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In light and space

Form Assembled

Architecture is the learned game, correct and magnicent, of forms assembled in the light; This quote helped out team depict what Corbusiers legacy was about. The foundation of his theories in architecture was all about space and light.

this is the HR Block space located at 42nd and Main

This is the HR Blocks oor plan. We decided to utilize the bottom oor of the HR Block space. We also knocked out these walls (CLICK CLICK)

This is the style sheet!

Our design approach was to take the HR Space, and create a comfortable environment for our audience to appreciate Corbusiers work. Not only to appreciate but to see how he imprinted on how we look at modern architecture. After interpreting the information, our goal was to have our user be able to create their own Corbusier inuenced building.


Walking into the Art Space, we wanted the viewer to become quickly familiar with Corbusier.

With an image of him, and quick introduction bio, we achieved to also include some greenery within the rst moments of stepping into the building


The second wall is located here

Pic of wall

Space and light and order. Those are the things that men need just as much as they need bread or a place to sleep; We wanted to include this quote to help the audience understand his thought process, and also to match his famous words to 5 of the most famous works he designed.

Pic of wall

To allow more greens within the space, we had the moss covered within this

The next walls are located here: the legacy panels

Pic of wall

This wall is dedicated to showing the impact Corbusier had on contemporary architecture. We wanted to display how his 5 points of architecture has been followed through the years.

The panels move in opposite ways, and allow for the viewer to go up to the wall press on a image they nd interesting only to nd more information and how that piece of architecture uses one of Corbusiers 5 points.

The next is another interaction wall

This is the focal interactive part of our exhibition. We wanted our audience to be able to build their own Corbu House based on his ve points of architcture.

When the user rst comes they will see this screen that they can scroll through reading Corbus essay, so they are familiar with the ve point sand understands how important they are.

Our objective with this board was to have fun with the 5 points and have the audience be able to apply. We also divided the space so that its 5 different panels so the user isnt physically uncomfortable with the wall

Here is a view from overall before the user exits

In light and space

Form Assembled

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