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April - May 2012

God Builds His Church in Afghanistan Day 5 Brazil: A Missionary Sending Nation Day 11 The Spiritual Battle Rages in Nigeria Days 17 & 18 Former Muslim: Jesus Came to Me Day 21

Teenagers Want Greater Church Role

Day 27

Outreaches to non-Christians.

Dearly Beloved Prayer Partners, But the LORD is with me as a mighty, awesome One. Therefore my persecutors will stumble, and will not prevail. They will be greatly ashamed, for they will not prosper. (Jeremiah 20:11) Re-definition of Marriage A Bridge too Far? Contrary to wild claims made by the gay lobby, the UK Office for National Statistics Integrated Household Survey for 2010, shows that only 1.5% of the population is gay. When civil partnerships were introduced by the Blair government in 2005, it could reasonably be said that full equality of rights had been achieved as this constituted marriage in all but name. So why did they go to the bother of legislating for civil partnerships at the time if full-blown marriage for gay people was in the pipeline? Please dont get me wrong, this is not about the value of homosexuals as human beings. Indeed, their value is beyond dispute. They are loved by God as we all are! But perhaps we need to learn from the gay lobbys extraordinary success in gradually moving the goal-posts so as to end up convincing the nation that their rights are paramount. Of course this is very much a continuum of the rights movement that started in the 60s with would-be mothers claiming to have a right over the life of their unborn child. Our legislators need to tread carefully because same-sex marriages - that then have children through IVF or adoption - intentionally deprive a child of either a mother or a father just because adults want it that way! Does the Law have a right to do this? We are being asked to redefine marriage based on huge, unproven assumptions! David Cameron is offering a period of consultation on this issue, while personally favouring gay marriage. Yet evidence from countries that have already introduced gay marriage shows little take up. Statistics for Sweden show only 0.55% of couples are same-sex and in Norway 0.68%. More worryingly Dutch studies found that the average length of a relationship between two men is only 1.5 years - certainly not the best basis on which to build a household! What can we, as Christians, do about this? First we need to pray that God will intervene as a mighty, awesome One. After all marriage is His institution! Secondly we need to raise our voices millions (not thousands) should sign the petition! But we should also look back and learn from the gay lobbys strategy that has fed the nations attitudes for decades. A Christian revival is desperately needed! With loving greetings from all the Revival team,

Ian Milmine Page 3

Living the Jesus Way in Barcelona

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 49:8-9 Days 1 & 2 Spreading Christianity in Spain can be tough since many people have a very negative view of the church. But in Barcelona, missionaries are using the English language and new forms of outreach to reach residents. Spain's second-largest city is a cultural mecca, drawing students and visitors from all over the world. And what many of them have in common is the English language, and they come together at the International Church of Barcelona. Americans Brian and Ruthie Gomez are assistant pastors at the church. Congregants have described the atmosphere as a "taste of heaven." "I feel that way, too. You're sitting next to someone from Nigeria and on the other side you have someone from New Zealand, or Nepal, or Singapore," Gomez said. Church members from different nations all describe the same experience - that they feel at home as soon as they walk in. "I think one of the strengths of our church is we provide a community in Barcelona," Gomez added. During the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s, Barcelona was a centre for anarchists and communists. The Roman Catholic Church was viewed by the left as a tool of oppression. Clergy were killed and churches destroyed. Some say there is still a spirit of rebellion against Christianity in Barcelona, and there is certainly a mistrust of the church. That means the Gospel must be shared in new ways. "Because they believe the church is equated with money and power," Gomez explained. Barcelona missionaries John and Brandi Carrano talked to CBN News about their best strategies. "Very quickly we learned that we don't talk about 'church,'" Brandi said. "We talk about personal and spiritual development. We don't hide the fact that we're church-related, but we don't start off with that." Many residents think of the church as outdated and ineffective, and personal evangelism has to address those concerns. "I had a conversation with a young Catalan couple a few weeks ago, probably in their early twenties. And they said, 'Our parents have gone to church their whole lives, they go every week, but they come home and nothing changes,'" John recalled. "So for them, they say, 'Why would I waste my time in something that makes no difference,'" he continued. "So for us, one of the main things is we are trying to build a community of faith that actually lives out the way of Jesus." And the outreach is working. English is bringing Christians from many cultures together in Barcelona. "You really do feel like you're worshipping in Heaven," Gomez said. "Because the Bible says there will be believers from all around the world worshipping God." The aim is to bring Barcelona from its history of rebellion against God, into a new relationship with Jesus Christ. CBN News Day 1 - PRAISE: God that the people of Barcelona are seeing a community living the way of Christ. Day 2 PRAY: That doors may be opened to the life-changing Gospel of Jesus all over Spain. Page 4

Praying for the Streets of Indonesia

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 49:22-23 Day 3 Christian leaders from across the globe will gather at the World Prayer Assembly in Jakarta, Indonesia, on May 14-18, 2012. This historic event will take place as millions of Indonesians are connected in prayer for their nation. 24/7 prayer towers are operating in many cities in Indonesia and over 200,000 child intercessors are committed in prayer for their nation. All of this is happening in the worlds largest Muslim-populated country, a vast archipelago of 17,000 islands with many diverse people groups. The Church has united in an extraordinary way. Thousands of prayer, mission and marketplace leaders, along with on-fire youth and children, will gather in Jakarta to seek the Lord for His strategies of prayer-action for the world. Whats unique is that the WPA will be led inter-generationally, with youth and children helping to facilitate plenary and other sessions. This, the organizers believe, will help launch the next generation of men and women of God to lead the prayer and mission movements as modern Josephs, Esthers, Daniels, and Deborahs that God will use to impact the nations. On May 17 there will be a gathering of 100,000 in the national stadium in Jakarta, including 20,000 children and 20,000 youth, with simultaneous gatherings in 300-400 cities of Indonesia, connected by live television. Also a My Home initiative will be launched in which an estimated 15 million Christians will adopt their own streets for prayer, followed by loving service to their neighbours such as planting trees, cleaning up garbage, etc. This will go on for the next two years. They were inspired by word of a similar prayer effort for Newark, New Jersey, one of the most dangerous cities in the USA until united prayer contributed to a large drop in the crime rate between 2006 and 2008. WPA2012; Joel News International PRAISE: God for the huge number of adults and children who are coming together in prayer for the nations. Pray for special blessing upon Indonesia.

Learning to Pray from Childhood

BIBLE STUDY: Joel 2:28-32 Day 4 Christian web-news agency, Joel News, is highlighting the emerging prayer movement among children and teenagers. These are children who are knowing God and falling in love with Jesus while they are young, leading to changed lives and a dramatic advance of his Kingdom in new places. We may be distraught at developments in Egypt, but God knows better! Every year conferences are being held to equip Egyptian children in prayer the last one attended by up to 1,500 children, showing appetite to read the Bible, and also hearing God speak to them through dreams and visions. Joel News International PRAY: That many modern Daniels, Josephs, Esthers and Deborahs will be raised up. Page 5

God Builds His Church in Afghanistan

BIBLE STUDY: Daniel 3:13-28 Day 5 During the era of the Taliban rule the situation for those who decided to leave Islam was extremely difficult as they were considered to be traitors. When the Taliban was ousted the new government brought in a measure of liberalization, especially in Kabul. However, despite the presence of foreign forces, the deposed Taliban still exists and, even while in hiding, they have continued intimidating the Afghan people. In October 2011 the Taliban issued a statement via one of their websites vowing to purge all Christians from the country. Accusing them of evangelizing Afghans, the Taliban has often targeted foreign relief organizations. Together with this, the strongest negative influence on believers is the social control exerted by the extended family. In the midst of such circumstances, many Afghans are miraculously coming to faith in Jesus Christ. Some through divine revelations in dreams and visions; others through Christian radio and television programmes broadcast into the country and the Internet, where available. The message is finding its way into hearts that are hungry to know the truth. Last year, after the nationally televised exposure of Afghan Christians on the internet, it became widely known that Afghan Christians actually exist. Though many were angry about this revelation, others started to ask questions and began to seek. In recent years a number of well-educated and skilled Afghanis have become believers and begun participating in underground Christian activities. Although gatherings of believers are dangerous and difficult, family and friend groups have started to meet together, and there is a growing awareness among Afghan believers that they are not alone. God is slowly but steadily building His church in Afghanistan. It is still small and fragile. Unable to own Bibles, believers do not have the opportunity to study the Word except by listening to the radio, watching satellite TV or through the Internet. Open Doors; Prayer Alert PRAISE: God that faith in Jesus is spreading. Pray for those who are risking all to proclaim Christ.

French Youth Seek Evangelical Church

Day 6 BIBLE STUDY: Micah 2:12-13 The Hillsong church planted a Paris congregation in 2005 which has grown from a few dozen people to around 900 at each of its two weekend services conducted in French and English. This youthful, enthusiastic, multi-ethnic crowd meet at the 1,000-seat Thtre Bobino in the Montparnasse area of Paris. Census figures report 600,000 French members of evangelical churches, with 460,000 regularly practicing their faith - a ten-fold increase from 1950. Prayer Alert; Revival Media
PRAISE: God that there is a steady revelation of Christ to the people of France. Pray for a harvest! Page 6

Texas Church Targets Older Folk

BIBLE STUDY: Micah 4:1-5 Day 7 Pastor Len McLaughlin, 59, believes many contemporary churches do a great job of meeting the needs of young families. At the same time, though, he says those programmes and worship styles often leave the "second-half" generation feeling isolated and uninvolved. Heritage Church of McKinney, Texas, is a congregation comprised of adults aged 50 and up. McLaughlin planted the Assemblies of God church three years ago with the specific goal of serving an older generation. Heritage's foundational verse is Psalm 92:14: "They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be [healthy] and flourishing". The church, located just outside of Dallas, Texas, does not have a youth group or a children's programme. Even Heritage's community service outreaches target older adults. "We feel so blessed to have church services at several assisted-living facilities throughout the week," McLaughlin says. Most of the more than 100 Heritage members are involved in assisted-living services, he says. AG News. PRAISE: God that this church has recognised its specific role within the wider body of Christ and is encouraging older folk to remain constant in Christian ministry and service.

Professor Speaks Up for Freedom

Day 8 BIBLE STUDY: Habakkuk 2:2-3 Leading Philosopher Roger Trigg, a Professor Emeritus at Warwick University, and Senior Research Fellow at Oxfords Kellogg College, has warned of an increasing tendency in UK courts to prioritise equality above religion, thereby undermining religious freedom. Professor Trigg, founding President of the British Society for the Philosophy of Religion, stated that: Religious freedom and the right to manifest religious belief is a central part of every charter of human rights. Yet he believes that the courts are now limiting human freedom itself. Professor Trigg is launching a new book, Equality, Freedom and Religion, which cites numerous cases where religious freedom has been denied by the courts. There have been many concerns that, within judicial interpretations of equality law, a hierarchy of rights has developed, with some rights now being seen as more important than others. Recent court decisions have suggested that freedom to manifest sexual orientation now trumps the freedom to manifest ones religion. Prayer Alert
PRAISE: God for this powerful voice siding with freedom of religious thought and practice in the very real threat represented by the equality lobby. Pray that his new book may be a clarion call. Page 7

Young Christians Being Restorers

BIBLE STUDY: Jeremiah 30:17

Days 9 & 10

A 2009 study by the Volunteering in America organization found that youth who attended church regularly were twice as likely as their peers to volunteer regularly. "We've discovered (Christian) young people want to do something other than protest," says Jenny Langness, Executive Director of the Alpha Center, a Christian medical clinic located adjacent to the Colorado State University campus in Fort Collins. "They haven't seen any big political campaigns or marches make a difference... Their experience tells them the most effective way to elicit change is one-on-one, one person at a time." One area where this new attitude is reshaping things is the pro-life movement. After decades of political rhetoric and abortion centre demonstrations, defenders of the unborn have quietly shifted toward ministry-based activities. Today's young activists are more likely to answer phones at a pregnancy help centre than participate in an anti-abortion rally."I see this as a generation of restorers, where they're going to see something that's not right, but instead of just complaining about it, they want to be engaged and try to do something about it," says Ryan Moore, Young Adult Ministries coordinator for the Assemblies of God. Ashleigh Davenport, 20, says she volunteers at the Alpha Center because of the compassion she sees demonstrated there. "I would rather volunteer and show people love than protest, because I believe love and kindness are stronger than even the best protest. If it were me making the choice (of whether to have an abortion), someone loving on me to show God's love for me would grab my heart much faster than a protester showing me how much they disagree with my choices or my values." Moore says many young adults share Davenport's perspective."They just really want to see their faith in action," Moore says. "They've grown up hearing a list of do's and don'ts, and they don't want to be defined by that anymore. In many ways, they're changing the landscape of Christianity and the perception people outside the church have of us. People have heard we're against abortion and sex outside of marriage. This generation is coming alongside hurting people and showing what we're for and what Christ's love is all about." Langness says her younger volunteers tend to be the most enthusiastic. When they find something they believe in, young adults seldom keep it to themselves. They chat, post, tweet, text, email, blog and produce videos about it. Davenport says. "It should be about showing them the love and kindness that Christ would have showed them... Pentecostal Evangel Day 9 PRAISE: God for the awakening of Christian youth to show the love of Christ to others in service. Day 10 ENCOURAGE: young Christians to be salt and light, proclaiming Christs reign through love. Pray for a generation of servant Christians. Page 8

Brazil: A Missionary Sending Nation

BIBLE STUDY: Habakkuk 3:1-2

Day 11

Brazil has become the country that sends the second-most missionaries abroad across the world, according to the director of a Global Christianity study organization. Of 400,000 global missionaries that were sent to foreign countries in 2010, Brazil sent 34,000, second behind the United States, which sent 127,000. The statistics were presented by Todd Johnson, director of the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts. Interestingly, even though the United States sends the most missionaries abroad, it is also the country that receives the most foreign missionaries as well; with 32,400 foreign missionaries arriving to the U.S. in 2010 the majority of whom come from Brazil. Beaten only by the United States, Brazil has the second largest protestant population in the world. The South American country also has a huge number of mission organizations, of which, Jovens Com Missao (Youth with Mission) alone has 16,000 people providing missions to 150 countries. The Christian Post PRAISE: God that Brazilian Christians are ready to stand in the gap, taking the Gospel to others.

Biggest Marriage Increase in Decade

BIBLE STUDY: Ephesians 5:22-33

Day 12

The number of weddings in England and Wales increased by almost four per cent in 2010, according to new figures published by The Office for National Statistics. The ONS reported that there were 241,100 marriages in 2010, a rise of over 8,500 from the previous year. The ONS said that, during tough economic times, people seek stability and family may be valued more highly than material goods. Research shows that marriage is the most stable form of relationship for bringing up children. According to the Centre for Social Justice, children who are not brought up in two-parent households are 75 per cent more likely to fail at school, 70 per cent more likely to be a drug addict and 50 per cent more likely to have an alcohol problem. The news comes as the Government was expected to launch a public consultation on redefining marriage towards the end of March. Its aim is to allow a change in the law to be made before the end of the current Parliament in May 2015. A new grassroots campaign group seeking to protect the traditional definition of marriage was set up in February. Since its launch on 20 February, the Coalition for Marriage (C4M) has gathered more than 65,000 signatures on its online petition. The Christian Institute PRAY: That God will defend marriage in our nations. Page 9

Government Opens Way for Prayer

BIBLE STUDY: Isaiah 49:6-8

Day 13

The UK Government has intervened to restore the power of local town councils to pray at the beginning of their formal meetings after a High Court controversially ruled that the long-standing tradition was illegal. Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has signed a Parliamentary order to quicken the introduction of a power of competence, which will give Councils the authority to engage in any act which is generally lawful, including the holding of prayers. The High Court ruled that it was unlawful for local town councils to begin their formal meetings with prayer. The case was brought against Bideford Town Council by the National Secular Society (NSS). Mr Pickles said: "By effectively reversing that illiberal ruling, we are striking a blow for localism over central interference, for freedom to worship over intolerant secularism, for Parliamentary sovereignty over judicial activism, and for long-standing British liberties over modern-day political correctness. Last week's case should be seen as a wake-up call. For too long, the public sector has been used to marginalise and attack faith in public life, undermining the very foundations of the British nation. But this week, the tables have been turned. While welcoming and respecting fellow British citizens who belong to other faiths, we are a Christian country, with an established church governed by the Queen. "Christianity plays an important part in the culture, heritage and fabric of our nation. Public authorities should have the right to say prayers before meetings if they wish. The right to worship is a fundamental and hard-fought British liberty. Christian Telegraph; Christian Concern for our Nation PRAISE: God for this stand for Christian freedom. Pray that this issue may be a wake-up call to see that erosion of Christian Truth also erodes freedom.

Bhutan: Hearts Soften to the Gospel

BIBLE STUDY: Job 23:15-17

Day 14

With a population of 700,000, 72% of the population adhere to Bhutans state religion of Lamaistic Buddhism, while 23% are Hindus, 4% Muslims and less than 1% Christian. Persecution is rife and often violent for those who convert to Christ. But all across Bhutan, people are experiencing miracles in the name of the living God. The lame walk, people are healed from life-threatening sicknesses and countless people are experiencing the mighty power of Jesus. Today, the first residential Bible college in the country has opened in Thimphu, Bhutans capital city, offering believers a place where they can grow spiritually and be equipped to reach those around them; and Christians are seeing a bright future for their nation. ASSIST News Service; Revival Media PRAISE: God that a nation closed to missionaries is seeing the Gospel spread by its own people. Page 10

Gods Pattern for Revival Hoseas Call to Repentance

Reading: Hosea 1 & 2 Their deeds do not permit them to return to their God. A spirit of prostitution is in their heart; they do not acknowledge the LORD... Then I will go to my place until they admit their guilt. And they will seek my face; in their misery they will earnestly seek me. (Hosea 5:4 & 15) The history of revival indicates that it is invariably preceded by prayer, sometimes long periods of persistent and sacrificial prayer. But more than the manner or length of the prayer what really makes the breakthrough is the content of the prayer two requirements are given in these verses: 1) admission of guilt; 2) earnestly seeking the Lord. God Uses the Prophet Hosea as a Parable of Israels Adultery Hosea prophesied during the reigns of the kings of Judah, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, and the reign of Jeroboam II, king of Israel. He was told to take the adulteress Gomer to be his wife to illustrate the adultery of the nation in turning to other gods. Gods wish was to bless and prosper Israel but Jeroboam did evil in the eyes of the Lord (2 Kings 14:24). Gomers first-born daughter, named Lo-Ruhamah (not loved), illustrates Gods intended punishment on Israel which would happen at the hands of the Assyrians only a few years later. Hosea chapter 2 describes Gods disgust at her adultery. God Disciplines His People in Order to Show His Mercy Rather like Israel prior to the Assyrian captivity, many parts of the Church today are guilty of the adultery of not serving the Living God wholeheartedly. Our comfortable life-styles have led us to worship idols which we are not prepared to give up for the sake of Christ and the Gospel. But, even as God plans His punishment for Israel, He speaks words of invitation to her (2 v. 14-16). It is the love of Christ that invites us to repentance and revival (2 Cor. 5:13-15) brought to our hearts afresh by the Holy Spirit. God Wants a People to be His Wife Not His Slave What other God is there who wants a people to be betrothed to Him forever, in righteousness, justice, love and compassion? (2:19). The response He wants from us is: You are my God... my Husband. (2:23). Of what other lovers do we need to repent before we can see revival in our land?

Page 11

Examples from History:

ASBURY COLLEGE LEXINGTON (KY), USA (1970) Without warning, all heaven broke loose during Asbury Colleges 10 a.m. chapel service. The service was scheduled for 50 minutes. Instead, it lasted 185 hours non-stop, 24 hours a day. Intermittently, it continued for weeks. Ultimately, it spread across the United States and into foreign countries. David McKenna, author of The Coming Great Awakening, interviewed by the Lexington Herald Leader, believes the next great revival will probably begin on student campuses. He travels to many colleges and says, I see the signs wherever I go. Those signs include a generation of students wounded by family breakdowns and searching for spiritual fulfillment. Participants Describe the Service as A Baptism of Love During that service, on a Tuesday morning in 1970, students were invited to share. One student responded to the offer, then another and another. The Lexington Herald Leader picks up the story: Then they started pouring to the altar, it just broke. Gradually, inexplicably, students and faculty members alike found themselves quietly praying, weeping, singing. They sought out others to whom they had done wrong deeds and asked for forgiveness. The chapel service went on and on. According to J.T. Seamands book, On Tiptoe With Love, the 1,500 seat chapel was packed. When he entered, Seamands felt as if he had been baptized in an unaccountable spirit of love, I said to myself, This is not of man, this is of God. The Lord Jesus Walked into the Auditorium Reynolds, the dean, called Kinlaw, the president, who was at a conference in western Canada. Kinlaw had reservations about the revival. He returned to the campus two days later, in the wee hours of the morning. The meeting, he found, was still going. I was scared, Kinlaw said. He knew he would be held accountable if matters got out of hand. At the same time, he didnt want to intervene and quench an authentic move of God. But soon Kinlaw, too, was convinced that the revival was legitimate. Later, a reporter asked him to explain the outbreak. He said, Well, you may not understand this, but the only way I know how to account for this is that last Tuesday morning... the Lord Jesus walked into Hughes Auditorium, and Hes been there ever since, and youve got the whole community paying tribute to His presence. One remarkable thing, given the youthfulness of the worshipers, he said, was that the marathon service was uncannily orderly. Page 12

Worshipers did not become loud, did not speak out of turn, did not fall down on the floor in religious ecstasy. The feelings were subtle yet, in their own way, overwhelming. The Revival Spreads all over the USA and Beyond News of the revival spread in newspapers and on television. Strangers flocked to worship with the students. Asbury officials dismissed classes. By the Thursday, a revival had broken out at the seminary across the street from the college. Leaders of other institutions read of the service in publications as far-flung as The Indianapolis Star, the Chicago Tribune, The Seattle Times and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and heard of it by word of mouth. They invited Asbury students and faculty members to come and tell what was happening. Wherever the Asburyans traveled, revival followed. By the summer of 1970, the revival had reached more than 130 other colleges, seminaries and Bible schools, and scores of churches, according to published accounts. It spread from New York to California, and even to South America. The Revival Came in Time of Distress and Upheaval The Asbury revival was not itself a Pentecostal revival, in that there was no speaking in tongues or healing by faith. But the situation at Asbury in 1970 certainly was conducive to a revival. The college had a Wesleyan tradition and a history of unexpected revivals. Students were not strangers to the idea. A number had, in fact, been praying for an outbreak. In addition, the campus was in an upheaval. There was the general distress of the times, and there were tensions specific to the college, stemming from a messy change in administrations a few years before. Revivals often occur in times of discord. Passing the Test of Genuine Revival The truest test of genuine revival is whether they produce lasting changes in peoples lives. If permanent change is indeed the test, then the issue was decided long ago for many of the people who witnessed the Asbury revival. It was a real turning point, I think, where I sensed that God really desired more of a commitment on my part of my life to Him, said Hunt, the doctor. You stand in that kind of presence and that kind of awe its very difficult, I think, for a mortal man not to really look and examine and say, What does this God want of my life? Kinlaw, the Asbury College President sums it up: There was this sense of the divine presence that one doesnt have often in his life, he said. And when you do have it, you never quite get over itYou know it in your bone marrow. Condensed from an article originally printed in the Lexington Herald Leader and re-published on Page 13

Prayer Concerning Revival

Prayers from Scripture "For Zions sake, I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalems sake, I will not rest, until her righteousness shines out like the dawn and her salvation as a burning torch." (Isaiah 62:1) "I will recall the years of the right hand of the Most High. I will remember the works of the Lord. I will remember your wonders of long ago. I will also meditate on all your works, and talk of all your deeds. Your way, O God is holy. What god is so great as our God? You are the God who does wonders. You have displayed your power among the people. With your mighty arm, You redeemed Your people." (Ps.77:10-15) "Look down from heaven, and see from Your holy and glorious habitation. Where are Your zeal and Your might? The yearning of your heart and Your compassion are withheld from usBut you are our FatherOur Redeemer from of old is your name. For a little while, your people possessed Your holy place, but now our enemies have trampled down your sanctuary. We have become like those of old, over whom you have never ruled, those who have never been called by your name. (Isaiah 63: 15-19) "O Lord, great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him, and with those who keep His commandments, we have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and rebelled. We have turned away from your commands and laws Lord You are righteous, but this day we are covered with shamebecause we have sinned against You All this disaster has come upon us, yet we have not sought the favour of the Lord our God, by turning from our sins and giving attention to your truthO Lord, turn away Your anger and your wrath We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. O Lord, listen, O Lord forgive. O Lord, hear and act. For your sake, O my God, do not delay because Your people are called by your name." (Daniel 9: 1-19) "Restore us again, O God of our salvation, and put away your indignation towards us. Will You be angry with us for ever? Will You prolong your anger to all generations? Will You not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? Show us your mercy, God, and grant us your salvation. (Psalm 85:4-7)

Page 14

Muslims Also Hear of Gods Love

BIBLE STUDY: James 1:22-25 Day 15 The Bible Society of Tanzania has been providing the Scriptures and its Good Samaritan programme to churches in many areas of the country. The Bible-based Good Samaritan scheme is a programme designed to help communities understand and fight against the HIV/AIDS pandemic through Scripture engagement. To date it has helped around 6000 people affected by HIV/AIDS. Now Muslim religious leaders have asked Bible Society to run the Good Samaritan course for members of their communities. Some imams have asked if we could do training outside the churches so their people could also benefit, said Neema Kiswaga, Bible Society of Tanzania HIV/AIDS Co-ordinator. The solution was to run this in schools where Christians and Muslims could attend together. Im so grateful for the Good Samaritan trainings, said mosque member Marian. Tested positive for HIV she was afraid of being rejected and accused as a sinner. She added, The Good Samaritan training taught me Gods promises for those living with HIV/AIDS. I felt so relieved because I know God loves me despite my HIV status. Muslim participation means even more people are hearing about the goodness of Jesus, said Neema Kiswaga. Bible Society Word in Action PRAISE: God that Biblical principles for living with and fighting AIDS are helping Tanzanians of different faiths learn about the goodness of Jesus.

Cambodian Church Rises from Ashes

Day 16 BIBLE STUDY: John 12:23-26 After the Khmer Rouge invaded Cambodia in 1975, banned religion and massacred many thousands, by 1979 only about 200 Christians remained alive. In 1990, when the Church was given government permission to function openly again, there were just ten evangelical churches left. Today there are over two thousand, with a total membership of perhaps 200,000. Cambodian Christians are committed to sharing the good news of Jesus in word and action and planting new churches among every people group. But they could do so much more if they had more resources. The Church in Cambodia lacks many of the resources that Christians in the West take for granted, such as trained pastors, Bibles, Christian literature and well equipped church buildings. Another major issue is literacy many church members have never learned to read. Even for those who can, a Bible can cost half a months salary. Bible Societys David Smith recently attended a literacy session in a pastors house. Many use the Bible Societys literacy kit complete with CDs, radios and Bibles - it costs just 8 to teach someone to read. Cambodian Communities out of Crisis; Bible Society
PRAISE: God that the Cambodian Church is rising up from the ashes and is vigorously facing up to the needs of the people and proclaiming the Gospel. Page 15

The Spiritual Battle Rages in Nigeria

BIBLE STUDY: Daniel 12:1-3 Days 17 & 18 Since 2002 when it was founded, Boko Haram has terrorised Nigerian Christians by attacking their homes, churches, and killing scores of believers. About 215 miles north from the Nigerian capital of Abuja sits the sprawling city of Kano. It is the epicentrer of Boko Haram's "holy war" against the country. Police officers and the Nigerian Army are patrolling the streets, setting up numerous checkpoints to try and protect this vulnerable city from future attacks by Boko Haram. "What this group is doing to our country is terrible," a young man, who asked to remain anonymous, said. "They are killing our people and they want to divide us." "This is a faceless enemy," another resident told CBN News. "They don't wear a uniform. They live among us and suddenly attack so we have to be very careful." Boko Haram's official name in Arabic means the "People committed to Propagation of the Prophet's Teachings and Jihad." A spokesman for the Islamist group says the deadly attacks won't stop until Sharia law rules the country. "What they want to do is to establish an emirate, an Islamist radical state - first in the northern part of Nigeria and then push to the south and declare an emirate across Nigeria," says terrorism expert Walid Phares. Bishop Ransom Bello is a prominent Christian leader with the Christian Association of Nigeria, in Kano. He says, "My biggest worry is about the security of the Christians in Kano State. At one of Kano's largest mosques, Imam Abubakar Jibirin used a recent Friday noon gathering to urge followers to remain calm and seek peace. But in an interview with CBN News following Friday prayers, Imam Jibirin refused to criticize directly or condemn the actions of Boko Haram. This raises concerns that the Muslim population and leaders will sit by and allow Boko Haram to impose hardline Islam by force. And now perhaps even more worrying are reports of Boko Haram sympathizers within Nigeria's police, intelligence services, army and judiciary. That's leaving many to worry about the future of Africa's most populous country. "Their bombs are increasingly more sophisticated and more powerful, so this has gone beyond the sort of local radical group," Paul Marshall of the Hudson Institute said. A Nigerian newspaper investigation traced funding for the group's activities to the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia. Members have also reportedly met and received training from senior al Qaeda figures in North Africa. "I see this as a spiritual battle over Nigeria because these issues go beyond economic, beyond politics," Bello said. "It goes beyond natural things. It's spiritual!" CBN News; Revival Media DAY 17 PRAY: That the Hand of Almighty God will intervene to save Nigeria from the enemys power. DAY 18 PRAISE: God for the Christian Church in Nigeria. Pray that wisdom and godliness may prevail. Page 16

Nurturing Young People in Christ

BIBLE STUDY: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Day 19 With UK churches haemorrhaging younger generations, the importance of giving young people the opportunity to come to grips with their faith cannot be overestimated. Between Friday 1 June and Monday 4 June 2011 at Felden Lodge, Hemel Hempstead around 750 young people from Boys Brigades and Girls Brigades across the South East of England will be attending this year's Firm Foundations (FF) to learn how the Bible is still relevant today. Speaking about last years event, Eric Hudson, on behalf of the Festival Planning Team said, It was a brilliant weekend. The Holy Spirit was definitely at work and it was exciting to see so many young people giving their lives to God or developing their relationship with Him. The event focused on showing how Jesus, through the Bible, has relevant things to say on current issues and encouraged young people to explore their Bibles. The theme for this years FF is Greater than Gold and will tie into the 2012 Olympic Games, being held in London. It was an amazing year at FF and has brought me so much closer to God, said one of last years young people. Another added, 'I hope that everyone who found God this year at FF will continue in small steps to bring Him into their life. God is amazing. Come on! Editors note: young people are not the future of the Church, they are the present, and need to be given every opportunity to develop their faith and serve God in the Church and wider community. Then they will remain! Firm Foundations; Revival Media PRAISE: God for events like this. Pray that many young people will hear Jesus call their name and dedicate their whole lives to His service.

Nepalese Find Jesus Through Adverts

Day 20 BIBLE STUDY: Zechariah 13:2 In Nepal, very few people are Christians. However, AMG International has found one way to present the hope of truth to people, in spite of what chaos might be wreaking havoc in Nepal: Newspaper evangelism. A newspaper enters many homes where Christians might never be allowed to enter. By placing Gospel messages as paid advertisements in local newspaper, the ministry can give the good news of the Gospel to hundreds of thousands of people who may have no other opportunity to learn about Christ. To those who respond to the ads, AMG's team sends a Bible and Bible correspondence courses. AMG's ad appeared in a magazine with a circulation of 45,000 copies. There were 775 responses over a seven-month period, and through the correspondence and follow up, 233 people made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ. More than half of those are now engaged in further Bible study. Christian Telegraph; Mission Network News
PRAISE: God that this means of evangelism is reaching a people that have almost no knowledge of the Name of Jesus and His saving Gospel. Page 17

Former Muslim: Jesus Came to Me

BIBLE STUDY: 1 Kings 3:4-6

Day 21

Hassan Sharif Lubenga, 54, was a sheik and member of Buk Haram, a violent group of Ugandan Islamists. Originally from Chengera, seven kilometres from Kampala, he began his conversion process four years ago. Then in June 2011, after various dreams and visions in which Jesus appeared to him, he made a full commitment to follow Christ. His former Islamic extremist friends, who had declared war on infidels, started threatening him when he first began to speak of dreams and visions of Christ. He had told his jihadist friends that he had seen Jesus in a dream. He said they had warned him, Do not make such a mistake again we are ready to help you. If you continue with this move, then we will destroy you. I explained to them that it is Jesus who came to me, and not I who sought Him, he said. They were furious. They then kidnapped me and blindfolded me for three days, coupled with beatings. They demanded I deny Jesus as the Son of God, which I consented to because I feared that they were going to kill me. In 2009 Lubenga decided to go on pilgrimage to Mecca. While there, he heard another voice which said: You have decided to forsake me, and instead you are here to accuse me, he said. Jesus continued appearing to him in visions, he said. I could not resist, so I decided to believe in Him and in 2011 - started openly declaring that Jesus is my personal Saviour, Lubenga said. The whole family and clan members were out to destroy me. I was poisoned by my own family. His father, Morshid Kabide, committed suicide rather than face the disgrace of an apostate son. My heart got troubled, but the voice of Jesus continued whispering to me to witness for Jesus without fear, Lubenga said. In the face of severe death threats Lubenga fled to Kenya last July 10. All my family members have deserted me, he said by telephone. The Muslims are looking to kill me. I need protection and help. Compass Direct; Revival Media PRAISE: God that many Muslims, like Lubenga, are hearing the call of Jesus. Pray that they may know the power of Gods grace and be strong in witness.

Helping the Church to Survive in Syria

Day 22 BIBLE STUDY: 2 Corinthians 9:1-5 The world is right to stand up for those that are being massacred by the government in Homs. But there's a substantial chance that once this government does fall, what will replace it will be even more extremist Islamic," says Dr. Carl Moeller, President and CEO of Open Door USA. The question is: what will the Christians face in terms of revenge or hostility? Some news sources have indicated that the Christian population of Homs is being targeted by Islamic extremists among the rebel forces. Pray for our Syrian brethren, for their preservation and for aid to reach them. Revival Media; Mission Network News
PRAY: That God will miraculously preserve His own. Page 18

Christians Save Baby from Abortion

BIBLE STUDY: Exodus 2:1-10 Day 23 Two Christian pro-life campaigners, Andy Stephenson and Kathryn Sloane, entered a not-guilty plea on 30 January at Brighton Magistrates' Court after being arrested outside an abortion clinic in Brighton, Southern England, on 22 June 2011. Since 2007, Mr Stephenson and Mrs Sloane have been silently witnessing outside the publically-funded BPAS clinic showing pictures of the effects of abortion, only engaging with women entering the premises if they start a conversation. While Stephenson and Sloane were in court, colleagues of the pair held a further demonstration outside the clinic. One woman attending the clinic for the termination of a 22-week-old baby engaged in conversation with them and as a result of talking and seeing the pictures, changed her mind on having the abortion. Andrea Minichiello Williams, CEO of the Christian Legal Centre said: "Andy and Kathryn hold respectful demonstrations and they should not be denied the right to share their viewpoint to others... one woman changed her mind; she chose life. That's why free speech is vital in a democracy. It gives an opportunity for people to reflect and think again and perhaps change their minds... Christian Concern for our Nation PRAISE: God that a baby was saved through the brave and persistent action of Christian people. Pray that they will be exonerated and that a change of heart in favour of life will take place in the nation.

Huge Church Growth in Singapore

Day 24 BIBLE STUDY: Acts 2:42-47 The 2000 Census, the latest to date, registered nearly 15 percent of Singapores population as Christian. Since then almost all Protestant denominations have experienced phenomenal growth: Anglicans have seen a 26.17 percent increase; the Methodists, 23%; Presbyterians, 42%. But it is the largest independent denominations that registered the greatest growth. The City Harvest Church, for instance, entered 2000 with an average attendance of 7,042 people, but was nearly five times larger in 2009, with 33,812, of whom 77 percent were first-time converts to Christianity. Twenty Protestant churches are considered mega-churches, with a congregation of at least 2,000. As a major sea and air hub for Asia, Singapore is in a strategic position to reach major countries like China, India and Indonesia with the Gospel. Today, trends show that in Asian countries like Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and mainland China, Christianity is growing so fast that experts predict this region will soon be home to the largest Christian population in the world. Christian Post; CBN News; Revival Media
PRAISE: God for the explosive growth of the Gospel in Asia. Pray for faithfulness to the Word of Truth. Page 19

Conversions Increasing in Wales

BIBLE STUDY: Titus 3:4-7

Day 25

The survey of UK church attendance published by Tearfund in 2007, showed Wales has the least number of regular church goers (12%) and the highest number of people who had some church contact and now are resistant to the Gospel (46%). To address this, over 200 Welsh church leaders met recently. During the day, the results of a survey commissioned by Waleswide in 2011 were released. The poll of over 260 Welsh church leaders found that during the first decade of this millennium 5,728 people came to Christ in their churches. However in 2010 alone, 1,642 became Christians! These fastest growing churches were all connecting with their various communities: through debt counselling, Foodbank, working with prisoners, Street Pastors, and particularly working with families and young children. David Ollerton, Chairman of Waleswide said: "The greatest challenge facing church leaders in Wales is to develop intentional Gospel communities, as new churches or within existing, that are more interested in reaching out to people with few or no Christian links instead of maintaining existing structures. Christian Today PRAISE: God that there is a slow but increasing return to faith in Christ in Wales. Pray for showers!

Love Brings Bosnian Muslim to Christ

BIBLE STUDY: Galatians 2:20

Day 26

In 2005 Murat and Amina arrived at a Bosnian aid warehouse run by Operation Mobilisation (OM) in urgent need: Aminas husband was desperately sick and they had no money to heat their home. The OM Bosnia workers quickly added Amina and her neighbour Murat to their firewood distribution project and visited them soon after. They prayed for Amina, her husband and Murat, and left them with some Christian literature to read. Over the following years, the OM team often saw Murat, but he had little interest. On one occasion though, he accepted a Gospel tract and to the teams delight, he rang a few months later. They were even more overjoyed when they heard this man from an Islamic background ask if he could join their Christian prayer meetings. Over the next weeks, Murat became a regular attendee at church and made a decision to accept Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. He had been abandoned by his wife and his health was deteriorating; then he remembered the love the Christian missionaries had shown to Amina and her sick husband years before, and how their prayers had been answered. Today Murat and his new Christian wife lead a Bible study group in their home. Most of my fellow citizens have never seen an open Bible - even less owned one. Yet they look for answers and hope, often turning to other spiritual forces, he shared. They need God. Gods Word is powerful; it changed my life! Christian Today PRAISE: God that the love of Christ can penetrate the hardest soul. Pray for a move of God in Bosnia. Page 20

Teenagers Want Greater Church Role

BIBLE STUDY: 1 John 2:13-15

Day 27

Christian teenagers from across America poured out their hearts in front of an international Internet audience during a recent event, titled Groundswell: The Church of Tomorrow Speaks Today. The three-hour long conference was made up primarily of video clips in which teenage Christians shared their thoughts on the future of the church and on how churches can better reach their generation for Christ. Hope Rangle, a teenager from Alabama, said churches aren't capturing the attention of most teens, and she believes they should encourage more young people to serve others in the church. "Teenagers are often pushed aside as if they're not there, but I think the teenagers should be taken advantage of," said Rangle. "[Serving] takes you from going to a church to actually being a part of a church." While many of the teens agreed that churches need to change to become more relevant to their generation, they also said the basic message should stay the same. "Don't water down the Gospel. Be real ... You're not showing that the Gospel can be relevant by watering it down," one participant Nick Ertel said. David Kinnaman, president of The Barna Group, also offered his insights during the event. He shared some of the research that appeared in his book, You Lost Me: Why Young Christians Are Leaving Church...and Rethinking Faith, which focuses on the overwhelming number of young people who stop attending church after their teen years. Kinnaman said Christian teens want more opportunities to contribute and express their views in the church, but adults aren't pushing them to reach their potential. Ford Garner, a high school senior, indicated that his generation is just waiting for an invitation from the church. "The kids are hungry, and they want to know Christ, they just need someone to invite them ... and they really will take to it," said Garner. Kinnaman also spoke on the importance of getting churches to teach teens about how the Bible applies to their lives. Christian Headlines; Christian Post PRAISE: God that Teenagers want to be part of the Church if churches will make them feel part. Pray for vibrant youth participation in our churches.

Indiana: Number of Abortions Falling

BIBLE STUDY: Ezekiel 16:20-22

Day 28

The Indiana State Department of Health (USA) has released its 2009 abortion statistics. The numbers are frightful, but the encouraging news is that the total abortion rate in Indiana dropped by over 3% from 2008 to 2009, which amounts to 362 fewer children aborted in 2009. The total number of abortions done in 2009 is 10,557. Overall, the 2009 numbers are a 36% drop from the 16,505 abortions reported in 1980. Life News PRAISE: God for this positive trend. Pray that this trend will continue all around the world. Page 21

Growing Church Vital in South Sudan

Day 29 BIBLE STUDY: Matthew 16:17-19 According to figures from the South Sudan government, 60% of the population professes the Christian faith, while the rest of the 9 million inhabitants are either of traditional faith or Muslim. The Anglican Church in South Sudan - by far the largest denomination - numbers about 4 million, and has grown rapidly from 500,000 in the 1960s. The churches of Sudan were instrumental in the peace process that ultimately led to the birth of the new Republic of South Sudan in 2011. Sadly the country has continued to experience unrest as disputes over the central oil-producing region with its northern neighbour continue and armed groups have failed to disarm. Revival Media; AllVoices PRAISE: God that Christians in South Sudan can now enjoy the relative freedom of a non-Islamic government. Pray for Christians in the north.

Gods Crazy Love in San Francisco

Day 30 BIBLE STUDY: Luke 14:22-24 37,000 people live in 586 apartment blocks in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. Francis Chan, author of Crazy Love, is working with a new initiative, called Adopt a Building. First a prayer team starts praying for residents in a building. Then a grace team knocks on the doors and asks residents if there is anything they need: food, school supplies, prayer. After the grace team has a list of needs they will come back the next week to deliver what was requested. The teams continue the dialogue that they started the week before with those in the apartment. Chan who stepped down last year as pastor of Cornerstone Church as he began to question and rethink "how we do church" says the idea is to start making connections, to ask people if they want to learn more about God and read the Bible. The end goal is to find leaders in the apartments that can be prepared to pastor a church in their building. Christian Post PRAISE: God that a successful mega-church pastor is willing to go out and take church to the people. Pray that many may respond and know Gods grace.

A Witness to Jesus in Heart of the EU

BIBLE STUDY: Daniel 6:19-28

Day 31

The Evangelical Church in the Belgian town of Aalst was told last year that it could no longer occupy its rented building. In believing prayer they sought the Lord and, just before Christmas, were able to move into a new building, double the size, and for the same rent. Their Christmas service saw a congregation of 160 attend, with 20 who had never been before. They are impatient to see what God will do in 2012! Belgian Evangelical Mission PRAISE: God for Gospel witness in the secular EU. Page 22

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