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Learn PHP in 14 Days English | 976736 | VP6F | 15fps 368kbps | MP3 96kbps | 768MB It s easy with

It s the only step-by-step guided approach to learning PHP, where I ll teach you how to create web Day 1: Unit 1 Course Introduction Review why this course is the best way to learn PHPperiod! Stop struggling, and start learning. It s easy with It s the only step-by-step guided approach to learning PHP, where I ll teach you how to create web applications, enhance existing websites and tools, and put cash in your pocketwhile simultaneously giving you access to me to get your questions answered, any time day or night My promise to you By the end of the course, you ll have a strong foundation in common PHP concepts with the ability to build on them to write your own code and edit other people s code A review of the topics covered How the course structure lets you easily learn PHP How to get your questions answeredeven ones specific to YOUR code and ones not answered in the videos A review of the tools used, including installing them and becoming familiar with them Day 2: Unit 2 PHP Basics PHP is Powerful, Flexible, and FREE, but you must know how to use it. Don t worry, you re about to learn, and you ll wonder how you were ever gonna learn PHP without this course We dive right into PHP codestarting basic so anyone can learn, and then aggressively building on each topic for even the most advanced developers You ll create your first PHP script! It really is simple, and I ll show you how. Day 3: Unit 3 Variables and Operators As you know, variables are key when it comes programming, and I ll make learning PHP variables simple, easy, and effective We ll even cover the assignment operator, various ways you can use to compare data, and PHP s only ternary operator You can begin variable names with letters and this one character You can t name your own variable by this name, otherwise you ll drive yourself nuts trying to figure out what s wrong with your code The absolute most important thing you must do to your variables not doing so could let others access your data! The difference between variables and constants in PHP, and how to use them How to group variables with strings If you want to print a variable inside a string, you must do this one thing, otherwise PHP will print nothing! How to concatenate strings Creating and using arrays Advanced Topic: Creating and using dynamic variables (variables of variables) Day 4: Unit 4 Control Structures and Conditionals (Loops and If-Statements)

The while loopand how to write it two different ways The do-while loopand its alternative The for loopincluding how to use comma-separated or empty expressions in the loop statement How to increase performance with a for loop If you re not doing this, you re probably writing slow code PHP s very special way to iterate over arrays quickly, saving you valuable time and energy The switch and case statements as alternatives for if statements How to use continue and break and the very important difference between them! PHP 5.3.0+ brings a new conditional I ll show you Day 5: Unit 5 Include Files and Functions How to reuse code from one project to the next, saving your precious time and energy How to reuse code within the same project, no more re-writing it again and again How to make your code easier to read so you can come back to it days, weeks, or even years later and still know what it does and how it does it How to divide and conquer big problems into smaller and easier-to-read code functions This alone will eliminate a ton of frustration when writing complicated code. What s complicated in theory is easy with PHPafter learning from The difference between the 4 ways to reference include files You wouldn t want your code to continue if your database weren t available, now would you? Why it is critical to know how PHP treats variables in reusable code If you don t know this, you ll pull your hair out, wondering why variables aren t being set to what you expect The importance of variable scope within functions If you want a function to access variables created outside of the function, you must use this keyword Day 6: Unit 6 Forms: Data In, Data Out, Sanitizing Learn how to create an HTML form, supercharged with PHP, to communicate with the visitors of your site We ll cover textboxes, checkboxes, combo boxes (drop-down menus), radio buttons, submit and reset buttons, and more The one thing you must always remember when using radio buttons Learn how to make your form work, even if you rename the script The 3 different ways to get the data from a formand when to use each 3 different ways to sanitize information received from users, including a special set of functions just for being an member! Days 7 and 8: Unit 7 MySQL Why you should use a database rather than a flat-file to store and access your data The absolute BEST MySQL admin tool on the planet that saves you time, increases efficiency, helps to ensure accuracy, that is both easy to use for beginners and highly advanced for experienced people at the same time! The one thing to keep in mind when building database-driven applications that was deemed a trade secret it was banned in schools How to connect to a MySQL database How to query a MySQL database

4 different ways to handle data received from a query and when to use each so your code works quickly and accurately Day 9: Unit 8 Advanced Forms: Pre-population and Pre-selection We take Unit 6 to the next level Learn how to create HTML form elements that utilize data from MySQL through PHP code Create dynamically-populated form elements that come pre-selected to the correct values How to pre-populate and pre-select with textboxes, checkboxes, combo boxes (drop-down menus), radio buttons, submit buttons, reset buttons, and text areas How to use checkbox arrays to make multi-variable selection even easier PHP makes it simple, and I ll show you how to do it. Days 10 and 11: Unit 9 Sessions and Cookies Take your dynamic websites to the next level with user sessions and cookies You ll learn how to ask a user to login to your site and how to verify their login credentials We ll cover the differences between sessions and cookieswhen to use eachand more importantly, when NOT to use each How to implement sessionsincluding the hidden secret to getting around a common PHP error that most newbies make How to implement cookiesincluding how to check for browser support Day 12: Unit 10 Time and Date Learn how to display the time and/or date on your website Create time-based access to your site Track when a user takes a specific action on your page The difference between 2 PHP time and date functions, and when to use each The absolute best way to store a date in a database If you re not doing this, you re making it too hard on yourself How to do date arithmetic to get tomorrow s date, yesterday s date, even a date 6 months ago! Days 13 and 14: Bonus Unit Working with Files: Receiving Files from Users How to receive a file uploaded from a user to create tools like ticket systems, email programs, social networking sites, and even a web-based program I wrote to manage a computer programming competition There are 2 ways to store user files One way you ll pull your hair out implementing. The other way, I ll show you, and it s way easier than you think! How to restrict the user from uploading files you don t want to receive so your code continues to work every single day How to view the files uploaded from a user, all from PHP, including how I bypassed a web server directory listing restriction through a simple, yet powerful and secure, PHP script. Download Links

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