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Effects of dietary addition of unsaturated fat, vitamin E, and sorbitol on performance of dairy cows and fatty acid concentrations

in milk and cheese

Amanda M. Todd, M. Eastridge, C. Ribeiro, J. Engel, F. Parada-Rabell, C. Kuo, and V. Alvarez, Todd, Eastridge, Ribeiro, Parada- Rabell, Kuo, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University

As society becomes increasingly health conscious, there is a demand for healthier foods with diseaseprevention properties. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been shown to protect against induction and proliferation of chemically induced skin, forestomach, colon, prostate, and mammary tumors in mice (Hughes and Dhiman, 2002). Similar effects in humans are currently being explored. The CLA, c9, t11-18:2, also named rumenic acid (RA) because it is found primarily in ruminants, is an isomer of linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid. The CLA can be formed in tissues when vaccenic acid (VA), t11-18:1, is desaturated by delta-9 desaturase in ruminant tissues. The VA and some CLA is formed in the rumen during biohydrogenation by microorganisms. Because the biohydrogenation of fatty acids occurs in ruminants and certain tissues contain the desaturase enzyme, dairy products are the main source of natural CLA in humans. It has been shown that the desaturation of VA is the primary source of CLA in milk (Griinari et al., 2000). Previous work has shown that adding soybean oil or fish oil to diets results in increased CLA in milk (Allred et al., 2006; Baer et al., 2001). These increases in fatty acid production were reflected in the cheese produced from the milk (Allred et al., 2006). The response has been greater with fish oil, but a combination of the two oils may be important for the greatest response because of the differing fatty acid composition of the two oil sources. Sugar alcohols are thought to alter the formation of products from ruminal fermentation and Vitamin E has proven to increase alpha-tocopherol in milk, which increases the resistance of milk fat to oxidation (Focant et al., 1998).

Table1. Performance of Holstein and Jersey cows to dietary treatments.1

Variable CNTL BW, kg Milk, kg/d FCM, kg/d DMI, kg/d FCM/DMI, kg/kg Fat, % 3 Protein, % MUN, mg/dL

Holstein FSO FSOE 642 32.4 23.4 20.7 1.10 1.80 2.90 17.6 648 35.7 27 20.7 1.30 2.00 3.00 15.8

SORB 660 37.2 37.8 25.1 1.50 3.60 3.10 15.6

CNTL 426 24.4 28.1 20.7 1.40 4.50 3.70 17.3

Jersey FSO FSOE 431 26.2 23.9 17.5 1.40 3.20 3.30 15.5 445 26.6 25.1 16.5 1.50 3.20 3.30 16.0

651 36.0 34.7 25.2 1.40 3.30 3.10 16.8

SORB P2 447 0.29 26.8 0.36 30.7 0.00 20.0 1.60 4.40 3.50 17.6 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.62

= body weight, FCM = 3.5% fat-corrected milk, DMI = dry matter intake, MUN = milk urea nitrogen, CNTL = control, FSO = fish oil + soybean oil, FSOE = fish oil + soybean oil + vitamin E, and SORB = sorbitol. 2Probability for difference among treatments. 3Treatment x breed interaction (P < 0.05). 2

Determine the effects of feeding fish and soybean oils, vitamin E, and sorbitol on the fatty acid and total fat concentrations in milk and cheese and animal performance from lactating dairy cows.

Figure 1. Percentage of conjugated linoleic acid of total fat in milk and cheese (Holstein cows only; CNTL = control, FSO = fish oil + soybean oil, FSOE = fish oil + soybean oil + vitamin E, and SORB = sorbitol).
Percent (%)

1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 CNTL FSO FSOE SORB Milk Cheese

Table 2. Fatty acid composition of milk.1

Variable Holstein CNTL FSO FSOE SORB CNTL Palmitic, % Stearic, % Linoleic, % Linolenic, % SMCFA, % LCFA, %

Jersey FSO 31.8 3.85 2.15 0.27 23.2 76.8 FSOE 30.7 3.68 2.16 0.29 21.9 78.1 SORB 36.9 7.26 2.65 0.30 25.6 74.4 P

Materials and Methods

Eight lactating dairy cows (four Holstein and four Jersey) were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square design; therefore, four periods occurred during the experiment. Each period consisted of three weeks, with week three being used for sample collection. The cows were fed four diets: 1) control diet (CNTL; 500 IU vitamin E), 2) 2% fish oil, 0.5% soybean oil, and 500 IU of vitamin E (FSO), 3) 2% fish oil, 0.5% soybean oil, and 2000 IU of vitamin E (FSOE), and 4) 1% sorbitol (SORB, dry form; 500 IU vitamin E). Each cow was rotated onto a different diet for each period so that by the end of the experiment, each cow had been fed each of the treatments. The cows were fed a total mixed ration (TMR) twice daily (0700 and 1600 h) and had free access to water. The TMR was mixed once daily and contained 41% neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and 21% crude protein (CP). Intake and milk yield were recorded daily, and body weight was recorded weekly. Feed samples were collected weekly for analysis of dry matter, NDF, CP, and fatty acids. Rumen samples for analysis of volatile fatty acids (VFA) were collected at 4 h postfeeding during 2 consecutive days of week 3 from the Holstein cows (one with rumen cannula and via stomach tube for the other 3 cows). Milk samples (200 mL) were taken during the last three days of the period (2 AM milkings and 2 PM milkings) from each cow. These samples were analyzed for total fat, protein, and milk urea nitrogen by DHI Cooperative, Inc. (Columbus, Ohio). Additional milk samples from all eight cows were taken during week 3 for determination of individual fatty acids using gas chromatography. Milk (4 L) from the Holstein cows during each period was used to make cheddar cheese in the pilot plant in the Department of Food Science and Technology. The cheese was analyzed for texture, protein, and individual fatty acids.

32.9 3.99 3.00 0.36 22.0 78.0

31.8 5.19 2.68 0.30 20.4 79.6

29.9 2.68 2.73 0.38 16.3 83.7

30.6 5.99 3.19 0.39 24.9 75.1

39.3 7.39 2.55 0.28 26.1 73.9

0.01 0.01 0.01 0.10 0.01 0.01

= control, FSO = fish oil + soybean oil, FSOE = fish oil + soybean oil + vitamin E, SORB = sorbitol, SMCFA = short- and medium-chain fatty acids, and LCFA = long-chain fatty acids. 2Probability for difference among treatments.

Addition of soybean and fish oils decreased total fat in milk, but increased the proportion of LCFA in milk. Feeding supplemental vitamin E with the oils resulted in the highest CLA concentration in milk. This elevation of CLA in milk was associated with the elevated CLA in cheese.

Literature Cited
Allred, S. L., T. R. Dhiman, C. P. Brennand, R. C. Khanal, D. J. McMahon, N. D. Luchini. 2006. Milk and cheese from cows fed calcium salts of palm and fish oil alone or in combination with soybean products. J. Dairy Sci. 89:234-248. Baer, R. J., J. Ryali, D. J.Schingoethe, K. M. Kasperson, D. C. Donovan, A. R. Hippen, S. T. Franklin. 2001. Composition and properties of milk and butter from cows fed fish oil. J. Dairy Sci. 84:345-353. Focant, M., E. Mignolet, M. Marique, F. Clabots, T. Breyne, D. Dalemans, Y. Larondelle. 1998. The effect of vitamin E supplementation of cow diets containing rapeseed and linseed on the prevention of milk fat oxidation. J. Dairy Sci. 81:1095-1101. Griinari, J. M., B. A. Corl, S. H. Lacy, P. Y. Chouinard, K. V. V. Nurmela, D. E. Bauman. 2000. Conjugated linoleic acid is synthesized endogenously in lactating dairy cows by delta-6 desaturase. Am. Soc. for Nut. Sci. 22:2285-2291. Hughes, C. L. and T. R. Dhiman. 2002. Dietary compounds in relation to dietary diversity and human health. J. Med. Food. 5:51-68.

Diets with oil reduced dry matter intake (DMI) (18.8 versus 22.7 kg/d), but DMI was similar between CNTL and SORB. Milk yield (31.7 kg/d) and MUN (17.0 mg/dl) were similar among diets (Table 1). Diets with oil reduced milk fat and protein percentages (3.87, 2.50, 2.58, and 3.96%; and 3.38, 3.09, 3.16, and 3.32% for CNTL, FSO, FSOE, and SORB, respectively). Body weight and rumen VFA were similar among diets. Concentrations of CLA in milk and cheese were increased with the feeding of oil and vitamin E, but with the FSO diet, CLA was increased only in cheese (Figure 1). The short- and medium chain fatty acids decreased and the long-chain fatty acids increased in milk with feeding the oils (Table 2). Both breeds responded similarly to the dietary treatments with respect to performance and most individual milk fatty acids.

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