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The Present Simple is used to talk about habits and routines.

You always do the same things and at the same time. For example, you always drink one glass of milk in the morning and you usually arrive at school at twenty five past eight. You often wear jeans and T-shirts. You love pop music. You also love animals and plants. You have a beautiful garden. You live with your parents and your brother, but your brother is very different from you. He doesnt drink milk in the morning. He never arrives on time for lunch. He doesnt wear jeans or t-shirts. He likes new clothes and fashion, and he doesn't listen to pop music. He plays hard rock in a group called "Metal Bananas". My brother and I go to a club. We go to the club on Saturdays.

I work You work He works She works It works We work You work They work

I don't work You don't work

Do I work? Do you work?

He doesn't work Does he work? She doesn't Does she work? work Does it work? It doesn't work Do we work? We don't work Do you work? You don't work Do they work? They don't work

Habitual actions Permanent states Feelings and emotions (like, hate, want, hope, etc.) Verb of senses (hear, taste, see, smell, sound and taste)

I go to the club on Tuesday and Friday The Sun rises in the morning I like your sweater. I want a blue one

Look! Theres Tom over there.

Complete the sentences using the present simple.

a) I (not/like) __________________________skiing. b) Daniel (speak) _________________________ three languages. c) I (speak) _____________________________ two languages. d) David (live) __________________________ in London. e) Where ____________________________ (Tim/live) ? f) Where ______________________ (peter and Sarah/live) ? g) How often _________________________ (you/travel) abroad. h) Anna (have) ____________________________ two dogs and a cat. i) ________________ George have any more animals?

j) ______________________ you have a lot of hobbies?

Choose the right option.

1. My sister (*) a stamp collection. a) have got 2. David and Anna (*) to learn karate. a) do not want

b) has got b) does not want b) Does she wear

3. (*) a little skirt when she plays tennis? a)Do she wear 4. Daniel (*) a lot of television. a)Watchs 5. He (*) playing volleyball. a) does not enjoy 6. My little brother (*) when he is hungry. 7. (*) snakes? a) Do you collects
b) watches

b) does not enjoys b) cry

a) Cries

b) Do you collect b) Do your brother

8. (*) his bed every morning? a) Does your brother make


9. My tennis lesson (*) in the afternoon.

a) Is

b) are

Use the verb in brackets ( ) to fill the gaps.

1. I _______________ in Villatuerta. (live) 2. Daisy________________ chocolate. (love) 3. Andy _______________ too fast. (drive) 4. We _________________ lunch at two. (have) 5. You _________________ great. (to look) 6. They __________________ so much. ( not say) 7. Charlie ___________________ golf. (not play) 8. I __________________ hamburgers. (not like) 9. Sammy ____________________ much TV. (not watch)

10. It _____________________ very often in Valencia. (not rain)

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