HW2011v7 1

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TLT-5906 Advanced Course in Digital Transmission Fall 2011 Homework exercises

Group work (2 or 3 students) is allowed when solving the homeworks, but this has to be documented in the returned solutions. Undocumented obvious similarities in returned solutions are a strong negative factor when grading the solutions. However, the grading of depends on the group size. To get a full bonus for all members of a group, the solution must be complete and well finalized, preferably somewhat extended beyond the basic problem formulation. The grading of individual solutions is somewhat more forgiving.

Homework exercises 1: Returns by Nov. 21st 1. Repeat exercise 1(a) from page 10 of the lecture notes assuming that the channel impulse response is g(t)=0.1(t )+0.97(t-T)-0.3(t-2T). Show also the zero-forcing DFE solution for this case. 2p

2. Here the task is to determine the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of the transmitted waveform in baseband single carrier transmission using root-raised-cosine (RRC) pulse shaping and binary PSK modulation. Ideal transmitter using the basic linear system model is assumed. In Matlab simulations, the RRC pulse is used with a reasonably high oversampling factor (say 10 samples per symbol interval) and it is truncated to realistic length (say 51 symbol intervals; for small roll-offs, this should be fairly high). PAPR can be calculated from the baseband signal (here x[k]) using the following expression: PAPR = max x[k ]
k 2

2 E x[k ]

(a) How can you efficiently calculate the maximum absolute signal value in binary PSK modulation from the oversampled RRC impulse response (without extensive simulations with random symbol sequences)? 1p (b) Plot the PAPR as a function of roll-off. 1p Matlab-script for RRC pulse (a is the roll-off factor):
h = 4*a*(cos((1+a)*pi*t/T)+sin((1-a)*pi*t/T)./(4*a*t/T))./(pi*(T^0.5)*(1-(4*a*t/T).^2));

Homework exercises 2: Returns by Nov. 28 In Matlab exercises, return the Matlab script(s) and relevant result plots. 1. Consider the basic SNR-maximizing MRC scheme analyzed in the exercise included in the 4th lecture notes. (a) Verify through Matlab simulations that the solution maximizes the SNR and that the MSE is as predicted. Use a number of random combinations of a1 and a2 and evaluate the MSE over a few hundred noise instances. 1p (b) Include also selection combining and equal gain combining in the study. Compare the performance of MRC, EGC and SC with different |a1|/|a2| ratios. 2p

2. (a) Examine the Matlab function rayleighchan, which can be used for simulating frequency selective fading channels. Use the Vehicular A channel model with 3.84 MHz sampling rate, multipath delays of [0 0.52 1.04 1.5 1.96 2.48] s and path gains of [0 -2.9 -6.8 -9.8 -12.3 -14.3] dB, correspondingly. The maximum Doppler frequency is a few hundred Hz. Examine the evolution of the channel impulse response with time (notice that you have to set CHAN.ResetBeforeFiltering=0). Show some impulse responses (you might also consider including channel frequency responses) for (i) a few cases where the time difference is small compared to the channel coherence time, (ii) some cases where the time difference is in the order of the coherence time, and (iii) some cases where the time difference is much bigger than the coherence time. 2p (c) Generate also a flat-fading Rayleigh model, and plot the magnitude of the channel gain as a function of time. Select the parameters in such a way that the typical fading characteristics are visible. 1p Homework exercises 3: Returns by Nov. 30 1. Plot the SNR distribution functions (p() or p(p) in lecture notes) for (a) Selection Combining and (b) Maximal Ratio Combining in Rayleigh fading with M-branch diversity for M=1, 2, 4, 8. Assume that each branch has an average SNR of 8 dB. (c) Discuss how the distribution changes with increasing M and why this leads to lower average error probability and lower outage probability. 1 point for (a), (b) and (c) each. 2. Examine the performance of equal gain combing using computer simulations with i.i.d. Rayleigh fading channel with M=2 and M=4. Plot the average BER and outage probability as functions of average SNR and compare the performance with SC and MCR as seen in the lecture notes. 2 p

Homework exercises 4: Returns by Jan. 11, 2012

Homework exercises 5: Returns by Jan. 11, 2012

Homework exercises 6: Returns by Jan. 18, 2012 1. Here we test the ML channel estimator of Eq. (3.7) in Pukkilas thesis using Matlab. - Select a channel impulse response of your choice, with length 32 and a few (5 ... 10) nonzero taps. - Lets use BPSK-modulated training sequences of length 128. o Use the Gold code available here as an M-file. (This is binary and has to be converted to BPSK.) o Try a few different randomly chosen binary sequences (instead of Gold code) and show the results for (i) best (ii) typical/bad case. - For each training sequence, create the M-matrix and its pseudo-inverse (Hint: PINV in Matlab) - Create a model for the received signal with Gaussian noise added to the BPSK sequence. Use SNR's of 8 dB and 15 dB. - Calculate the channel estimates and compare them against the actual CIR. What to return: Matlab script, Actual and estimated CIRs, and Conclusions 3p

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