Final Exam Math 134: Elizabeth Denne 18th December 2006

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Final Exam Math 134

Elizabeth Denne 18th December 2006

INSTRUCTIONSPLEASE READ CAREFULLY!! This exam consists of 11 questions. You must do all the questions. (Some questions have several parts.) The exam is out of a possible 140 points. The deadline to submit solutions is 4:30pm on January 12th. Failure to submit by this time will result in a grade of zero! Exams may be submitted in person to my oce, or placed in an envelope and put in my (snail) mailbox outside of SC 325. During the take home exam period YOU MAY NOT TALK TO ANYBODY ABOUT THE EXAM (except me). This is an open book exam. You may use any results that were proved in class, or as part of your reading or as part of your homework provided you state them clearly. To make the job of grading easier please: 1. write your name on your solutions and staple all pages together 2. write on one side of the paper and submit the problems in the order assigned 3. write neatly! I will be available for consultations during the exam period. I can help you with the following sorts of problems: 1. you dont understand the question 2. you are stuck on how to get started 3. you would like to discuss some of the material covered in class or from the homework 4. you have done a computation and want to check the result. Note that I will give the same information out to everybody (especially for hints to get you started). Consultation times are listed on the course webpage. I can also answer some questions by email (allow 24 hours for an answer).

1. (10=3+7 points) (a) What is the denition of a dierentiable manifold? (b) Prove that S 2 (the unit sphere in R3 ) is a dierentiable manifold. Please use the denition of a dierentiable manifold to do this. 2. (10=4+6 points) (a) In class we discussed two equivalent denitions of an orientable manifold. Please state them. (b) Prove that S 2 (the unit sphere in R3 ) is an orientable manifold. 3. (10 points) Deduce the inverse function theorem from the implicit function theorem. Please use the statements of the theorems given below. (Note: in class we deduced the implicit function theorem from the inverse function theorem. In this question you are going the other way.) Implicit Function Theorem: Suppose f : Rn Rm Rm is C 1 (continuously dierentiable) in an open set containing (a, b) and f (a, b) = 0. Let M be the m m matrix f i whose (i, j)th entry is xn+j (a, b) for 1 i, j m. If det M = 0, there is an open set A Rn containing a and an open set B Rm containing b with the following property: for each x A there is a unique g(x) B such that f (x, g(x)) = 0. The function g is dierentiable. Inverse Function Theorem: Suppose that f : Rn Rn is C 1 on an open set containing the point a and det Df (a) = 0. Then there is an open set V containing a and an open set W containing f (a) such that f : V W has a continuous inverse f 1 : W V which is dierentiable and for all y W satises Df 1 (y) = (Df (f 1 (y)))1 . (In other words, the Jacobian matrix of f 1 at y is the inverse of the Jacobian matrix of f at f 1 (y).) x y with real coecients z w and det A = 1 and AAT diagonal (that is, o-diagonal entries all 0). 4. (15=4+7+4 points) Let M = all 2 2 matrices A = (a) Describe M as the solution set of 2 equations in 4 variables. (b) Show M is a manifold. (c) Let M = {(x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) R4 : g 1 (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = 0, g 2 (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = 0}. At 1 ,g 2 1 2 3 1 x0 = (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) M , (x(g2 ,x3) 4 ) |x0 = . 1 ,x 0 0 0 0 ,x 1 2 3 0 Around x0 in M , ???? are smooth functions of ????. Fill in the ???? and give a short explanation of your answer.

5. (20=2+8+2+2+2+4 points) On M = R3 = {(x1 , x2 , x3 )}, let = x1 dx2 dx3 x2 dx3 dx1 + x3 dx1 dx2 . Dene : [0, 1]3 = {(u1 , u2 , u3 ) : 0 ui 1} R3 by: x1 = (4 + u3 cos(2u1 )) cos(2u2 ), x2 = (4 + u3 cos(2u1 )) sin(2u2 ), x3 = u3 sin(2u1 ). (a) Find d. (b) Write as a signed sum of 2-cubes. Give the formula for each 2-cube. (c) Why can your answer in (b) be simplied to only 2 terms? (d) Show 3,0 = 0. (e) Therefore = 3,1 . You have seen 3,1 before; sketch the surface it covers. (Please draw a decent sized picture thanks!) (f ) Explain how to nd without computation. (It is OK to describe it geometrically if you dont know the formula.) 6. (10 points) If only the surface were closed... 1 Let = z 2 xdy dz ( 3 y 3 + tan z)dx dz + (x2 z + y 2 )dx dy. Compute

where S is the top half of the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 (including the boundary), oriented so that the boundary circle is oriented anti-clockwise when viewed from above. ...then we could use Stokess Theorem. 7. (8 points) On any smooth manifold M : if is an exact r-form, and is a closed s-form, show that is exact. 8. (12=4+8 points) Show that all line integrals of = P dx+Q dy+R dz are independent of path only if the value of the integral over any closed (piecewise C 1 ) path is zero. Use this and Stokes theorem to obtain a condition on P , Q, R which is sucient to show independence of the path. [Assume is dened on all of R3 .] 9. (7+8 points) Lie brackets and parallel parking. (a) Let X, Y be smooth vector elds on a smooth manifold M and let f, g be smooth functions on M . Prove that [f X, gY ] = f g[X, Y ] + f (Xg)Y g(Y f )X. 3

(b) Consider a rod of unit length in the plane R2 . One end (the pointer, or front wheels) is free to move to any point (x, y) R2 . The other end (the slider, or rear wheels) must follow at distance one. The conguration is described by (x, y, ) R2 S 1 , where the pointer is at (x, y) and the slider at (x + cos , y + sin ). The pointer can move arbitrarily, but the slider always follows along at distance one its motion is always along the line connecting the two points. We can express this condition by saying that the motion of the rod in its phase space R2 S 1 is always tangent to the planes spanned by two particular vectorelds X= + sin x Y = cos . y

Compute the Lie bracket [X, Y ]. (Hint: part (a) may be helpful. Also remember that for coordinate vector elds in a coordinate neighborhood, [ ui , uj ] = 0 since mixed second partial derivatives are the same in either order.) Extra credit: give a short explanation of why the functions sin and cos appear in the expressions for X and Y . Remark: When parallel parking a car, one must make use of this Lie bracket [X, Y ]. Only two dimensions of control are available directly, but luckily their bracket gives the third direction of motion in the phase space. 10. (15=4+5+6 points) In the last lecture of class we briey discussed the fact that a smooth vector eld X on a smooth manifold M determines two operators iX and LX . The denitions of these operators are found in the exercises of Boothby Chapter 5 section 8. (Please ask me if you are confused.) On R3 , consider the 2-form = y dx dz + sin(xy) dx dy + ex dy dz and the vector eld X = z y . Compute (a) d (b) iX (c) LX 11. (15 points) Dene the Lie derivative for 2-forms by LX () = iX (d) + d(iX ), for vector elds by LX Y = [X, Y ], and for functions by LX f = Xf . Using the rules for the exterior derivative d, prove that LX satises the Leibnitz-type relation LX ((Y, Z)) = (LX )(Y, Z) + (LX Y, Z) + (Y, LX Z). Hint: remember Cartans formula for 1 and 2-forms. HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY AND SEE YOU IN JANUARY! 4

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