TheSun 2008-12-11 Page04 PM Bills Needed To Conrrect Negative Perceptions

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4 theSun | THURSDAY DECEMBER 11 2008

news without borders

Highlights of the JAC Bill Highlights of the

HE following are the highlights of the Judicial
Appointments Commission Bill 2008:
Applies to the appointment of judges of
hold office for more than two terms; court for PM’s consideration;
» Commission members shall be paid such » To formulate and implement mechanisms for
allowances as the PM may determine; the selection and appointment of judges of the
the superior courts – Federal Court, Court of
Appeal, High Court, judicial commissioners
» President of the Court of Appeal shall act superior court;
as the Commission Chairman temporarily for » A candidate is qualified for selection if he ful-
T HE following are the highlights of the
Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commis-
sion Bill:
and appointments of Chief Judges of Federal the period when the office of the Chairman is fils the criteria under Article 123 of the Federal
Court, High Court in Malaya, High Court in Sabah vacant, Chairman is absent or for any reason Constitution; Appointment of Chief Commissioner
and Sarawak and President of the Court of Ap- unable to perform his functions; » All judicial commissioners appointed before » The appointment of a Chief Commis-
peal; » Commission shall determine its own proce- this Act may apply to be High Court judges; sioner shall be done by the Yang di-Pertuan
» PM must uphold the continued independ- dure and may set up any committee it deems fit » Commission members, officers and servants Agong on the advice of the Prime Minister,
ence of the judiciary and have regards to defend to assist in the implementation of its functions; are prohibited from disclosing any information and the Commissioner will have the powers
the independence, support the judiciary and the » No Commission members shall incur per- relating to the affairs of the Commission whether of a Deputy Public Prosecutor.
need for public interest to be properly repre- sonal liability for any loss or damage caused by during or after the tenure of office; offenders
sented; any act or omission in administering the affairs are liable to a fine not exceeding RM100,000 or Oversight
» Federal Court judge and four eminent per- of the Commission, unless the loss or damage to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two THE formation of an 8-member Advi-
sons, who are not members of the executive is occasioned by an intentionally wrongful act or years or both; and sory Board, comprising seven members
or other public service (appointed by PM) shall omission on his part; » No prosecution in respect of any offence appointed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong
not hold office more than two years, eligible for » To select suitably qualified persons who under the Act shall be instituted except by or on the advice of the Prime Minister, and the
reappointment but no member is allowed to merit appointment as judges of the superior with the consent of the Public Prosecutor. Chief Commissioner, which shall
» advise the Commission on any aspect of
the corruption problem in Malaysia;
» advise the Commission on policies and
strategies of the Commission in its efforts

PM: Bills needed to correct to eradicate corruption;

» receive, scrutinise and endorse propos-
als from the Commission as to its effective
and efficient running;
» scrutinise and endorse the resource
needs of the Commission;
» scrutinise the annual report of the Com-

negative perceptions At the Dewan Rakyat

by Giam Say Khoon, Tan Yi Liang
and Karen Arukesany
mission before submission to the Special
Committee on Corruption; and
» to submit its comments to the Special
Committee as to the performance of the

THE formation of a Special Committee on

Corruption, which will consist of seven
PRIME Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad investors. So it is very important that we
Badawi says the Malaysian Anti-Corruption take reasonable measures to make them members of Parliament appointed by the
Commission (MACC) and the Judicial authoritative,” he said. King from both houses of Parliament, for
Appointments Commission (JAC) Bills will On the prerogative to appoint judges, a three-year term. The Special Committee
be up for second and third reading before the Abdullah said the government has not will:
Dewan Rakyat meeting for the year adjourns changed the prerogative of the prime » advise the PM on any aspect of the cor-
sine die next Thursday. minister under Article 122(b) of the ruption problem in Malaysia;
He told the House that the Bills would be Federal Constitution. » to examine the annual report of the
passed in this meeting. “However, (with the JAC) we are now Commission;
At a press conference after tabling the
ad. more transparent, we will know who are » to examine the contents of the Anti-Cor-
Bills, Abdullah said the Bills were important 6x2 the candidates being considered and who ruption Advisory Board as to its functions;
because the issues related to the Anti- are the people making the selections. and
Corruption Agency (ACA) and the judiciary “This is a good approach as the » to seek clarification and explanation on
had created negative perceptions. appointments still need the approval of the annual report of the Commission and
“Corruption has been highlighted in the King and the Conference of Rulers, as the comments by the Advisory Board
reports and often mentioned by politicians. It stipulated in the (Federal )Constitution. THE formation of a Complaints Committee
has also created public dissatisfaction leading “I believe that this will be better comprising five members appointed by the
to a perception that the government was not because we will get wider views from relevant minister in charge of the Commis-
highly committed to curb corruption and that those needed to be consulted and sion, which shall:
the ACA did not have sufficient power. there would be collective wisdom and » monitor the handling by the Commis-
“The same happened to our judiciary “We have also heard that many joint- decision,” he added. sion of complaints of misconduct which is
which we have heard, especially on the venture companies preferred to go to courts On talks that some Barisan Nasional non-criminal in nature against Commission
appointment of judges. Such perceptions also outside the country whenever they have a MPs are not supportive of the Bills, he said: officers; and
affect the behaviour of investors who will dispute or conflict instead of the courts here. “There is no such thing and I have not » to identify any weaknesses in the work
become unpleasant and think that corruption “Such depictions have not only caused heard about my MPs not being supportive.” procedures of the Commission which might
is ruthless in the country, questioning the dissatisfaction in terms of public confidence On the strength of the MACC lead to complaints and make recommenda-
integrity of the judiciary. and comfort but also the confidence of foreign compared with the ACA, he said: “The tions where it deems fit.
MACC will have a special committee
comprising MPs and a complaint Offences
committee to receive complaints on the The same as the Anti-Corruption Act 1997,
conduct of commission officers, except for but offences will now include the bribery
criminal offences. of foreign public officials to allow Malaysia
“There is also the right to prosecute, to comply with the UN Convention Against
which has been delegated to the Deputy Corruption.
Public Prosecutor (DPP) since October
and there is no need to go through the Investigative powers
Attorney-General (A-G),” he said. » An officer of the rank of Commissioner
Asked why the delegation of power or higher can inspect and make copies of
was not put in black and white, he said the bank accounts of any individual, inspect
that the Bill is only a general provision the safe deposit boxes in banks and to seize
and this is the way for the government to any document or item inspected; and
deal with the delegation of power. » If an officer has reason to believe that
“There is an advantage (for not putting a person has property beyond his means,
the delegation of power in black and the officer can order the person to give a
white) if something has gone wrong or satisfactory explanation about the excess,
a big mistake is made. The A-G can … and a failure to do so is an offence.
but this does not mean that the A-G will
always interfere because when the power Definitions
is delegated, it will work. The Bill will allow for investigations against
“We will see much improvement. public bodies, which include the federal and
We must all work together and support state governments, any local or statutory
quarters to curb corruption and make authority, any government department, serv-
our courts more authoritative.” Abdullah ice or undertaking, any society registered
said the government will recruit a total of under the Societies Act, any sports body
5,000 officers for the MACC in five years. registered under the Sports Development
“Their salary and terms and conditions Act, trade unions, co-operative societies,
of service will be more attractive and I companies and subsidiary companies.
am sure that good people would want to
join the body because they will feel that it Penalties
is a body which is more credible with the Any person found guilty will be liable to
support of the rakyat and a higher level of imprisonment for a term not exceeding
confidence than before. 20 years and a fine of not less than five
“For the judiciary, it would be the times the sum or value of gratification or
same as we need more judges. There RM10,000, whichever is greater. However,
will be a possibility of recruiting judges the 14-day minimum jail sentence under the
directly from experienced lawyers with Anti-Corruption Act has been removed.
good integrity,” he said.

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