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SimCity 3000 : Cheats

To add all buildings to the Landmarks window and remove the 10 landmark limit: 1. Open the Power Plant window. 2. Click the close box in the window title bar. 3. Open the Rewards & Opportunities window. 4. Click the close box in the window title bar. 5. Open the Garbage Utilities window. 6. Click the close box in the window title bar. 7. Open the Landmarks window. This code makes all of the structures in the game available for free. It also allows you to place as many structures as you want (including duplicate structures). Note: If you open any other window, you will have to repeat the steps above to reactivate this cheat.

Cheat Codes:
To enter a cheat code press <COMMAND-OPTION-SHIFT-C> to display a cheat window. Enter a cheat code in the window and press <RETURN>. I AM WEAK NERDZ ROOL PAY TRIBUTE TO YOUR KING SALT ON SALT OFF STOP FORCING ADVICE TERRAIN ONE UP TERRAIN ONE DOWN TERRAIN TEN UP TERRAIN TEN DOWN CALL COUSIN VINNIE ZYXWVU Note: For this code to work, you must use the "CALL COUSIN VINNIE" code first and decline the cash. GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT POWER TO THE MASSES WATER IN THE DESERT I LOVE RED TAPE Makes everything free. Turns all of your industries into high-tech. Gives you all rewards. Makes all water salty. Makes all water fresh. Turns off advisors. Raises the selected terrain by one. Lowers the selected terrain by one. Raises the selected terrain by ten. Lowers the selected terrain by ten. Offers you cash in the Meet window. Gives you the SimCity Castle.


Gives you access to all garbage structures. Gives you access to all power plant structures. Gives you access to all water plant structures. Changes the description of City Hall to "Miles and Miles of Red Tape". Also changes the year to 1900. Causes all connected petitioners to make deals with you. Gives you a swarm of UFOs when you select


UFO from the Disaster menu. Causes a flock of birds to fly over the city. Causes Mortimer to say the text that follows this code. Causes Gus to say the text that follows this code. Causes Karen to say the text that follows this code. Causes Randall to say the text that follows this code.

The following codes cause a message to appear: BROCCOLI PORNTIPSGUZZARDO BAT SCURK LLAMA EASTER EGG SIM HELP WILL WRIGHT ERTS ELECTRONIC ARTS TICKER MONEY SIMCITY SIMON SAYS HELLO MAYOR SC3K 1234 MAXIS MOREMONEY ADVISOR HINTS Trash incinerators, recycling centers, and waste/energy converters all need to have road or rail access to residential, commercial, and industrial zones in the city subways will not work. It is not necessary for the road or rail to touch all sides of a zone a short segment on one side is sufficient. If you have a group of government buildings (like a block of schools and colleges), you should include a police station in the group to reduce crime. You may need more than one police station, depending on the size of the block. There does not appear to be a crime problem near water structures, power plants, or trash disposal facilities.

Occasionally, the news ticker will display "Sims fail local spelling bee" and other negative education-related press. You shouldn't worry too much about these messages at the beginning of a game, because the EQ starts off low. Only time and sufficient school/college/museum/library capacity will correct this problem. Expect to wait at least 20 years with an overabundance of educational buildings (in relation to the population) before the EQ improves to an acceptable level. EQ can rise to 150, but it may take at least 35 years. When you lay seaport tiles, they often fill up quickly with buildings and piers. This usually causes a ticker message warning that the seaport is not developing. While this is technically true (there are no spaces for new seaport buildings), you don't necessarily need to lay more seaport tiles. Each tile supports an industrial population of 250. Road and rail connections will also support industrial population needs, as does the space port. If you make a deal with a neighboring city to sell excess power or water, be aware that cutting the connection or providing insufficient quantities (even when the game is paused) will kill the deal. If you are rearranging your supply grid, make sure you build the replacement items first, wait a month, then destroy the old connections. If you destroy the existing connections first, it will take at least a month before the new connections are in place. Note: For a garbage deal, you do get a couple of months of leeway before the deal is cancelled. Occasionally you will get false news ticker messages, such as "Crossing guards wanted" in a subway-only city. Be careful to separate false messages from legitimate ones. If in doubt, use Impact Analysis or ask an advisor. Encourage mass-transit by enacting the supporting ordinances. As soon as it is available, enact the Shuttle ordinance to increase the distance that SimCitizens build away from transportation. Check the Ordinances window frequently the Shuttle ordinance usually appears within 18 months and the ticker is slow to notify you of its availability. Locate seaports, incinerators, industrial zones, and airports away from residential and commercial zones. The best locale for these items is the edge of the map. Over time, roads can be replaced with subway routes to get rid of traffic-related pollution. Anti-pollution ordinances and water treatment plants also help reduce over-all pollution levels. This material was exported from the Codebook 4:

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