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EDTC6139: Selection and Integration of Multimedia Reflection

State the competency or standard that is appropriate for your degree and licensure area. This could be standards for 077 licensure or ISTE Advanced Standards for Technology Facilitators. When appropriate you may use standards from the Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT). Choose one or two standards that most representative of your artifact. The reflection should include discussion for each of the standards youve identified for the artifact. TF-II.C. Identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability. 1. Assist teachers as they identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability based on district and state standards.

TF-IV.C. Apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine students appropriate use of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity. 2. Examine and apply the results of a research project that includes evaluating the use of a specific technology in a P-12 environment. Describe requirements for your artifact. What was assigned and how did you complete the project. Only 100 to 150 words are needed for this section. Include theoretical base for what you did in the project. Include references to textbook authors, readings, and online resources discussed in your course. EDTC6139-Selection and Integration of Multimedia was taught during the first summer session of 2011 by Dr. Carol Brown. The course focused on review and evaluation of instructional software that correlates to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. We also designed instructional activities that enhance the learning of our students using the software. The final project for this course was to prepare a collection of multimedia resources available to teachers and create portfolio using these resources. Within our portfolio, we were to tell the Standard Course of Study objective each resource met, an idea for integration, as well as describe potential problems a teacher may encounter. Our text, Instructional Technology and Media for Learning by Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell helped me to understand 21st Century Learners and engage those learners with computers and Web 2.0 Tools. The multimedia selection used as the artifact for this course was based on information gained in Chapter 3 of the 10th edition of this text. This chapter focused on the selection and utilization of technology, media, and materials. We also discussed, in the class, the variance between using technology as a means of being the tool, tutor, or tutee.

Alicia Ray

EDTC6139: Selection and Integration of Multimedia Reflection

Explain how your artifact is a good example of the objective, competency, or standard. Defend your evidence as if you were a lawyer defending the validity of evidence submitted for the trial. Include references to theory in Instructional Design and Technology. TF-II.C.1 (ISTE Standards) states that Candidates assist teachers as they identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability based on district and state standards. I believe I met this as well as objective following it, TF-II.C.2 which states that Candidates model technology integration using resources that reflect content standards. Meeting the second objective was the outcome of the artifact; however by meeting the second objective, I can now in turn meet the first objective. I can meet this objective because I am now able to assist teachers searching for valid and reliable technology resources to integrate into their classroom based on the district and state standards. TF-IV.C.2 (ISTE Standards) states that Candidates examine and apply the results of a research project that includes evaluating the use of a specific technology in a P-12 environment. I met this standard because the research project was the finding, evaluating, and final selection of multimedia resources that were included in the artifact. I used both teacher-centered strategies, as well as student-centered strategies for integration of the selections made, which shows the application of the results. The teachercentered and student-centered strategies came from the text for the course by Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell. Discuss how you might change the content, strategy, or design of the artifact. If you see no need for change, elaborate on the artifact is a good exemplar for the competency or standard. Upon reflection of my project for EDTC6139, I would change the design of the artifact. I used the basic template for the project, but now I would make my own template that is more in-depth. Our school has many technologies available to us, so I would have included more eBooks, iPod/iPad apps, SmartTable resources, and digital camera and video camera resources. I would have organized the selections by the hardware used to run the software. My template included only websites, which is not fully encompassing of the multimedia we currently have available. Discuss how the artifact is representative of future career goals and plans. My future goals and plans are to be an instructional technologist for elementary schools. The selection of multimedia will be a key element of my position and will probably be one of the biggest helps to my teachers. I believe its important for me to also teach the teachers about the importance of selecting multimedia that is relevant and not just because its fun. One of the most important pieces of knowledge I can give my teachers, as I have learned in this course, is to integrate multimedia that serves as a tool, a tutor, and a tutee. It is vital to integrate each piece of the puzzle, otherwise the multimedia will not be well-rounded. References Smaldino, S. E., Lowther, D. L., & Russell, J. D. (2012). Instructional technology and media for learning (10th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

Alicia Ray

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