@ictevangelist: Flip or Flop? What Are The Best Techniques To Support A Flipped Model?

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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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Its 8pm. Time for #ukedchat with @ICTEvangelist discussing ukedchat Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model? Enjoy! So the first question I ask is, what do you think is meant by a ICTEvangelist flipped learning model? #ukedchat RT @passionateaboot: @GCS_Projects @brainology I love Brainology this article - so much I'm going to RT it http://t.co/YPsjNC4z #ukedchat #Edchat @ICTEvangelist I feel this #ukedchat discussion is aimed ICTwitz mainly at secondary colleagues. Cannot see how this would work in primaries TBH. #ukedchat a way in which we can encourage independent MattSmith565 learning on a large scale @ICTEvangelist I interpret as flipping the classroom open teachingin140 providing links to prior learning so development takes priority #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist where children take charge of their learning. PeterSpencer88 Where teachers don't lecture but support learning #ukedchat If you are joining #ukedchat make sure you have unprotected ukedchat your tweets and use the #ukedchat hashtag. I'm not sure I am totally clear about what a flipped model is? moreolives #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist content delivered outside the classroom to syded06 create enhanced learning opportunities within current time constraints #ukedchat just interrupting #ukedchat to say I'm looking for UK teachers MrsPrentice11 using Twitter to write case studies about, pls DM if you can help What is the difference between a flipped classroom and virtual jensaross learning spaces? #ukedchat @ICTwitz @ictevangelist Is it more about the concept? passionateaboot Teachers moving towards being 'facilitators of learning'? #ukedchat Saltcreature #ukedchat A way of having homework which is truly effective. @ICTwitz @ICTEvangelist we do project-based learning in PeterSpencer88 primary. Encouraging independence. I think it is relevant #ukedchat I would join the chat but I'm starving and need to cook dinner! MrsPrentice11 #ukedchat @ukedchat @ictevangelist #ukedchat A way of having truly Saltcreature effective homework. @ICTwitz I have done some 'Flipped' activities at Primary, but I ICTmagic agree that it is much easier at Secondary. #ukedchat RT @MrsPrentice11: just interrupting #ukedchat to say I'm Eileen_Gill looking for UK teachers using Twitter to write case studies about, pls DM if you can help
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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passionateaboot ukedchat ICTwitz reflectivemaths ICTEvangelist riley_ed PeterSpencer88 Saltcreature esafetyadviser largerama ICTEvangelist ICTEvangelist syded06 moreolives teachingin140 wjputt MissN_Jones Saltcreature MattSmith565

@Saltcreature Is it about homework or is it about changing the role of teachers? #ukedchat #ukedchat topic reminder: Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model? with @ICTEvangelist @PeterSpencer88 @passionateaboot @ICTMagic Perhaps I am misunderstanding the concept. #ukedchat Will watch discussion for a while :-/ To me, flipped learning is Ss find out about the topic out of school and do the 'practise' in school #ukedchat I'm asking the question b/c so many ppl have diff ideas of it. Is Khan Academy model of vid Flipped learning? #ukedchat @Saltcreature Completely agree. But I think it is more than just a solution to the age old problem of ineffective homeworks #ukedchat @ICTmagic @ICTwitz but can be started in primary, with smaller focused activities #ukedchat @passionateaboot #ukedchat I think it's about both. I think teachers should be facilitators. RT @MrsPrentice11: just interrupting #ukedchat to say I'm looking for UK teachers using Twitter to write case studies about, pls DM if you can help #ukedchat havin experimented with a flipped model and can say that it requires a lot of planning and teacher student dialogue to shape it RT @reflectivemaths: To me, flipped learning is Ss find out about the topic out of school and do the 'practise' in school #ukedchat RT @passionateaboot: @Saltcreature Is it about homework or is it about changing the role of teachers? #ukedchat @passionateaboot @Saltcreature or how is students completing notes in class an affective use of contact time? #ukedchat @brynll #ukedchat so it is essentially about getting students to take more ownership of their learning - facilitated by us? @ICTEvangelist I think Khan is an example of a successful model but to get real results think is important content comes from us #ukedchat RT @MrMalcontent: "@wjputt: #addcym If you are new to twitter chats then try #ukedchat for size 8-9pm this evening." < #niedchat on weds at 8-30. All welcome! RT @reflectivemaths: To me, flipped learning is Ss find out about the topic out of school and do the 'practise' in school #ukedchat @riley_ed #ukedchat Totally I think teachers should be rethinking the way we teach. #ukedchat i think there are great advantages to using the
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

20:08:26 20:08:26 20:08:44 20:08:44 20:08:45 20:08:48 20:08:54 20:09:21 20:09:22 20:09:40 20:09:45 20:09:56 20:10:06 20:10:10 20:10:12 20:10:18 20:10:29 20:10:49

model, however moderation seems to be the key word for me RT @MrsPrentice11: just interrupting #ukedchat to say I'm nickotkdIV looking for UK teachers using Twitter to write case studies about, pls DM if you can help @ICTwitz @peterspencer88 @ictmagic I'm just looking at it passionateaboot from a different perspective - the role of the facilitator #ukedchat @teachingin140 so it's just use of videos for students made by ICTEvangelist us to learn from then? #ukedchat @teachingin140 so it's just use of videos for students made by ICTEvangelist us to learn from then? #ukedchat Flipped Learning is delivering the content/lesson as pre-lesson James_Bowkett homework: Qs and understanding/analysis then in the lesson #ukedchat #ukedchat primary model is all but there just that the pupils are TyncanLtd in class for most of the time. Secondary have ogre of national exams @Saltcreature This is the appeal to me. Currently homework ejw232 ineffective for many. #ukedchat @passionateaboot @ICTwitz @peterspencer88 @ictmagic syded06 facilitators is exactly what teachers will become? #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist Khan Academy is flipped learning if students riley_ed engage with videos before lessons to enhance progress. So it can be... #ukedchat @ICTwitz @ictevangelist Is it more about the concept? - If it is largerama then it is a blended approach most will ultimately create #ukedchat #ukedchat recently had an INSET session suggesting teachers DKeano1985 should spk 15mins max in a lesson @syded06 @saltcreature Or an effective use of an passionateaboot inspirational facilitator of learning? Why go into teaching in the first place? #ukedchat RT @MrsPrentice11: just interrupting #ukedchat to say I'm GeekPeter looking for UK teachers using Twitter to write case studies about, pls DM if you can help @jamesmichie @reflectivemaths Good point James, so what ICTEvangelist do you suggest? #ukedchat #ukedchat My understanding is students read/watch/look up ejw232 info before lesson. Lesson is about using what's learnt. Not tried though @ejw232 #ukedchat We know that homework does not Saltcreature currently have the impact we want. @moreolives @brynll Or is it about teachers letting go? passionateaboot #ukedchat Brendano #ukedchat eg giving students cameras. See The First 2012 Internat'l Student entry for 60SecondScience here:
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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http://t.co/hwVJFBql @james_bowkett how do you get them to actually do it/view it moreolives though? Am trying to do this but am encountering apathy. #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist @reflectivemaths #ukedchat Id suggest that jamesmichie we need to work towards a blended model that is not tied specifically to video. @ejw232 #ukedchat Encouraging learners to be independent Saltcreature will improve home learning. @largerama @ICTwitz so flipped learning should be blended, ICTEvangelist how? #ukedchat @Saltcreature Absolutely #ukedchat. But how to manage ejw232 those reluctant students #ukedchat - are we again trying to find a 'one size fits all' model CliveBuckley for learning? Why South Korea Is Putting the Brakes on the Switch to Digital iEducator Textbooks http://t.co/znXyJmwy /via @GOOD #edchat #edtech #ukedchat @passiona@moreolives @james_bowkett we had to provide a syded06 framework for them and chose Edmodo to help #ukedchat @syded06 @passionateaboot @ICTmagic it's one of the PeterSpencer88 things we should be anyway. Teaching but also encouraging inquisitiveness #ukedchat #ukedchat The very premise of flipped frm what I can tell is to jamesmichie have instruction happen outside of class. Why is that necessary? Flipped learning gives pre-lesson homework real focus, James_Bowkett preparing for the lesson questions with teacher there to help students. #ukedchat #ukedchat Should we flip flip? That is get learning happening wjputt actively & learners creating resources/tools for others to learn? jamesmichie #ukedchat Why cant instruction simply be kept to a minimum? @ICTEvangelist to really maximise the potential yes - however teachingin140 as with everything can be modified. I regularly use @rsaorg animate #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist @teachingin140 Is that what you want to do passionateaboot as a teacher? #ukedchat #ukedchat I've been usng flipped lessons with Y12 Sociology CanonsOPP recently. Mixed results at first as they expected me to teach them it anyway. @ICTEvangelist isn't that called "Blended Learning"? ICTwitz #ukedchat Hope we're not going to get bogged down with educational jargon!!! @ejw232 #ukedchat True but if it's engaging enough then we Saltcreature can improve motivation.

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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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#ukedchat Many of my lessons centre around exploration, jamesmichie group work, independence where I sit and work with students. I didnt need a video.. #ukedchat I feel confused ! All about making learning and JazzieDe teaching effective at all times for all! Flipped or not or it will flop! @James_Bowkett #ukedchat That's about the content - what passionateaboot about the process? How does it change the role of the teacher/facilitator? jamesmichie #ukedchat ...to get the ball rolling though. #ukedchat Best session was when I planned time-rich, CanonsOPP collaborative activities for them after only a very brief summary session led by them. Can someone please enlighten me - what exactly is a 'flipped' Babbleaboutbks lesson? Sorry to have to ask, I'm not a teacher but very intrigued. #ukedchat RT @passionateaboot: @James_Bowkett #ukedchat That's wjputt about the content - what about the process? How does it change the role of the teacher/facilitator? RT @wjputt: #ukedchat Should we flip flip? That is get learning ElKel99 happening actively & learners creating resources/tools for others to learn? @moreolives Choose students each lesson randomly to James_Bowkett summarise the flipped homework prior to students leading the analysis Qs. #ukedchat @jamesmichie #ukedchat or a dialogue where thoughts are TyncanLtd expressed as well as opinions! @syded06 @ictwitz @peterspencer88 @ictmagic So how will passionateaboot teachers have to adapt? What will they need to be able to do? #ukedchat You can flip any model you like. Whether it's worthwhile doing Heatherleatt so is another question entirely #ukedchat @jamesmichie Perhaps cos sum like to hear themselves! JazzieDe Flipped more conversation and discussion ? #ukedchat @wjputt #ukedchat you always learn more by teaching others. ElKel99 It takes pupils from passive to active @wjputt I do this. Get KS4 to create resources for 'ks3 etc moreolives #ukedchat RT @jamesmichie: #ukedchat Many of my lessons centre bellaale around exploration, group work, independence where I sit and work with students. I didnt need a video.. I think what is at the crux of this #ukedchat is the lack of ICTwitz national debate and investment into the bigger pedagogy debate. bellaale RT @jamesmichie: #ukedchat ...to get the ball rolling though. @CliveBuckley Or is this about individuals learning what they passionateaboot need/want to learn? #ukedchat
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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#ukedchat The role of teacher as suggested in a flipped model jamesmichie is not new. Many teachers have been engaging with their students 4 some time. RT @theconsultantse: What Neuroscience Tells Us About ediazsan Deepening Learning http://t.co/dnmzCbdP #edchat #ukedchat #edchatie #education OK, I think I get it. It's when the kids do the Babbleaboutbks facilitating/teaching. #ukedchat RT @jamesmichie: #ukedchat The role of teacher as ICTEvangelist suggested in a flipped model is not new. Many teachers have been engaging with their students 4 some time. When we give Sts cameras + a challenge they collab better & Brendano research deeper & learn 21C multimedia skills & more engaged #ukedchat #science #ukedchat it's a complex journey #learning with detours, eggymog2002 highlights road blocks and one way systems to navigate- our 'job' to see the value! RT @moreolives: @wjputt I do this. Get KS4 to create wjputt resources for 'ks3 etc #ukedchat That is great - a wonderful example. Do you blog? ICTwitz @jensaross What age are your pupils? #ukedchat @passionateaboot: @ICTwitz @ictevangelist Teachers ElKel99 moving towards being 'facilitators of learning'? #ukedchat >agreed @jamesmichie If flipped learning isn't a new thing, then why ICTEvangelist the new name? #ukedchat TyncanLtd @Babbleaboutbks http://t.co/MkV1YzUf #ukedchat @passionateaboot Teacher frames topic boundaries, students James_Bowkett empowered with knowledge to then analyse in depth, teacher conducts. #ukedchat @passionateaboot @peterspencer88 @ictmagic lessons now syded06 involve creation/curiosity and discovery without fear of missed content #ukedchat #ukedchat When did you (YOU) experience your best learning. CliveBuckley Alone or in a social environment? Or perhaps both? @ElKel99 @wjputt totally agree with this, a greater depth of nightzookeeper understanding is required to teach others #ukedchat @PeterSpencer88 @syded06 @ictmagic And do teachers passionateaboot think of themselves as 'facilitaors' - lighting fires rather than filling up? #ukedchat @TyncanLtd @ICTEvangelist agree in principal but for me, to teachingin140 not be distraction, must come from the classroom that has been flipped #ukedchat #ukedchat Isn't the flipped concept based on an approach to janeyk419 T&L which isn't relevant to what we do in UK classrooms? UK normal is less
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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@passionateaboot I think that a good teacher should have ICTmagic already made this adjustment. Guiding rather than showing. #ukedchat #ukedchat @jamesmichie @ICTEvangelist Liked James' blog wjputt post on AfL & the 'learning is messy' idea. RT @ICTmagic: @passionateaboot I think that a good teacher ICTEvangelist should have already made this adjustment. Guiding rather than showing. #ukedchat #ukedchat didactic/teacher led than in say US. The flipped janeyk419 model seems to look at active learning in classroom. Don't we already do this?! @passionateaboot @ICTEvangelist I don't want to restrict of teachingin140 course but I want any flipped model to be focused & have real outcomes #ukedchat #ukedchat I think i do more of this than i thought. Lots of ejw232 research homeworks with students presenting to class @JazzieDe We do that already? I hav all manner of discussion jamesmichie nearly every lesson, dont consider my classroom 2 b flipped though #ukedchat @ictevangelist yes, agree. not different but now got a label. still moreolives interesting to see how others are working with it. #ukedchat @JazzieDe Is it learning and learning - are we moving away passionateaboot from 'teaching'? #ukedchat #ukedchat @CliveBuckley Learning by doing & getting it wjputt wrong. Being out of a comfort zone. Delicate balance though is needed. @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat flipped is just another example of jamesmichie education faddism. There is too much of this. We need to focus on names less. In simple terms the screencasts that students viewed at home syded06 created time in the curriculum that was still teacher contact time #ukedchat @wjputt @ICTEvangelist as extended model perhaps teachingin140 otherwise how do we ensure quality control etc? #ukedchat #ukedchat I think that the flipped is about looking at 'content' wjputt before the lesson. Then exploring its meaning in the lesson. RT @jamesmichie: @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat flipped is just DeputyMitchell another example of education faddism. There is too much of this. We need to focus on names less. @ICTmagic do you use 'flipped' approach with your class? nightzookeeper #ukedchat @syded06 @passionateaboot @ictwitz @peterspencer88 SheliBB @ictmagic facilitating learning is what we do isn't it? #ukedchat #ukedchat As with all new/amended ideas - need to be sure ejw232 students understand what we're looking for passionateaboot @ElKel99 @ictwitz @ictevangelist And isn't that kind of
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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liberating, because facilitators get to learn too? #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist Khan is like revision tests after TyncanLtd learning,consolidation #ukedchat @jamesmichie @ICTEvangelist completely agree. It doesn't syded06 matter what we call it - it enhances learning #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat Instead we need 2 focus on jamesmichie sharing good practice. E.g. Why is it valuable 2 have less sage? Why facilitate instead? Should the school day, to facilitate <flipped> learning outside of ICTEvangelist the classroom change, if it needs to take place? #ukedchat Thought I'd share some thoughts about using images to Spenceict support children's writing http://t.co/UKYj1Ewg #ukedchat RT @reflectivemaths: #ukedchat Having Ss come into the ICTEvangelist lesson already knowing the main points of the lesson is awesome. @James_Bowkett Conducts what - the process or the content? passionateaboot #ukedchat @passionateaboot still popular conception that education *is* drewburrett about 'filling up', driven by media & exam system #ukedchat Does a flipped class have to include a teacher video outside peter8green the classroom? Is it a good idea or do Ss just over rely on staff? #ukedchat RT @ejw232: #ukedchat As with all new/amended ideas ICTEvangelist need to be sure students understand what we're looking for #ukedchat @teachingin140 @ICTEvangelist It is about wjputt enabling the learners & giving them the skills [usually ICTs ones] to access knowledge. @ukedchat @ictevangelist #ukedchat It's a great opportunity Saltcreature for personalised provision. #ukedchat It allows lower order (Blooms) to be done before CanonsOPP lesson. Allows lesson to apply, analyse, synthesise, evaluate. Brilliant @passionateaboot Yes I think so and nothing wrong with this I JazzieDe still got lots to learn , it's getting balance of learning right #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist @ICTwitz Not sayin shud be blendd but true largerama flippd model is application in lesson of knowledge learned out of lesson #ukedchat RT @jamesmichie: @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat Instead we ICTEvangelist need 2 focus on sharing good practice. E.g. Why is it valuable 2 have less sage? Why facilitate instead? @reflectivemaths: #ukedchat Having Ss come into the lesson CanonsOPP already knowing the main points of the lesson is awesome. >> Cdn't agree more. @ICTEvangelist @ICTwitz so anything short of that becomes largerama blended model really #ukedchat
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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@MrsPrentice11 hi, I'm doing action research into uses of Jen_Kaye82 twitter in education & have it embedded in2moodle if u need more.#ukedchat @wjputt so where is the grail then? it is asking students to find TyncanLtd out about .... before teacher then tells them? Surely not! #ukedchat wjputt #ukedchat @janeyk419 Not advocating it just saying what it is. @ICTEvangelist No, what needs to change is teaching gideonwilliams methods and attitudes first #ukedchat @syded06 @peterspencer88 @ictmagic Fear of missed passionateaboot content for whom - 'teacher' or learner? #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist there are other arguments to support this teachingin140 coming from working day arrangements and productivity #ukedchat #ukedchat lot's of what's being discussed here is already Heatherleatt embedded into good practice in schools. @nightzookeeper I use what I feel works for ICTmagic topic/skill/occasion, including flipping. There is no 'silver bullet' teaching style. #ukedchat Shd the school day, to facilitate <flipped> learning outside of ICTEvangelist the classroom change, if it needs to take place? #ukedchat James_Bowkett @passionateaboot The process of Learning. #ukedchat @wjputt I would also add that it must be specifically set by the nightzookeeper class teacher, directed rather than flexible research homework #ukedchat #ukedchat Learning is messy idea can be found here: jamesmichie http://t.co/OfNNzyL3 RT @MrsPrentice11: just interrupting #ukedchat to say I'm eed_net looking for UK teachers using Twitter to write case studies about, pls DM if you can help RT @jamesmichie: #ukedchat Learning is messy idea can be ICTEvangelist found here: http://t.co/OfNNzyL3 @CliveBuckley For true learning is it individual, so does it passionateaboot matter whether it's alone or in a social or school environment? #ukedchat Topic reminder: Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to ukedchat support a flipped model? with @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat RT @jamesmichie: #ukedchat Learning is messy idea can be Saltcreature found here: http://t.co/OfNNzyL3 wjputt #ukedchat @TyncanLtd Not advocating it just saying what it is. @jamesmichie Maybe it's taking best of old/new practices and JazzieDe being flexible until it feels right, who judges if tilted or flipped! #ukedchat riley_ed @jamesmichie I think there has to be an element of preparing students for further study, where learning is closer to flipped

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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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model #ukedchat @gideonwilliams #ukedchat specifically what do you thin janeyk419 needs to change in terms of teaching approaches? @jamesmichie @jazziede #ukedchat No, but there is way too CanonsOPP much teacher talk. This helps reduce it. True independent learning, RT @CanonsOPP: #ukedchat It allows lower order (Blooms) to peter8green be done before lesson. Allows lesson to apply, analyse, synthesise, evaluate. Brilliant @nightzookeeper @elkel99 @wjputt Depth of understanding passionateaboot about how to 'facilitate' the process? #ukedchat @largerama @ICTEvangelist @ICTwitz Agreed. Good James_Bowkett Summary. Particularly easy with 1:1 Learning Device. #ukedchat RT @wjputt: #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist is about enabling the teachingin140 learners & giving them the skills [usually ICTs ones] to access knowledge. < :) Model of sage on stage needs to take a back step- knowledge gideonwilliams based curriculum (at KS4) does not promote different model of T&L #ukedchat @gideonwilliams @ICTEvangelist Agree wholly with that TyncanLtd comment. then there are no bandwagon jumpers #ukedchat #ukedchat @nightzookeeper Not advocating it just saying what wjputt it is. @largerama @ictevangelist @ictwitz have you had specific nightzookeeper positive experiences using the flipped approach? #ukedchat ICTmagic If we are flipping? Who creates the content? #ukedchat #ukedchat this seems a pointless edchat. isn't this what we all moreolives do anyway? how is this some new radical initiative? Does flipped learning expect a digital necessity of pupils? How ICTwitz do we capture the digitally excluded? #ukedchat @CanonsOPP agreed. How long do teachers last listening to a syded06 'talk' that is of little interest? #ukedchat @Heatherleatt #ukedchat Entirely agree. The concept of janeyk419 flipped lacks relevance within UK schools and pedagogical approaches. Attitude that learning can take place outside of the "golden gideonwilliams hour" (teacher in classroom) needs promoting #ukedchat @ICTmagic So is 'facilitating' the next step along from guiding passionateaboot is this about the ownership of the learning? #ukedchat @ElKel99 @wjputt Yr13 previous class blogging experiences psbenson can aid new Yr12 http://t.co/vgeIkXVm #ukedchat CliveBuckley Is actually fed up of hearing about Khan Academy - #ukedchat ICTEvangelist RT @gideonwilliams: Attitude that learning can take place outside of the "golden hour" (teacher in classroom) needs

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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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promoting #ukedchat ICTwitz @ICTmagic Mr Khan? #ukedchat #ukedchat (remembered hash tag!) @passionateaboot ElKel99 @ictwitz @ictevangelist we'd be pretty poor teachers if we weren't still learners RT @ukedchat: Topic reminder: Flip or flop? What are the teachingin140 best techniques to support a flipped model? with @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat @syded06 There is room for teacher as expert, but a lot less CanonsOPP with digital native students. Not a good model any more #ukedchat @ICTwitz make sure they are included at all costs. Thinking TyncanLtd out the box to achieve it.#ukedchat #Knovation #elearning #startup dedicated to transforming web20education education make learning personal #edtech20 #edchat #ukedchat http://t.co/hMLEdgTb @jamesmichie @ictevangelist #ukedchat Not sure I specifically reflectivemaths said video but being able to go deeper *in* lessons is good. #ukedchat essential to consider when using flipped, 1) how u largerama can monitor whether the out of lesson elements hav been done @ICTmagic In the end, the aim has to be for your students to riley_ed create the content #ukedchat @James_Bowkett So is this about turning ownership of the passionateaboot learning over to the learner? #ukedchat @CanonsOPP @jazziede #ukedchat Woah! Depends how you jamesmichie define Independent Learning: http://t.co/LJlbsgNf @CanonsOPP the flipped class has been helped by the syded06 presence of tablets in the classroom #ukedchat @passionateaboot I think the 2 go hand in hand. Children can ICTmagic explore their interests, but feel that they can ask for directions. #ukedchat ICTwitz @TyncanLtd Indeed. Completely agree #ukedchat #ukedchat @passionateaboot as teachers we need to engage mikallaane with our pupils so they are truly involved in their learning Lets inspire 2 aspire @passionateaboot @ictmagic #ukedchat Even the role of CanonsOPP facilitator is still focusing on us. Flipping is actually about what students become. RT @jamesmichie: @CanonsOPP @jazziede #ukedchat Saltcreature Woah! Depends how you define Independent Learning: http://t.co/LJlbsgNf @riley_ed Agreed... but again, I dont have to send the jamesmichie students home to watch a video or read something to create these opps. #ukedchat ICTmagic @riley_ed That's what I was getting at. :) #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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@ICTmagic it should be the class teacher surely but there is lots of good content out there right? #ukedchat RT @CanonsOPP: @reflectivemaths: #ukedchat Having Ss reflectivemaths come into the lesson already knowing the main points of the lesson is awesome. >> Cdn't agree more. @CanonsOPP @syded06 Digital Native is an overused phrase TyncanLtd and not necessarily one that is understood #ukedchat @nightzookeeper @wjputt If its set by teacher, isn't that about passionateaboot the teachers learning? can ownership be truly given to learners #ukedchat #ukedchat don't much like whole video idea - that's still me ejw232 talking etc - would rather encourage/support/structure other ways of learning @jamesmichie no, but they cn supplement & reinforce the ICTEvangelist learning & help increase ownership & learning in spaces other than @ skool #ukedchat @largerama #ukedchat Does that not assume that teachers CanonsOPP are the controllers of outcomes. Shd flipping not make students co-constructors? RT @mikallaane: #ukedchat @passionateaboot as teachers JazzieDe we need to engage with our pupils so they are truly involved in their learning Lets inspire 2 aspire @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat should we be timetabling study ElKel99 time for pupils, to promote independent learning in school? It's done elsewhere RT @jamesmichie: #ukedchat Learning is messy idea can be psbenson found here: http://t.co/OfNNzyL3 @BrightAire @DeputyMitchell @ICTEvangelist Labels are not jamesmichie useful, the cause us to get hung up on definitions, models, fads. #ukedchat @largerama yes, and is still about motivating students to do moreolives the out of lesson work and coping with those that haven't #ukedchat @passionateaboot Partly. More about most effective use of James_Bowkett precious teacher time. In depth analysis when teacher present to help. #ukedchat @nightzookeeper @ICTmagic not convinced there is enough syded06 'good' material out there. Teacher created content is preferred #ukedchat Developing one at #Perins with @melkirklearning with 4 stages gideonwilliams - know, apply, enquire, create - developed with #Moodle2 helps blend #ukedchat #ukedchat I dont recognise the classrooms full of expert janeyk419 teacher talk which are being described? Not in my school or those I visit? moreolives RT @jazziede: RT @mikallaane: #ukedchat nightzookeeper
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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@passionateaboot as teachers we need to engage with our pupils so they are truly involved in... @passionateaboot @syded06 @ICTmagic I hope so. I PeterSpencer88 certainly take this attitude, to encourage children to 'find out' on their own #ukedchat @ejw232 flipping would be students doing the video? TyncanLtd #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat True, but I feel that part of the prob jamesmichie with flipped is that ppl see it as either/or. I am suggesting it isnt. Actually not so much fed up with Khan Acadamy - just wish it CliveBuckley would go away #ukedchat #ukedchat I always believed that kids must be given a chance bucharesttutor what to learn when they want to learn. Then they can teach us what they learnt RT @TyncanLtd: @CanonsOPP @syded06 Digital Native is teachingin140 an overused phrase and not necessarily one that is understood #ukedchat < so true! Looking forward to the #ukedchat summary via ICTwitz @ICTEvangelist - still quite confused. @nightzookeeper @ictmagic You'd think so, but a lot of what's reflectivemaths out there isn't what I want... #ukedchat 3) how can such an approach be developd without trust & largerama knowledge of students? Ie requires time & strong coaching ethos frm teachr #ukedchat RT @ICTwitz: Looking forward to the #ukedchat summary via ICTEvangelist @ICTEvangelist - still quite confused. @CanonsOPP Not sure the title of educators is important. ICTmagic Pupils should lead direction... nd in that I think we agree. #ukedchat @ukedchat #ukedchat @BenRogersOVA However you get Saltcreature students to access the learning before the lesson, it still promotes independent learning. RT @mikallaane: #ukedchat @passionateaboot as teachers eggymog2002 we need to engage with our pupils so they are truly involved in their learning Lets inspire 2 aspire @moreolives @ictwitz @ictevangelist Is it a big change for passionateaboot students used to being 'taught'? #ukedchat @jamesmichie #ukedchat and no doubt they learnt far more ElKel99 in MFL I let pupils 'discover' grammar rules for themselves. Pupil ownership & personalisation of learning critical for gideonwilliams "flipped" model to succeed. Using 21C (digital) tools critical IMHO #ukedchat @reflectivemaths I have to ask the question... What do you ICTmagic want? #ukedchat gideonwilliams Pupil ownership & personalisation of learning critical for
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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"flipped" model to succeed. Using 21C (digital) tools critical IMHO #ukedchat @reflectivemaths I have to ask the question... What do you ICTmagic want? #ukedchat #ukedchat Flipping better than teacher delivering knowledge James_Bowkett then casting students off to get stuck on questions home alone. Homework+ @jamesmichie True, but when they go on to further study that riley_ed is exactly where the majority of their learning will take place #ukedchat jamesmichie @ElKel99 Exactly. #ukedchat RT @gideonwilliams: Attitude that learning can take place reflectivemaths outside of the "golden hour" (teacher in classroom) needs promoting #ukedchat #ukedchat I'm seeing major enthusiasm in using internet for davidhunter writing (blogs),practice (e.g. mangahigh) and extension (other games) @ejw232 #ukedchat Doesn't need to be you. Youtube is CanonsOPP fabulous, as is TED and other sources. RT @James_Bowkett: #ukedchat Flipping better than teacher syded06 delivering knowledge then casting students off to get stuck on questions home alone. Homework+ RT @jamesmichie: #ukedchat "part of the prob with flipped is largerama that ppl see it as either/or.... it isnt." - i.e. it is a extreme of blended @drewburrett So how can teachers change that? What do they passionateaboot need to do? #ukedchat @jamesmichie @canonsopp @jazziede I'm writing a series of EmathsUK blogs this week on independent learning http://t.co/GITNrKcs #ukedchat @ICTmagic: @CanonsOPP Not sure the title of educators is CanonsOPP important. Pupils should lead direction... nd in that I think we agree. #ukedchat ejw232 @CanonsOPP Yep I like that :-) #ukedchat @ElKel99 #ukedchat I think the flipped lesson is useful for Saltcreature MFL. We want them to discover like when they learnt their L1. @ICTmagic #ukedchat When I look at youtube vids for eg, reflectivemaths they're never quite how I want it explained. @jamesmichie @ICTEvangelist My concern is that the term is gideonwilliams only one thing - more often something to do with Khan Academy :o) #ukedchat @Saltcreature @BenRogersOVA #ukedchat I think it only riley_ed really becomes 'independent learning' when they begin to find material of their own @ElKel99 @ictwitz @ictevangelist So should teachers be the passionateaboot most important learner in the classroom? #ukedchat
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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RT @ElKel99: @jamesmichie #ukedchat and no doubt they bellaale learnt far more - in MFL I let pupils 'discover' grammar rules for themselves. RT @James_Bowkett: #ukedchat Flipping better than teacher CanonsOPP delivering knowledge then casting students off to get stuck on questions home alone. Homework+ Can flipping work across the curriculum? Are some 'subjects' ICTmagic more/less suitable? #ukedchat Flipped - are we placing learning into boxes? They do this CliveBuckley 'there' and this 'here'? #ukedchat Technology Can Help Teachers enhance their lessons and urban_teacher Student's performance , But can't replace understanding and feelings #ukedchat @riley_ed Yes, I am not against homework. Private study is jamesmichie vital. But IL is not just abt the individual. Its about codependence. #ukedchat @reflectivemaths make your own. Camstudio or Wink or moreolives Hypercam...plenty of options out there. #ukedchat ICTmagic @reflectivemaths So what do you do about it? #ukedchat Biolady99 @ICTmagic science is great for this #ukedchat @CliveBuckley And out of that social constructivism, who passionateaboot learns? #ukedchat #ukedchat Flipping better than students reading or watching a James_Bowkett video whilst paid teacher watches them. #ukedchat ofcourse this supports what we doing in class but its davidhunter not 'flipped'.Its homework they enjoy.Still need to inc chn sans web@home RT @ICTwitz: Looking forward to the #ukedchat summary via MissKMcD @ICTEvangelist - still quite confused. Interesting that successful "flipped" models happen in North gideonwilliams America with different curriculum model and increased contact time #ukedchat @reflectivemaths @ictmagic #ukedchat But isn't that part of CanonsOPP the prob. We focus too much on what we want in planning, @riley_ed Plus, home is not the only place this can be jamesmichie achieved. It can happen in class, the library, the common room. #ukedchat CliveBuckley @passionateaboot Possibly everyone? #ukedchat @CanonsOPP @ejw232 I agree with that and the content of TyncanLtd TED is eclectic allowing deeper thought and serious debate #ukedchat @BrightAire @DeputyMitchell @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat Very jamesmichie true. Just worried that schools buy into label rather than approach. teachingin140 RT @sciencetchr21: What advice would you give to a beginner

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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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at 'flipping'? #ukedchat @CanonsOPP @ictmagic Tell me more about what you mean passionateaboot by 'what students become'. #ukedchat Self-Paced Learning (SPL) with Audience Response Systems urban_teacher (ARS) allows abled ICT students to work much better #ukedchat So what technology / technologies would support a flipping ICTEvangelist model? Does it need technology? Can it be analogue? #ukedchat Good point!! @James_Bowkett: #ukedchat Flipping better peter8green than students reading or watching a video whilst paid teacher watches them. RT @James_Bowkett: #ukedchat Flipping better than students CanonsOPP reading or watching a video whilst paid teacher watches them. @ICTmagic Possible in all subjects I believe in the same way gideonwilliams that elearning is possible in all subjects. #ukedchat What better way to have students arrive with knowledge that is syded06 then embedded with collaboration and developmental tasks #ukedchat @riley_ed @Saltcreature Independence is about students BenRogersOVA assessing own learning needs and then doing something about it #ukedchat @CanonsOPP @ictmagic #ukedchat Not sure about that. How reflectivemaths on earth are students meant to work out what they need to know about surds? #ukedchat @jamesmichie @riley_ed Never have liked the term wjputt homework it is learning beyond or outside the classroom anytimeanywhereanyhow CliveBuckley Why is my Tweetdeck not updating often enough? #ukedchat @moreolives I know, I use video all the time. Again, this is not jamesmichie new. And if Im there, why would I show them a video of myself? #ukedchat @moreolives I do make my own. But then it takes time. reflectivemaths #ukedchat @TyncanLtd @ejw232 #ukedchat I ask stdnts to suggest video CanonsOPP content via twitter and then retweet it to the rest. Powerful. Starting to think that flipped learning is just an educational fad, ICTwitz and consider myself quite open minded! #ukedchat God, keep forgetting to put #ukedchat Please apply to all Heatherleatt relevant previous tweets obviously. @ICTmagic Well, inevitably, I end up making my own. reflectivemaths #ukedchat @mikallaane Or do pupils need to engage you in their passionateaboot learning? Who's learning is it? Is flipping about flipping ownership? #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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@JazzieDe Thats what I am getting at. However, whn u read a lot of the flipped stuff, it is presented as either/or. #ukedchat RT @peter8green: Good point!! @James_Bowkett: #ukedchat reflectivemaths Flipping better than students reading or watching a video whilst paid teacher watches them. @CanonsOPP @reflectivemaths @ictmagic #ukedchat "Focus janeyk419 on what we want"- isn't this the POINT of planning?! What alternative do you suggest? @ICTEvangelist BYOD definitely helps. If this is 21stC learning gideonwilliams then lets bring in 21stC tech, ip*d/i*od/notebooks/web2tools etc #ukedchat Children should be content creators rather than content users. ICTmagic #ukedchat FCM prepares students for a future as global citizens...an aim brynll of @360_People View their page on http://t.co/RYZIUbcC #ukedchat @reflectivemaths but i find time well spent because works for a moreolives few years. #ukedchat @psbenson @wjputt #ukedchat creating a 'legacy' - I post a lot ElKel99 of pupil work on YouTube. Its there for others to learn from & improve on @ICTEvangelist Don't think technology is essential. Can DrDav provide materials which introduce relevant ideas in many different forms. #ukedchat @passionateaboot @ictmagic #ukedchat Stdnts become CanonsOPP constructors, directors, collaborators, teachers even. @ICTEvangelist new tech has made it easier to develop this syded06 model to enhance learning #ukedchat jamesmichie @wjputt Agreed. I prefer independent study. #ukedchat So what technology / technologies would support a flipping ICTEvangelist model? Does it need technology? Can it be analogue? #ukedchat @James_Bowkett Is teacher time more precious than learner passionateaboot time? #ukedchat @reflectivemaths Great! That's what I wanted to hear. :) ICTmagic #ukedchat @moreolives Yes hopefully. I've not been in that position yet. reflectivemaths Should pay off next year #ukedchat RT @ICTmagic: Children should be content creators rather Biolady99 than content users. #ukedchat #ukedchat It has to be a blended approach does it not? A wjputt range of tools & approaches facilitated by an expert practitioner. @passionateaboot @ElKel99 @ictevangelist Some of the best ICTwitz learning in my classroom has been when I have learned with the pupils #ukedchat jamesmichie
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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ElKel99 gideonwilliams sciencetchr21 wjputt CliveBuckley urban_teacher reflectivemaths Saltcreature CanonsOPP syded06 mrlockyer ICTEvangelist davidhunter ElKel99 qldteacher wjputt gideonwilliams ICTEvangelist CanonsOPP

@Saltcreature #ukedchat absolutely right - and make mistakes that they can learn from I like this video on "flipped" - http://t.co/eSX4AB8J #ukedchat @jensaross what if some do, some don't ? #ukedchat @ElKel99: @wjputt #ukedchat you always learn more by teaching others. It takes pupils from passive to active I like that. Off topic maybe #ukedchat but when I was growing up we had education magazines - World of Wonder etc.. why are there none of these now? The problem is! Too much emphasis onthe technology and notthe process of engaging teachers and students to collaborate effectively #ukedchat @janeyk419 @CanonsOPP @ictmagic There is a limit to how much students can choose their own learning. #ukedchat @BenRogersOVA @riley_ed #ukedchat The flipped lesson is a great starting point for that. @janeyk419 @reflectivemaths @ictmagic #ukedchat Allow students to enter into the planning process, building on what they need. @urban_teacher the technology helps to engage the learners #ukedchat @gideonwilliams @jamesmichie @ictevangelist I have to say, I find the Khan Academy very very very dull. If this is the future... #ukedchat RT @wjputt: #ukedchat It has to be a blended approach does it not? A range of tools & approaches facilitated by an expert practitioner. #ukedchat is the best way to encourage love of learning outside the class,personalising projects so that u can extend the learning in school @passionateaboot @ictwitz @ictevangelist #ukedchat as important maybe, not more important RT @ICTmagic: Children should be content creators rather than content users. #ukedchat #ukedchat @CliveBuckley because we have the web of wonder? There are lost of magazines for Ss but they are gimmicky & not learning focussed Key that we have an expert practitioner but not one who limits ambitions of students by their own lack/fear/reluctance of tech #ukedchat RT @wjputt: @ElKel99: @wjputt #ukedchat you always learn more by teaching others. It takes pupils from passive to active I like that. @sciencetchr21 @jensaross #ukedchat You have to be firm. At least you're valuing those who have. Gd activities will help
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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others catch up RT @sciencetchr21: @jensaross what if some do, some moreolives don't ? #ukedchat @moreolives I dont understand how a video of me achieves jamesmichie that? If Im there Ill show them - whole class, groups or individuals. #ukedchat OK I surrender and give up -it's the hols after all. Current Heatherleatt flipped model: me relaxing on sofa with wine... #ukedchat Happy Easter folks. @TyncanLtd @moreolives @ictwitz @ictevangelist 'need to passionateaboot teach' is that still about our needs? Do we decide what pupils need #ukedchat @ElKel99 @wjputt Yes, such legacy developments can be psbenson very powerful #ukedchat #ukedchat Sorry have arrived late to this - what exactly IS Tessotd 'flipped' learning?? Have looked through hashtag but can't see explanation! Help @passionateaboot Teacher time is timetabled for limited time James_Bowkett for many students. Learner time is relatively abundant. #ukedchat @CanonsOPP @janeyk419 @reflectivemaths If 'entering in to ICTmagic the planning' then they are all learning same thing? Is that freedom? #ukedchat @reflectivemaths @janeyk419 @ictmagic #ukedchat Only the CanonsOPP limits that we place on it. They do so in their real lives all the time. @CanonsOPP @janeyk419 @ictmagic Nice idea some times. reflectivemaths However, children don't know what they need. #ukedchat @reflectivemaths same here, own resources/adapted versions Biolady99 are always better #ukedchat Typical 'flipped' lesson uses screencast published to youtubesyded06 work uploaded to Edmodo- socrative for AFL and the ipads for collabo #ukedchat #VCASMO - online presentation tool that builds a new web20education communication experience #edtech20 #elearning #edchat #ukedchat http://t.co/tH1mHiyc @ICTEvangelist It can be teacher-generated digitally or PeterSpencer88 analogue. In primary I find a mix of the two is useful #ukedchat @jamesmichie Think we've moved away from thinking it is just ICTEvangelist video - what other techniques can we use to facilitate FL? #ukedchat Honestly @louisehague I am helping with the holiday packing gideonwilliams #ukedchat #pinnochiotalk @ICTEvangelist I think it can be analogue - research for mrlockyer project work etc. #ukedchat jamesmichie @mrlockyer @gideonwilliams @ictevangelist Agreed. I c very
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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little value in it personally. Support material - Yes! Substitute No! #ukedchat @CliveBuckley Wouldn't that be great? So who is learning passionateaboot relevant for - what does it do for us? #ukedchat @passionateaboot we don't decide...the curriculum and the moreolives exam content decides. #ukedchat #ukedchat There is a place for videos etc but that means wjputt blended. Saw a great YT video made by teachers on a rap in Spanish for verbs. @passionateaboot @TyncanLtd @moreolives @ictevangelist ICTwitz No. The government does! #ukedchat @singinghedgehog Sort of: Is that still better than none? reflectivemaths #ukedchat @wjputt #ukedchat - I questioned one of my post grad stds CliveBuckley about the term 'blended' I suggested it suggest inferior - she said best whisky is RT @reflectivemaths: #ukedchat Having Ss come into the James_Bowkett lesson already knowing the main points of the lesson is awesome. @ICTEvangelist I believe that teachers nd to know their jamesmichie students inside & out, personalising learning 4 their needs. #ukedchat @ICTmagic @janeyk419 @reflectivemaths #ukedchat I don't CanonsOPP see the link. Why do they all have to enter into a single plan. Not what I meant @syded06 @passionateaboot @ICTwitz @PeterSpencer88 TaffTykeC @ICTmagic Agreed @SheliBB If we're not facilitating, then are we dictating? #ukedchat @CanonsOPP @ictmagic Do we want them to be 'teachers'? passionateaboot Or lifelong learners who develop others? #ukedchat @jamesmichie @gideonwilliams @ictevangelist yes, Khan mrlockyer possibly good as a top up/refresher, but NOT the basis for learning #khan #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist I also think that IL needs to be taught in a jamesmichie holistic way. It is about skills & characteristics. #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist @jamesmichie tools like mymaths have good davidhunter step by step tutorials that can prepare chn for in class extension #ukedchat @reflectivemaths @janeyk419 @ictmagic #ukedchat Not sure CanonsOPP I agree, but even so that's why it's best done in lesson. Flipped classroom. #ukedchat @CliveBuckley She had a point but one refined wjputt approach coud be unmotivating for the learners - one needs to keep them engaged. @ICTwitz @elkel99 @ictevangelist And how great is that passionateaboot getting paid to learn, isnt it the best job in the world. #ukedchat
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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@wjputt #ukedchat - exactly - the magazines were special and CliveBuckley had 'substance' and cost money. the www is no substitute for that IMHO @TaffTykeC @passionateaboot @ICTwitz @PeterSpencer88 syded06 @ICTmagic @SheliBB whatever works for students/content/subject and environmen #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist Meta-cognition, AfL, Motivation, Group Work, jamesmichie Private Study, Literacies - these are all part of it. #ukedchat @CanonsOPP @reflectivemaths @ictmagic #ukedchat Utterly janeyk419 disagree. All for personalisation/independence but we need to decide on focus > Exploring the frontiers of our knowledge and understanding ICTmagic and collaborating with others is what being human is all about. #ukedchat RT @wjputt: #ukedchat Should we flip flip? That is get learning coachkelley31 happening actively & learners creating resources/tools for others to learn? Id love to know how those in Primary have used Flipped mrlockyer Concept, and if so, successes and failures #ukedchat Technology shouldnt replace the teaching It should provide the urban_teacher opportunity for students learn in a fresh and relevant way #ukedchat #edchat @ElKel99 @ictwitz @ictevangelist For what reason, not more passionateaboot important? #ukedchat #ukedchat @danaxson @CliveBuckley Possiblity exists for wjputt teachers to create online mags using paper.li scoop it & the like. A good teacher facilitates independent (co-dependent) learning jamesmichie through the use of varied pedagogical approaches. #ukedchat @passionateaboot @ictmagic #ukedchat But isn't one of the CanonsOPP most effective forms of learning the teaching of others?? Why shd we hog that? @danaxson @wjputt #ukedchat - if something is so easy to CliveBuckley obtain it carries less revelance that something one has to work for @urban_teacher what else would you use the technology for syded06 other than to enhance learning? #ukedchat @janeyk419 Is it possible the marry the two up. A focus and ICTmagic independence? #ukedchat @ictevangelist I use Google+ & Student Discussion Forum to moreolives post links to current stories.Need to follow thru more in class tho #ukedchat @davidhunter #ukedchat As much as I can't stand Mymaths, it riley_ed does a good job of explaining topics to students who want extension material janeyk419 @CanonsOPP @reflectivemaths @ictmagic #ukedchat and
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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outcomes. Teacher role as enabler is fine but this sounds naive. Sorry. #ukedchat @CliveBuckley using curation sites an educator can wjputt pull together the best of the web. richardblaize Bloodyhell, missed #ukedchat as I was biking. @janeyk419 @reflectivemaths @ictmagic #ukedchat Does that CanonsOPP not make us merely the deliverers of a curriculum? @CliveBuckley @wjputt I like a good Single Malt myself cherylren #ukedchat RT @richardblaize: Bloodyhell, missed #ukedchat as I was wjputt biking. How might a teacher demonstrate an outstanding lesson to ICTEvangelist OFSTED when they come visit? #ukedchat resilience, team working, problem solving, independent gideonwilliams enquiry, creativity, personalisation,reflection, peer assessment #ukedchat @TaffTykeC @syded06 @passionateaboot @ictwitz SheliBB @peterspencer88 @ictmagic sometimes other things dictate i.e. sats :( #ukedchat @CanonsOPP @reflectivemaths @ictmagic #ukedchat What janeyk419 are we flipping?! Serious question. Haven't seen any real answer to it this evening! @ICTEvangelist send them the screencast to view prior to syded06 lesson for a start :)#ukedchat Cutting edge technology being harnessed to transform urban_teacher teaching and learning remain the exception rather than the rule #ukedchat @mrlockyer I think at primary we're talking about homework davidhunter that supports the classroom work. That's nothing new... #ukedchat @janeyk419 @reflectivemaths @ictmagic #ukedchat ;)) No CanonsOPP need to be sorry. I'll take naive as a compliment. @James_Bowkett I should rephrase that - time for learning passionateaboot not timetabled time, but windows of opportunity, lightbulb moments #ukedchat @ElKel99 do you share this with others outside your school? ICTEvangelist #ukedchat #extendthelegacy #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist by making sure that the learners wjputt are learning & say & do a lot more than the educator in the classroom. @TaffTykeC @syded06 Teaching should involve some teacher PeterSpencer88 input, which should spark learning, which then can be built on #ukedchat RT @wjputt: #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist by making sure that jamesmichie the learners are learning & say & do a lot more than the educator in the classroom.
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

20:47:27 20:47:29 20:47:35 20:47:41 20:47:47 20:47:51 20:47:57 20:48 20:48:14 20:48:16 20:48:19 20:48:20 20:48:24 20:48:38 20:48:48 20:48:48 20:48:54 20:49:09 20:49:14

RT @janeyk419 :#ukedchat What are we flipping?! Serious reflectivemaths question. Haven't seen any real answer to it this evening! @ICTEvangelist @syded06 @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat That implies you know riley_ed when they are coming to visit you though! @janeyk419 Flipping refers to a system where lesson input ICTmagic happens outside school so kids are ready for development stage in class. #ukedchat @cherylren: @CliveBuckley @wjputt I like a good Single Malt CliveBuckley myself #ukedchat But sometimes one want a nicely blended shot @ICTEvangelist If fully flipped surely OFSTED will be too JazzieDe involved to need a demonstration !!! #ukedchat @moreolives And that's the pity isn't it? Maybe it's time for passionateaboot more schools like Summerhill? #ukedchat @CanonsOPP @reflectivemaths @ictmagic #ukedchat We DO janeyk419 deliver a curriculum! Start forgetting that and we have real problems... @SheliBB and it is so frustrating that the 'test' is sometimes syded06 used as an excuse for the development of teaching #ukedchat @passionateaboot: @moreolives And that's the pity isn't it? wjputt Maybe it's time for more schools like Summerhill? #ukedchat Radical. @janeyk419 #ukedchat Content is what they're expected to CanonsOPP have engaged with b4 lesson. Allows the lesson to be about working with content, ICTmagic @wjputt Is that a fair summary? #ukedchat How do you account for those who don't/can't do the flipped mrlockyer part of the lesson? #ukedchat @syded06 Apart from the IWB, Learning Platform and urban_teacher Management Systems we are no where near using technology to it full potential #ukedchat We have online HW planner. Staff enter H/W for pupils to gideonwilliams search. We analysed it in terms of HOTs/Blooms - very depressing results #ukedchat @ICTmagic: @wjputt Is that a fair summary? #ukedchat wjputt Indeed it is. @ICTEvangelist oh no.apparently you've got to follow a davidhunter formula to follow to impress Ofsted. ;) #ukedchat @Mr_BRouse Ah ok. Yes I can see that being useful. Still not ejw232 sure how I'd get some of my students on board. It'll take time.#ukedchat RT @wjputt: #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist by making sure that moreolives the learners are learning & say & do a lot more than the educator in the classroom. ICTmagic @wjputt Super. :) #ukedchat
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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@janeyk419 @reflectivemaths @ictmagic #ukedchat Of CanonsOPP course we won't forget it, but we need to go well beyond that too. Or do both together, @TaffTykeC @syded06 @ictwitz @peterspencer88 @ictmagic passionateaboot @shelibb That's a great question - what's your gut reaction? #ukedchat @mrlockyer homework club in school allows access to the tech syded06 if required #ukedchat @mrlockyer Great Q. Fixating on one approach is not jamesmichie inclusive. You need to Remix models to meet students needs. #ukedchat @syded06 @ictevangelist what do you do about the ones who sciencetchr21 don't watch it? #ukedchat @passionateaboot #ukedchat agree but who controls the mikallaane syllabus & the way the subject matter is taught? Let's be brave & properly involve aknill @syded06 intrigued by your typical flipped lesson #ukedchat mikallaane @passionateaboot #ukedchat the learner @mrlockyer I think its got to be homework club or time built davidhunter into day for them to access... #ukedchat PeterSpencer88 #ukedchat How do moodles and VLEs fit into 'flipped learning'? @ICTmagic #ukedchat I get the definition. I don't see how it janeyk419 applies to the classrooms I spend time in. What is it that needs changing? "Flipped" model of learning works best when it allows feedback gideonwilliams from peers and teacher outside of lesson. VLEs help tremendously #ukedchat @drewburrett Is that because that's how we've drilled them? passionateaboot Aren't babies/ young kids naturally curios? What do we do with that? #ukedchat @urban_teacher #ukedchat I'd argue most schools don't riley_ed manage to use IWB or Learning Platforms to enhance learning particularly well either @riley_ed @ICTEvangelist my view - screencast - socrative syded06 explaineverything - socrative - popplet - presentation - exit ticket #ukedchat SheliBB @syded06 yes! It is! #ukedchat @PeterSpencer88 #ukedchat Great way to funnel content for CanonsOPP hwk safely, but I use twitter for Y12 to be more responsive. @CanonsOPP @ictmagic That's a great point, and is that passionateaboot learning about content or learning about us? #ukedchat @reflectivemathst I think it is suggesting (cough) that surface CliveBuckley learning occurs at home and deep learning is in class #ukedchat SheliBB @passionateaboot @tafftykec @syded06 @ictwitz

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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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@peterspencer88 @ictmagic yes, a thought provoking question #ukedchat RT @wjputt: #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist by making sure that aknill the learners are learning & say & do a lot more than the educator in the classroom. @janeyk419 It doesn't necessarily. It is another teaching ICTmagic technique in your tool kit. #ukedchat Brilliant Ideas for Using ICT in the Inclusive Classroom dannynic http://t.co/TgDFdDtp #edchat #ukedchat #sen Great argument/debate developed by @timbuckteeth on gideonwilliams flipped here - http://t.co/A1F7xiCs #ukedchat #ukedchat @syded06 @riley_ed @ICTEvangelist There must wjputt be a blog post in that! @ICTmagic I don't see teacher talk/lecturing or a dry focus on janeyk419 content. I see active/creative learning. So what are we flipping?! #ukedchat urban_teacher @riley_ed You took the words from my Mouth! #ukedchat Ultimately, I think learning can happen anywhere - I dont need jamesmichie a specific model or concept to tell me that or make it happen. #ukedchat @wjputt @moreolives Radical and still going. Summerhill - was passionateaboot it the first ever free school? #ukedchat @urban_teacher Unfortunately, that is my experience too, in brynll both primary and secondary sectors. The gap is widening...#ukedchat @passionateaboot @ictwitz @ictevangelist #ukedchat think it ElKel99 would be wrong to say my learning was more important than my pupils, that's all @jensaross @moreolives Have to confess that our whole James_Bowkett school 1:1 student owned iPad project will oil the wheels nicely... #ukedchat @passionateaboot @ictmagic #ukedchat Why choose? CanonsOPP Luckily I teach Sociology so learning about content is learning about us. My two penny worth. Learning is hard and we should not try to CliveBuckley make it easy. #ukedchat @SheliBB Ah! But the ditacting 'food chain' goes much higher. ICTmagic Sadly, we have a framework/system to work around to actually teach. #ukedchat @wjputt Also twitter - we see far more students using twitter gideonwilliams socially than facebook (perhaps as is not blocked) #ukedchat #ukedchat @passionateaboot @moreolives I know. Mr G might wjputt approve. Sorry 2 bang on but we could & sd lookt at the Finnish model #finnedchat #ukedchat shouldn't flipping be part of a scaffold not the bramleyapplecc beginning?
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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passionateaboot cherylren jamesmichie janeyk419 web20education ICTEvangelist brynll Jen_Kaye82 wjputt CanonsOPP ukedchat jamesmichie CliveBuckley ejw232 ICTEvangelist ejw232 DKeano1985 CanonsOPP James_Bowkett

Time to go folks - broken arm aching, and painkillers calling. Great #ukedchat tonight, thanks Tweachers @CliveBuckley : )) are we still talking metaphorically? Single Malt Learning sounds like the next big thing to me #ukedchat Students will (and have always) learn outside of the classroom. Just not necessarily abt the stuff u r teaching them. #ukedchat #ukedchat If students to access "content" b4 lesson what about the less able, the less motivated, the less supported? Recipe to widen gaps? Explain gr8 apps to create youtube videos and unleash power of creativity #edtech20 http://t.co/SsIHP1zW #elearning #ukedchat #edchat #k12 8 minutes left - so back to the original question - Flip or Flop? Flipped learning or Flipping useless? #ukedchat @SheliBB @TaffTykeC @syded06 @passionateaboot @ictwitz @peterspencer88 @ictmagic Even in so-called 'forward thinking' schools #ukedchat #ukedchat will pupils actually watch vids/pre -reading prior to sessions? #ukedchat @gideonwilliams & it is about getting the parameters & protocols right & ensuring appropriate, safe & careful use. My first ever #ukedchat and I am already hooked. A bit bruising at times, but that's what educational debate shd be!! Last 5 minutes of #ukedchat (where did that go!). Final thought? @mrlockyer And u know, what some schools are still trying to get their head around that. :-/ #ukedchat @cherylren #ukedchat No - there will never be a place for single malt learning RT @janeyk419: #ukedchat If students to access "content" b4 lesson what about the less able, the less motivated, the less supported? Recipe to widen gaps? R we agreed thr is real scope 4 extending learning outside the c'room 4 students 2 allow real focus in class on deeper learning? #ukedchat RT @Jen_Kaye82: #ukedchat will pupils actually watch vids/pre -reading prior to sessions? RT @Jen_Kaye82: #ukedchat will pupils actually watch vids/pre -reading prior to sessions? @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat Early days for me, but as a model for allowing more expansive activities in lesson, flipping brill. @reflectivemaths @janeyk419 @ICTEvangelist "What are we flipping?" I think it is lesson stimulus / content to pre-lesson. #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

20:56:18 20:56:22 20:56:23 20:56:34 20:56:42 20:56:46 20:56:51 20:56:56 20:57:16 20:57:19 20:57:34 20:57:39 20:57:40 20:57:40 20:57:47 20:57:50 20:57:57 20:58:01 20:58:14

jamesmichie ejw232 psbenson urban_teacher CanonsOPP davidhunter gideonwilliams ICTEvangelist janeyk419 ICTEvangelist ICTEvangelist karl_goddard teachingin140 SheliBB urban_teacher Mr_BRouse Bluetherabbit ukedchat ukedchat

@ICTEvangelist Yes, but lets not give it a label, lets just go to work after the Easter break & put it into practice. #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist Yes but with concern for less motivated etc students #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist @ElKel99 Educators often share in subject directories: http://t.co/Xplb39L1 #ukedchat When the Technician, Teacher, Learning Platform, Website Admin, Management Admin...Collaborate effectively. The Technology Flops #ukedchat @Jen_Kaye82 #ukedchat You have to be brave and not give them a safety net in lesson. Feeling lost in first lesson will cure the loafers, @riley_ed its very dry without doubt. But as a model for preparing chn for classwork it is good... #ukedchat @wjputt Totally agree although addage of "if its used in school its not cool" works quite well :o) #ukedchat RT @CanonsOPP: My first ever #ukedchat and I am already hooked. A bit bruising at times, but that's what educational debate shd be!! @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat Yes but let's not give it a silly name and pretend it's a new idea :) @CanonsOPP superb! Got to say I'm feeling a bit like that too! #ukedchat RT @janeyk419: @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat Yes but let's not give it a silly name and pretend it's a new idea :) @gideonwilliams I'm torn between using Moodle for delivering my 'flip' projects or a separate WP based initiative #ukedchat finding out more about flipping my classroom - starting with http://t.co/y8MIovIS #ukedchat @ICTmagic but the national curriculum doesn't need to be dictated does it? Can it be facilitated? #ukedchat The problem with the idea of Raising Standards is that 'standards' actually means 'that which can be tested'. That's not education #ukedchat @ejw232 Try using #flipclass for a topic. Pick vids carefully, have RAG areas on arrival. Takes few cycles 4 them 2 c the benefit #ukedchat @ICTmagic: Children should be content creators rather than content users. #ukedchat < So true, something to be encouraged Before you rush off, take the time to vote for the next #ukedchat topic at http://t.co/7WAMdpHi and join @ICTmagic next week. See the #ukedchat summary & archive at http://t.co/0ZJ4kYNX soon after the discussion.

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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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sciencetchr21 Jen_Kaye82 wjputt ICTEvangelist gideonwilliams CliveBuckley JazzieDe mikallaane ICTEvangelist ICTmagic CanonsOPP Jen_Kaye82 jamesmichie wjputt ICTEvangelist urban_teacher riley_ed JazzieDe

@Jen_Kaye82 most of my class would not! #ukedchat @janeyk419: #ukedchat If students to access "content" b4 lesson what about the less able/motivated/supported? They get left out! RT @Bluetherabbit: @ICTmagic: Children should be content creators rather than content users. #ukedchat < So true, something to be encouraged People talking about videos etc, anyone made any use of iBook Author for students to make their own shareable learning materials? #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat Flippedblendedpersonaliseddangerouscreativeplts learning please ;O) @cherylren Been looking for the "single malt solution" for ages - come to the conclusion it doesn't exist #ukedchat @Jen_Kaye82 @CanonsOPP Either that or you lose them totally ! #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat This is a gr8 thought provoking subject :-) So many different views, thats wot education is about RT @gideonwilliams: @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat Flippedblendedpersonaliseddangerouscreativeplts learning please ;O) @SheliBB I was thinking more of SATs and Ofsted. I'm fine with the NC. #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat noticing that some people here have fought against flipping but are off to give it a go. Love that abt teachers. RT @sciencetchr21: @Jen_Kaye82 most of my class would not! #ukedchat Final thought: If u listen to ur students, focus on AfL & plan from there, u can have this sort of learning every day! #ukedchat #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist are eye pads necessary for viewing? i like the idea of learners working with experts in unis & businesses on this RT @CanonsOPP: @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat noticing that some people here have fought against flipping but are off to give it a go. Love that abt teachers. ICT * What does success look like? * What do we currently know will get us there? * How will we measure progress? * What next? #ukedchat @janeyk419 @ejw232 Maybe. But if most able being pushed further and less motivated see no change. Is that wider gap problematic? #ukedchat @sciencetchr21 @Jen_Kaye82 I wouldn't would you have?
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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

21:00:14 21:00:19 21:00:20 21:00:30 21:00:31 21:00:46 21:00:48

ICTEvangelist Jen_Kaye82 syded06 davidhunter ICTEvangelist SheliBB ukedchat

There is so much out there to learn they will prioritise #ukedchat @wjputt they are for that, or iphones/ipod touches. iTunes U is a great resource for this too #ukedchat @sciencetchr21: @CanonsOPP most of my class would not! #ukedchat nor would my FE or HE learners If of interest I have 'flipped' an A level class for 4 months now and very happy to discuss issues found along the way #ukedchat @karl_goddard @gideonwilliams I'm WordPress all the way. Don't see much benefit to 'vle' over other, free options #ukedchat Final Thought: Flippin 'eck!! #ukedchat @ICTmagic yes, unfortunately lots of (most?) schools are dictated to by sats :( #ukedchat Its 9pm & #ukedchat must end once again. Huge thanks to @ICTEvangelist for hosting for the 1st time. Next poll @ http://t.co/Bj9I2kv0

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ukedchat Archive 5 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTEvangelist

Flip or flop? What are the best techniques to support a flipped model?

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