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IPAM Value Map

Navigating the IP-dependent World

BlueCat Networks We Start the Network 7 Key IPAM-Enabled IT Initiatives

We live in an IP-dependent world. IP Address Management (IPAM) is an essential technology for accelerating time to market, reducing the risk of outages and streamlining ongoing management for maximum ROI. BlueCat Networks IPAM solutions form the foundation for successful IT initiatives by allowing you to command and control your entire IP and Name Space from a single simple and secure Web interface.

Highest Possible Gartner Rating

BlueCat Networks was rated in the highest Strong Positive category in the Gartner 2011 MarketScope for DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management.

Aligned with Your Business

Our solutions can be seamlessly integrated into your existing environment to help you reduce IT operating expenses and realize an immediate return on investment.

Fastest Response Times and Best-in-Class Support

BlueCat Networks Customer Care provides unbeatable 24/7/365 support and 5-hour onsite hardware repair.

Flexible Delivery Real-World Solutions

Our software solutions give organizations the power to centrally manage heterogeneous name and address infrastructures in their network from a single pane of glass. The result is a dynamic network that is more resilient, cost-eective and easier to manage.

Customer Environment Integrations

BlueCat Networks solutions are available in any avour physical, virtual or cloud-based managed service. Pick the one that best suits the needs of your organization.

ITIL Reduce IT Management Costs Accelerate the Rollout of New Services Transition to IPv6 Improve the Reliability of Core Services Virtualize Data Centers and Build Clouds Optimize Core Services at the Edge Replace Legacy IPAM Solutions Remove manual data entry and error risk from services Eliminate per-IP licensing fees


Trouble Ticketing

CMS/CMDB and Asset Tracking


Automated Provisioning


IP Address Management
Network Modelling Network Discovery and Reconciliation Overlapping Network Management IP and Network Change Control & Auditing Management & Provisioning for BlueCat Networks DNS/DHCP Management & Provisioning for Microsoft Windows DNS/DHCP

Local DNS/DHCP delivery improved performance and eciency Central IT maintains visibility and control over all changes across all locations

DNS and DHCP Management and Provisioning

DNS Conguration DHCP Conguration DNS Caching DNS and DHCP Change Control & Auditing DNS and DHCP Validation and Error Checking Microsoft DNS and DHCP Change Provisioning DHCP and Network Templates Service Delegation

Virtual Appliances

Speed cloud adoption and rollout via automation of core services foundation Leverage elastic core services delivery that scales with demand

Security and Compliance

Time-stamped Audit Logs Network Discovery Logging Simultaneous IPv4 and IPv6 Discovery MAC Authentication for Wireless Networks SSL and HTTPS Communication DNSSEC Provisioning and Key Management Protection of DNS Updates with TSIG and GSS-TSIG

Eliminate impactful outages Meet network growth targets with market-leading scalability

Product Core Capabilities

Physical Appliances

Self-Service Portals
MAC Registration Portal MAC Authentication Portal Integration with IT Service Portals Cloud Automation On-Ramping

Delivery Options
Cisco UCS Express

Track and control valuable IPv4 assets Implement IPv6 DNS and discover and track IPv6 and dual-stacked hosts

Migration Automation
Reduce risk of outages during data center consolidations Track VoIP rollouts in real time Legacy Conguration Migration Source Consolidation Data Normalization and Validation

Cloud-Based Managed Service

Cross-Solution Services
Push common tasks to Help Desk Retain central control approval controls, error checking & auditing Workow Delegation and Control High Availability Service Availability and Usage Monitoring Integration API and Web Services Reporting Web-based UI

Reduce Cost

Increase Time-to-Value

Eliminate Risk

IP: IPv4, IPv6, IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack

The IPAM Intelligence Company

Supported Technologies

DHCP: DHCP Failover DNS: DDNS, DNSSEC, Anycast Services: TFTP, NTP

IPAM Value Map

Navigating the IP-dependent World

Reduce IT Management Costs

Accelerate the Rollout of New Services

Transition to IPv6

Improve the Reliability of Core Services

Virtualize Data Centers and Build Clouds

Optimize Core Services at the Edge

Replace Legacy IPAM Solutions

BlueCat Networks IPAM, DNS and DHCP solutions make network management easier and more a ordable. Our solutions Increase operational e ciency and reduce IT costs by providing centralized management, e cient workow delegation and scalability to support future growth and new requirements such as IPv6. Automated IPAM, DNS and DHCP frees up time and resources to focus on strategic IT initiatives.

New services like VoIP, Wi-Fi access and the integration of smart phones and tablets can double or triple the number of IP addresses and networks you need to manage. BlueCat Networks solutions accelerate the rollout of new services by simplifying and standardizing the way networks, IP addresses, DNS domains and DHCP core services are provisioned, tracked and audited.

With the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses, organizations need smart solutions to help them plan, implement and manage IPv6. BlueCat Networks IPv6-ready solutions provide an essential technology for transitioning to IPv6. Our solutions allow you to discover, manage and track IPv4 and IPv6 network assets, plan and to model your IPv6 addressing scheme and map your IPv6 network onto existing IPv4 resources.

In todays IP-dependent world, when DNS and DHCP core services fail, business stops. BlueCat Networks IPAM, DNS and DHCP solutions provide the network visibility, control and resiliency you need to keep your business-critical core services running 24/7. With multiple levels of resiliency, global visibility and built-in error checking, our solutions are purpose-built to provide core services reliability and scalability.

Virtualization and cloud computing can deliver greater agility and exibility but only if ine ective automation and manual spreadsheet lookups for IP addresses dont get in the way. BlueCat Networks solutions automate network provisioning and workload activation for virtual environments and clouds, allowing you to leverage available IP space for on demand scalability.

Every time a new branch or remote location opens, network management gets more complicated and costly. BlueCat Networks solutions optimize core network services at the edge by combining e cient centralized management with resilient local delivery of DNS and DHCP core services. The result is an optimal network infrastructure that is scalable and can provide reliable local services and more e cient use of IT resources.

Spreadsheets and manual processes cant keep pace with the explosive growth of networks, mobile devices and IP usage. BlueCat Networks replaces ine cient legacy IPAM solutions with a smart, simple, scalable solution for managing IP addresses and IP core services. With integrated DNS and DHCP, BlueCat Networks IPAM solution gives you the power to centrally manage everything IP in your network from a single pane of glass.

Reduce monthly DNS/DHCP costs by up to 40% Reduce TCO by 30% in the rst three years Support new initiatives without increasing IT team size Reduce the risk of costly DNS/DHCP outages

Rapidly launch new services and avoid project delays Reduce the risk of outages during and after rollout Simplify and automate network provisioning Reduce the ongoing cost of managing new services

Maintain connectivity with global markets and customers Seamlessly transition to IPv6 with no business disruption Cohesively manage IPv6 and dual-stacked environments Maximize the business value of existing IPv4 assets

Ensure the uptime of key applications with 99.999% availability Proactively monitor core services to prevent network outages Avoid conguration errors that lead to service outages

Accelerate the rollout of virtual servers and desktop-as-a-service solutions Eliminate the need for IT involvement in workload creation, usage and reclamation Right-size networks and IP requirements and reclaim unused IP addresses

Grow your business without increasing IT stang levels 99.999% availability without the high cost of MPLS connectivity to HQ Increase eciency with centralized management and governance

Reduce monthly DNS/DHCP costs by up to 40% Reduce TCO by 30% in the rst three years Avoid outages caused by overlapping IP space and errors

Built-In Workow Engine Push network administration tasks to Help Desk with approval and auditing controls Cost-eective Deployment Options Right-size your IPAM investment with a range of virtual and physical appliances Security and Software Patching Reduce the IT burden of constantly monitoring security and OS patches Future-Proof Scalability Best-in-class scalability delivers long-term value and preserves your IPAM investment

Network Templates Quickly create new networks with reservations and options for rapid rollout of new services One-Click Assignment of IP Addresses Easily locate and assign networks and IP addresses with a single click Built-in Error-Checking Prevent outages during and after rollout with multiple levels of error-checking and validation Future-Proof Scalability Best-in-class scalability supports network growth and future rollouts of services

IPv6 Planning, Modeling and Tracking Plan, track and model IPv6 networks and addresses for optimal design Centralized IPv4/IPv6 Management Manage IPv4 and IPv6 address space from a single unied view Dual Stacked Tracking Track dual-stacked systems to view and manage IPv4 and IPv6 information from a single host IPv6-Enabled Core Services Deploy IPv6-ready DNS and track IPv4 and IPv6 hosts as a single object

High Availability Ensure core services reliability with built-in high availability and redundancy Service Level Resiliency Added resiliency through applicationspecic features such as DHCP Failover, DNS Master/Slave and Anycast Built-in Error-Checking Prevent service outages with multiple levels of error-checking and validation Monitoring and Tracking Proactively monitor core services availability, performance and throughput

End-to-End Workload Lifecycle Automation Automatically activate and deactivate workloads with zero IT intervention Capacity Planning Automatically adjust core services capacity based on demand Virtual IPAM, DNS and DHCP Industry-leading support for virtual infrastructures including VMware and Microsoft Hyper-V Cloud Scalability Easily accommodate the growth of virtual machines and expansion into the cloud

Centralized Management Centrally manage DNS and DHCP core services distributed across all locations Lean Local Service Delivery on Diverse Platforms Cost-eectively command and control core network services on multiple platforms Cisco-Compatible Implement a lean branch infrastructure with the rst Cisco-compatible IPAM solution Future-Proof Scalability Best-in-class scalability supports business growth and preserves your IPAM investment

Built-In Workow Engine Push network administration tasks to Help Desk with approval and auditing controls Security and Software Patching Reduce the IT burden of constantly monitoring security and OS patches One-Click Assignment of IP Addresses Easily locate and assign networks and IP addresses with a single click Integrated IP Address Management, DNS and DHCP View and manage everything IP on your network from a single pane of glass

The IPAM Intelligence Company

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