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Jeorg Gelhaus

CamPL: Action Hero; Tech Level: 3+1; Refresh: 4 Jeorg is a muswolf. He was infected while hunting in the forests of Germany. Fearing he might hurt his family in one of his rampages, he faked his death and ran away, and has been living on the run ever since. The beast within him is constantly vying for control. Most of the time he is able to control it, but the beast is strongest when the full moon comes, and he is completely given over to his animal instincts.

Physical: Agility: 1 Endurance: 3 Perception: 2 Strength: 4 Threshold: 5 Mental: Craft: 1 Knowledge: 2 Reasoning: 2 Willpower: 4 Threshold: 5 Social: Empathy: 1 Deception: 3 Persuasion: 3 Resources: 1 Threshold: 3

Muswolf on the run and in hiding I must contain the beast within me. The full-moon is my greatest enem....AROOOOOOO!

Animal Senses (Perception) His wife has hired bounty hunters to find the man that killed her husband (Persuasion)

Tracker: Gain a +2 bonus on rolls to track someone (or something) on the move. Survivalist: Gain a +2 bonus on rolls to find food and water in the wilderness. Scavenger: Gain a +2 bonus on Scavenging rolls. Lycanthrope: Animal Magnetism: All were-creatures tend to be attractive members of their race. You gain a Persuasion Specialty Aspect called Animal Magnetism. Nature of the Beast (-1 Refresh): The character begins play with a Refresh rating 1 less than normal for his CamPL. Weakness (+2AP): When attacked by a silver weapon, or a weapon coated in silver, the weapons WR is increased by +2. In addition, Consequences caused by silver weapons are not affected by the lycanthropes Regeneration. It must heal at the normal rate. Lycanthropic Regeneration (3 AP; Regeneration, Limb Re-Growth, pg. XX): Lycanthropes heal at a much faster rate than normal people, and can even re-grow limbs. Taint of the Wolf (Morph, Evolved Power) It requires the expenditure of a Fate Point to change forms and takes a whole turn. Once changed you may remain in the new form until you decide to change back. Beast Form (3AP; Wolf Form): Size: 0 Added Character Aspects: Powerful Canine Physical Abilities: Agility 2, Endurance 3, Perception 5, Strength 3 Advantages: Keen Smell (+2 on rolls to smell) Physical Attack Bite Att. Mod. (WR) +3(+2) Def. Ability Agility Range 0 Notes Poor Defense Beast Man Form (4AP; Unique Form, Same Species, Mentality Shift): +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Perception, -2 Persuasion, -1 Willpower Beast Form (5AP; Wolf Form): Size: 0 Added Character Aspects: Powerful Primordial Canine Physical Abilities: Agility 2, Endurance 3, Perception 5, Strength 5 Advantages: Keen Smell (+2 on rolls to smell) Physical Attack Bite Att. Mod. (WR) +5(+2) Def. Ability Agility Range 0 Notes Poor Defense

Hybrid Form (6AP; Unique Form, Same Species, Mentality Shift): +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Perception, -2 Persuasion, -1 Willpower Herculean Might (2AP): In this form you are incredibly strong; a mountain of muscle and power. You gain a +2 bonus on all rolls to lift, push, pull or otherwise manipulate objects or grapple with opponents. In addition, when using your Strength to make an attack with a weapon, or when you attack by throwing a weapon, the Weapon Rating for that weapon is increased by +2. Limitation (-2AP): When in this form you gain the persistent Aspect Predatory Instincts (P). This represents the near overwhelming urge to hunt your prey and rip it apart with your fangs and claws that comes with shifting to this form. Linked Advantage: Monstrous Claws/Bite (1 AP, Body Weaponry) When you change into the hybrid form, you sprout sharp claws and fangs which are perfect for tearing your foes to shreds. These claws and fangs have a WR equal to your TL.

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