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Internship Report Alicia Ray EDTC 6992 Dr.

Carol Brown

2 Alicia Ray Internship Report My Information: Alicia Ray, 5th Grade Teacher, Dobson Elementary School, Dobson, NC Mentor Information: Tracy Pendry, 5th Grade Teacher, MAEd in Educational Technology from Appalachian State University 1800 Shoals Road, Pinnacle, NC 27043 (336)325-2518 Shadowing/Observations: 21 Hours Task
Shadow Tracy Pendry for a day

Date & Location

January 31 Shoals Elementary School February 3 Various locations

8 hours

Standard Alignment
NCDPI Standard 1: Indicator 2 Demonstrates continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies. NCDPI Standard 1: Indicator 1 Demonstrates knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts relating to technology. NCDPI Standard 3: Indicator 4 Collaborates with the classroom teacher and media coordinator to facilitate student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment.



Observe Middle School Technology Facilitator

8 hours


Shadow/observe DES media coordinator to help manage Destiny and create WDES school broadcast

February 6 Dobson Elementary School (DES)

5 hours

Projects with Teachers and Other Specialists: 41 Hours Task

Mission Beautiful 5th grade girls selfconfidence group; work with guidance counselor to refine group with technology Collaborate with other teachers through PLC to create multimedia projects and student-led conferences using multimedia projects

Date & Location

January 9 March 19 (DES)

17 hours for meetings, 10 hours for planning 8 hours

Standard Alignment
NCDPI Standard 7: Indicator 1- Uses the school technology facilities and resources to implement classroom instruction.


Jan 20, Feb 24, Mar 23, Mar 30 (SLC), Apr 27 (DES)

NCDPI Standard 3: Indicator 4 Collaborates with the classroom teacher and media coordinator to facilitate student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment. NCDPI Standard 5: Indicator 4 Uses technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning. NCDPI Standard 3:


Work with fifth grade

Jan 20, Feb

6 hrs


3 Alicia Ray Internship Report

team to create grade level appropriate Common Core and Essential Standards lessons using technology 24, Mar 23, Apr 27 (DES) Indicator 1 Facilitates technologyenhanced experiences that address content standards and students technology standards. NCDPI Standard 3: Indicator 4 Collaborates with the classroom teacher and media coordinator to facilitate student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment.

Staff Development: 14 Hours Task

Creation and implementation of staff development for grade level website based on needs assessment for Haiku Learning Management Systems for discussion boards and home learning Creation and implementation of staff development for third through fifth grade on creation and integration of Smart Table resources

Date & Location

January 25, February 8, February 22, March 7, March 21

10 hours presentati on and Estimated prep time: 5 hours

Standard Alignment
NCDPI Standard 3: Indicator 4 Collaborates with the classroom teacher and media coordinator to facilitate student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment.

No administration wanted me to complete a Staff Development on Smart Table creation and implementation

March 21

8 hours presentati on and 6 hours planning

NCDPI Standard 3: Indicator 4 Collaborates with the classroom teacher and media coordinator to facilitate student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment.


Resource Management/Support: 40 Hours Task

Creation of 5th grade ELA Curriculum Maps using Common Core and SMART technology for the county.

Date & Location

Feb 21-22 March 29, April 20 (Various locations in Surry County) Ongoing throughout internship approximately 1.5 hours for each lesson x 10 lessons + 5 hrs presentation(DES)

20 hours

Standard Alignment
NCDPI Standard 2: Indicator 1 Designs developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners with teachers and administrators. NCDPI Standard 2: Indicator 1 Designs developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners with teachers and administrators.



Create SMART Table lessons for county use using Common Core and Essential Standards

20 hours

4 Alicia Ray Internship Report Total Hours: 116 hours

Description of Internship Projects Completed Standard alignment is above: Shadow Tracy Pendry: I shadowed a fellow fifth grade teacher and educational technologist. Tracy has been my mentor for my internship. During the shadowing of her for a day, I realize why she is a teacher leader in technology. She did a great job integrating technology seamlessly throughout the school day. My favorite part of the day was her use of iPods as video cameras. Tracy was a joy to be with for 8 hours in January. I would love to be a student in her class. She truly showed why she is a master teacher. Observe Heather Horton: Heather Horton is the middle school instructional technologist for Surry County. She serves 4 middle schools in our county. Each day she is at a different school, and Friday is a catch-all day where she has meetings, prepares for workshops, and works on the school webpages. I was able to observe Heather at Central Middle School. She did a lot of trouble-shooting of computers rather than getting to do workshops. While she was working on trouble-shooting, I went to a room with the 1:1 initiative. It was really neat to watch the students taking notes on Microsoft Word and completing thinking maps on Inspiration. I did not realize how much trouble-shooting an instructional technologist will do. Shadow Stephanie Bode: S. Bode manages Destiny daily. She goes into Destiny and updates book listings, as well as monitors student discussion. She inputs opinions and suggests book to various students on their level. WDES creation was time-consuming, but a great tool to use technology for student interest and student engagement weekly. Mission Beautiful: Mission Beautiful is a self-confidence group for girls that my guidance counselor and I created for EDUC6001. It was such a success last year that we did it again this year. We used laptops, the IMPACT lab, Wordle, videos from, as well as guest speakers to instill a sense of internal and external beauty to 35 girls. As the culminating project, we took the girls to the cosmetology department of the local community college and allowed them to get their hair or nail done. The boys weren't left out as they got to also go to the community college and had a class on perseverance which was taught by our county Sheriff, three of his deputies, as well as Basic Law Enforcement Training students who took them through the BLET obstacle course. It was a big hit again, and will be done for a third year next year. News article: Multimedia Projects & Student-led conferences: Multimedia projects were completed based on the fifth grade North Carolina Standard Course of Study in Science. Our grade level chose to have our students to a project on Weathering and Erosion. In order to make it authentic learning, we had the students solve the problem of erosion near our school gym. We called in three community helpers who walked the students through the importance of preventing erosion and how to correct various problems around our school. Our students took their interviews and discussions with the community helpers, integrated information learned in class, did research using the I-Search model, and completed a multimedia project that solved the problem of erosion. Students were given the option of doing a powerpoint, MovieMaker, Glog on Glogster, or PhotoStory. The projects were completed and students were given the opportunity to present their information and hard work to their parents. Parents were invited in on March 30 and students led their parents through the

5 Alicia Ray Internship Report

multimedia project explaining erosion along the way. It was a fantastic experience for students and parents alike. Common Core lessons with technology in PLC: Each PLC meeting for the second semester, we are working toward Common Core by taking a lesson plan we've already created for NCSCOS and changing it to align with Common Core. We have completed several lessons in Science and Math. We still need to work on creating lessons that correlate to new standards, such as genetics and multiply and divide fractions. SmartTable Staff Development: Administration asked me to create a workshop based on the Smart Table lessons I have created for my internship. They wanted me to teach 3rd through 5th grade teachers how to create Smart Table lessons and how to implement them into lessons. Teachers were taught how to convert SmartNotebook lessons into Smart Table activities, as well as create basic SmartTable lessons. This training took place on March 21, during the planning periods of third, fourth, and fifth grade. It was a great experience and I did my staff development project on this workshop. I was somewhat upset that I didn't get to do the Haiku training that I desired to do, but this Smart Table training was successful. More information can be found in the staff development report. ELA Common Core Curriculum Maps: This was the hardest thing I've done to date. Creating the curriculum maps for our county, deciding on timeline and pacing for the entire ELA curriculum for 5th grade, then creating lesson plans to embed in Haiku Management System was time-consuming. However, manipulating the maps and creating lessons that include technology is exactly what I want to do as Instructional Technologist. I was able to work with another master teacher, Janet Jarrell, and a 21st Century Executive (Assistant Principal) Donna Bledsoe. We created these Curriculum Maps under the leadership of our Superintendent Dr. Ashley Hinson and Assistant Superintendent Pat Widdowson. Creation of SmartTable lessons: Each of these lessons were time-consuming to make. I am somewhat glad that administration asked me to do a workshop on this, so that I won't have the sole responsibility of making these anymore. I was honored that they believed my SmartTable lessons were good enough that I could instruct others how to make them. Most of the lessons were made using current ClassScape questions or information from what we've been giving about Common Core. After I had made 8 of the lessons, the newest update for Smart Table was released and that involved the ability to use previously created Smart Notebook lessons as Smart Table lessons. This greatly eased the burden of making the Smart Table lessons. Summary of Outcomes My internship experience was one filled with projects I can only hope will become more commonplace for me. My desire is to become an instructional technologist within our county. As instructional technologist I will perform many of these activities on a regular basis. One thing I was surprised to learn is that our instructional technologists are also responsible for technology trouble-shooting within their schools. Of course, there are still many objectives I still need to work on; there are pieces of instructional technology with which I will still need help. However, I have learned so much from my internship and will continue to learn more as I do more and more within our school and our county. The opportunity to become a teacher leader has been a wonderful part

6 Alicia Ray Internship Report

of my internship. More people come to me for help now, and Im glad that I have the knowledge that I need to help them become better teachers and better users of technology. Teacher Leader Opportunities There have been several opportunities for me to be a teacher leader and a technology facilitator within my school and county during my internship. The biggest honor of my internship was probably being asked to write Curriculum Maps for English Language Arts Common Core for the county. I was in a room with master teachers and will present the information I have gained and my lesson plan template to all fifth grade teachers in my county on May 25. Donna, Janet, and I are changing the way our county teaches Reading and that is a tremendous responsibility. I feel more confident in my abilities to lead other teachers now. The other privilege was to be asked by my administrators to teach a workshop on Smart Table lesson creation. They recognized the hard work I was putting into the Smart Table lessons and saw an opportunity for me to give my knowledge to others. I have become more a technology facilitator within my school due to that. If there is a question about software, troubleshooting, or how to integrate multimedia into a lesson, those teachers will come to me for guidance. The leadership opportunity of Mission Beautiful was one in which I was not just a leader in my school, but also in the community. I was able to collaborate with the Sheriff of our county, as well as work with our local community college to help our students learn valuable life lessons. The teacher leader opportunities were abundant within my internship and I am grateful for each of these experiences.

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