Acquiring New Lands 2010

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Fall 2010

Puerto Rico
The Puerto Ricans suffered under American rule because they were oppressed. Under the Foraker Act, military rule was traded for a civil government, but the Puerto Ricans could only elect the members of the lower house of the legislature. In 1901, the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution did not apply automatically to citizens of acquired territories. The Supreme Court granted Puerto Ricans citizenship in 1917, and gave them the right to elect members of both houses of their legislature. Although many Puerto Ricans wanted independence, they still received help from the U.S. When Puerto Rico was under military control, it was, as General Nelson A. Miles said, to "bring you protection, not only to yourselves but to your property, to promote prosperity, and to bestow upon you the immunities and blessings of the liberal institutions of our government. Puerto Ricans were protected by the U.S., and were much better off than they were under the rule of Spain.

Fall 2010

Though officially independent, Cuba was occupied by American troops when the Spanish-American war ended. But on the other hand the American military government provided food and clothing for thousands of families helped farmers put land back into cultivation and organized elementary schools. The Cuban government wrote a constitution for an independent Cuba. In 1901, the US insisted that Cuba add in its constitution several provisions such as the Platt Amendment which stated that Cuba could not make treaties that might limit its independence or permit a foreign power to control any part of its territory. The US reserved the right to intervene in Cuba. Cuba was not to go into debt and the US could buy or lease land on the island for naval stations and refueling stations. Cuba became a US protectorate, a country whose affairs are partially controlled by a stronger power.

Fall 2010

Filipinos reacted with outrage to the Treaty of Paris which called for American annexation of the Philippines. The rebel leader Emilio Aguinaldo believed that the US promised independence. In February 1899 the Filipinos led by Aguinaldo rose in revolt. The US forced Filipinos to live in designated zones where poor sanitation, starvation, and disease killed many. White Americans looked on the Filipinos as inferiors. It took America nearly three years to put down the rebellion. About 20,000 Filipino rebels died fighting for independence. Under American rule, the Philippines moved gradually toward independence and finally became an independent republic on July 4, 1946.

Fall 2010

China became known as the sick man of Asia. The US began to fear that china would be carved into colonies and American traders would be shut out. To protect US, the US secretary of state John Hay issued a series of policy statements called the open door notes. This meant no single nation would have a monopoly on trade with any part of China. Although China kept its freedom, Europeans dominated most of Chinas large cities. Chinese formed secret societies pledged to rid the country of foreign devils. The most famous were called the Boxers. The Boxers killed hundreds of missionaries and other foreigners. In two months the international force put down the Boxer Rebellion. After the BR, the US feared that European nations would use their victory to take even greater control so Hay made a second series of Open Door notes announcing that US would safeguard for the world of the principle of equal and impartial trade with all parts of the Chinese Empire.

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