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Component 4 Position Paper Time Activity 3 Greet students and have them logmin on to their computers (either brought

or use in computer lab). Teacher logs on as well. 2 min Distribute the lesson plan materials to the students (Appendix A). Explain that this lesson integrates technology with language learning and American culture. Direct students to complete Activity #1 in groups of 3-4 and record their answers on typewith me Teacher reviews the answers on typewithme with class Direct students to complete Activity #2 in partners. Students do Activity #3 individually and then compare answers with a partner. Students do Activity #4 individually and then compare answers with a partner. After reading the actual text,

Heidi Laidemitt Materials Students will need their personal computers or access to computer lab. Teacher will need his/her computer and overhead display. Lesson plan materials (Appendix A) Objectives Orient students to using technology in the classroom. Set students up for lesson activity and materials.

10 min

5 min 10 min 10 min 15 min

Activity #1 (Appendix A). Share the typewithme site: ericanHumor Answers on typewith me site (Appendix B is a sample of answers) Activity #2 (Appendix A) Activity #3 (Appendix A)

Students discuss their homework and compare American answers based on humor by entering answers on live document. Teacher and students compare their answers with each other and add links to appropriate websites for more information. Students will discuss things they may find in their reading and activate their content schemata towards the reading. Students focus on stacked modifiers, a very common grammatical feature in this text. Students will have a better understanding of cultural idiomatic phrases the author writes. Students focus on prepositions in the text and compare their work with their partner and then the original text.

Activity #4 and #5 (Appendix A) Answers in Appendix C

Component 4 Position Paper students will complete the preposition chart in Activity 5. Inform students that not all boxes will be filled. Students put the answers on a chart for the class. BREAK Direct students to pinpoint boxes in the chart that they had trouble understanding. The teacher uses "errors" or "misunderstandings" to guide instruction. Activity 6 is done in partners. As text indicates, direct students to use corpus to complete the activity. Illustrate #1 for them by searching Do not get me wrong (corpus does not permit contractions) Activity 7. These answers will be discussed in small groups of 3-4. Students write a "letter" about something annoying in their lives in groups of 3-4 for Activity #8. This is their last activity. Students will present their letters tomorrow.

Heidi Laidemitt Students will map prepositions on a chart to see the different meanings of prepositions. Teacher creates chart on a whiteboard OR computer. BREAK Chart on board + text (Appendix A) Students check their comprehension of prepositions with others. BREAK Students visually see and hear each others answers to activity #4 and 5. Students will also be able to conceptualize prepositions based on a chart of the different uses. Students utilize the internet for comprehension of idiomatic expressions.

5 min 10 min 8 min

12 min

Activity #6 (Appendix A) and overhead display for the website: ca/ Activity #7 (Appendix A) Activity #8. Large poster paper and markers.

10 min 20 min

Students will understand audience and literary devices such as personification, exaggeration, simile, and commands. Students use knowledge based accrued from today to create their own "letter' or "commentary" on something annoying. The point is to be humorous about the complaint or annoying feature.

Component 4 Position Paper APPENDIX A Lesson Materials

Heidi Laidemitt

Stop Helping Me, Google Search History

Activity #1: Understanding Sarcasm and Humor Your homework over the weekend was to interview an American about their perceptions of humor. Share your answers in small groups of 3-4. Log on to: and record your answers there. 1. What do most Americans think are funny? 2. Do you think sarcasm is funny? Why or why not? 3. Who are some of the funniest American men and women? They can be alive or deceased. 4. What are some of your favorite humorous websites, magazines, blogs, or other form of written humor? Activity #2: Understanding the text. Answer the following questions with a partner. 1. What is a search engine? What are different search engines you use? Write the definition and names here:

Component 4 Position Paper

Heidi Laidemitt

2. What do you think the article is about? Represent the main idea and the clues in the following thought bubbles. You may draw your answers or add more bubbles.

Clue: not about helping because of quotations

Main idea:

3. What does the title and image represent with dirty, dirty lyrics, dirty old man, dirty dancing, dirty dancing with the stars? Predict top results for the word Monterey: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

4. Do you think this article will be serious or funny? Why?

Component 4 Position Paper

Heidi Laidemitt

Activity #3: Previewing new vocabulary (Focus: Stacked Modifiers) Identify the noun in each phrase and its modifiers. Then, write a definition of the noun phrase using your own words. Compare answers with a classmate. 1. awesome car crashes (line 6) o Noun: crashes o Modifiers: awesome, cars o Meaning in your own words: crashes of cars that are awesome 2. Amanda Seyfried cleavage (lines 6-7) o Noun: ____________________________________________ o Modifier(s): _____________________________________ o Meaning in your own words: _________________________________ 3. Dirty lyrics to Chipmunks songs (line 10) o Noun: ____________________________________________ o Modifier(s): _____________________________________ o Meaning in your own words: _________________________________ 4. Organic baby food (line 15) o Noun: ____________________________________________ o Modifier(s): _____________________________________ o Meaning in your own words: _________________________________ 5. Origami-shaped superheroes (line 15) o Noun: ____________________________________________ o Modifier(s): _____________________________________ o Meaning in your own words: _________________________________ 6. Outlet face (line 20) o Noun: ____________________________________________ o Modifier(s): _____________________________________ o Meaning in your own words: _________________________________ 7. Milk moustache Hitler (line 20) o Noun: ____________________________________________ o Modifier(s): _____________________________________ o Meaning in your own words: _________________________________ Which noun phrases seem the most interesting or funny to you?

Component 4 Position Paper

Heidi Laidemitt

Activity #4: Focus on prepositions Using the following prepositions, complete the blanks in the passage. about to for under in with into without out

Is Americas No. 1 search engine just trying to embarrass us? By Mike Leffingwell featured in Readers Digest, April 2011

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Dont get me wrong modern technology is amazing. But ___ all the convenience the Internet offers, theres one area where I wish it wouldnt go ______ its way to make my life easier. I cant begin to type any word _____ Google ______ it helpfully bringing up all the things Ive searched ______ in the past that start ______ the same letter. When my mother-in-law visits and is trying to look up American Airlines, I dont need Google to show her how I looked up awesome car crashes or Amanda seyfried cleavage. Google search history is like the friend you kick _____ the table because he doesnt realize he needs to shut up. Ive even tried to Google how to delete search history, and the second I type the d, I get reminded how Ive previously looked up dirty lyrics to Chipmunks songs. That was a one-time thing I was interested There are people sitting nearby , Google search history! Just forget I ever asked. this coffee shop, and youre embarrassing me.

Since it saves my wifes search history, Im constantly reminded how infantile my searches are compared hers. Case in point: Type in o and two things that come up

are organic baby food (hers) and origami-shaped superheroes (mine). Thanks, search

Component 4 Position Paper 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 history. If I were hoping that would do nicely. And its not that Im shamefaced

Heidi Laidemitt

an unsubtle reference to how little Ive developed as an adult,

my past searches; sometimes Im just

perplexed. ______ the life of me, I cant remember what I was thinking that made me Google outlet face or milk mustache Hitler. Clearly, there was a time when I thought these were the things I needed to research more deeply. Now they are just riddles feel like a drunk finding indecipherable notes I left myself my apartment. no answer. I

I dont want to feel like that! What does outlet face even mean? I dont know, and I dont want to know. The man who Googled that is not a guy I want to remember. Let me live the present.

Activity 5: Prepositions continued Take your answers in Activity 4, compare with a partner, and place them in the chart on the next page. After you are done comparing with a partner, compare your answers to the actual text on page 11.

Component 4 Position Paper

Heidi Laidemitt

Prepositions as Thematic Roles Adapted from The Grammar Book by Celce-Murcia and Larsen-Freeman (1999), pp. 418-419
In Space Enclosure: The man is in the room. Time In a period: WWII ended in 1945. Future appointment: Come in 10 minutes. Degree Other (includes idiomatic uses) Currency: Pay me in dollars. Language: Write/say it in English.


Goal: Set out for Alaska. Distance: For 7 miles

Duration: For 7 years.

Exchange: Buy for $4.

Reason: California is famous for its wines. Purpose: Fishing for trout.


Direction: Go to the movies

Until: Work from 9 to 5 Before: A quarter to 11:00

Amount: He is smart to such an extent...

Accompany: Dance to the music


Alongside/near: Even with the wall.

Together: He grew wiser with the years.

Equal Standing or Ability: Run with the fastest.

In regard to: Pleased with the gift. Manner: Spoke with ease.

Component 4 Position Paper

9 Heidi Laidemitt

Component 4 Position Paper

10 Heidi Laidemitt

Activity #6: Common Idiomatic Expressions 5 groups of partners will each be assigned one idiomatic expression. With your partner use to find 1 or 2 sentences for each 1. Dont get me wrong (line 1): Fox News: Do not get me wrong, Jim, I am not saying this is not serious. I am being practical as to what this D.A. is facing when this D.A. finally ends up before a jury Total Health Magazine: Please do not get me wrong on this point-I am not against high-tech medicine. In fact, my earlier laboratory career familiarized me with research of this type and I know it has an important place.

2. I get reminded (of) (line 10)

3. Just forget I ever asked. (line 12)

4. Case in point (line 14)

5. For the life of me (line 19)

Component 4 Position Paper

11 Heidi Laidemitt

Activity 7: Identifying Humor in text and reviewing literary devices. Answer the following questions as a class. Google search history is like the friend you kick under the table because he doesnt realize he needs to shut up. (7-8) Who is the author addressing? The author uses a simile to make his point. What is its effect? That was a one-time thing I was interested in, Google search history! Just forget I ever asked. (10-11) Who is the author addressing? The author uses personification and a command to make his point. What is its effect? Thanks, search history. If I were hoping for an unsubtle reference to how little Ive developed as an adult, that would do nicely. (15-17) Who is the author addressing? The author uses exaggeration (or hyperbole) to make his point. What is its effect? I feel like a drunk finding indecipherable notes I left myself in my apartment. (2122) Who is the author addressing? The author uses a simile to make his point. What is its effect? Let me live in the present. (24-25) Who is the author addressing? How does this command help summarize his point? Activity 8: Identifying Humor in text In groups of 3-4, choose something in your life that is very annoying like the author. Use modifier stacking, similes, personification, irony, exaggeration, audience, idiomatic expressions, and other literary devices like the author does (highlighted throughout the exercises) to create a humorous text of your own. Your letters or commentary will be shared with the class tomorrow and should be about 1 to 2 pages. Be sure to create a funny title and use pictures if youd like! You may need to complete this portion for homework.

Component 4 Position Paper

Heidi Laidemitt


Appendix B Activity # 1 Model Screen Shot from

Component 4 Position Paper

Heidi Laidemitt


Appendix C Activity #5 Answer Key

In Space Enclosure: The man is in the room. Time In a period: WWII ended in 1945. Future appointment: Come in 10 minutes. Degree Other (includes idiomatic uses) Currency: Pay me in dollars. Language: Write/say it in English.


*in this coffee shop *type in *in my apartment Goal: Set out for Alaksa. Distance: For 7 miles

* in the past * in the present Duration: For 7 years.

Exchange: Buy for $4.

* I was interested in Reason: California is famous for its wines. Purpose: Fishing for trout. *for the life of me, I cant remember Accompany: Dance to the music * dirty lyrics to Chipmunk songs


* search for * hope for Direction: Go to the movies

* but for all the convenience the Internet offers Until: Work from 9 to 5 Before: A quarter to 11:00 Amount: He is smart to such an extent... * reference to how little Ive developed Equal Standing or Ability: Run with the fastest.


Alongside/near: Even with the wall. * start with the same letter * compared with hers

Together: He grew wiser with the years. * with no answer

In regard to: Pleased with the gift. Manner: Spoke with ease.

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