Reported Speech

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REPORTED SPEECH 1. Direct Speech (DS) Using of quotation mark and other punctuation mark.

. (penggunaan tanda kutip dan tanda baca lainnya) Can be statement or question. (bisa dalam bentuk pernyataan maupun pernyataan) 2. Indirect Speech It can only be in statement form. (hanya dalam bentuk pernyataan) Using of period mark. (penggunaan tanda baca titik) Example: Direct Speech: The teacher said Get out! Would you come? asked Rina to me Indirect Speech: Mr. Doni told them to do their homework. R. Verb She wanted to know if I borrowed her dictionary. R. verb Mengubah Kalimat Langsung menjadi Kalimat tak Langsung Ada 3 yang berubah: 1. Pronoun (Kata Ganti) No. Direct Speech 1. Orang pertama I / We My / Our Me / Us Mine / Ours 2. Orang kedua You

Your Yours

My / Our / His / Her / Their Mine / Ours / His / Hers / Theirs

3. Orang Ketiga Orang Ketiga (tetap) 2. Tenses No. Direct Speech Indirect Speech 1. Simple Present Simple Past V-1(s/es) V-2 Am /is /are Was / were Have / has Had Will /shall /can Would /should /may /could /might 2. Simple Past V-2 Was / were Past Perfect Had + V-3 Had been Past Perfect Had + V-3 Had + been Past Perfect (tetap) Had + V-3 Had been


Indirect Speech Orang ketiga He / She / They His / Her / Their Him / Her / Them His / Hers / Theirs Orang pertama / ketiga I / We / He / She / They

Note : Tenses tidak berubah jika Reporting Verb dalam bentuk Present 3. Adverb (Keterangan) Direct Speech Indirect Speech Today That day Tonight That night Next ___ (e.g. next week) The following ____ (e.g. the following week) Last ___ (e.g. last year) The ___ before (e.g. the year before) ___ ago ( e.g. an hour ago) The ___ before (e.g. an hour before) Now Then Yesterday The day before

B.E.L.I.E.V.E. #mufc (@deroo_wahidah)

Tomorrow Here This / These

The following day There That / Those

Ada 3 Jenis kalimat Tak langsung (Indirect Speech), yaitu: 1. Statement ( Pernyataan)----> Kata Hubung : that Example: DS: She said, I have eaten. IS: She said that she had eaten. DS: Mr. Anton told me, I was ready to come with you. IS: Mr. Anton told me that he had been ready to come with me. DS: Mitha says to me, I will not come to your birthday party tomorrow. IS: Mitha says to me that she will not come to my birthday party the following day. (reporting verb dalam bentuk present, jadi tenses tidak berubah) 2. Question (Pertanyaan) Yes / No Question ----> Kata Hubung: if / whether

WH- Word Question ----> Kata Hubung: WH- Word Example: DS: Rina asked him, Where do you live? IS: Rina asked him where he lived. DS: Rina asks him, Where do you live? IS: Rina asks him where he lives. (reporting verb dalam bentuk present, jadi tenses tidak berubah) 3. Imperative ( Kal. Perintah) Direct Speech Indirect Speech Kal. perintah Positif V-1 To + V-1 Kal. Perintah negative Dont + V-1 Not + to V-1 Example: DS: He said to his friend, Come to my house! IS: He said to his friend to come to his house. DS: Mother commanded her children Dont go upstairs! IS: Mother commanded her children not to go upstairs.

Auxiliary Verb + S + ?
Example: DS: Rio said to her, Did you know me? IS: Rio said to her if/whether she had known him/Rio. DS: Rio says to her, Did you know me? IS: Rio says to her if/whether she knew him/Rio. (reporting verb dalam bentuk present, jadi tenses tidak berubah)

B.E.L.I.E.V.E. #mufc (@deroo_wahidah)

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