Kaikorai Primary School: N e W S L e T T e R

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5 Apri l 201 2

Wri ght St, Roslyn

www. kai korai . school. nz
Important Dates
23 April - First day of
24 April - ANZAC
Assembly 2pm
25 April - ANZAC Day
10 May - World Vision
Big Sing
6-11 May - Science
N e w s l e t t e r
A very special welcome to Oli ver Croy, Joe Dyer and their families to
Kaikorai Primary School!
We value your input to help shape the direction of
Kaikorai Primary School Thank you to the parents
who attended the recent Religious Education
consultation meeting. Thank you also to those who have lled out
the questionnaire regarding our school reporting systems (Please use
the link below). Your contribution towards this is absolutely
essential as they are your reports and it is important that they give
you a clear understanding of what your child can do and what their
next learning steps are.
Term 2 will be another busy term as we continue to look at the big
issue of Belonging. Next terms big question is What are the
benets of working together? The syndicates will be exploring this
question through the human body, The ANZACS and through
We hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday and we look
forward to seeing everyone again in Term 2.
Kind regards
Simon Clarke http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FFHSSQB
5 Apri l 201 2
Wri ght St, Roslyn
www. kai korai . school. nz
Senior News -
The Year 6 camp at Camp Iona was very
successful, with children thoroughly enjoying the
challenges of many outdoor activities. The
children showed an appreciation of the support
and assistance they were given, and all
experienced opportunities where they could
exercise some leadership. The teachers wish to
give a big thank you to the parents who were at
camp, helping the team in so many ways.
Middle News
There has been lots of shy stuff happening in the Middle Syndicate this term!
Trips to the Portobello Aquarium and Warrington beach have provided much inspiration for
learning. The children in the Middle Syndicate are working happily and the determination
children have shown in the daily run has been transferred to other aspects of their learning. Goal
setting and rubrics will continue to be an important part of becoming a better learner.
Next term we are looking forward to Science week and a visit from the Life Education Trust,
which will explore the topic of Heart Central. Well be looking at the systems in the human body
and how different systems can support processes.
Mathletics continues to provide challenges and successes for children. A number of children from
the Middle Syndicate have featured in The Hall of Fame, which puts them in the top 100 students.
We anticipate that some children will enjoy working on Mathletics during the holidays.
Junior News There have been many highlights this term in the Juniors including a successful trip to the
Otago Museum to learn about mini beasts. Swimming with the Jill Clarke swim school is a vital part of our
Physical Education Programme. This programme teaches survival and safety in and around the water with
fully trained instructors. Your feedback is always welcome.
We are really enjoying our new interactive whiteboards and have recently joined the Sunshine On Line
reading and maths programme, which is very compatible with the new boards. You can try it at home for a 2-
week free trial.
All children are able to access the Mathletics programme and it is a big incentive to get onto the computer.
Please encourage your children to keep working on Mathletics at home as it reinforces concepts that are being
learnt at school.
Thank you from all the Junior Teachers for your help with PMP, Fun Friday and with swimming this term it
has been a busy term and the children are ready for a relaxing holiday. Have a Happy Easter!
5 Apri l 201 2
Wri ght St, Roslyn
www. kai korai . school. nz
Otago Primary Swimming Sports
Five of our top swimmers represented Kaikorai in
the Otago Primary Schools Swimming
Championships at Moana Pool on Saturday 31

March. Maia Hunter, Monica Menzies, Kendra
Robinson, Elliott Alloo and William Edwards
made up our Kaikorai team.
Elliot was placed second in Otago (9 and under)
for freestyle and backstroke.
William was sixth in Otago (10 yrs) for freestyle
and backstroke.
Our relay team was placed 7
in Otago (10yrs)
for this event.
These are great results. We are very proud of all
our Kaikorai Swimming team 2012.
Sport Otago Triathlon
Two of our year ve athletes took part in the Sport
Otago Triathlon on Wednesday 21 March. Emily
Cochrane and Elliott Alloo represented Kaikorai in
this run, bike and swim event. They had trained
hard for the competition and we are very proud of
their efforts. Emily was placed a creditable ninth in
her section and Elliott was the Silver medal winner
in his. A fantastic result Elliott. Congratulations
Emily and Elliott.
Enrichment Programme
Philosophical thinking more questions than answers!
The philosophical discussion group has been meeting on Tuesday afternoons throughout the term and guess what?
We have come up with more questions than answers! Some of them are questions that might take a lifetime to nd
answers. For instance, what is wisdom? What does it mean to be wise? Do you have to be old to be wise? Who do we
know from stories who is wise or not wise?
Weve explored some different kinds of thinking and looked briey at some famous philosophers.
One week we wondered if just the thought of something can make you happy e.g. chocolate. That made us wonder
if happiness is something that you can control and what can you do to make yourself happy. What is happiness?
Another Tuesday when we met it was particularly hot. We wondered if you can use your imagination to change the
way you feel. Can you imagine a really cool drink, and then feel cooler? How does your imagination work?
We looked at a number of photos of different people which got us talking about making assumptions based on your
own ideas or nding evidence to make statements of fact. That led us on to logical thinking and wondering how we
can be sure that things are true.
The next enrichment programme that will take place is an art programme where our talented artists will work with
Miss Dunn and the Art School to produce artworks for our hall.
Year 6 Camp

We were on our way to Camp Iona with my mate Patrick and the
rest of the Year Six.
Our rst stop was a walk to Mrs Gillies house. When we got to
Mrs Gillies house she read us new and old poems. We were
all clapping and then we had to go back to the bus.
The next day the fun began. We lined up to go in a group. The
groups were Team Building, Archery, Search and Rescue and
Abseiling. I was in Search and Rescue. We had to look for the
person that was lost and help her.
After breakfast the next day, we got ready for our next adventure.
First we had to make lunch and had a little play. Then we went
on the bus to the Lighthouse.
When we got to the lighthouse we took pictures of all of the
animals like seals and penguins. Then we went to a hide where
you could see all of these animals everywhere. Next stop was
kayaking and yachting! We had lunch rst before hopping into
the yachts and kayaks. People kept getting their yachts stuck in
the bushes. We all get wet but we had a great time.
It was the night for the concert and it was funny and cool
and every one was happy but then it was
time for. SPOTLIGHT!! Written by
Jack Olsen R2A
5 Apri l 201 2
Wri ght St, Roslyn
www. kai korai . school. nz
Parent Group News
A big thank you to those who pre-ordered Entertainment
Books. The vouchers in the new book can be used
Just a reminder that on the rst day of next term, Monday
23 April, an Entertainment Book will be
distributed to all families that haven't already purchased
one. If you don't want to buy it, then you simply
return it to school. If you would like to buy more than
one book or you've gotten orders from other people, then you'll be able to get additional books. And remember that
the family that sells the most Entertainment Books at Kaikorai Primary School will receive 2 complimentary movie
passes from Hoyts! For every Entertainment Book sold the school receives $11 and the money raised will be used
towards the purchase of new sports and kapa haka tops for the students. (If you dont want to purchase an
Entertainment Book or youve bought one from somewhere else but youd still like to support this fundraiser, then
you can do so by making a donation of the amount that the school makes from the sale of each book.)
Thank you to those who have already offered to help with the Fair. If you're
able to support the Fair in any way we'd love to hear from you. The Fair is a
huge event and raises a signicant amount of money for the school, but it
can't happen without your help.
Remember if youre sorting through clothes, toys, books, etc. during the
holidays to put things aside for the Fair later in the year.
Fair Co-ordinators:
Tor Devereux (453-1108, 027-635-1512, devereux@ihug.co.nz)
Renae Barnes (466-7079, 022-624-6685, Renae@orcon.net.nz)
If you have any questions or would like more information about the Parents Group, then please contact Tor
(453-1108, 027-635-1512, devereux@ihug.co.nz).
The Parents Group would like to wish all families a safe, enjoyable and relaxing holiday. See you next term.
Are you with Telstra Clear?
For every $1 you spend with TelstraClear,
Kaikorai Primary School will receive 1.5
reward points which we can use towards
redeeming fantastic rewards from
computers to sports gear.
If youre a TelstraClear customer, simply
ring 0508 011 737 and quote Intelligent
Summer Sports
Our summer sports is drawing to a close and we wish to congratulate and thank the Kaikorai
players for being great representatives of our school.
Thank you again to the parents who support the programme with subbing duties and in particular
our team managers.
Thank you Ken and Suzanne Cochrane, Kerri Ballantyne and Mark Mitchell (Flippaball)
Bruce James, Deborah Whitty, Janne Miller and Mark Mitchell (touch)
Mark Mitchell, Jody James, Carol Charteris and Nick Bates (Futsal)
Grant and Kylie Batchelor ( T-Ball)
As the term one sports competitions draw to an end please return any tops washed and folded to
Room 2a.
Have you ever wondered how 3D movies or
computer games are made?
Learn the latest in 3D Animation and Games
Design on a Bubble Dome School Holiday
workshop these holidays!
We run other exciting courses in Robotics,
Science, Claymation, Wearable Arts and
For students ages 6 to 16 years.
Tel:0800 438 282
BookOnline: www.bubbledome.co.nz
Piano Tuition
Lisa Ross is a friendly registered piano teacher with
27 years experience, offering piano lessons in her
home in Arthur St. She teaches beginners to
advanced students. She welcomes students from
age 7 upwards. You can take exams in piano and
music theory, but you don't have to! Phone Lisa for
more info on 4544027
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