Wwii Timeline 2

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Camille and Emily

World War Two Timeline (1933-1945)


1931 Japan invades the Chinese industrial province of Manchuria. The League of Nations tries to condemn Japan for its actions but Japan responds by withdrawing its membership from the league.


1924 January 21st: John (Vladimir Ilyich) Lenin dies and Josef Stalin becomes the leader of the communist Party in the Soviet Union.


1936 Hitler ordered his troops into the Rhineland and his actions go unpunished by the League of Nations. The same year general Franco wins the civil war in Spain with the help of Hitler and Mussolini. Hitler and Mussolini sign a pact. The German- Italian Axis is formed. Japan, which already occupies Manchuria, invades central China.


1933 In January, Hitler becomes the chancellor of Germany and by March of the same year his party had won control of the German parliament. Germany leaves the League of Nations.


1938 In March Hitler takes over Austria. The same year Germany invades western Czechoslovakia and signs a non-aggression treaty with the Soviet Union.

1939 March: Czechoslovakia surrenders to forthcoming German invasion. April: Hitler cancels the GermanBritish naval agreement and the German- Polish non- aggression treatment. Italy invades Poland.


July: Polish intelligence passes all it's knowledge about the German Enigma machine to the British and French intelligence. August: Germany and Russia sign an non- aggression pact, secretly agreeing to invade Poland. German U- boats and battleships head to Atlantic ocean for war. September 1st: Germany Invades Poland. World War Two begins. September 3rd: France and Britain declare war on Germany. September 8th: The U.S. remain neutral but president Roosevelt declares limited national emergency. September 10th: Canada declares war on Germany.

October 6th: Poland surrenders to Germany. December 1s: Canadian troops arrive in Britain

1940 Start of the battle of the Atlantic. The Soviet Union takes over part of the Balkans. January 17th: First German Enigma messages decoded by British intelligence. March: Russia- Finland war ends. Russia was defeated. This convinces Hitler that the Russian


8th: Germany invades Denmark and Norway. May 10th: Germany invades Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain.

May 12th: Germany invades France. May 14th: Dutch surrender to Germany.

May 20th: German army reaches English channel. May 28th: Belgium surrenders to Germany.

May 27th: Evacuation the British and French from Dunkirk. June 4th: Evacuation of Dunkirk is a success. 338 000 troops rescued. Churchill announces Britian will never surrender

June 9th: Norway surrenders. June 10th: Italy declares war on Britain and France. June 14th: German troops march into Paris. June 22: France surrenders to Hitler.

July: German air force begins bombing Britain and the Battle of Britain begins. Canada participates in air fights over English Channel. Invasion begins on the 1st and on the 10th the battle of british air campaign begins.

September: Italy invades Egypt and Greece. November: Troops and equipment from Canada start moving in carriers across the Atlantic. The Battle of Atlantic is underway.

1941 March 1st: Bulgaria joins The Axis. The Axis- Russian boarder now stretches from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea. April 13th: Japan and Russia sign a non- agression treaty. May: Germany looses the battle of Britain.


June 22: Germany invades Russia. Hitler orders maximum cruelty against civilians, which results in fanatic Russian resistance. This decision turns out to be one of Hitlers first miscalculations.

July 16th: The German army group Center takes Smolensk (just 220 miles from Moscow). July 29th: Hitler makes orders to stop Center's advance to Moscow and transfer it's two tank armies to army groups North and South. This may of been Hitlers biggest mistake. The German Generals argued fiercely against it.

September 6th: Hitler orders to resume the advance to Moscow. Army group Center is given back its two tank armies plus a third tank army and additional air units. September 27th: Japan joins Axis powers.

October: Canada agrees to send two divisions of the Canada army to Hong Kong to defend the British colony against Japan.

October 2nd: Opperation Typhoon is set into action: the final German advance towards Moscow. October 15th: Rain and deep mud stop German advance towards Moscow. October 16th: Russian Goverment leaves Moscow and the Germans occupy Odessa. October 26th: The Germans occupy Kharkov.

November 15th: Dropping temperatures cause the mud to freeze. The German advance to Moscow resumes. November 30th: German troops are 27km from Moscow but can advance no further due to strong Russian Resistance.

November: First Canadian army is established under General McNaughton. December 6th: Germans are forced to retreat from Moscow. This date marks the main turning point of WWII. December 7: Japan bombs Pearl Harbor. December 8: United States declares war on Japan. December 11th: Germany and Italy declare war on the United States. December 25: Canadian soldiers defeated in Japans invasion of Hong Kong.


1942 Russia becomes part of the Allies. January: Japanese forces invade Manila, Indonesia, Malaysia and Burma. February: Japanese-Canadians are sent to interment camps.

May: The British cracked the German naval code, which meant the Allies could track German submarine movements more easily. April: Canadians vote in plebiscite to support conscription. August 19: Raid on French port of Dieppe by Canadian and other Allied forces failed.

1943 The German army surrenders to the USSR. The Allies start a series of bombing raids aimed to destroy German industry. The Allies cleared North Africa of Axis forces.

June: German U- boats with drawl from Atlantic. Battle of the Atlantic won by Allies.

July: Canadian troops participate in the invasion of Sicily and mainland Italy in which the Allies come out successful. December: Canadians win Battle of Ortona, Italy.

1944 End of the Battle of the Atlantic. March: General Crerar becomes commander of Canadian Army.

August: Allied landings in Southern France continue to clear the channel coast. Canada help liberate Falaise in Northern France on August 15th Paris is liberated.

June 4: Allies take Rome. June 6: D-Day; Canadian troops join British and Americans in Allied invasion of Normandy in northern France.

1945 March: Germany is attacked by allied forces. Canada is responisible for the liberation of the Netherlands.

November 22: Conscription is enacted in Canada for overseas service. October- November: Battle of Scheldt in Holland. Canada troops participate in the Allied advance into Germany along Rhine.

April: In early April Canada began their attack on the Netherlands. The fighting was very slow and the battles were often fought house by house. Over 6300 Canadians killed but by April 17th in Groningen the Canadians had defeated the German army. The Canadians then worked towards the cities of Zwolle, Arnhem and Apeldoorn.

April 30th: To defy surrendering to the Russians Adolf Hitler and his wife Eva Braun commit suicide an underground bunker in Berlin. Hitler committed suicide my consuming a cyanide capsule and then shooting himself.

May 4th: The Canadians had surrounded the German troops in the Netherlands and the Germans were forced to surrender. The Canadians provided the people on the Netherlands with tonnes of food daily. Canadians were now considered heros.

May 7th: The Allies invaded Germany from the west and the Soviet Union from the east. This causes Germany to surrender.

August 6th: The U.S. bomber Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. This level of destruction had never been seen before. 70 000 people were killed and 130 000 were wounded. August 9th: The U.S. dropped and additional atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki killing 40 000 people.

August 15th: The Japanese soon realized they could not withstand the American atomic bombs so they surrendered. September 2nd: Japan signed the surrender and WWII was officially over. By the end of the war the Germans had murdered more than 6 million Jews, Roma, Slavs and other people considered inferior by Germany. Canada expanded its social assistance programs by bringing in the family allowance program which helped families cover the cost of child matenance. President Mackenzie King brought in the National Reasources Mobilation Act (NRMA). This act gave the government the abilitly to mobilize all reasources in the nation to defeat the enemy. During WWII Canada provided majour military and economic support to the Allies. The value of the goods Canada produced rose from $5.6 billion to $11.8 billion over the course of 1945. During the war Canada gave $3.4 billion to the Allies. Canadas economy improved greatly.

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