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Quick reference

TopSolid Interface Menus guide Mouse Compass and visualization Icons and dialog TopSolidCam shortcuts Keyboard shortcuts Symbolic tree Parameters Sketch and dimension Layers management

The Integrated CAD/CAM/ERP Solution

TopSolid Interface

Quick reference

1. Title bars (software and document) Possible document name suffixes: *: modified document ?: document with invalid element(s) !: document with lowered cursor ~: document with frozen operation(s) #: master part(s) with slave part not up-to-date X: not up-to-date slave part 2. Drop down menus 3. Integrated system icon bar 4. Work icon bar 5. Prompt line bar with neutral point functions (see table down below) 6. Context icon bar 7. Symbolic tree (construction tree) 8. Status bar 9. Alpha bar (message window) 10. Graphic area (work space) 11. Current coordinate system 12. Compass 13. Quick layers bar 14. Quick line styles bar 15. Symbolic tree indexes
2 5 7 6 11 10 1 4 3


12 9 8 13


Neutral point functions

Selection type
Edge Planar face Curve Operation Component Coordinate system Graphic area Create a fillet or a chamfer Planar face Extrude curve Modify or delete operation Use processes Make coordinate system current Render mode selection

Suggested operation/function

Bars display: Click with right button on drop down menu bar and check/uncheck bar to display/hide.

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Menus guide
File Edition Parameter Curve Shape

Quick reference

File management, print, document properties Element edition (curve, shape, operation) such as Duplicate, Repeat, Replace, Extract, Insert Parameter and values management of the document (Edit list, Optimize, Animate) Creation and modification of 2D element separated by a horizontal line Creation and modification of 3D element (same organization as Curve) Shape and element creation ( to delete elements)

Operation and elements modification ( to extract operations)

Assembly functions and component creation Movement management defined with kinematic joints between elements Dynamics Movement management of elements assembled with constraints of forces and gravity Tools Creation of coordinate system, point, dimension, constraint and options Attribute Information management related to an element (color, transparency, layer) Analyze Measure box: Feedback in the alpha bar of distance, mass, inertia Piping Piping functions module Sheet metal Sheet metal design tools Image Realistic rendering functions Wood Wood design functions (TopSolidWood) View View creation tools (section, detail, auxiliary, along direction) Dimension Dimension tools and modification of dimension format: height, text, extremities Bill of material Bill of material creation and management as well as indexes Detailing Complete drawing with texts, geometrical tolerances and other symbols Window Window management (i.e.: Tile vertically) Help Online help, About TopSolid, TopSolid modules version, Codes Assembly Kinematics

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Quick reference

Left button Selection of an element, a command, an icon in the menus, or point creation Middle button Creation on the current coordinate system without snapping on the elements Dynamic pan of the graphic area Wheel Dynamic zoom of the graphic area Right button Contextual menu according to the position of cursor in the menus area. Dialog buttons shortcuts in the graphic area: a short click = validation of the furthest left button, a long click = list of all buttons in a contextual menu Rotative picking Selection of a hidden or overlapping entity. Keep your left selection mouse button pushed down near the element, then while keeping to select

the button pressed click successively with another button the desired element, then release the selection button note

It is also possible to select arc or circle center using this method. Intersection snapping To get an intersection point between wireframe entities, keep your selection button pressed down while you are at a location without entity to select, and move your cursor toward the intersection position . Cursor symbol will first turn into a square shape. When an intersection position is close enough, a rubber-bending line appears from the intersection position indicating an intersection point. Release your selection to capture. Intersecting entities are shown in red. Search area can be adjusted with

+ and - keys.
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Compass and visualization

Translation on axis cylinder Spherical rotation on axis cone Axial rotation on axis arc Orientation on axis letter, opposed direction with rotative picking Compass hooking on the compass origin (sphere) to hook on a geometrical element Compass function on the hooked compass to create a coordinate system (current or not), orientate view, unhook, display default coordinate system Compass options Display options, colours, size with File | Properties | Compass Compass initialization if compass out of the current view, on the default

Quick reference

and coordinate system select Get back compass View configuration or cursor with on any border of the graphic area to change types of view (number and orientation) Top view Top view orientation in regards to the current coordinate system Perspective view Perspective view orientation in regards to the current coordinate system Rotation along screen axis of current view : X axis : Y axis : Z axis

+ + + 1!

= Dynamic rotation (or ) = Pan (or


) = Dynamic zoom

= Fit screen zoom

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Icons and dialog

Execution of simple icon Execution of indexed icon Contextual menu with In contextual menu: with with on icon

Quick reference

on icon on icon

on the index or

: current without execution : execution without current Prompt line bar Toggle button: switch between different choices Ex: on toggles to

Action button: validate an option Ex: on executes the command

Data entry field: for some options, direct typing with keyboard by the user in an entry field Ex: .

List: selection of option in a drop-down list (validate the option in the list) Ex: Button shortcuts in the graphic area Short Long : the most left button : all buttons in a list in a contextual menu

Status bar options : Graphical display tolerance : Magnetic snap activation (options with system) on current coordinate

: Element creation mode: 3D: Hooking to the picked point (default mode) Pr (Projected): Hooking to the picked point projected on the XY plane of the current coordinate system (the Z coordinate in the current coordinate system is always equal to 0) Pl (Plane): Hooking restricted to current coordinate system

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TopSolidCam shortcuts
Operations manager

Quick reference

Double-click +l +i +d + x +v


Comment edition Operation search Link edition (between 2 successive operations) Delete selected operations Edit selected operation, tool of WCS Show layers dialog box Display information on selected operation Display database structure on selected operation Cut selected operations Paste selected operations Select all the operations

Tricks Click on small icon in front of the operation to start the simulation. Ctrl+click on small icon in front of the operation to start the verification.

Simulation Spacebar Stop or start a simulation / Jump to the next move z Jump to the next new Z point + Increase the simulation speed Reduce the simulation speed Left the simulation Jump to the simulation of the next operation Verification

Go back to the initial state Stop or start a verification / Next cut t Show the tool path s Change the tool path display < and + > Modify the number of tool path elements which are displayed a Display the current WCS z Zoom on an area of the part p Execute an hardcopy Display the list of the operations to simulate + Increase the verification speed - Increase the verification speed Part clamping Spacebar

+ : Rotate the selected clamp in the counter clockwise direction - : Rotate the selected clamp in the clockwise direction f : Open the face selection where to put the clamp x : Lock / Unlock X axis for clamp positioning y : Lock / Unlock Y axis for clamp positioning z : Lock / Unlock Z axis for clamp positioning : Move clamp in X or Y / : Move clamp in Z
Editions ENI -

Keyboard shortcuts & & & & & & & +z

On-line help Information on selected element Zoom Pan Axial rotation along X Axial rotation along Y Axial rotation along Z Graphical section Spherical rotation Reorganize the floating icon bars Display/hide the floating icon bars Undo step by step Origin of the current coordinate system

Quick reference

Display the previous and next answers previously entered

Exit of the current function + A Cancel all actions of the current function + o Open/close symbolic tree + 1! Fit screen zoom + Toggle between open TopSolid documents Spherical rotation + Pan + Zoom ++ note Customization of keyboard shortcuts with Tools | Options | Shortcut key ISBN 2-7460-4134-0

ISBN : 978-2-7460-4134-9

Quick reference

Price: 3,19 / 5 e 9 782746 041349

The Integrated CAD/CAM/ERP Solution

Symbolic tree
Open/close tree with Tools | Open/Close tree

Quick reference

with double cursor on right hand side of context icon bar. or Once open, select an element to edit. on an element of the tree to delete, modify, zoom, with contextual menu with upper section for selected element and lower section for general options. on an operation of the tree to move it. Tree symbol legend

bold normal italic =0 =* <> ()

Visible element or operation Invisible element or operation Element automatically driven by TopSolid (generally created in another document) Operation without intermediary result Operation with intermediary result Geometry of the operation stored Deactivated operation Insertion cursor allows to display the part at different step of its conception and insert new operations Simplification cursor allowing you to choose the level of detail of the simplified shape Invalid element or operation Operation de-activated automatically Built in place element (solid or surface) Included sub-assembly Included element User standard component Master part Slave part Parameter/driver

Editions ENI -

Creation of parameter: Parameter | Create - Parameter bar - Length parameter

Quick reference

Creation of parameter on the fly: r=10mm a=2in

Tolerances: 5mm[-0.1,+0.2] 8mm[0.2] 12mm[h7] Sharing of same parameter with several entities: with Parameter | Merge (such as 2 dimensions) Edition of parameters: with Parameter | Edit list Data entry field in yellow if parameter name already exists

3.1415926535897932385 Cosine, Sine, Tangent Arc cosine, Arc sine, Arc tangent of an angle ATAN2(x,y) ATAN(x/y) EXP(x) LN(x) LOG(x) Exponential (e^x), Neperian and decimal logarithm SQRT(x) Square root ABS(x) MAX(x,y) MIN(x,y) Absolute, maximal and minimal value AND(x,y) OR(x,y) NOT(x) Boolean operators WHEN(x,y,z) Returns z if x = 0 and y if not x==y Returns 1 if x = y x>=y Returns 1 if x >(or equal) y x>y Returns 1 if x > y x<=y Returns 1 if x <(or equal) y x<y Returns 1 if x < y x!=y Returns 1 if x different from y CEIL2(x) C onverts a floating value to an integer by closest upper value ROUND2(x) Converts by closest value FLOOR2(x) Converts by closest lower value

PI COS(x) SIN(x) TAN(x) ACOS(x) ASIN(x) ATAN(x)

Example of condition If l > 20 then d=l/2 else d=4 Creation of parameter l=15 and parameter


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Sketch and dimension

Sketch mode with Start a new sketch with End sketch with Modify sketch with Modify element (green border of the graphic area)

Quick reference

by selecting sketch or part

Sketch colours Under constrained color Iso constrained color Unused segment line type Construction segment line type Unused segment line width Construction segment line width Customization with Tools | Options | Sketch Constraints Perpendicular Parallel Alignment Orientation Tangency Coincidence Concentricity

Orange Green

A to toggle line mode to arc mode when sketching. z to force horizontal/vertical mode.
Move Parents to automatically adjust the constraints. Insert Element to insert entities in a sketch.

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Layers management
Layers option with on in status bar.

Quick reference

Colour Green Red Black Blue

Status Current Visible Invisible Grouped/frozen

Symbol 0 X -

Status Not empty Frozen Empty

Activate/Deactivate (visible or invisible) Freeze/Unfreeze (read only layer) Name a layer Group several layers in a named group Ungroup a group of layers Selection by type of layer with Types tab options. Quick layers bar

: Activate/deactivate quick layer (red/black) : Activate and make quick layer current (green) : Quick layer options (Name, Insert) Redefine: Reorganization of all quick layers according to their contents. Tools | Options | Icon bars to modify the number of quick layers.

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