Anak Dalam Tribe

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In the center of Tanah Datar Pagaruyung own kingdom, there is an area, which Kubu Kandang.

They are expected to migrate to various areas in the western part of Jambi. While the behavior of Orang Rimba, that awkward people because their ancestors lived hundreds of years in the jungle, not knowing civilization. Their lives are very close and dependent on nature. They live seminomaden, his habit of moving from one place to another. The goal, it could be "melangun" or move when there are people dying, avoiding enemies, and opening new fields. Orang Rimba living in huts, called sesudungon, building timber, bark-walled and thatched leaves Benal Serdang. Foreigners can not arbitrarily go into the forest dwelling people of the jungle. In front of the gate there is written on the board, is prohibited Photographing and Filming. Rules were very strict and rigid. Especially taking pictures of women and the home Godong (roofed wooden houses rumbiyak). Violators will be fined rules of fabrics, from 10 sheets up to 50 sheets, depending on the decision Depati (customs officer in charge of resolving the dispute). A. Origin of Anak Dalam Kubu Tribe About the origin of Tribal Children In (Muchlas, 1975) mentions the existence of a variety of tales from the oral narrative can be traced as Gelumpang Fruit Stories. Of the nature of the Muchlas draw the conclusion that the Son comes from the three derivatives are: 1. Descendants of South Sumatra, generally live in the district of Batanghari. 2. Descendants of the Minangkabau, generally in the district of Bungo Tebo (Batanghari). 3. Descendants of the original Jambi, it is Kubu Air Hitam Bangko District (Muchlas, 1975) B. Characteristics and Culture Dalam Kubu Tribe 1. Physical characteristics and non-physical Tribal children in one of those belonging to the Mongoloid race in the first migration of the human proto-Malay. brown skin, hair slightly curly, thick soles, men and women mature much betel nut. Another physical characteristic that stands out is the appearance of their teeth are not maintained and lightly browned. This is related to their habit of smoking cessation small and barely visible hair is rarely combed and tangled because it just moistened. 2. Belief Anak Dalam tribe remote indigenous communities in general have the confidence in the gods, their ethnic term that is dewo dewo. They believe in the existence of a god who brings good if they run the rule. Tribal Child In traditional belief in the province of Jambi is in line with the schools that arepollytheisme animism and dynamism. They believe in spirits and also believe in certain places are sacred.

3. Natural Resource Management Jungle man who during his life and the activities carried out in the woods. Forest, which to them is a

priceless treasure, where they live, breed, food sources, to the place where the customs that apply to them. Melangun Culture At the time of death, the whole family Tribal Children who passed away in the deeply felt grief, they wept and wailed for one week. Most of the women up, flung his body slammed into a large tree or the ground, there is shouting and saying the words "O Lord we restore our urang nyawo dead." The bodies of the dead then covered with cloth of her ankles over her head and then raised by 3 people from sudung / house to the final resting at a cottage that is located more than 4 km into the forest. Besale Besale origin of the word as yet unknown, but may be taken literally sit down together to jointly appeal to the Almighty to be health, tranquility and prevented from danger. Besale carried out at night, led by a respected figure who called shamans. This figure should have more capabilities and is able to communicate with the unseen world / spirit. C. Community Life of Kubu tribe 1. Food They have a lot of using rice as a staple food daily. Actually, their staple food is the first time any kind of tuber that grows in the forest, such as taro, cassava, sweet potato, tuber silung and hunted animals such as wild boar, deer and others. 2. Clothing They generally not dressed, but they use cloth loincloth to cover his genitals. Their original first use of bark loincloths applicable or Serdang, but due to the loincloth of bark often cause pain due to infestation of wood that goes into the skin, so they leave it and move on with a cloth which they buy in the market through the general public. D. Equipment, Communication & Arts Kubu tribe To hunt, open fields, cutting trees, and other equipment they use is made of wood and iron. Quantities are limited types of crafts. There are handicrafts made of bamboo, leaves, rattan, grass, wood and leather. As a mat to wrap the goods or as a bed, and containers for the food, yam, fabrics, resins, honey, salt and others. Container container serves as a place to store, to bring the goods and to complement the traditional system, or as a means of exchange in the marriage ceremony. Before you have fabric to make a loincloth (kancut) person of Rimba make a loincloth of bark pounded until soft. Has long been a man of the cloth wearing loincloths and women wore long cloth worn from the navel to below the knee or calf occasionally.

E. Distribution area of Kubu tribe Areas inhabited by the tribe in the area of Children in the Park Hill XII, among others, are in the area Sorenggom River, River River Kejasung applicable and Large / Small, River and River Sukalado Makekal. The names refer to the area where they settled on the tributaries that are near their settlements. Orang Rimba living in the small group that always occupies both banks of the river in the body of the great river or creek from downstream to upstream. Although they rarely use the river as a place to clean himself, but the existence of the river as a means to their lives, especially for drinking water needs, so that their settlement is not always directed away from the rivers

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