remaining brioche and arrange neatly on top of the last layer pour over the remaining custard and leave the pudding to rest in the fridge for 1-2 hours. Preheat the oven to 170C, gas mark 3. Cook the pudding for 40-50 minutes or until the custard has just set. If the pudding appears dry, add extra cream during the cooking process. Serve immediately with cream or custard.

Method Preheat the oven to 180C, gas mark 4. Line a shallow 30 x 20cm tray with baking paper. Place the dates in a bowl and cover with 125ml boiling water. Leave to soak for 15 minutes. Cream the butter and sugar until smooth. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Sift in the flour and fold in the dates and almonds. Spread the mixture into the tin and bake for 25 minutes until it springs to the touch. Remove from the oven and allow to cool in the tin.
Karen Pickup

Norley WI March 8th 2012

Helen welcomed many visitors to our open meeting. She said that in the Quiz we came second and qualified for the final. Asked for help to make the Scarecrow, our entry into the Jubilee competition. Skittles at Bickerton Poacher on Thursday 15th Notified us of the brief history and trial of Spinning ~ Thursday April 26th at 7-30 in the Hall Meadow Bank~ May 2nd, Phantom May ~ 8th, Jubilee ~ June 7th, Haworth Trip ~ July 7th. There is a quiz sheet for 1 on sale. All about biscuits and money raised will go to ACWW. (Associated Countrywomen of the World) Helping children in the Cameroons. ... 10 prize The first of the new Group Meetings will be held in Frodsham and the main speaker will be Trisha Stewart of the Calendar Girls. Tickets will be 5 each 7-30pm in the

Sticky Date and Almond squares

Ingredients 200g pack Natural Selection Dates, chopped 125g butter, softened 200g soft dark brown sugar 2 large eggs

Norley NewsApril 2012


For the Diamond Jubilee Weekend at the beginning of June we are planning a scarecrow trail in Norley and are hoping to have as great and wonderful a display as possible! The theme is the last 60 years of Queen Elisabeths reign. Some of the scarecrows will have the honour of being part of the Scarecrow Quiz, which will open on Tuesday, 5th June at 12.00 at the Village Hall, where the question sheet can be picked up. There will be a lot of prices; not just for the winners of the quiz but also for the scarecrows! The Winners will be celebrated in due style at around 4pm at the Village Hall, where refreshments can had.

Let us know by Monday, 16th April

if you can be part of this. You can either e-mail the team directly on,, or fill in the attached form and drop it off at The Stores.


Norley News April 2012

Name/Club, etc

Hall. Tea/coffee and cake in the interval. If non WI members would like to attend, find a member who just might be able to find one. The talk was by Kate Crawley a Magistrate since 1991. She explained how courts were started in 1195 with one titled person in charge who was capable of having the felons head chopped off to the three on the bench that we have today. The first woman Magistrate was taken on in 1919. She explained how they thought and carried out their decisions. There are more than just the magistates court, others are, family, youth and problem solving. Making sure that all is fair. Our peep into the justice system was very enlightening. Vote of thanks was given by Elsie Naylor The next meeting in Norley Village Hall starting at 7~30pm Thursday April 12th will have a talk on Hearing dogs for Deaf People.
Mary Ramskill


Wednesday Club Diary April & May 2012

4th April AGM 11th April Sales table 18th April Trip to Oswaldtwistle Mill and tour 25th April Club meeting 2 May Club meeting 9th May Sales table 16th May Visit from Frodsham Townswomens Guild 23rd May Trip to Lytham St Annes and a meal at the Chadwick Hotel 30th May Club meeting
For more information contact Joan Barclay 01928 788394

Contact No/e-mail

What is your idea for the Scarecrow?

Reports of bogus callers are currently being received across the Rural Area. Whilst some have been checked out by Police Officers and identified as genuine, the potential for such a scam is real. Please ensure that any caller to your home or business premises can show you proof of identity. Genuine operators will welcome such an approach. Please call us with anything you consider to be suspicious.

Brian Wainwright
WHITBYS LANE GARAGE Whitbys Lane Winsford CW7 2LZ 01606 593619
Norley NewsApril 2012 13

Starts 19 April
Childrens' Dance Classes at Norley Village Hall on Thursdays from 4:30 6:00pm. To include: baby ballet, tap & street dance. Contact Sara 07837053539

a driveway in Utkinton whilst the occupants were away. Whilst offences of this type have been on the decline recently I would ask that you review any security measures in place for such vehicles. Police Officers executed a Drugs Warrant at an address in Kingsley Road, Frodsham on Wednesday 21st March. A large number of cannabis plants were seized and the occupant arrested. They are currently on Police Bail pending further forensic enquiries.
Inspector Keith Curbishley 0845 458 6393

Cancer Research
Eddisbury Square, Frodsham Volunteers are needed to help in this busy charity. All ages welcome! If you have some spare hours Ruth would be very grateful. Please contact her on 01928 731139

Vehicle registration plates have been stolen from a Blue Fiat Punto in Christleton. The registration number is FP51MGE, please report any sightings if you see a vehicle displaying this number other than one as described above. There is nothing to suggest any link with the above theft, but a Grey Citroen Xsara has had its registration plates stolen in Cuddington. The number is DA53WWJ, again if you see this on any vehicle other than described please call the police. Over recent weeks several vehicles parked and unattended at the Fox and Barrel Inn, Cotebrook have either been broken into and property stolen or had damage to the door lock. If you see anything unusual or suspicious in car parks at any public house or restaurant etc please dont hesitate to report it to the police. A black twin axle Ivor Williams trailer has been stolen from

Forest Events
Spellbound Forest, Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th May English Fairy Tales will be brought to life through theatrical performance, music and visual art and dance HealthCycle cycling courses, offering gentle cycling activity perfect for improving health, and building confidence and skills under the guideance of a qualified instructor. The next 6 week course runs every Tuesday from 24th April to 29th May. Further courses will be run in June/July and Sept/Oct. Big Jubilee Forest Picnic, Sunday 3rd June - come and celebrate with us, we've got the space you just need to bring the picnic! The Wombats concert on Sunday 8th July - tickets still available. Will Young concert on Friday 6th July and Plan B concert on Saturday 7th July both sold out.

Ruth & Robert Downes Invite you To a Grand Cheese and Wine Evening with Prizes, Nibbles, Raffle

Friday 20th April


Dodsley Hall Farm

Time: 7.00 pm for 7.30pm. Tickets: 10 For Tickets (strictly limited) please contact Brian Coglan - 01928 787426
14 Norley News April 2012

Thanks To All Our Sponsors

for supporting Norley News. We do obtain money from our advertisers and the Parish Council contributes towards the cost of community advertising, but it is sponsorship money that makes it possible to produce 10 issues a year. So, if any reader wishes to become a sponsor and help us in the continuing development of the News, please contact Penny Clarke 2 The Spinney, Norley, WA6 8LS, tel 787496, email
Liz and Tony Lavin Katy Percival Frodsham & District Choral Society The Wednesday Club Bill & Libby Appleton Les & Gladys Archer Sophie & Martin Gambrell Mary Ramskill Joan Hunt Helen Welburn Mrs I Preston Monica Stewart Norley Horticultural Soc Tony & Katie Simpson James & Megan Posnett Bob & Ruth Downes Pauline & Mike Kay The Basnett Family Barbara Jones Norley Bowling Club Marie Cliffe Gill & John Lunt 1st Norley Scout Group, Norley WI Mary Owen Judith Hull Rosamund Walley Darren and Jane Stubbs Delamere Stores Anon (x13) Norley CE Primary School The residents of Hatchmere Park Helen and Mike Ebbitt Bette Ashbrook Pat Dixon Stephn Douglas Bruce & Ruth Lane Liz Robinson Frazer & Katrina Higson John & Maureen Lewis

or higher res PDF, including fonts and embedded images. Due to the patronage of the Parish Council, local organisation advertising is FREE! All new or single advertisers please pay up front or ask for a pro forma invoice. All contributions (as a simple text document), compliments (and complaints) to Penny Clarke, 2 The Spinney, WA6 8LS, tel 787496, email Do let us know if any contact details need updating, or if you wish to add email addresses or website details. All copy and adverts for the Apr 2012 issue to be with us by 16 Mar 2012, preferably by email.

Advertising & Editorial Info Norley Directory

Parish Council ~~ Dennis Ford (Chairman) ~ 01928 788398 MP ~ Graham Evans MP House of Commons London SW1A 0AA tel: 020 7219 7183

Please send your ads in a graphic format, preferably JPEG

Frodsham and District Choral Society perform two popular modern works in their concert, War and Peace: Karl Jenkins' popular 'The Armed Man' and John Rutter's beautiful, moving Requiem on Saturday 28th April at 7.30 pm at St. Laurence's Church, Frodsham, with soloists Farhan Abu Hassan and Eleanor Garside and orchestral accompaniment by the Northern Ensemble, conductor Howard Kane, accompanist Robert Woods. Tickets cost 10 or 8 concessions and are available from Frodsham Frames, tel. 01928 733247 or 733377 or on the door.

Norley NewsApril 2012

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email: Frodsham Police Stn:~ CAT (Community Action Team) 0845 458 6393. For Non-Emergency Dial 0845 458 0000 In an Emergency always dial 999 Home Watch Officer:~ Liz Biddle, Cheshire West and Chester 01244 614291 It is possible to leave a message for your local police team, based at Frodsham police station, to ask for advice or information about non urgent, community police matters. Our local community police team are based at Frodsham police station - 0845 458 6393. An officer will return the call within 24 hours Bus Service Number 48 to Frodsham via School Bank, Hough Lane and High St: 0930, 1130. 1330. 1535. 1730 - Last bus from Northwich 1705 to Northwich via High St, Hough Lane and School Bank: 0756. 1036. 1236. 1436. 1636. Last bus from Frodsham Co-op 1609 St. Johns Parish Church ~ Rev Pete Rugen ~ Ruth Downes 01928 788748 ~ the Parish Room can be hired Norley Methodist Church ~ Revd Pat Christopher 733180 ~ Schoolroom for hire ~ contact Ruth Lane 788071 Sunday School 10-45 am Hazel Dale 787216 Craft Club ~ Alison Twinn 01829 760371 Walks ~ Bruce Lane 788071 ~ Walks on the 1st Wed each month. Everyone welcome! Cheshire Wildlife Trust ~ Bob Greenwood 01928 788475 THE STORES (Our village shop) ~ USE IT, OR LOSE IT ~ 01928 788044. Opening Hours: Mon & Tues 7am to 7pm Weds 7am to 2pm Thurs & Fri 7am to 7pm Sat 8am to 1pm Sun 8am to 1pm Norley C.E Primary School ~ Headteacher: Mrs A Griffiths ~ 01928 788471 ~ Fax 01928 787554 Norley Mothers & Toddlers ~ 0-5s ~ 10 til 12 Weds at Norley CE Primary School. Further details from Louise Lee 01928 787287. Village Hall ~~ Available for Hire. To book, call Marie 01928 788181 (on behalf of the management committee). Hall hire facilities include, equipment, bar space, tables, chairs, heating etc Mobile Library Every other Wednesday: Norley School Car Park 11.00 to 11.15 am Norley Nursery Park 11:20 to 11:35 am Hatchmere Fortune Palace 11:40 to 12:10 pm For more information contact Northwich Library on 01606 44221 or log on to Scouts (in the scout hut in Crabmill Lane) ~ (Age 10 to 13) Tuesdays 7-30 to 9 pm. Beavers Tuesdays 6-7 pm Cubs Mondays 6-45 to 8-15pm More details from Bruce Lane ~ 01928 788071 The hut is also available for hire. Contact Contact Les Bennion 787636 Guides ~ Sue Clough 01606 333733 W.I ~ 2nd Thursday in the month 7-30 pm in the Village Hall ~ Di Ramsbottom 01928 788 969 Wednesday Club (Over 60s) ~~ Wednesdays 2-4 pm Village Hall ~~ Joan Barclay 01928 788394 Bingo ~ Every other Monday in the Village Hall ~ Ruth Broome 788026 Bowls behind the Village Hall ~ Eric & Barbara Bryan 01928 788203 Bowls at the Tigers Head ~ Trevor 01928 788309 Horticultural Society ~~ Margaret Worrall 01928 788278 Junior Badminton meets most Thursday evenings during term time from 7:00 to 8:30 in the Norley village Hall. We offer Professional Coaching for only 2 per session. New members aged 8 & over are always welcome! For more

The Tigers Head

Tel 01928 788309

Thursday 19th April

Theme Night: Mexican
Come and dine Mexican style 3 Course meal and a glass of wine for 18.95 (10%discount for groups of 6 or more)

Booking essential

Thursday Nights In to Win

If youre not in you cant win!!
16/02/12 23/02/12 01/03/12 08/03/12 15/03/12 22/03/12

Forest Mere, Delamere Road No. 3 Orchard Way, Nursery Park Edgemere, Post Office Lane The Nurses Bungalow, Crabmill Lane No.1 Crown Inn, Fingerpost Lane Brookside, Blakemere Lane

lost pot!!
210 215 220 225 230 235



Dates for your diary: Friday 20th April live music night

Theme Night for May: Italian, 17th May


Weekend: Jubilee Weekend All weekend : Beer Festival

Monday: Bank Holiday Monday Pram Race Fancy Dress for Runners & Baby: Get pram building If it has 3 or 4 wheels and can carry your baby its a pram!! And no, dads cant arrive with standard buggy complete with toddler this is not the general idea!! Please pick up entry forms from us or the Stores available early April. Prizes for best fancy dress, best pram and of course winning the races. Bouncy Castle BBQ Evening ening: Bank Holiday Monday Evening live music from
local well known group Cheeky Monkey outdoors *********************************************

APRIL 2012
20% off any evening meal from the Main Menu or
Sunday Main Menu (12-6.30pm) when booked in advance
Cannot be used with any other offer. Maximum 6people per booking.


Norley News April 2012

Plastering Service
Clean, Reliable with 30 years experience tel 01928 787196 mob 07747785265
details phone Norma Kelly on: 01606 881941 Ladies Badminton: Shirley Craven 787251 Cheshire West & Chester Council ~ 0300 1238123 or e.mail There are various voluntary/not for profit organisations operating in Vale Royal who may be able to offer advice, or arrange for work to be carried out in residential properties eg: ARENA Options Ltd ~ Care & Repair Services 0845 142 2064 Weaver Horizon (part of Weaver Vale Housing Trust) maintenance team will quote for all types of maintenance work for private home owners 01606 813452 Help the Aged ~ Handy Van Scheme 01255 473999 Furniture Finders ~~ Donate or collect furniture (recycling) at Winsford. 0845 0264727 email ~ ~ website: Rural Buses ~ 01606 810 660 (Door to Door ~ Book the day before your journey) Travel for Over 60s and disabled persons ~ Wyvern House

~ 01606 867928 Age Concern ~ David Goodwin 01606 888921 Pensions Office ~ 0845 60 60 265

Community Classifieds
PUBS: Tigers Head 01928 788309 ~ Carriers Inn 01928 787877 Chinese Restaurant:~ Fortune Palace ~ Eat in or out (No delivery) 01928 788293/Fax 01928 787682 Holland Pharmacy ~ 01928 788559 Electrician:~ SWP Electrics 01928 740415 or 01928 740237 Electrician ~ Kingsley Electrical, Frank Pilgrim 01928 788971, 07711 258677 General Household maintenance, rubbish removal, general joinery ~ Munroe & Son 01928 787025 or 07875 304664 Property Repairs:~ Mike Kay 787292 ~ ALL EXTERIOR & INTERIOR PROPERTY MAINTENANCE. The Ovencleaners ~Lorraine~ 01928 723 906 or 0795 8610 403 or Private Taxi Hire ~ Billinge Travel ~ Airport Runs, Social evenings and days out. Ian Bettley 01829 732036 ~ 07773 119 631

Norley NewsApril 2012


Christians Together in Norley

Churches and Clergy
St John the Evangelist, Norley Vicar: Curate: Revd Peter Rugen Revd Gill Stanning 01928 787180 01928 788623

Norley Methodist Church Minister: Revd Sue Levitt 01829 741022

Roman Catholic
St Lukes, Frodsham Priest: Mgr Peter ONeill 01928 733127

Church Services
The nearest Roman Catholic Church is St Lukes, Frodsham. Services normally are;
Sunday Mass Weekdays 9 am, 11 am 9.30 am except Saturday 6.00 pm Tuesday when 7.15 pm

Norley Anglican and Methodist Services

Sunday 1st April
9.30am 10:45am 11.15am 6.30pm Holy Communion Morning Worship All Age Worship Evening Worship


Palm Sunday
St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist

Thursday 5th April


Sunday April 22nd 10.00am Worshipping Together 10.45am Morning Worship 6.30pm Contemporary Worship 6.30pm Holy Communion

St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist St Johns, Kingsley Norley Methodist St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist Joint service at Blakelees

Maundy Thursday
St Johns, Norley

Sunday April 29th

CW Communion

Friday 6 April
11.00am Morning Worship

Good Friday
Norley Methodist

To be announced 10.45am Morning Worship 6.30pm Evening worship

Sunday 8 April
8.15am 9.00am 10.00am 6.30pm 6.30pm BCP Communion All Age Worship + Holy Communion Family Worship Easter Praise Easter Praise

Easter Day
St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist Norley Methodist

Sunday 15 April
8.15am 9.00am 10.00am 10.45am 6.30pm BCP Communion Norley@9 Morning Worship Morning Worship Evening Worship St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist Norley Methodist

You are welcome to join these activities:Tuesdays

4 April 11 April 15 March 26 April 26 April
th th th th th

10.00 12.00
Meet 9.45am Noon 2.00pm Noon 1.30pm

Craft Club at Norley Methodist Church. Contact Alison Twinn (01829 760371) for information First Wednesday meet at Norley Methodist Contact Richard Ramsbottom (788969) for details Open Door Lunch at Norley Methodist Church contact Joan (01606 301198) by th Sunday 8 April if you want to attend Norley Ecumenical Ladies Group at Norley Parish Centre - Contact Joan Loukes (788874) Open Door Lunch at Norley Methodist Church Contact Ruth 788071) by nd Sunday 22 April if you want to attend Thursday Club at Norley Methodist Church


Norley News April 2012

Sponsor Your Norley News

We are deeply grateful to our advertisers, and the Parish Council who have supported us over the years. All volunteers with the NN give their time for free of course, be they editors, or delivery volunteers. BUT we need extra funds! If you are willing to sponsor us it will help us carry on, and to provide the Norley News you want. All you need to do is to leave your donation at the shop in an envelope with the tear off slip below. Thanks!

YES I do want to support the Norley News Name email address Donation ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................

I WOULD/WOULD NOT like my name to be included in any lists of sponsors that might be published in the future.

Norley NewsApril 2012


Day Dates

Time Details

April 2012

Whats On In Norley April and May 2012


Village Hall Diary

For information about Village Hall availability or any other booking enquiries ~ contact Marie Cliffe tel 01928 788181

Monday Bingo April 23 May 7 21 Monday Car Boot Sale April 9 Tuesday Ladies Badminton April 3 10 17 24 May 1 8 15 22 29 Tuesday Private Badminton Group April 3 10 17 24 May 1 8 15 22 29 Tuesday Senior Badminton April 3 10 17 24 Wednesday April 4 11 25 May 2 9 16 30

Eyes down 7.30 pm Everybody welcome! Contact Ruth Broome 788026 To book a table inside or an outside pitch contact Mari Cliffe 01928 788181 1 :00pm 3:00 Contact Shirley Craven 01928 787251 5:00 6:00 pm

7pm Contact Mark Perry 01928 732194 Or Jean Welch 01928 731776 2pm Contact Joan Barclay 788394 7 :00 8:00 Contact Sara 07837053539 7:30pm Contact Helen 01928 787092 7:30pm Contact Helen 01928 787092 Contact Sara 07837053539

Wednesday Club

Wednesday Zumba Classes April 4 11 18 25 May 2 9 16 23 30 Thursday W.I. April 12 May 10 Thursday W.I. Wool spinning April 26 Thursday April 19 26 May 3 10 17 24 31 Friday April 6 13 20 27 Saturday May 19
Sunday Mar 4 11 18 25 April 1 15 22 29 Sunday April 8 Sunday April 15

demonstration and talk Childrens dance classes 4:30 6:00

Senior Badminton Craft Club for charity Private booking Setting up inside for Car Boot sale Cycling Club event

7pm Contact Mark Perry 01928 732194 Or Jean Welch 01928 731776 11:am 4pm 4-6pm Contact Mari Cliffe 01928 788181 All day

If you have a forthcoming event planned, email the details to us and we can include it here


Norley News April 2012

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