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Dear all, Elections for next year's SA officers are around the corner.

In the run-up to elections on 19th April, we wanted to give everyone a chance to see what the SA has been up to over the past year and help potential candidates get more insight into each of the roles. Over the coming weeks, the SA will share conversations with the current officers for each of the positions coming up for election. Today, meet Jose de Franca (MBA2012) and Andrew Wilson (MBA2012), your Student Association Campus Operations Officers.

So, what do you do day-to-day? Jose: As campus operations officers, we were responsible for liasing with the school on all operational matters- i.e. campus facilities, campus growth plans, health and safety, catering and technology. We were also responsible for helping the clubs to administer campus groups, and connecting with the Campus Groups development team on any issues or suggestions raised by the student body. What were the best things that you were able to accomplish? Jose: Firstly, we have been involved with the early stage planning for the campus expansion plans, including the planned development on the current main campus as well as the possible OMTH expansion. This will be a really exciting part of the job for next year's op reps, as they will be continuing to provide student input as these designs proceed. From a Campus Groups point of view, we continue to enhance and develop the system. We continuously work between the CG team and the students to add new functionality to the system. We've also worked closely with the school's ISD team to improve the technology offering on campus. Although we have a way to go,

the introduction of new larger capacity inboxes and Eduroam have helped to address some of the limitations from the start of the year What did you enjoy most about being on the SA? Andrew: It's been fascinating to be involved with the early stages of planning for the new campus- we've had the opportunity to walk around the OMTH and sit in initial design meetings for the new facilities, so we are providing input into designs which will hopefully be used by many future generations of LBS students. It's also been interesting to work on the schools's operations and technology strategy, and sit on some of the key governance bodies at the school. It has really given us an opportunity to see a side of the school that very few students actually get to experience in their time at LBS. It also helps to have a good network with the schools's operations teams when trying to plan events at the last minute or sorting out emergencies! What's one of the most useful things that you learned during your time in the role? Andrew: It's been really interesting to see how the operational side of the school works. We also learnt a lot about how to define and develop the school's operational strategy for growing the campus and enhancing the systems used by students. With the design work on future campus development really starting to pick up, and the new technology strategy being implemented, it's going to be a particularly exciting and interesting time to be involved in the SA from an operations point of view next year. Why did you decide to join the SA? Jose: Two reasons. Firstly, I wanted to be involved in the school community and make sure I gave something back during my second year at the school. I also knew a lot of the other people running for SA positions and seemed like a great opportunity to work for a year with some awesome individuals. Secondly, I was really interested in how the school and the SA interact, especially from an operations point of view.

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