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An online, matrix-driven performance management system called PACE or Performance And Career Enhancement, allows for objective goal-setting

and performance evaluation. Quarterly appraisals and bonus payouts, in accordance with corporate and individual achievements, ensures a tracking of each individual's performance and training need-fulfilment over a career span at Apollo Tyres. PACE provides greater objectivity in measuring performance by providing metrics for tracking the performance, growth and potential of each individual. Annually, the basket of competencies at each level are evaluated along with the performance evaluation.

Culture of Constant Learning All training programmes are consolidated under the Apollo Laureate Academy. In collaboration with leading institutes like the Indian Institutes of Management, Management Development Institute, IMD, Dale Carnegie Training and knowledge partners like Mercer and Thomas Profiling, domainspecific training needs are identified and programmes developed especially for Apolloites, to address the entire gamut of functions from sales and marketing to manufacturing, technical, commercial, engineering, quality processes, soft skills and inter-personal skill development. The Apollo Laureate Academy encourages individuals to attend seminars, meets, conferences and workshops taking place in the public domain, to ensure both professional growth and learning, as well as to build relationships and network with similar communities across industries. For the vital sales and marketing and manufacturing teams, specialised programmes have been developed to enhance skills, and identify individual areas of strength. These include modules at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, for senior management, Hero Mindmine for field training and the Ashok Leyland Training Centre for technical training, besides others. Simultaneously, three prestigious leadership development programmes cut across all functions and locations, where high-performing individuals, from senior, middle and junior management, are hand-picked to enhance their global management skills through the Enhanced Leadership Development Programme, the Advanced Leadership Development Programme and the Supervisory Development Programme.

Culture of Innovation Looking beyond the obvious and exploring diverse opportunities is encouraged and respected at Apollo Tyres. Innovative, or what is called out-of-the-box thinking, is rewarded. These range from appreciation notes from senior management, the plant-level Kudos Club and Achievement Award certificates and even financial, non-financial and paid holiday package rewards. But employees have found that their best reward comes when their idea is acknowledged amongst all employees, and they are asked to work on the idea and implement it as part of their direct contribution to Apollo's phenomenal growth plans. Given the thin margins of the Indian tyre industry, the company's biggest differentiator is its

employees and their creativity people willing to stretch and innovate to achieve what is often considered by others as impossible! At any given point in time, multiple cross-functional teams work across the organisation, on small and large projects, driving home the importance of teamwork.

Culture of Reward & Recognition Apollo's vibrant and transparent culture ensures instant recognition and reward of excellent performance on a continuous basis. These range from formal, informal and programme-based means of peer, senior management and organisational acknowledgement of individual and team performance. These are beyond the quarterly performance bonus, which for an individual could go up to 120% of the bonus amount. Formal channels of acknowledgement include annual team and individual sales performance awards for Best Zone, State and District on various product categories, the Molon Lave award scheme and a week-long all-paid visit abroad for the highest performers from the sales team. On the manufacturing level, the Annual Excellence in Manufacturing Awards recognise both team and individual performers across the company, leading to further competitiveness and sharing of best practices across plants. Marketing excellence is recognised by the annual Golden Disc Award for the best marketing plan of the year. Topping it all is the prestigious Employee of the Year Award and the annual Roll of Honour.

Culture of Communication Instant and open communication for all employees is actively followed to ensure transparency at all times. This is driven by the belief that employees are a corporate's best brand ambassadors and need to be armed with information to play this role well. Given the need for speed and flexibility, a majority of top management communication on topics like product launches, new initiatives and achievements, short- and long-term goals and targets, organic and inorganic growth are usually sent via email. This is augmented with a printed quarterly newsletter brought out by each country operation and a six-monthly corporate newsletter for organisational news and direction. The corporate intranet ApolloConnect plays a supplementary role in ensuring online access to all corporate announcements, updated policies, current projects, leave status, salary slips, filing of tax returns and an entire gamut of information required at an employee's fingertips on an everyday basis.

Culture of Fun An open office construction across locations and an open-door policy by senior management leads

to a relaxed, informal and sharing atmosphere amongst all employees. Apollo encourages fun during working hours through informal activities and get-togethers. Birthdays of all employees are celebrated at the office. Festivals like Guru Purav, Diwali, Onam, Christmas and others are celebrated across the country, where relevant, in a festive atmosphere of food and games for children and families. At manufacturing units, sporting and summer vacation camps are organised for employees' children. An annual sporting activity called the Unstoppable Cup is the most competitive and fun event at Apollo Tyres, with each Zone, Plant and the Head Office fighting fiercely to win a cup which encompasses a gamut of sporting activities. The Annual Sales Conference, held outside the geography of the country operation, acts not only as a goal-setting event for the team but also a fun event which breaks all barriers of levels and functions, allowing an intermingling of working team. With a vibrant, fun-filled and dynamic environment powered by a unifying spirit of the Apollo One Family, each Apolloite brings a unique passion to enjoy his/her work, enhancing and building the Apollo Tyres culture.

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