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MATH 2374, Morning Spring 2011 Exam 1: Solutions February 22, 2011 Time limit: 50 minutes

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This exam contains 7 pages (including this cover page) and 5 problems. Check to make sure you have all 7 pages. Enter all requested information at the top of this page, and put your initials on the top of every page, in case the pages become separated. You are allowed to take one-half of one (doubled-sided) 8.5 inch 11 inch sheet of notes into the exam. Do not give numerical approximations to quantities such as sin 5, , or simplify cos = 2/2, e0 = 1, and so on. 4 The following rules apply: Show your work, in a reasonably neat and coherent way, in the space provided. All answers must be justied by valid mathematical reasoning, including the evaluation of denite and indenite integrals. To receive full credit on a problem, you must show enough work so that your solution can be followed by someone without a calculator. Mysterious or unsupported answers will not receive full credit. Your work should be mathematically correct and carefully and legibly written. A correct answer, unsupported by calculations, explanation, or algebraic work will receive no credit; an incorrect answer supported by substantially correct calculations and explanations might still receive partial credit. Full credit will be given only for work that is presented neatly and logically; work scattered all over the page without a clear ordering will receive little to no credit. In the event that you cannot t your entire answer in the space provided, clearly indicate where the answer continues. 2. However, you should

1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL

30 pts 25 pts 30 pts 30 pts 25 pts 140 pts

MATH2374 Spring 2011

Exam 1 Page 2 of 7

February 22, 2011

1. (30 pts) In this question, consider the function f (x, y) = 3x y 3 + 2y 2 . (a) Compute the tangent plane of the graph z = f (x, y) at the point where (x, y) = (5, 1). Write your answer in the form Ax + By + Cz + D = 0. Ans: We have fx (x, y) = 3 and fy (x, y) = 3y 2 +4y, so at the point (5, 1), we have fx (5, 1) = 3, fy (5, 1) = 3 + 4 = 1, and f (5, 1) = 15 1 + 2 = 16. Then the equation of the tangent plane to z = f (x, y) at (5, 1) is z = f (5, 1) + fx (5, 1)(x 5) + fy (5, 1)(y 1), z = 16 + 3(x 5) + 1(y 1), z = 16 + 3x 15 + y 1, 0 = 3x + y z.

(b) Find a linear approximation to f (x, y) at the point (x, y) = (5, 1). Use a linear approximation to estimate f (5.1, 0.8). Ans: The linear approximation to f at (5, 1) is L(x, y) = 3x + y by part (a). Then f (5.1, 0.8) L(5.1, 0.8) = 3(5.1) + 0.8 = 15.3 + 0.8 = 16.1.

MATH2374 Spring 2011

Exam 1 Page 3 of 7

February 22, 2011

2. (25 pts) Suppose that atmospheric pressure at position (x, y, z) is given by the function P (x, y, z) = 4 + x2 3x2 ez 2

If you were located at position (1, 2, 0), nd the direction that you would need to move in order to decrease the atmospheric pressure as quickly as possible. Write your answer in the form of a unit vector. Ans: The function P is decreasing the fastest when the direction u is in the opposite direction as P (1, 2, 0). To nd u, we must rst nd the gradient of P .

P (x, y, z) = (Px , Py , Pz ) = (x 6xez , 0, 3x2 ez ), P (1, 2, 0) = (1 6e0 , 0, 3e0 ) = (5, 0, 3).

Therefore P is decreasing fastest when u has the same direction as P (1, 2, 0) = (5, 0, 3). That is, P (1, 2, 0) (5, 0, 3) 3 5 u= = = , 0, . P (1, 2, 0) 25 + 0 + 9 34 34

MATH2374 Spring 2011

Exam 1 Page 4 of 7

February 22, 2011

3. (30 pts) Consider the function f (x, y, z) = (x+xy y, xz z 3 ), and suppose g(u, v) : R2 R2 is a function whose matrix of partial derivatives at (u, v) = (3, 1) is given by Dg(3, 1) = 3 1 1 1

Find the matrix of partial derivatives of the function g f at the point (2, 1, 1). Ans: We start by computing the derivative matrix of f at (2, 1, 1): f (x, y, z) = Df (x, y, z) = Df (2, 1, 1) = Then the Chain Rule states that D(g f )(2, 1, 1) = Dg(f (2, 1, 1))Df (2, 1, 1) = Dg(3, 1)Df (2, 1, 1) = = 3 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 0 1 x + xy y u(x, y, z) = , xz z 3 v(x, y, z)
u x v x u y v y u z v z

1+y x1 0 , z 0 x 3z 2

2 1 0 . 1 0 1

5 3 1 . 1 1 1

MATH2374 Spring 2011

Exam 1 Page 5 of 7

February 22, 2011

4. (30 pts) Let v be a unit vector in the direction of (3, 4) and w a unit vector in the direction of (1, 1). Suppose directional derivatives of the function f (x, y) at the point (0, 0) are given by Dv f (0, 0) = 1 and Dw f (0, 0) = Find the gradient Ans: For now, say f (0, 0). f (0, 0) = (a, b). The vectors v and w are 3 4 , 5 5 and (1, 1) = w= 1+1 1 1 , 2 2 . 2

(3, 4) v= = 9 + 16

Since for any unit vector u = (u1 , u2 ) we have Du f (0, 0) = a system of two linear equations: 3 4 a + b = 1, 5 5 1 1 a + b = 2. 2 2

f (0, 0) u = au1 + bu2 , we have

There are several ways to solve this system. One way is to rst clear the denominators by multiplying the rst equation by 5 and the second equation by 2. This gives us a system of equations 3a + 4b = 5 a + b = 2 with integer coecients, which is easier to deal with. If we then multiply the second equation by 3 and add it to the rst equation, we get 7b = 5 + 6 = 1, 1 b= . 7 This in turn tells us a = b 2 =
1 7

14 7

13 7 .

Therefore, the gradient of f at (0, 0) is 13 1 , 7 7 .

f (0, 0) =

MATH2374 Spring 2011

Exam 1 Page 6 of 7

February 22, 2011

5. (25 pts) In this question, consider the parametrized curve h(t) = (t2 , t3 , t). (a) Give a parametrization of the line tangent to this curve when t = 2. Ans: To get the equation of a line, we need a point on the line and a vector in the direction of the line. The tangent line to g must match g when t = 2, so one point on the line will be g(2) = (4, 8, 2). The direction for the tangent line is given by a vector tangent to the curve, such as g (2). We have g (t) = (2t, 3t2 , 1), so g (2) = (4, 12, 1). The tangent line to g at t = 2 therefore has equation (t) = g(2) + tg (2) = (4, 8, 2) + t(4, 12, 1) = (4 4t, 8 + 12t, 2 + t). We could have also shifted the parameter (as they do in the book), so that the tangent line and the curve match when t = 2. This would give an equation which looks like (t) = g(2) + (t + 2)g (2) = (4, 8, 2) + (t + 2)(4, 12, 1) = (4 4t, 16 + 12t, t). Either of these is a correct parametric equation for the line.

(b) Find all times t where the tangent vector to this curve is parallel to the plane 6x y = 0. Ans: This plane has normal vector n = (6, 1, 0), so g (t) = (2t, 3t2 , 1) will be parallel to this plane whenever n and g (t) are perpendicular. That is, when n g (t) = 0, (6, 1, 0) (2t, 3t2 , 1) = 0, 12t 3t2 + 0 = 0, 3t(4 t) = 0. Thus the tangent vector to g is parallel to the plane when t = 0 and t = 4.

MATH2374 Spring 2011

Exam 1 Page 7 of 7

February 22, 2011


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