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How many five-digit even numbers can be formed from the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 if each digits can only be used only once?

a)The last position is 0,

b)The last position is not o,

2. How many distinct arrangements are possible from the word CLICK> ( )

3. How many different numbers can be formed using three of the digits 3,4,5,6,7 if the repetition of the digit is not allowed?

4. Letter from the word JANGKAAN are to be arranged a)find the numbers of different arrangement that can be made. ( ) ( )

b)find the probability of getting an arrangement where the two Ns are always In the middle.

5. How many different numbers can be formed using three of the digits 3,4,5,6,7 if the repetition is not allowed?

6. 11 employees of LTK company are assigned identity codes. The code consists of the first two letters of the employees name followed by four digits. a)How many different identity codes are possible if repetitions are not allowed?

b)How many different identity codes are there for employees whose names start with an S?

REVIEW CHAPTER 2 1. A bacth of 200 boxes of frozen orange juice contains 5 boxes that are defective. Two boxes are selected at selected at random without replacement. i) Draw a tree diagram for the above experiment.

D1 (5/200)

D2 (4/199) D2 (195/199)

D1 (195/200)

D2 (5/199) D2 (194/199)


Find the probability that the second box is defective given that the first box is defective.
( ( ) )

P(D2/D1)= = iii)

Find the probability that both boxes are defective. P(D1 D2) = x

= 0.0005 iv) Find the probability that both boxes are non defective.


D2) = = 0.95

2. In my bookcase there are four shelves and the number of books on each shelf is as shown in the table below :

Shelf 1 Shelf 2 Shelf 3 Shelf 4

Hardback 11 8 16 9

Paperback 9 12 4 3

a) If I choose abook at random, irrespective of ts position in the cases, what is the probability that it is paperback ? P(P) =
( ) ( )

= 0.39 b) I am equally likely to choose any shelf.I choose a shelf at random then choose a book. What is the probability that it is a hardback ?


S1 (1/4)

H (11/20) P (9/20) H (8/20) P (12/20) H (16/20) P (4/20) H (9/12) P (3/12) + + ) = 0.625

S2 (1/4)

S3 (1/4)

S4 (1/4)

= ( ii)

If the book chosen is hard back, what is the probability that it is from shelf 3 ? P(P) =
( ) ( )

3. An experiment consist of randomly selecting a card from a deck of 52 playing game cards and then flipping a coin once,if the selected card is red.If the card selected is black,the coin flipped twice. 1.Draw a tree diagram of the above experiment and list down the sample space. H R T H H

T B H T T S={ 11. Find the probability of getting one black card and two heads. P(BHH)= A=Red/Black B=HH,HT,TH,TT P(BHH) =

4.If events A and B are independentand P(A)=3/5,P(AB)=2/5.Find

1. P(B)= P(AB)=P(A).P(B/A) = . P(B/A) P(B/A)= P(B)=P(B/A)= 11.P(AB) P(AB) = P(A).P(B/A)

b)Give that P(A)=1/7,P(A/B)=4/7 and P(AB)=4/9.Find 1.P(B) P(A/B) =

( ( ) )

P(B) =

( (

11.P(AB) P(AB) = P(B)-P(AB) P(AB) = P(B)-P(AB)

111.P(A/B) = P(AB) P(B) = =

5. An unbalanced die is such that an even number occurs twice as often as an odd number. If A is the event that and odd number comes up on the first toss and B is the event that an even number comes up on the second toss.

i. Draw the three diagram to show the above experiment.

ii. Find the probability of event A and B occurring.

6. A housing development company employs three construction firms X, Y and Z with the probability 0.45, 0.30, 0.25 to carry out its project, past experience has shown that probabilities of costs overruns for the firms are 0.03, 0.15, 0.05 respectively. Suppose that the company is experiencing a cost overrun. a) Find the probability that the construction firm involved is: i. X = 0.0135 ii.Y = 0.045 iii. Z = 0.0125

R 0.03 X 0.45 R 0.97 R 0.15 Y 0.3 R 0.85 R 0.05 Z 0.25 R 0.95


0.4365 0.045

0.255 0.0125


b) Which construction firm has the least involvement of the cost over run. P |
( ( ) )


( | )

( ( )

( | )

( ( )

7. The events A and B are such that P (A) = i. (

) ( )

, ( | )

, and (

. Find

( )

ii. ( )
( ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) )

8. A certain company uses customers to evaluate preliminary product designs. In the past, 98% of highly successful products received good review, 65% of moderately successful products received good review, and 8% poor products received good reviews. Suppose this company produced 40% of products have been highly successful, 35% have been moderately successful, and 25% have been poor products.

a) Construct a tree diagram to portray the above events.

G 0.98 H 0.4 G 0.02 G 0.65 M 0.35 G 0.35 G 0.08 P 0.25 G 0.92

b) Find the probability that a randomly chosen product attains a good review.

P (G) = 0.98(0.4) + 0.65(0.35) + 0.08(0.25) = 0.392 + 0.2275 + 0.02 = 0.6395

c) If a product chosen does not attain a good review, what is the probability that it will be highly successful product?

( | ) ( )

( ( ) (

) )

= P (G) = 1-0.6395 = 0.3605

( | )

= 0.022


1. The time (in seconds) taken for a certain chemical to react and produce light at a given temperature is a continuous random variable X with p.d.f as follows :

( )

( {

(a) Prove that Answer : As ( ) is a continuous random variable X ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ( *

) ) + ( )

( ) Thus,

(b) Find ( ) Answer : ( ) ( ) ( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

(c) Using ( ) obtained in (b), calculate the probability that the chemical will react and produce light less than 4.5 seconds

Answer : ( ) ( ) ( )

* (

2. Cumulative distribution function, F(x) for discrete random variable X is given by ( ) { (a) Compute ( )

Answer : ( ) ( ) ( )

(b) Find the probability distribution function, f(x) Answer :

( ) { {

3. The total number of hours, measured in units of 10, that a student spends on reading books over a period of one week is a continuous random variable X with density function

( )

(a) Find the value of k As f(x) is a continuous random variable X Thus, ( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

(b) Find the probability that over a period of one week, a student will spend less than 15 hours reading Answer : ( * + [ ) [ ] ] [ ( * ] ) +


Below is the probability distribution of a discrete random variable X, ( ) ( )( ) ,

(a) Determine the cumulative distribution function for X ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ( ( ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )

( ( )

( )

( )

( ) ) ( )

)) , by using

( ) ( )


( )


( )

(b) Use the result obtained in part (a) to find the probability (i) ( ( ) ( ) (ii) ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ) ( ( ) ) ) ( )


Suppose that the cumulative distribution of a continuous random variable X is

( )

(a) Find ( ( ) ( (b) Find ( ( ) ( ) (c) Find ( )

) )( ) (

( )

( ))

( ) ( ) { ( ) ( ( ( ) ) )

6. If the probability distribution of a discrete variable X is given by

, ( ) 0 , elsewhere.

a) Find i) ( )
( )


( ( )

( ( )

b) What is the cumulative distribution of X? X P(X=x) ( ) ( ) 0 1 2 3 4

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

7. Suppose that the probability density function of a continuous random variable X is given by

, ( ) 0 , elsewhere.

a) Determine the cumulative distribution function F(x). ( ) ( )

b) Find i)

( )

= 0.9817

ii) [

( )

) ] ] [ [
( )

[ = 0.018

8. The following table shows the probability distribution of X, the number of defective bulbs purchased by a shopkeeper. X P(X=x) 0 0.71 1 0.07 2 0.16 3 0.05 4 0.01

a) Construct the cumulative distribution of X. ( ) ( ) ( ( ) )

( )

( )

( )

0 0.71 0.78 ( ) 0.94 0.99 1

b) Find the probability of getting fewer than 3 defective bulbs. ( ) ( ) ( =0.71+0.07+0.16 =0.94 ) ( )

REVIEW CHAPTER 6 Exercise 1 1. For each of the following data, determine whether the data type is quantitative, qualitative, discrete or continuous: a. The daily production of palm oil in Jengka in the last 3 months quantitative,discrete b. The type of car driven by the university staff qualitative c. The number of contacts made to the lecturers by the Darul Hikmah bookseller quantitative,discrete d. The rating (excellent, good, fair, or poor) given to particular food vendor by a sample of students qualitative,discrete e. The department in which each of a sample of university professors teaches qualitative f. The number of rooms in an apartment quantitative,discrete g. The teaching evaluation rating of an instructor (1=poor, 5=excellent) qualitative,discrete

2. State whether each of the following variables is quantitative or qualitative : a. Age quantitative b. Annual sales quantitative c. Soft drink sizes (small, medium, large) qualitative d. Earnings quantitative e. Methods of payment (cash, cheque, credit cards) qualitative

3. Identify the following as discrete or continuous random variables a. The number of bank failure in a given year discrete b. The floor-space area in a new office building discrete c. The number of people waiting for treatment at a hospital emergency room discrete d. The total points in a football game discrete e. The number of claims received by an insurance company during a day - discrete 4. A survey on television viewing habits of cables TV customers is conducted. One question asks for the most frequently watched channel number. What type of variable is being reported for that question? qualitative

Exercise 2 1. Construct a bar chart from the data given in the table below: Malaysias Gross Imports by Commodity Sections in 1991 Commodity Sections Food and live animals Beverages and tobacco Crude materials inedible Mineral fuels Animal/vegetable oils and fats Chemicals Manufactured goods Machinery and transport equipment Miscellaneous manufactures articles Other imports Totals $ Million 5135.8 405.5 2810.4 4214.1 395.3 7724.8 16009.7 54352.8 5660.1 4119.6 100831.1

Malaysias Gross Imports by Commodity Sections in 1991

Other imports Miscellaneous manufactured articles Machinery and transport equipment Manufactured goods Chemicals Animal/vegetable oils and fats Mineral fuels Crude materials inedible Beverages and tobacco Food and live animals







2. The Malaysian Labor Force Employment by Sector, 1995-2000 (thousand persons) is potrayed in the following table. Draw a pie chart for the year 1995 and a bar chart that represents both years. Employment by Sector, 1995 and 2000 (thousand persons) Industry Agriculture, forestry and fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Construction Electricity, gas and water Transport, storage and communications Wholesale and retail trade, hotels and restaurant Finance, Insurance, Real Estate & Business Services Government Services Other Services Total 1995 1428.7 40.7 2051.6 659.4 69.1 395.2 1327.8 378.8 872.2 692.2 7915.4 2000 1187.2 44.5 2616.3 845.4 84.0 506.9 1469.6 479.0 894.2 938.6 9066.2

Employment by Sector, 1995 (thousand persons)

Other Services 9% Agriculture, foresty and fishing 18% Mining and quarrying 0%

Government Services 11%

Finance, Insurance, Real Estate & Business Services 5% Wholesale and retail trade, hotels and restaurant 17%

Manufacturing 26%

Electricity,ga s and water 1%

Transport, storage and communication 5%

Construction 8%

Employment by Sector, 1995 and 2000 (thousand persons)

3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1995 2000

Exercise 3 1. Each week the net amount of electric energy distributed by the electric utilities across the country is compiled by the Edison Electric Institute. In one particular week, the electric output (in thousands of kilowatt-hours) for the ten midsize cities reads as follow: 49,70,54,67,59,40,61,69,71,52 Find the mean, median, and mode Answer: i) Mean = = = 59.2 ii) median rearrange in ascending order 40,49,52,54,59,61,67,69,70,71 Median = = = 60 iii) no mode

2. During a particular month, the eight salesmen in an air-conditioning firm sold the following number of central air-conditioning units : 8,11,5,14,8,11,16,11 a) Find the mean(average) number of units sold b) Find the mode Answer: a) Mean = = = 10.5 b) Mode = 11

3. A sample of teachers teaching in elementary schools in Rompin, Pahang revealed the following income: (RM) 726, 499, 590, 687, 480, 439, 500 and 565. a) What is the mean monthly income? Sol: 439, 480, 499, 500, 565, 590, 687, 72

b) What is the median monthly income? Sol:

c) How many observations are below the median? Ans: 4 439, 480, 499, 500

d) How many observations are above it? Ans: 4 565, 590, 687, 726

EXERCISE 4. 1. Each week the net amount of electric energy distributed by electric utilities across the country is compiled by the electricity company. In one particular week the electric output (in thousands of kilowatt-hours) for ten cities reads as follow: 48, 70, 54, 67, 59, 40, 61, 69, 71, 52. Find the first and third quartiles. Sol: 40, 48, 52, 54, 59, 61, 67, 69, 70, 71 ( ) ( )

( (

) )

2. A sample of salesgirls working in a textile store received the following monthly income (in RM): 426, 299, 290, 687, 480, 439 and 565. a) What is the third quartile of the monthly income? Sol: 290, 299, 426, 439, 480, 565, 687 ( ) ( )

b) How many observations are below the third quartile? Ans: 5 290, 299, 426, 439, 480 c) How many observations are above it? Ans: 1 687 3. A sample of eight companies in the motor bicycle industry was surveyed as to their return on investment last year. The results are (in percent): 10.6, 12.6, 14.8, 18.2, 12.0, 14.8, 12.2 and 15.6. Find: a) The first quartile. Sol: 10.6, 12.0, 12.2, 12.6, 14.8, 14.8, 15.6, 18.2 ( )

b) The second quartile. Sol: ( ) ( )

EXERCISE 5. 1. Ten experts rated a newly developed pizza, PIZZA RIA on a scale of 1 to 5. The ratings were: 34, 35, 41, 28, 26, 29, 32, 36, 38 and 40. a) Find the range. Sol: 26, 28, 29, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41

b) Find the arithmetic mean. Sol:

c) Find the standard deviation. Sol: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (

d) The rating of another pizza company, PIZZA JIA, was also studied. The mean and standard deviation of this company is and s = 6.4. Compare the mean and dispersion among the two firms. Sol: PIZZA IJA: PIZZA RIA: To compare dispersions use coefficient of variation: CV= CV for IJA

CV for RIA

2. The annual incomes of the five executives of Khaldun Industries are: RM 75 000, RM 78 000, RM 72 000, RM 83 000 and RM 90 000. Consider this a population. a) What is the range? Sol: RM 72 000, RM 75 000, RM 78 000, RM 83 000 and RM 90 000

b) What is the arithmetic mean income? Sol:

c) What is the population variance? The standard deviation? Sol: ( )

( ( ) ) ( ) ( ) ( )

d) The annual incomes of officers of another firm similar to Khaldun Industries were also studied. The mean and standard deviation of this firm is = RM 79 900 and = RM 8612. Compare the mean and dispersion among the two firms. Sol: Khaldun Industry: Another firm:

To compare dispersions use coefficient of variation: CV=

CV for Khaldun Industry

CV for the another firm

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