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Group Name : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Shrikant Sabat. Richa singh. Pritesh mishra. Mitul soni. Vaibhav surve.

1) What Compare and contrast between CRM and E-CRM ?

CRM 1 Customer contacts


Contact with customer made through the All of the traditional methods are used in retail store, phone, and fax. addition to Internet, email, wireless, and PDA technologies. 2 System interface Implements the use of ERP systems, Geared more toward front end, which emphasis is on the back-end. interacts with the back-end through use of ERP systems, data warehouses, and data marts. 3 System overhead (client computers) The client must download various Does not have these requirements because the applications to view the web-enabled client uses the browser. applications. They would have to be rewritten for different platform. 4 Customization and personalization of information Views differ based on the audience, and Personalized individual views based on personalized views are not available. purchase history and preferences. Individual Individual personalization requires has ability to customize view. program changes. 5 System focus System (created for internal use) designed System (created for external use) designed based on job function and products. Web based on customer needs. Web application applications designed for a single designed for enterprise-wide use. department or business unit. 6 System maintenance and modification More time involved in implementation Reduction in time and cost. Implementation and maintenance is more expensive and maintenance can take place at one because the system exists at different location and on one server. locations and on various servers.

2) What are the Benefits of e-CRM of Company ? 1. Personalized Experience: Each and every experience between the company and the customer is personalized. We know the person who is calling, what services or products the customer inquired about in previous interactions and what products or services may be of interest to the customer. 2. Multi Channel interaction: e-CRM will enable your Customer to communicate with your company through any available channel like phone,web, VOIP, e.mail, text based collaboration, video etc.. If you think that your customers won't require any service when they visit your website - think again otherwise that web-site is no good than a static product or service catalog. 3. Knowledge: Each and every intercation with the customer, over whatever channel is duly recorded and is available to all Service professionals whenever the customer initiates the interaction again. Our knowledge of the customer's tastes, needs, requirements etc., enable us to bring to notice more of your goods and services, provide comparison of the same with your competitors and help sell more of your goods and services. 4. One to one marketing: We use each customer interaction as an opportunity to reinforce brand loyalty and convert regular interaction into great experience for the customer. 5. Target Marketing: Customers get information about selective new products and services based on their previous buying pattern, profile, tastes, interests, etc.

6. Real Time Interaction: Using Cybergurus e-CRM, your customers can get service right at your site through phone, chat, e.mail, collaboration or forwarding of pages back and forth between the Representative and the Customer. Your customers will have any service available twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Now if a customer wants to order something from your site, say at 2:a.m., the customer is scrolling at your site and needs some assistance. Right Now, the customer does not have any choice other than to proceed to check out with the Cart. In most cases, due to lack of any help, customers dump the order at check out. On the contrary, When we manage your e-CRM initiative, the customer will have the following choices: An icon will be placed on the site for customer to engage in VOIP call, regular phone call, text based chat etc. The point is, We are engaged with your customer in the buying process and we can resolve any issues, assist the customer in any way required, pass on any information about your company's product or service, right then and there, when the customer is browsing through pages at your site. 7. Prompt Service: Our Representatives are highly trained professionals to indelibly etch superior impression and image of your company to your customer through superior service, quick resolution of Customer issues and prompt response. This promotes brand loyalty and repeat business from existing customers and emphatically try to convert potential inquirers of products and services into Customers. New Customers can be gained through web, campaigns, product promotions and marketing offers for specific product.

3) What is Mobile CRM ? One subset of Electronic CRM is Mobile CRM (mCRM). This is defined as "services that aim at nurturing customer relationships, acquiring or maintaining customers, support marketing, sales or services processes, and use wireless networks as the medium of delivery to the customers. However, since communications is the central aspect of customer relations activities, many opt for the following definition of mCRM: "communication, either one-way or interactive, which is related to sales, marketing and customer service activities conducted through mobile medium for the purpose of building and maintaining customer relationships between a company and its customer(s). ECRM allows customers to access company services from more and more places, since the Internet access points are increasing by the day. mCRM however, takes this one step further and allows customers or managers to access the systems for instance from a mobile phone or PDA with internet access, resulting in high flexibility. Since mCRM is not able to provide a complete range of customer relationship activities it should be integrated in the complete CRM system.

There are three main reasons that mobile CRM is becoming so popular. 1. The devices consumers use are improving in multiple ways that allow for this advancement. Displays are larger and clearer and access times on networks are improving overall. 2. The users are also becoming more sophisticated. The technology to them is nothing new so it is easy to adapt. 3. The software being developed for these applications has become worthwhile and useful to end users. There are four basic steps that a company should follow to implement a mobile CRM system: Step 1 - Needs analysis phase: This is the point to take your times and understand all the technical needs and desires for each of the users and stakeholders. It also has to be kept in mind that the mobile CRM system must be able to grow and change with the business. Step 2 Mobile design phase: This is the next critical phase that will show all the technical concerns that need to be addressed. A few main things to consider are screen size, device storage and security. Step 3 Mobile application testing phase: This step is mostly to ensure that the users and stakeholders all approve of the new system. Step 4 Rollout phase: This is when the new system is implemented but also when training on the final product is done with all users.

Advantages of mobile CRM: 1. The mobile channel creates a more personal direct connection with customers. 2. It is continuously active and allows necessary individuals to take action quickly using the information. 3. Typically it is an opt-in only channel which allows for high and quality responsiveness. 4. Overall it supports loyalty between the customer and company, which improves and strengthens relationships

4) What are the different steps in ECRM ? 1. Identify the type of customers : For any company, it simply isnt enough to know Who buys what in order to build a successful, profitable marketing campaign. You need to know who your customers are and how much you should invest in them.

2. Identify the online customers : The firms have to identify the customer segmentation well. Each market segment needs to be identified thoroughly. Are they are transactional users, nontransactional users, high value customers etc. organization need to consider whether the resources are targeted to the high valve users, as directed by the Pareto principle. 3. Develop an attractive & users friendly website : In the online world in order to develop a strong relationship the website should provide the customer a good experience. The website design should be based on the industry its operates and the customer segmentation it targets. Eg. A firm operating In the travel industry should not use colors related to gaming sites. The web site should also encourage return visits. This can be done by using attractive and updated web contents. 4. Information gathering & handling : Firms need to develop strategies for gathering and analyzing information about the customer activities. A proper development of database is important. Rather than just developing a database firms should think about data mining to target effective communication and life style, behavioral identification the customers. Web tracking should be enabled such as time spent on each pages, web logs etc. 5. Communicate effective to the targeted customer : There has to be always one to one communication with the customers. The customer complaints and queries need to be answered quickly. Also it is always important to display a FAQ page in the web. The organization has to derermine the communication ways according to the target segments, whether its email, bulletin boards (site communication) etc. 6. It should be one to one communication customer quickly : It is necessary to redesigning workflow management systems, re-engineering work processes and support them with the right technologies align the actual business operations with online activities.

7. Developing customer centric strategies : In todays world ,consumers are in control. They dictate how, when and through what channels your company will communicate with them. Thats why developing a personal dialogue with your customers is more critical than ever, but in doing so you must abide by your customers right to opt-in and opt-out of this communication, and you must respect their privacy. 8. Build Loyalty and Trust : Trust can be seen as a single important element in CRM building online because in the online world there is no physical interaction. Building initial trust is very important. There are few sets of questions the firms need to answer. 9. Evaluate the result of your strategies : Once youve invested in a campaign to communicate with your customers, you need to step back, take a deep breath, and evaluate the results of your venture who responded and why? And should you invest in these customers again?

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