The Adventures of The Green Avengers Part 1

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The Adventures of the Green Avengers Part 1

By Brycen Waters and Jarret Widdop

The HeroesThe Green Machine- Jason Brown The Cardboard Kid- Jimmy Wetzel Biodegrading Gal- Becky Geraci The Radical Recycler- Macey Fredericksen The Recycled Paper Princess- Stacey Fisher The VillansTeam Trash-it! Gassy-Brycen Waters Stain-Jarret Widdop The Narrator- Nashua Rosa

Narrator- Just another day here at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. The grass is green, the sun is shinning, and the recyclables are neatly placed in their proper bins! As they should be at MCLA; a truly green college. We follow the lives of 5 student leaders as they return from their Math class where they just had a test! Jimmy- Ill tell you what, that Math test was way harder than I expected! I dont think I got a single question right. Becky- Well didnt you study? Jimmy-No... thats what Im sayin! I thought it was going to be easy! Jason- Well theres your problem Jimmy! You need to study in order to get good grades... (Rustling noise of trash being shuffled around in a trash can)... Wait a minute! Everyone! Look over there! (All characters look in the other direction at a trash can. The camera zooms in on the trash to reveal that there are plastic bottles and aluminum cans stuffed in the trash can!) Macey- (stating the obvious) Those appear to be recyclables! Stacey- Oh no! They dont belong there with the trash! Theres a separate bin for things like this! Jason- This looks like a job for ... (crack of lightning as the heroes run off in different directions) (Jimmy gets confused and stands there not sure what Jason meant. Becky runs back on to grab Jimmy and they run off together). (The heroes are dressed in their super hero costumes. In a role call manner they announce their names!) Becky - Biodegrading Gal! Macey- The Radical Recycler! Stacey- The Recycled Paper Princess! Jimmy- The Cardboard Kid! Jason- and The Green Machine! And we are... All- ... THE GREEN AVENGERS! GO GREEN! (The heroes run off to the trash can and take a look at the situation. All huddled around the trash can.) Jason- This is just awful!

Stacey- Who would do a thing like this! Macey- GASP! LOOK DOWN THERE! (At the other end of the hall we find our villains (Team Trash-It). They are stuffing recyclables in the trash can and are clearly the ones who did it in the first place) Brycen- Prepare for trouble... Jarret- And make it double... Brycen-To prevent the world from becoming a recyclable nation! Jarret- To unite all landfills within our nation! Brycen- To denounce the evil of mixing trash together! Jarret- To extend our reach to light bulbs and batteries! Brycen- Gassy! Jattert- Grease! Brycen-Team Trash-It! Blasting off at the speed of light! Jarret- Surrender now or prepare to fight! Jimmy- MEOWTH THATS RIGHT! (Awkward silence as everyone stares at him with judgment faces) Green! (The heroes run down to the other end of the hallway to stop the villains!) Jason- What do you think you are doing!?! This is a green campus, where we strive to extend our recycling efforts each and every single day! Brycen- Oh No you dont! Our mission is to trash all the good plastic bottles and soda cans! Jarret- And one day make our way to throwing away batteries and light bulbs! Becky- What do we do! How do we stop them? Jason- Team huddle! (Team huddle. All huddle around each other similar to how it is done in a football game!) Macey- We must inform them of the error of their ways! Stacey- We need to teach them how to properly recycle so that way they never make this mistake again!

(all hands in!) All-Go Green! Jason- Team Trash-It! Here at MCLA we recycle a number of items that every day college students use! From paper to plastic to cardboard... (Cutting him off) Becky- And even batteries and light bulbs! You can bring them to the Berkshire Towers front desk! Macey- Each Residence Area has recycling bins in designated locations! For example Hoosac Halls is in the Vending Lobby next to the elevators. Stacey- Berkshire Towers is at the bottom of both the A-Tower and B-Tower elevators. Jimmy- And The Flagg Townhouse Apartment Complex has bins in the Green House! Jason- You can even find bins all over campus! See there is no reason for your silly ways Team Trash-It! Here let me show you! (Jason takes the plastic from the garbage and brings it to the nearest recycling bin) Brycen- Oh no! Jarret- Foiled again! Brycen & Jarret- TEAM TRASH-ITS BLASTING OFF AGAIN! (With a poof they are gone) All- Yay!!!! Narrator- Stressing their message of always recycle, another day is saved by The Green Avengers!

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