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EDTC6070: Digital Literacy for the 21st Century Classroom Reflection

State the competency or standard that is appropriate for your degree and licensure area. This could be standards for 077 licensure or ISTE Advanced Standards for Technology Facilitators. When appropriate you may use standards from the Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT). Choose one or two standards that most representative of your artifact. The reflection should include discussion for each of the standards youve identified for the artifact. TF-III.A. Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards. 3. Use methods and strategies for teaching concepts and skills that support integration of research tools. TF-V.D. Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning 1. Model the use of telecommunications tools and resources for information sharing, remote information access, and multimedia/hypermedia publishing in order to nurture student learning. Describe requirements for your artifact. What was assigned and how did you complete the project. Only 100 to 150 words are needed for this section. Include theoretical base for what you did in the project. Include references to textbook authors, readings, and online resources discussed in your course. EDTC6070-Digital Literacy for the 21st Century Classroom was taught during the first summer session of 2011 by Dr. Carol Brown. The course focused on informing teachers and other educational personnel about information communication and technology (ICT) skills. The artifact I have chosen for this course was one in which I completed a research model on the effectiveness of Skype in the classroom. Skype is a telecommunication device in which two or more individuals/groups can meet face-to-face through webcams from a computer in any location with internet access. It is a simple, free software download which can also double as an instant messaging tool. I completed my research using the I-Search model. The I-Search model involves the steps: creating a personal web describing why the subject was chosen, a personal web reflection, pre-note taking 1 about what the learner already knows, reading the information without note-taking, pre-note taking 2 creating questions about the topic based on the information read, a double-entry draft in which the learner moves past simply answering questions, what the learner learned, and finally a conclusion, which is usually the presentation of information gained. (

Alicia Ray

EDTC6070: Digital Literacy for the 21st Century Classroom Reflection

Explain how your artifact is a good example of the objective, competency, or standard. Defend your evidence as if you were a lawyer defending the validity of evidence submitted for the trial. Include references to theory in Instructional Design and Technology. TF-III.A.3 states Candidates use methods and strategies for teaching concepts and skills that support integration of research tools. I met this objective because the information gained throughout completion of an I-Search model is instrumental in my classroom teaching. I can now use this method of I-Search to support integration of research into my classroom. I can also pass on the knowledge I have gained to other teachers who desire to complete research projects but are not sure where to begin. The I-Search model is a great research tool to use. TF-V.D.1 states Candidates model the use of telecommunication tools and resources for information sharing, remote information access, and multimedia/hypermedia publishing in order to nurture student learning. The content of my I-Search model was Skype and its effectiveness in the classroom. Skype models the use of telecommunications to share information with other schools/classroom. Discuss how you might change the content, strategy, or design of the artifact. If you see no need for change, elaborate on the artifact is a good exemplar for the competency or standard. Upon reflection of my project for EDTC6070, I would not change anything within the artifact. Upon completion of I-Search for this course, I used the model within my own classroom and broke down each step for them. We found a bug in our classroom that no one could identify. It was over 2 inches long and had these huge eye spots. My kids were so fascinated by the bug that I took it as a teachable moment. We pulled out laptops and I used the I-Search model to help them create their own personal web, brainstorming what the bug looked like, find valuable resources online (evaluating them as we went), then we did a note-taking session, similar to the notes from I-Search. We had a column labeled Fact (for content) and a column labeled Opinion (for response). Each time the students found a fact, they would write their own opinion next to it as a response. We ended up finding out so much about our bug! We ended up naming the poor dead bug Earl, just because the students felt it was somehow wrong to know so much about him, but not give him a name! Ha! It is a great method for research and seemed simple enough for my fifth graders to understand. (By the way, Earl is a Eyed Click Beetle.) Discuss how the artifact is representative of future career goals and plans. This artifact is representative of my future career goal as an instructional technologist for elementary schools because Common Core focuses on inquiry ( Inquiry is basically asking questions and researching to find answers. I-Search is a great model to use for inquiry as it really makes the research process more personal. I look forward to using this as an instructional technology to help the teachers and students to connect to their research method.

Alicia Ray

EDTC6070: Digital Literacy for the 21st Century Classroom Reflection

References Zorfass, J., & Dorsen, J. (n.d.). Virtual Information Inquiry: I-SEARCH. Virtual Information Inquiry: Student Information Scientists and Instructional Specialists in the Learning Laboratory. Retrieved June 6, 2011, from Common Core State Standards Initiative | The Standards. (n.d.). Common Core State Standards Initiative | Home. Retrieved June 6, 2011, from Fryer, Wesley. Skype in the Classroom. 2005. Tallman, J, Joyce, M. Making the Writing and Research Connection with the I-Search Process. SKYPE in the classroom - Classroom 2.0. Classroom 2.0. Retrieved June 6, 2011, from Marotta, M. (2009) Skype in Education. technologypd. Retrieved June 6, 2011, from

Alicia Ray

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