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Q.1: name the different parts of a growing long bone. Name the blood supply of an adult long bone. Why osteomyelitis is more common in the bones of children?************ UHS 2004 Q.2: Classify biaxial synovial joints. Write a short note on the ellipsoid variety. UHS 2004 Q.3: briefly describe the following the following: UHS 2004 A). Collateral circulation. B). End arteries and their clinical importance.***** C). Pulmonary circulation. Q.4: Name the appendages of skin and write a short note on any one of them. UHS 2005 Q.5: describe the structural (morphological) classification of bones with examples.***** UHS 2005 Q.6: What are the characteristics of a synovial joint? What is synovial fluid and give its functions. Name the synovial joints of upper limb.*** UHS 2006 Q.7: Define fibrous joints. Give their classification with one example of each type. *********UHS 2007 Q.8: a). enlist the factors which help in the venous return towards heart.*** b). name at least three types of sutures with one example of each. *****UHS 2007 Q.9: Define complex joint. Mention three examples from upper limb. Explain the movements of uniaxial complex joint of upper limb which has pivot structural appearance. Why screws, nuts and bolts are tightened with the right hand by all the persons? UHS 2007***** Q.10: Define pennate muscles; mention their functional significance. Classify them; mention one example of each type from upper limb. Write origin, insertion nerve supply and actions of bipennate muscle belonging to thigh. UHS 2008*** Q.11: enlist Intra articular structures present in the synovial joint. What are the factors responsible for lubrication of a synovial joint? ** 2+3 Q.12: What do you mean by sesamoid bones? Write their characteristics, site, and functions. **** 1+1+1+2 Q.13: Briefly explain the degeneration and regeneration of nerve tissue. **5

Q.14: Write short notes on: 3 Marks each a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) Functions of skin, * Functions of Bones,** Functions of Pneumatic bones, ** Functions of lymphatic system,* Functions of glial cells, motor unit structure and function of aponeurosis modifications of deep fascia ** surface irregularities of skin *** Wallace rule of nine** Blood brain barrier Varicose veins** Functional classification of blood vessels

Q.15: Compare and contrast the features of sympathetic and parasympathetic system. 5 Q. 16: Define anastomosis. What are its various types? Write down the functions of shunts. *******1+1.5+2.5 Q.17: Compare lymph capillaries and blood capillaries. 5 Q.18: what do you understand by prime movers, antagonists, fixators and synergistic muscles?*******4 Q. 19: compare and contrast between compact and spongy bone.*** 5 Q.20: What is the difference between: ***3+2 a) Endomembranous and endocartilaginous ossification b) Primary and secondary centers of ossification.

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