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CHAPTER 1 EARLY MORNING 5 a.m. : Mrs. Jones prepared breakfast in the kitchen.

It was one day in October, early in the morning, 5 oclock indeed, when Mrs. Jones started to prepare breakfast in the kitchen. 6 a.m. : Peter got out of bed, went to the bathroom, sat down in the kitchen and ate breakfast.

After about an hour, Mrs. Jones shouted up the stairs, trying to wake Peter up from his long sleep. Peter! Peter! Its 6 oclock! Get up! shouted Mrs. Jones loudly. Okay mom, Im up, replied Peter from the upstairs. Slowly, Peter got out off his bed and went to the bathroom to take a quick wash because the weather at that time is so cold. After dressing up, Peter ran down the stairs, through the sitting room to the kitchen. He sat down and started to eat his breakfast. 6.30 a.m. : In a rush go to Universal Transport Ltd. Aware that he has been late for his work, so that, after half and an hour later, thats at 6.30, Peter went out from his house, walked through the street, turned right and started to catch the bus. Luckily, he had caught it before it had left. Corporation street, please said Peter to the driver, 50 pence, please replied the driver. Then he was driven to the corporation street where his office, the Universal transport Ltd. took place. Since he had arrived at the office, Peter was asked by Mr. James, his chief, to drive things to Manchester. Peter nodded, and then went to the lorry, started to load the boxes of biscuit inside the lorry. He drove to the gate, took the address, signed some papers, and then drove out of the gate. 7.30 a.m. : Drove along Bridgewater (Corporation street centre of the town road for Bristol) It was still half past seven and Bridgewater still quiet. He drove along the corporation street to the downtown where was empty and all the shop still closed. 8 a.m. : Left Bridgewater and out of the country, then turn on the radio

He took the road to Bristol and by 8 he had left Bridgewater and was out in the country. In the way, he turned on the radio and listen to a murder case. 9 a.m. : Raining in Bristol (drove to the North to the downtown)

At 9, he arrived in Bristol and it was raining heavily. The street was crowded and he had to drive slowly. 9.30 : Reached the downtown, saw a boy who was a hitch-hiker, give a lift, talking a bit about who was the boy, how can he be there, went to caf)

At downtown, he saw a boy, who was like a hitch-hiker and gave him a lift. A boy was around sixteen, wore a red jersey and jeans, and he was very wet. The boy, whose name John was running away from his house and now, he didnt know where to go. As John asked Peter to bring him to Manchester, Peter asked him to have a cup of tea at the nearest caf. Peter stopped the lorry outside the caf and both of them ran inside.


At the caf The environment of the caf was warm and they feel convenient. As Peter went to the counter where a girl was serving, John found a seat at a table. Two cups of tea, please asked Peter to the girl. Here you are, love as the girl pushed the teas towards Peter. Its ninety pence. Well after that, Peter gave her the money and came back to John with two cups of tea. John drank the tea and so that Peter. Both of them then got warm up by the hot sweet tea. Talking about Johns running (argument discipline uncle had a fight police in the house) As they were drinking, Peter asked John again about his escape. He said Well John, so you have left home? Thats right replied John Why? Peter asked Then John told Peter about his story. He started from his dead parents and thats why he had to live with his uncle, Mr. Robert Steven. John said that his uncle was kind but very discipline. He never let John went out of the evening, not even to the cinema with his friend. He forced John to study every night, thats why peter got so frustrated. Then the last night, they had argument because John had gone to the cinema without his uncle permission. When he came back home, his uncle was very angry and hit john at his face rudely. As John got angry, he hit back his uncle and as the hit was hard, his uncle fell down to the floor and didnt move. Because John got frightened, he ran out the house. After a while, he came back to the house, but there were lots of police there. One of the police saw him and tried to catch him. John ran away, hid, slept in the bus station and started to hitch-hiking. Add more tea & read newspaper Peter listened to the story carefully, as he saw John got worried, he offered John to have another tea. He asked John to go to the counter and gave him 90 pence. After John left, Peter took a newspaper and read a story about a dead man whose name Robert Steven. After reading that, Peter put it into his pocket quickly. A minute later John came back with two cups of tea. Went back to the lorry (Near Tewkesbury) After finished drinking the tea, they went back to the lorry. Peter started the engine and drove off. The rain had stop and the sun started to shine. As John looked tired, peter asked him to have a sleep at the back of his lorry. After had stop for a while, Peter continued on his way. He was already near the Tewkesbury, when he saw some police came out the car and asked him to stop by holding his hand up.


Met the policeman Oh, God! whisper Peter when he saw the police held his hand up. He slowed down the lorry and then stopped next to the streets pavement. The policeman, quickly, walked into the side of the window. Well, what is it? Whats the matter? asked Peter calmly. Good morning sir. We were looking for a boy who we think may be a murderer of his uncle. Said the police Yeah, Ive heard the news on the radio this morning replied Peter Well continued the police We think that maybe this boy has left Bristol and hitch-hiking north. Is he dangerous? Very dangerous, he had killed his uncle with a chair leg, added the police What is he looked like? asked Peter curiously. Talking about Johns The policeman took out his note and read, John Stevens, aged 16, brown hair, brown eyes. Has an average height, last seen wearing a red jersey and blue jeans. After reading the notes, the policeman asked Peter whether he had seen this boy or not. Peter said no and the police let him to go. Police examined the back of the lorry Peter exhaled his relieved breath. Yeah, I make it! said Peter loudly inside. But when Peter wanted to start the engine, another police stopped him. Wait! said a big, red face police who got out from the police car. What is it now! asked Peter angrily Im in a hurry! Ive got to Manchester before 5 oclock this afternoon! The police said that they want to search on the lorry because they thought that the boy might be hiding there. Peter was so angry and confused, but he couldnt do anything to stop the police on searching his lorry. Hey you help us to open the back of your lorry shouted the police Its the end, oh God, its the end. They would have found John there thought Peter worriedly. After opened the back of the lorry, the police tried to search if anyone had been there. But luckily, things that they only saw were just lots of biscuit boxes and some old coat on the corner. Because didnt find any suspicious things, they let Peter go. Drive and stop to look into the back of the lorry Peter drove off his lorry quickly, left the police behind him. Until he was sure that the police was not following him, he stopped the lorry and jumped out, and ran to the back of his lorry, opened it to search for John. But he couldnt find John anywhere. Almost give up, peter saw a strange thing under the coat,

well, that was John. In fact, he was sleeping there when the police examined the lorry, how lucky he was that the police were too stupid to aware of this thing. The revealed fact about Mr. Robert After meeting John, Peter told him about his dead uncle and how his uncle was murdered by a chair leg. John was shocked; he said that he didnt hit his uncle by a chair leg. Well, its seemed there was another murderer, thats why they planned to continue their journey to Manchester and find out who has killed Mr. Robert.


5 p.m : Arrived at Manchester (Talking about Peters friend) At 5 oclock, Peter and John were at the suburb of the Manchester. Peter told John that he had to send the load to the address for around 1 or 2 hour and after that continued to see some friends. John was bit angry and asked Peter whether he wanted to help him or not. Peter answered him with a calm voice that he wanted to meet them to ask for some information of Johns uncle murderer. Peter had to search on him first because they have not seen each other for along time. Well, they used to do lots of crazy things when they were young, for instance, like fighting, breaking windows, and borrowing cars. But because they started stealing and selling the cars, Peter went out of the group. Not long after that, they were caught by the police and put in the prison. Inside the prison, they were taught by the old men more about stealing, so that, they became more and more expert in stealing things. Peter wondered that maybe his old friend would have known some of the precious information about the murderer case, something that police would not know. However, criminals usually always talking to each other about criminals news and maybe he had lots of connection. As he wanted to load things, Peter asked John to go to the caf or cinema and met him again at 10 oclock sharp. 6.30 p.m : Peter unload the biscuits Then, they decided to separate soon, John walked down the street and Peter went into the shop where he had to unload things. He helped to carry things, counted, and asked for signing paper to the shop manager. When it has finished, the clock has turned into 6.30. Went to Cosy caf Peter knew that he had to be hurry so he parked his lorry and started walking. It was already dark and street lights were on. He kept walking along the narrow alley to the end where cosy caf took place. Peter came inside the caf, asked for a cup of tea and sat down. The caf was almost empty with just only an old man who reading a newspaper in the corner and a 25th years guy who smoked a cigarettes. After finishing his tea, Peter went over to talk with the shops owner who was washing up dirty cups and saucers. Asked about Jeff Beck Peter asked for Jeff to the owner, but the owner seemed frightened and kept saying that he didnt know who Jeff was. He even asked Peter to get out from the caf. After leaving the caf, when peter walked on the alley, there was someone ask him the time, as he looked at his watch, that someone caught his hair and twisted his head back, peter can felt a cold steel knife against his throat. That someone spoke Now were going to see whether you really do know Jeff or whether youre from the police.


6.30 p.m : John got out of the lorry John got out of the lorry and watched Peter go into the shop. Then, he started to walk slowly along the pavement. Well, he had never been in Manchester before and he didnt know where to go and what to do. Lots of people passed after him and John started to feel lonely. So that he came to a cinema. John came to a cinema and watching people John arrived at the cinema and saw the photograph. There was a cowboy film showing at that night. After looked at the photographs several times, John noticed that there were another people who were standing outside the cinema as well. People: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A man wearing a suit who kept watching his watch A small group of girls who were laughing together A girl about 16 who seemed worried about something A mother with two small children and lots of parcels. Two boys of about Johns age who were smoking cigarettes An old man with along coat

More and more people came and waited for a while and then went into the cinema. 1. A fat man came to the woman with the children, kissed her, and picked up one child. The woman held the other children, brought the parcels and together they rushed off from the cinema. 2. The group of girls finally decided to go inside the cinema 3. A taxi stopped and a pretty woman came running up to the man who kept watching his watch. She said sorry that she was late and both of them went off together happily in the taxi 4. The two boys put out their cigarettes and went inside the cinema 5. The old man walked off down the street and kept watching the shops windows 7.30 p.m. : Asked Susan to go inside the cinema Its had been 7.30 and theres no one outside the cinema except John and the worried girl. He looked at the girl; shes thin, quite tall, and had a brown short hair. The age seemed like John. And she was looked angry that time. Maybe shes waiting on someone, thought John, Should I ask her to go inside with me?, before had a decision, John saw a policeman walked on to him. Worriedly, John walked to the girl, said hello and asked her to go inside the cinema with him. The girl whose name Susan was hesitated, actually she was waiting for her boyfriend who was late. When the policeman came closer, John pulled Susan inside, bought two tickets, and went inside the cinema. Unexpectedly, Susan said that he liked John inside the dark cinema.


Peter has been caught With a knife near his throat, Peter was forced by the man to tell his identity. Well, Im a friend of Jeff, hell get angry if you hurt me said Peter. Well know that you were lying or not after Jeff saw you, so shut up and just walked! replied the man fiercely. Then they walked along the dark street. The man walked behind Peter still with a knife in his hand. After walked through the corner, Peter saw a big car was parked there. He was forced to get into the car while the man trying to start the engine. The man drove really fast through the narrow street and after 5 minutes, they had arrived in front of a big house which titled Cabaret Club. There were lots of others cars which parked there as well. Go to the Cabaret Club Get out the main said. Peter then got out of the car and stood in the pavement. This way continued the man while pushing Peter towards the front door. The man rang the bell and someones face appeared in the window. What do you want? asked the face. Its me, I brought someone who said that he was a friend of Jeff replied the man Jeffs in the back room said the face while the door was opened. The man then took peter walked through the hall, in the end of the corridor; he stopped in front of the back door. He knocked the door and pushed peter to get inside. Met Jeff Beck Wow, what a surprised! Why do you bring Peter here? asked Jeff to the man Well boss, he said that he was a friend of yours, but I thought that he was from the police, thats why I took him here replied the man Youre wrong then, he is truly my friend and I hope that you didnt hurt him Peter smiled because he was pleased to hear that Jeff still remembered him. Well, I want to talk with my old friend privately, so all of you please get out here, said Jeff The others left immediately, and soon Peter was just alone with Jeff. Looks like you havent changed at all Jeff, said Peter friendly. Perhaps, but Im much richer now, I owned this club reply Jeff with a smile So you have stopped stealing then? peter asked curiously. No, you can say that I kept continued stealing by ordering my people. This club makes it very easy for my business because there are lots of people came here everyday Jeff was told the problem Well Jeff, Im not here to hear about this stealing lesson, Im here to ask for your help, told Peter and then Peter told him whole the story about John and his problem. Jeff listened to his story carefully and then trying to search on information. Jeff brought an information n a helper Bob Steel

Not a long time later, he was back with information and a paper. If you want to know the murderer, contact Bob Steel, this is his address, said Jeff while giving the paper to Peter. Get into my car Peter, my man will send you to your lorry safely. Thank you Jeff, you helped me a lot. After saying that, Peter got into the cars and he was driven off fast down the street.

CHAPTER 7 JOHN LEARNS A LESSON John and Susan inside the Cinema Inside the cinema, John and Susan were watching the movie. Although the movie wasnt very good, but both of them really enjoyed it much. Johns arm around Susan and they were sitting very closed to each other. Suddenly the movie stopped to have its interval while the lights came on. John turned to Susan and said, Im very thirsty, would you like some cola?. Susan nodded. Bought colas during the films interval John stood up from his seat, walked to the counter which sold drinks and ice-cream. Two colas please, said peter to the seller girl Thats one pound twenty the girl said and John paid her. Steve appeared After getting the colas, John walked back to his seat, but he stopped in the middle of his way. He saw Susan was talking to another boy. She was arguing with him and the boy seemed so angry. He heard that Susan asked the boy to leave her alone. The boy didnt reply as he was walking towards John and then bumped John. You had better to leave my girl alone or I will do more than just push you, said the boy angrily. Movie Continued John seemed not to be scared, he walked towards Susan and continue to watch the movie. He even asked Susan to give him a kiss, and she did it. After the movie had finished, they walked outside the cinema. The farewell (10.30 p.m) I cant explain what happen, but dear listen to me; Ive got to back to Bristol now. If you give me your address, Ill write to you, said John as quick as he can. However, he has missed the time which he had promised with Peter, he has been 30 minutes late to meet Peter. Susan wrote her address, and then gave it to John. John gave her a quick kiss and started to run along the street. Steve an his friend came on John Unexpectedly, he was blocked by some people. In fact, the ones who block him were Steve, Susans boyfriend and his friends. Steve kicked John at his legs and it made John fell over the street. He lay on the ground when Steve started to kick and bumped him. John made a move, he hit Steve in his stomach and tried to run away but unluckily, Steves friends caught him in time. You are frightened, funny! said one of the boys Well going to teach you a lesson, said Steve and he started to hit John hard in face and kick him in stomach. John came back to the ground and all of the boys now started to kick him. He almost screamed, while he heard a voice, Leave him alone. God! That was Peter.

CHAPTER 8 RIVER STREET Peter Appeared to help John Leave him alone shouted Peter. Steve turned around, stopped kicking and shouted back, Its not your business, Go away! Peter ignored Steves words. He started to hit Steve hard and fight him. As they fighting, John tried to run, and then Peter told him to go inside the car while Peter was beating Steve and his friend. After got into car, he saw Steve and his friends had running away. John was curious to know how Peter did find him but Peter asked him to silent and both of them shut their mouth till they have arrived at Peters lorry. Back to the lorry & talking about their day 11 p.m. Peter started the lorrys engine and they drove back to Bristol in a rush. Now, tell me what happen asked Peter while they were leaving Manchester. Then, John explain about all the things happen in the cinema, about Susan and then about Steve. Well, I hope this incident taught you a lesson, dont try to steal other boys girlfriend laughed Peter Well, you sound like Steve. By the way, how did you know where I was? You arrive just in time asked John. Well, I didnt know where you are actually, I just saw a boy was punched by 3 other boys, it didnt seem fair, so that I tried to give my help, I didnt know that this boy was you until after I had shouted stop. Said Peter John laughed and said he was lucky. Then he asked Peter about the information that Peter got. Peter then told him about what happen in the Cosy caf till the time he met Jeff. Peter said that he had information that maybe could help them to find the murderer. He said that they had to come back to Bristol to see Mr. Bob Steel, the one who can help them with information. It has been 11 when John started to feel asleep. Peter drove on and on through the night. The street was empty and it went faster than usual so when it still dark, they arrived in Bristol. Peter tried to wake John up, said that the have arrived at Bristol. Because saw few police, John asked Peter to bring him to Bridgewater. Back to Bridgewater - 5 a.m. (second day) John stayed in Peters house. Peter mother was surprised to see John but she didnt say anything. After 12 oclock, they drove back to Bristol. They stopped in front of one house in the River Street. House number 12 River Street was a small, low house which windows were very dirty. Peter then knocked on the door. After a while, the door was opened.

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