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Kymatica (2009) The introduction of the movie Kymatica states what Ive learned and discussed with others

during the meetings: everything in the world is a reflection of the self the universe is a reflection of you and you are a reflection of the universe. Further still, if there is something wrong in the world, it may be the worlds way of telling you there is something wrong with you and vice versa. So if you go to work and have issues of getting to work on time, or doing work on time it may be the uinverses way of saying you have time management problems. If you interact with people and people treat you negatively or indifferent, you may need to concentrate on your people skills. If people seem to be trying to get you to do work then the universe is telling you to put forth the effort and stop being lazy. If your car doesnt run after you seem to spend currency (energy) getting a car fixed on numerous occasions then you may All of the above seems to be the case even when considering karma and dharma: the cause being that you need to brush up on your people skills is evidenced by your blunt and cavalier gestures or statements may come across as thoughtless and reckless thus seemingly disregarding peoples emotions (egos) and rubbing people the wrong way which create the effect of you having problems with people mistreating you. Karma. So, in essence, if something negative seems to be happening to you, its the universes (The Creators) way of telling you something is wrong with you. The automobile situation: idolatry? Dharma = evolving (evolution). Karma = devolving (devolution). Kymatica states that the courts rule under maritime law (law of the oceans). Crossing the bar is the equivalent to boarding a ship (on paper). The judge is really the equivalent to a captain of the ship who is settling a dispute between two parties on his ship, which is ruled under maritime law. (NOTE: a law that governed commerce since ancient times because groups/tribes usually needed to travel by sea to ship their products to other lands to trade with other groups/tribes, which is why maritime law IS the law of commerce?) Further still it may be quite possible that (ON PAPER!) when Europeans took us from our homeland, shipped us to the 13 colonies, and enslaved us, a situation similar to what is written about crossing the bar may have been the reality: Europeans took us from our homeland and shipped us to the 13 colonies could be what was written on paper, and true to a certain extent, but, in reality, it could have been that Europeans took us from our homes in our villages on this continent and brought us to THEIR legal fiction corporate 13 colonies, court as prisoners of war. (Remember, there were battles between Native Americans and colonists.) The only thing is us being on ships could be what was written on paper, but, in reality, we were crossing the bar into court, which symbolizes getting on a ship thus being under maritime law. On paper we were slaves being sold off but, in reality we may have been prisoners of war that were the spoils to be divided amongst the victors (the conquistadors) who picked and chose, possibly turning into an auction to the highest bidder. And since we had children while enslaved the children belonged to the master according to Mosaic Law as well as the child only knowing how to be a slave, which MAY be the same difference!

when it is stated that Europeans enslaved us, put us on slave ships, and shipped us to America in actuality we were captured on our own land (as children of terrorized and killed parents) (maybe down in Brazil?) and taken to court where we crossed the bar, was convicted of war crimes and other crimes like neglect (Elias Boudinot wrote that tribes laughed at Europeans of the first colony because Europeans lifestyle was one of misery living in holes in the ground for shelter, starving due to spoiling food supply brought on ships, and the lack of gardening and cultivating vegetables like maize) by a judge and sentenced to prison hard labor (slavery!)

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