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Imagine Cup 2011

Imagine the World Where Everyone Gets Equal Accessibility to Education

Edison Project Education in Social Network Laskar Punakawan Team

Team Member
Guntoro Doni Ramadhan Muhammad Taufik Ismail Satryo Bakuh Sem Matabei

Telkom Institute of Technology

We are Laskar Punakawan. We studied at Telkom Institute of Technology and we are purposed to compete in Imagine Cup 2011. We worked together to build a project called Edison.

Lack of education is one of the toughest worlds problems. Many countries still have their residents that dont have access to education. Some have, but usually they have to pay for education. So education is still restricted for some people. Many men are education-less and cant get job. Because the lack of education, many men become unemployed, they dont have skills that required for the job they wanted. But with education there are higher chances that they could get job easily. Many countries are poor because their citizens are education-less. Lacks of education affect many aspects of a country. Economy of a country will be higher if productivity of each individual worker is higher too. Education is expensive. Yet there are so many problems in its administration. So we need education access that is simple and free. Many disabled cant gain education. They want to learn, but they just cant get to their school with their own. They need something to learn at their home, so they dont have to leave their own place.

Our Solution
Our solution is Edison. Edison is a concept which everybody can learn easily, freely, and socially in our web. In our web, user can learn anything they want freely. There are virtual college, social network, forum, and blogging feature in our web. We also provide some material from the expert directly so we can responsible for the material in it. Edison is very easy to use. At least, when you know how to browse Internet, youll get to used with Edison. Our web is uniquely is an excellent composition of Social Network and e-Learning. Everybody can share their own life experience, comment on it, but always stay connected to study easily. And everything is for free.

User Interaction Concept

We design the system so a user can use all feature just with one id. Once the user register, he/she can join a virtual college, join forum, and many others, and absolutely got social network feature. Thats what we are providing: One id, All Feature, and all of that for sure are FREE.

User Scenario

System Architecture
Hardware Architecture
Web server Database server Backup Server Client

Server for run our system. Our main server for save Edison data and user data. Place for backup our data to avoid lost data. We recommend at least there are two backup server. User device that can access a webpage.

Hardware Connection illustration

Edison Software Architecture

o Deployment Software

Windows Server 2008 IIS SQL Sever 5.1.37 o

Server operating system for our system. Web server that compatible with Windows Server 2008. Our database Server.

Development Software

Visual Studio 2010

IDE that helps develop our code.

Business Model
Target Customer Edison is expected to be used globally. And our main target is: 1. People who needs education. 2. Institution who needs system education, especially for e-learning. 3. Government who will receive report to make an action for solving the problem. Potential User Every Internet users have got potential to be user of Edison. And there are approximately 1,966,514,816 users nowadays (source: So there are around 2 million people are potent to be our user. Value Preposition There are so many benefits when Edison is deployed, such as: 1. Easy learning for everyone. 2. Easy teaching for lecturer. 3. Share knowledge. 4. Social network. Partners 1. Media Media is the must partner we have to get. Because with media everybody will get attention to our solution. So it will be faster to solve education problem. 2. Government Government will support us because we provide a very good education system.

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