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Technology is the collection of techniques in which the scientific knowledge can be applied practically in all fields. The term Technology refers to the entities which are both material and immaterial, those are the creations of both mental and physical effort for the purpose to achieve some goal. The concept of technology is based on the techniques in which resources are combined to produce products. Problem solving and fulfilling needs are also the aim of the technology in which technical methods, skills, tools and materials are used. Technology is an activity that forms of transforms culture of people. The development of technology has its influence on many fields of knowledge like engineering, scientific, mathematical and other information related fields to achieve a target or goal or a practical requirement. All the technologies are not a product of science, because they have to satisfy the fundamental requirements such as the effectiveness, safety measures and usability. In the Stone Age, the tools used were partly a process of discovery or an evolution. Tools used in the early stages of the human history were remained unchanged since there was no need and there were no significant changes in the behavior of the human beings. But nearly 50, 0000 years ago when a modern language and culture emerged. In that period of time, new tools and technical methods were invented since the humans had complex set of manners and behaviors in their society. The discovery and usage of fire is said to be turning point in the technological growth and evolution of the humankind. In the Paleolithic era, Clothing and the Shelter which are the advancements in the living style of human beings were adopted. In the Neolithic age, the invention of Wheel was an important milestone of technological growth of humankind which provided a new form of transportation and production for the society. In the Middle ages of human evolution, the advancement and inventions of technology allowed a steady supply of food products and a wider availability of consumer products and it led to industrial revolution in 18th century.

In the 20th century the discovery of Nuclear Fission in Physics led to the new inventions like Nuclear Energy and Nuclear weapons. Inventions of Computers, Internet, Telecommunication through satellites, Complex Construction and Manufacturing are the examples of the advancement of Technology. In Medical field, advanced treatments and medications like open-heart surgery and Stem cell therapy are the great innovations

of Advanced Science of Technology. Modern Technology has become very complex in all the fields such as telecommunication, engineering, computer science, medicine, construction and architecture.

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