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Lesson Plan Template Name: Human Interactions and the Environment Class/Subject: 8th Grade Geography

Student Objectives/Student Outcomes: 1. Students will be able to recall different regions of the world and recognize them on a map. 2. Students will be able to identify the importance of resources to different regions and connect important resources of the past to valued resources of the present. Content Standards: 17.C.3.B Explain how patterns of resources are used throughout the world 17.C.3.A Explain how human activity is effected by geographic factors Materials/Resources/Technology: 1. Computer/ Projector 2. Youtube clip Teachers Goals: 1. To help students to understand the importance of resources on the development of civilizations. 2. To demonstrate the use of maps to locate regions, states, and countries, both in the past and present. Start of Class (6 minutes): Introduction activity that involves students pointing out what resources are available in the Midwest. Have students point out the regions of the first developed human civilizations. Relate the geographic make-up of our location (the Midwest) to those of the first human civilizations. Go over specific features necessary for human development. Introduction of Lesson (1-3 Minute): Relate opening activity to video and our main points to demonstrate the relationship between geography and prosperity. Lesson Instruction (5 minutes): Discuss how civilizations turn from hunter-gatherer societies to more static civilizations. Highlight resources available to groups on resource draft and explain their importance and impacts of the development of human civilization. PowerPoint will be used and Jake, Matt, and Mike will take turn delivering the key points of each slide. Assessments/Checks for Understanding (7 minutes): Split class into three groups, based on table seating, have 9 essential geographic features on PowerPoint and conduct a resource fantasy draft. Each group will be allowed to chose three different resources from the draft. Who goes first will be determined randomly.


List of Geographic features needed for the Assessment: Rivers Forestation Islands Lakes Animal Labor Mid-Continental Fertile Soil Oil Coastal Closure/Wrap-Up/Review (3 minutes): Show video clip from Guns, Germs, and Steel, explain what influences Jared Diamond, a scientist calls into play as he argues the necessary resources for human growth and development. In the video Diamond discusses the domestication of animals that had helped certain civilizations become more successful than others. Self-Assessment: Weigh the costs and benefits of using this activity, taking into account the previous knowledge of students, determine whether this activity is engaging and decide how it can be improved on in the future.

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