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Minutes of the March 12, 2012 Council Meeting

Mayor Lynn Eisentrout called the regular meeting of the Minerva Park Council to order at 7:00pm on March 12, 2012 at the Minerva Park Community Building. Roll Call: Mayor Lynn Eisentrout, Charles Legg, Pam Park Curry, Roberto Segovia, David Way and Sharon Bierman. Councilman Todd Walter was excused. Pledge: Mayor Eisentrout Invocation: Councilwoman Park Park Curry Minutes: Councilwoman Pam Park Curry moved to accept the February 13, 2012 regular Council meeting minutes. Discussion: Councilwoman suggested rhetoric be placed below the legislative headings. 2nd Sharon Bierman Council Segovia abstained Motion carried. Liability Insurance Presentation Steve Miller of Palmer, Miller and Nelson o Offers Cyber Liability Coverage o Consistent stable rates. o Available: Replacement cost coverage for EMS vehicle and/or fire trucks Discussion of loaner EMS vehicle coverage Ed Barber of Burnham and Flower Group (Sales and marketing for the Public Entities Pool of Ohio) o Currently there are 450 members of the Public Entity Pool in Ohio o Broad coverage-no aggregate limits o Injunction relief of $50,000 o Back wages and legal defense coverage o Withdraw provision has changed Open liabilities Tail coverage Retro coverage o 3 year rate guarantee o Police vehicles actual cash value o Rate based solely on over all exposure and loss experience
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Minutes of the March 12, 2012 Council Meeting

Fire: Chief Rick Hoechstetter No report.

Police: Chief Kim Nuesse No report Theft Storage units on Westerville Road Theft/Vandalism at the used car lot on Westerville Rd. Thefts from unlocked cars reported on Jordan Road, Woodley Road and Cardinal Ct. One vehicle had a smashed window.

Engineering: Mike Flickinger Mr. Flickinger was excused. No report.

Legal: Jennifer Croghan, Esq. No report

Planning and Zoning: Dave Hays Two sign permits, zoning compliance (deck), and a home occupation were approved at the March Planning and Zoning meeting. Enocam Auto o Dumpster enclosure rebuilt o Sign blanks need to be installed Trash behind strip malls

Citizen Comment: Tony Benedetti of 2937 Berry Lane questioned the codes referenced by Mr. Hayes regarding the parking of vehicles in unmarked spaces and chickens. MPCA: Lisa Craddock Thitoff Community Garden - one plot will be planted by students as part of a WARM program. Green Team Would like the Village of be recognized as a wildlife habitat. Easter Egg Hunt April 7 NCC Presidents Award Banquet, March 23 Minerva Flora Clean up April 14 & 28 Garage Sale Need chairman Duck Award Matt Danzuso
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Minutes of the March 12, 2012 Council Meeting

Scholarship accepting applications Plant Sale orders by April 20 Art Show April 29 NCC/Community: David Way Community Committee: Safety Day June 30 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Pool Sign-up Day April 15 from Noon to 3:00 p.m. Clean-up Day April 28 Service Day National Night Out 5k Race April 21 from 9:00-11:00 a.m. Spaghetti Dinner April 29 NCC o Veteran shared his experience as he marched to Arlington o Information presented regarding Mayor Colemans plan for reporting vacant or abandoned houses. o July 4th Parade Celebration of History o Education Committee meeting March 8 o Banquet March 23

Mayors Report: Lynn Eisentrout Pool publicity has begun, 1st membership has already been received Attended annual advisory board for the Department of Public Health 2011 Building Services Annual report received from Franklin County Yard waste pick-up begins April 2 Resident Kent Stanly will be attending the COTA expansion meeting on April 22

Finance: Pam Park-Curry Councilwoman Curry made a motion to accept the January financials with month to date expenditures totaling $97,358.74 2nd Charles Legg Discussion: None Motion Carried Legislation: Sharon Bierman Resolution 2012-3: General Liability Insurance (May 12 to May 13) 2nd Reading
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Minutes of the March 12, 2012 Council Meeting

Resolution 2012-4: Pool Vending Machines Contract (Cardinal Vending) 2nd Reading Village will receive 15% of the total proceeds Resolution 2012-5: Permanent Appropriations Budget for 2012 Sharon Bierman moved to amend the agenda to 1st reading instead of waive 3 readings and emergency passage. Charles Legg seconded. Motion carried. Resolution 2012-6: Requesting Estimate of Revenue for 5-mil Replacement Levy 1st Reading Information to be gathered regarding a replacement levy versus a renewal of a levy. Resolution 2012-7: Submitting Question of a Replacement Tax Levy 1st Reading Information to be gathered regarding a replacement levy versus a renewal of a levy. Resolution 2012-8: Placing Replacement Tax Levy on Ballot 1st Reading Resolution 2012-9: Opposition to Control of Local Tax Collection 1st Reading Tabled - Ordinance 01-2012: Garage Sales Pam Park Curry moved to table Ordinance 01-2012. Sharon Bierman seconded. Motion carried. RITA Presentation: Lori Gischel, RITA Tax Director o RITA is working with Ohio Municipal League regarding the potential issue of state controlled tax collection. While there is no formal bill there are discussions happening regarding this issue. Once a bill is formally drafted it is very difficult to get it stopped or changed. It is better to show opposition prior to it becoming a formal bill rather than reacting once it becomes one. o RITA and the Ohio Municipal League are working to achieve a uniform tax basis/structure while protecting entity revenues o Approximately 150 entities have passed similar legislation in opposition to this issue. o Currently the state collects and distributes taxes quarterly for school districts and utilities. There is concern regarding the lack of reporting and detailed information with these state collected taxes. o Concern that there will be an unequal distribution of funds. o Press conference - March 22 o Revenue in 2011: refunds will be distributed in June RITA retains 3%,
MP Council Minutes March 2012

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Minutes of the March 12, 2012 Council Meeting

o 2010 Approximate Revenue for Minerva Park = $238,000, RITA fees of $10,458. o Subpoena program began in 2008 for individuals who have not filed their returns. 2005-2007 the program generated approximately $23,000 in revenue. Safety: Todd Walter Mr. Walter was excused. No report.

Service: Roberto Segovia No report.

Streets: Charles Legg Mr. Legg will conduct an inspection for sealing needs and prepare a report for next month.

Old Business: Tony Benedetti of 2937 Berry Lane responded to receipt of a letter that he received from Council members Charles Legg and Pam Park Curry. Mr. Benedetti stated it is unacceptable to receive a response letter from only two Council members when the entire Council was addressed in his original letter. Councilman Segovia stated that he did not have the opportunity to review or respond to the response letter drafted by Council members Legg and Curry. Councilman Segovia agrees with Mr. Benedettis views of the interpretation of the code and feels that it is a shame that Mr. Benedetti must put so much time and effort into these issues. Councilwoman Curry stated that all members of Council were given the opportunity to respond, but she and Mr. Legg were the two members who volunteered. Legal Counsel Croghan stated to Mr. Benedetti that Council is not required to respond due to the fact that his letter was not a formal records request. New Business: None ADJOURN: Pam Park Curry moved to adjourn at 8:57 p.m. Sharon Bierman seconded. Motion carried.

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MP Council Minutes March 2012



Minutes of the Fiscal Officer Nancy White March 12, 2012 Lynn Eisentrout, Mayor Council Meeting

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MP Council Minutes March 2012

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