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Dynamic topology processing in a radial distribution system

M.P. Selvan and K.S. Swarup Abstract: A dynamic topology processor for a radial distribution system using object-oriented methodology is presented. The potential of object-oriented design patterns is also employed to obtain an extendible design. The decorator design pattern is used to separate the topology-based attributes from the attributes representing physical characteristics of the objects. Using decorator pattern, responsibilities can be dynamically attached to or removed from the objects. The state design pattern is used to model the switching states of the tie and sectionalising switches. The proposed topology-processor algorithm is a local updating technique, hence less time consuming. The proposed algorithm has been implemented in C++ and tested with a modied 69-bus system. It has been found that the average CPU time required to modify the links between the objects following a switching operation is only 0.4 ms.


2 Object-oriented modelling of radial distribution system Object-oriented modelling provides a better solution to representing complex physical systems such as distribution systems in software. Software objects in object-oriented modelling represent the physical components, which construct the physical system. An object is an entity that encapsulates both the characteristics and behaviour of a component. A physical system can be considered as a composition of such objects. These objects can interact with each other by passing messages thus performing the task of a physical system [12].

A distribution system has a large number of nodes and a radial or near-radial structure. It is subjected to frequent switching operations due to fault isolation, service restoration and feeder reconguration, which alters the topology of the network. Hence an efcient network topology processor (NTP) program is essential in the distribution management system (DMS) to track the existing network connectivity. The modernisation of the distribution network and the automation of its operation requires amendments in the software application programs of the distribution management system. Object-oriented methodology is being employed to develop extendible power system software applications [15]. Distribution system load-ow analysis plays a critical role in most of the distribution management system functions [6]. Several algorithms for distribution load-ow analysis, exploiting the radial nature of the system, were proposed in the literature [79]. But the data structures used in [79] are static, hence the topology changes cannot be updated. A dynamic data structure was provided in [10] based on structural decomposition. A data structure based on multiple-port objects, which can handle the switching operations, was described in [11]. This involves the formation of multiple-port objects from the static network connectivity. The present paper proposes an object-oriented decomposition of the distribution system and an elegant technique for topology processing. During the object decomposition of a distribution system the topology-related attributes are untied from the attributes representing the physical nature of the distribution system components.


Distribution system

r IEE, 2006 IEE Proceedings online no. 20050182 doi:10.1049/ip-gtd:20050182 Paper rst received 18th May and in nal revised form 1st September 2005 The authors are with Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai 600036, India E-mail: IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 153, No. 2, March 2006

Analysing the distribution system in the object-oriented point of view, physically existing components such as feeder, bus, transformer, transmission line, switch, source (substation), load and shunt devices (shunt capacitor) etc. are modelled as software objects. The distribution system itself is modelled as an object since it is an aggregation of other physically existing objects. The most important relationships of object orientation such as specialisation, aggregation and association are exploited to model the distribution system. Figure 1 shows the single-line diagram of a typical distribution system. The status of the sectionalising and tie switches in the distribution system will be in such a way that the radial nature of system is maintained. In Fig. 1, if SW2 is closed then SW1 should be opened and vice versa. Similarly if SW3 is closed then SW4 should be opened and vice versa. The term switching operation in this paper depicts the operation of one pair of switches (a closed switch is opened while an open switch is closed). It is assumed for discussion in this Section that the switches SW2 and SW3 are closed as shown in Fig. 1 to obtain a radial conguration. A radial distribution system is fed at a single node called the root node, marked as R in Fig. 1. There are a single main and several lateral feeder sections in a distribution system. Feeder sections are composed of branches, which may be a transformer, a switch, a transmission line or a cable. Usually a bus, called the simple node, is connected

with two branches and is the sending-end bus for one branch and the receiving-end bus for another branch. A fork node is a bus to which more than two branches are connected, marked as F in Fig. 1. A bus which is connected to only one branch is called a terminal node and marked as T. A feeder section may start either from the root node or from a fork node and terminate either at a fork node or at a terminal node. The existence of a fork node, simple node and terminal node depend on the status of the switches. For instance, bus 4 in Fig. 1 is a fork node when SW3 is closed. If SW3 is opened then bus 4 is not a fork node but becomes a simple node.


Proposed object model

SW 2 12 11 10 R S 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 F F 13 14 15 T

The classes RootNode, ForkNode and TerminalNode are inherited from the Bus class in the object-oriented design proposed in [4, 5]. But the creation of ForkNode and TerminalNode are dynamic in nature when the switching operations are taken into consideration. The number of feeder sections existing in a distribution system, and of the series branches that make the feeder sections, may also differ from one topology to other. Therefore during object decomposition of distribution system, the topology-related attributes should be untied from the attributes representing the physical nature of the distribution system components. Figure 2 shows the object decomposition of a radial distribution system, which has both physical and topology objects, proposed in this paper.

SW 1 T 18 17 16 F 7 8 F 9T 24

2.2.1 Physical objects: An abstract class DSComponent represents a generic physically existing distribution system component which carries the common attributes of all types of components such as component- ID and name etc. The classes of Bus, Branch and Load are inherited from the class DSComponent. SeriesBranch and ShuntBranch are specialised from the class Branch. Classes TransmissionLine, Transformer, Switch and Cable are subclasses of class SeriesBranch. Classes Capacitor and Reactor are subclasses of class ShuntBranch. Since the load is modelled as a separate object and its connectivity to the bus is represented through an association relationship, different types of load models such as constant-power, constant-current, constantimpedance loads and their combinations can be easily incorporated into the proposed object model. The class Substation is an aggregation of several objects. Similarly, DistSystem is also a composite object. Class FeederSection is an aggregation of SeriesBranch objects.

SW 3 25 T 26 19 20 21 22 23 T SW 4

closed switch open switch

Fig. 1

Typical distribution system

1.. DSComponent

1.. DistSystem 1

1.. Topology

1.. Substation Bus

1..2 Branch 1 1.. ShuntBranch SeriesBranch 1 2 3.. 1 Load

FeederSection 1..*




SimpleNode capacitor ONState Reactor OFFState transmission line ForkNode transformer cable SwitchState switch 1.. TerminalNode


1.. 1..




1.. one or many multiplicity

Fig. 2

Object decomposition of radial distribution system

IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 153, No. 2, March 2006

2.2.2 Topology-based objects: A distribution

system may have a number of topologies. Each topology consists of a different number of feeder sections, fork nodes, simple nodes and terminal nodes. Class Topology is an aggregation of objects of classes FeederSection, RootNode, ForkNode, SimpleNode, TerminalNode and Switch. The C++ implementation of class Topology is shown in Fig. 3. Root node, fork node, simple node and terminal node are different roles played by the bus. Due to switching a fork node may become simple node and vice versa; similarly a simple node may become terminal node and vice versa. These changes need to be carried out dynamically without affecting other classes. The Decorator design pattern [13] is found to be a better choice to handle this situation; Decorator attaches additional responsibilities to an object to characterise different roles.

Component + operation ( )

Concrete Component + operation ( )

Decorator + operation ( )


comp->Operation ( )

Concrete Decorator A addedState + operation ( )

Concrete Decorator B inheritance + operation ( ) + addedBehaviour ( ) aggregation

Fig. 4

Class diagram of Decorator pattern

Switch presentState : SwitchState + switchON ( ) : void + switchOFF ( ) : void + operate (bool ) : void SwitchState



Fig. 5

Application of State design pattern

Status of the switches is represented by the State design pattern, which allows an object to alter its behaviour when its internal state changes. Figure 5 shows the application of the State pattern. Whenever a method of class Switch is invoked, Switch delegates the operation to presentState. According to the present state, the corresponding methods dened in presentState are executed. 3
Fig. 3 C++ implementation of class Topology

Static and dynamic information of objects


Application of design patterns

A design pattern identies the key aspects of common design structure, makes an abstraction of it and names it. These abstracted key aspects are used for creating a reusable objectoriented design [13]. The decorator design pattern attaches additional responsibilities dynamically to an object and provides a exible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality. Figure 4 shows the UML(unied modelling language) [12] representation of the decorator design pattern. Different decorator objects can attach different responsibilities to a component. Added responsibility may be a new state or a new behaviour. Decorator object contains the component object. Class Decorator is an abstract class. ConcreteDecoratorA and ConcreteDecoratorB are subclasses of class Decorator and instantiating the actual decorator objects. Whenever the operation of decorator object is invoked, it invokes the operation of the component as shown in Fig. 4 and also provides its additional responsibility. As shown in Fig. 2, class RootNode, ForkNode, SimpleNode and TerminalNode are derived from class BusDecorator, which is decorating the class Bus. SimpleNode will decorate the bus, which is connected to two branches. If one more branch is connected to that bus due to a switching operation then SimpleNode will be dynamically removed and ForkNode will decorate the bus and the operations corresponding to the ForkNode will be carried out.
IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 153, No. 2, March 2006

As stated, Topology is an aggregation of FeederSection and BusDecorator objects. Each FeederSection object is an aggregation of SeriesBranch objects. The attributes of the class SeriesBranch are shown in Fig. 6. For a SeriesBranch object, the attributes fromBus and toBus are instances of the class Bus. Attributes fromBus and toBus are the static information, which shows the physical connection. Attributes upstreamNode and downstreamNode, which are instances of class BusDecorator, represent the dynamic information, which is based on the topology of the network. UpstreamNode is the bus through which power enters the branch and downstreamNode is the bus through which power leaves the branch. Similarly the

SeriesBranch # fromBusNo : int # toBusNo : int # fromBus # toBus : : Bus;


static information physical connection dynamic information topology based

# upstreamNode : BusDecorator # downstreamNode : BusDecorator

Fig. 6

Attributes of class SeriesBranch


Table 1: Topology based information of subclasses of BusDecorator

Sl. no. 1 2 3 4 Subclass of BusDecorator root node simple node fork node terminal node Dynamic information downstream branch upstream branch downstream branch upstream branch downstream branches upstream branch Purpose branch into which power ows branch, which feeds this node branch into which power ows branch, which feeds this node branches into which power ows branch, which feeds this node

topology-based information of the subclasses of BusDecorator is listed in Table 1. For instance, consider the six-bus distribution system shown in Fig. 7. Series branches are indicated with alphabets and buses are indicated with numerals. There are two switches (SW1 and SW2) which can be opened/ closed to maintain the radial nature of the system. Two different topologies, as listed in Table 2, can be obtained by operating the switches SW1 and SW2. If branch c is noted in both the topologies, the following observations can be made: Topology 1 Static information: fromBus 3 and to Bus 4 Dynamic information: upstreamNode 4 and downstreamNode 3 Power enters the branch c through bus 4 and leaves through bus 3. Topology 2 Static information: fromBus 3 and to Bus 4 Dynamic information: upstreamNode 3 and downstreamNode 4 Power enters the branch c through bus 3 and leaves through bus 4.
b a 1 2 5 6 SW 1 d 3 e c SW 2 4

From this illustration it can be understood that the number of feeder sections existing in a distribution system and the series branches that make the feeder sections may differ from one topology to other. Therefore FeederSection objects should be created dynamically. The following Section describes the method of dynamically creating FeederSection objects. 4 Creating feeder section objects

A feeder section starts either from the root node or from a fork node and terminates either at a fork node or at a terminal node. The C++ implementation of class FeederSection is given in Fig. 8. A method called packFeeder Section( ), dened in the class BusDecorator, is used to create the feeder sections. Since the process of creation of a feeder section varies according to the type of node, the packFeederSection( ) method is overridden in the subclasses of class BusDecorator. Invoking the packFeederSection( ) method of RootNode starts the process of creating the feeder sections in a distribution system. The owchart shown in Fig. 9 describes the process of creating feeder sections by RootNode, SimpleNode and ForkNode. Even though the process of creating a feeder section objects varies according to the type of node, there are several common steps. Hence the process is unied in the owchart due to space limitation. The common steps are indicated by the blocks with a thick-line border. The instants of invoking the packFeederSection ( ) method of root node, simple node and fork node are also indicated in Fig. 9. The steps shown in the owchart can be summarised as follows: (i) Root node is made as the starting node of the rst feeder section created.

Fig. 7

Six-bus distribution system

Table 2: Different topologies of six-bus distribution system shown in Fig. 7

Topology and status of switch Number of feeder sections Feeder section details starting node terminating node branches composing feeder section Root node Fork node Simple node Terminal node

Topology 1 SW1 open 1 bus 1 bus 3 a, d, e, f, c bus 1 F bus 2 bus 5 bus 6 SW2 closed Topology 2 SW1 closed 3 SW2 open 158 bus 1 bus 2 bus 2 bus 2 bus 4 bus 6 a b, c d, e
IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 153, No. 2, March 2006

bus 3

bus 4

bus 3 bus 1 bus 2 bus 5

bus 4 bus 6

Fig. 8

C++ implementation of class FeederSection

(ii) Starting node inserts its downstream branch into the feeder section. (iii) The number of energised series branches (nesbr) connected to the other end bus of the downstream branch is counted. (iv) If nesbr 1 then terminal node nesbr 2 then simple node nesbr42 then fork node is created. (v) If a newly created node is terminal node then the current feeder section terminates simple node then the process of inclusion of series branches into the current feeder section continues fork node then the current feeder section terminates and new feeder sections are created according to the number of downstream branches connected to the fork node
create root node object m. create new feeder section object fd.

set root node rn as starting node of feeder section fd.

get downstream branch dbr of this node and insert in feeder section object fd. get other end bus object oe_bus of downstream branch dbr. get number of energised series branch objects (nesbr) connected at other end bus object oe_bus.

if nesbr = 1


create new simple node object sn.

create new terminal node object tn.

create new fork node object fn.

insert simple node object sn in topology. set dbr as upstream branch of sn and sn as downstream node of dbr.

insert terminal node object tn in topology. set dbr as upstream branch of tn and tn as downstream node of dbr.

insert fork node object fn in topology. set dbr as upstream branch of fn and fn as downstream node of dbr.

make tn as terminal node of present feeder section fd. include this feeder section object fd in topology.

make fn as terminal node of present feeder section fd. include this feeder section object fd in topology. no check for any more downstream branches ?

invoking packFeederSection ( ) method of root node. invoking packFeederSection ( ) method of simple node. invoking packFeederSection ( ) method of fork node.


yes create new feeder section object. set fn as starting node of new feeder section object.

Fig. 9

Flowchart for dynamically creating FeederSection objects


IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 153, No. 2, March 2006

The process is repeated until all the series branches are included 5 Network topology processing

case 1 simple node K a b SW c d terminal node K

a A b


Switch opening operation

case 2 fork node K a

Whenever a closed switch opens one of the following changes takes place: simple node may become terminal node fork node may become simple node fork node may remain as fork node This can be easily performed by counting the number of energised series branches (nesbr) connected to the upstream node of the switch to be opened. Figure 10 is the ow chart for topology processing following the opening operation of a switch. The steps shown in the owchart (Fig. 10) are described with the help of Fig. 11, where feeder sections are named with capital letters and the branches are named with small letters. Closed switches are drawn with lled rectangles. Figures 11a, 11c and 11e give the topology before opening the switch b. Similarly, Figs. 11b, 11d and 11f give the topology after the switch b is opened
get number of energised series branches (nesbr) connected to upstreamnode of switch to be opened.

A a

simple node K B b SW e c f C c d g a e f g

A d

case 3 fork node K B b a SW e h c f C i d

fork node K C e g j a h i j f g

2 create new terminal node object tnode. nesbr = 3 change fork node as simple node. remove feeder section which contains switch to be opened. >3

D e

A f

Fig. 11

Different cases of switch-opening operation

make tnode as terminal node of feeder which contains switch to be opened.

remove feeder section which has switch to be opened.

remove all remaining downstream branches from this feeder section.

merge feeder terminating at fork node and other feeder leaving fork node, which does not contain switch to be opened.

Opening SW3 (i) Bus 4, which is decorated by ForkNode is changed to SimpleNode. (ii) Feeder sections (3-4) and (4-7) are merged. (iii) Feeder section (4-23), which contains the switch to be opened, is removed.

Fig. 10 Flowchart for topology processing following opening operation of switch


Switch closing operation

Case 1 (SimpleNodeTerminalNode) When switch b is opened, simple node K is converted to terminal node K. The downstream branches b, c and d are removed from the feeder section A. Case 2 (ForkNodeSimpleNode) When switch b is opened, fork node K is converted to simple node K. Feeder section B is removed and the feeder sections A and C are merged. Case 3 (ForkNodeForkNode) When switch b is opened, fork node K remains as fork node K. Only the feeder section B is removed. Considering the system shown in Fig. 1, when the closed switch SW2 and SW3 are opened the following modications are done to obtain a new topology: Opening SW2 (i) Bus 12, which is decorated by SimpleNode is changed to TerminalNode. (ii) All the downstream branches 12-13, 13-14, 14-15 are removed from the feeder section. Now bus 12 is the terminal node for the feeder section that starts from bus 3, a fork node.

Whenever an opened switch is closed one of the following changes takes place: terminal node may become simple node simple node may become fork node fork node may remain as fork node The attributes of the object switch, which is in open status, have information about the feeders terminating at its two buses and they are called upfeeder and downfeeder. The buses to which they are connected are called upnode and downnode. It is assumed in this paper that before closing a switch another switch along its upfeeder or the downfeeder should have been opened. Furthermore, it is required to nd the feeder and the node that are to be modied (called modfeeder and modnode respectively) due to the closing operation of the switch. The pseudocode for selecting the modfeeder and modnode, are given in Fig. 12. Here the notations swc and swo are used to represent the switch to be closed and the switch to be opened, respectively. Once the modnode and modfeeder have been selected, the closing operation can be easily performed by counting the number of energised series branches (nesbr) connected to the modnode of the switch to be closed (swc). Figure 13 is the owchart for topology processing following the closing operation of a switch. The steps shown in the owchart
IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 153, No. 2, March 2006

case 1 terminal node K a A ModNode K ModFeeder A a case 2 simple node K fork node K a b SW e B c f C d d g b SW c d a b SW A b c d simple node K

Fig. 12

Pseudo code for selecting modnode and modfeeder

b SW e

c f

d g

choose modnode and modfeeder

get number of energised series branches (nesbr) connected to modnode of switch to be closed (swc) 1 >=3

ModNode K ModFeeder A

c case 3 fork node K fork node K b a SW e h c f Ci d g j a

nesbr = 2

B b SW e h c f Ci d g j

remove terminal node decorator from modnode decorate modnode with simple node insert simple node in topology set upstream branch of simple node invoke packFeederSection ( ) method of simple node

remove simple node decorator from modnode decorate modnode with fork node

include new feeder object, which contains switch to be closed, and starts from fork node

split feeder object at modnode by invoking method splitFeederSection (Feeder, BusDecorator)

A e

A f

create new feeder object from modnode, which contains switch to be closed using packFeederSection( ) method.

Fig. 14

Different cases of switch-closing operation

Fig. 13 Flowchart for topology processing following closing operation of switch

(Fig. 13) are described with the help of Fig. 14, where open switches are drawn with dashed rectangles. Figures 14a, 14c and 14e give the topology before closing the switch b. Similarly, Figs. 14b, 14d and 14f give the topology after the switch b is closed. Case 1 (TerminalNodeSimpleNode) When switch b is closed, terminal node K, which is the modnode, is converted to simple node K. Invoking the packFeederSection( ) method of class SimpleNode inserts the branches b, c and d in the feeder section A, which is the modfeeder. Case 2 (SimpleNodeForkNode) When switch b is closed, simple node K, which is the modnode, is converted to fork node K. Feeder section B is included. Feeder section A, which is the modfeeder, is split at modnode into two feeder sections A and C. Case 3 (ForkNodeForkNode) When switch b is closed, fork node K remains as fork node K. Only the feeder section B is included. Considering the system shown in Fig. 1 and assuming that SW2 and SW3 are just opened before closing SW1 and SW4, the following modications are done to obtain a new topology: Closing SW1 (i) TerminalNode decorator is removed from bus 18 and it is decorated by SimpleNode.
IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 153, No. 2, March 2006

(ii) Invoking the packFeederSection( ) method of class SimpleNode, the series branches 18-15, 15-14, 14-13 are included in the feeder section. Bus 13 is made as the terminal node of this feeder section. Closing SW4 (i) Bus 26 is decorated by SimpleNode. (ii) Series branches 26-23, 23-22, 22-21, 21-20 and 20-19 are included in the feeder section. Bus 19 is made as the terminal node of this feeder section.



The topology processing algorithm proposed in this paper is illustrated through the following example. Different topologies of the network, shown in Fig. 1, are created by operating one pair of switches (one opened switch is closed, while another closed switch is opened). The feeder sections and various nodes in all the congurations are tabulated in Table 3. Assuming that the topology shown in Fig. 1 is the initial conguration, (a) in Table 3, the switches SW1 and SW2 are switched to obtain another topology, (b) in Table 3. This switching operation does not make any changes in the number of feeder sections and in the number of fork nodes. Only the terminal nodes and simple nodes are modied. From topology (b) the next topology (c) is obtained by operating the switches SW3 and SW4. Now the fork node 4 becomes simple node and the number of feeder sections in the system reduces. Once again operating the switches SW1 and SW2 topology (d) is obtained. It can be observed from Table 3 that different topologies of the same network have a different number of feeder sections, terminal nodes, fork nodes and simple nodes. Moreover, the series

Table 3: Feeder sections and nodes in different topologies of network shown in Fig. 1
Topology Open switches SW1, SW4 SW2, SW4 SW2, SW3 Closed switches SW2, SW3 SW1, SW3 SW1, SW4 Root node 0 Fork nodes Simple nodes Terminal nodes Feeder sections Total number of feeder sections


3, 4, 7, 8 1, 2, 5, 6, 24, 25, 16, 9, 26, 18, 23, 15 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 3, 4, 7, 8 1, 2, 5, 6, 24, 25, 16, 9, 26, 23, 13, 12 17, 18, 15, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 10, 11 3, 7, 8 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 24, 25, 9, 19, 13, 12 26, 23, 22, 21, 20, 16,17, 18, 15, 14,10, 11 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 24, 25, 9,19,15,18 26, 23, 22, 21, 20, 16, 17, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

0-3, 3-4, 4-7, 7-8, 8-9, 9 8-26, 7-18, 4-23, 3-15 0-3, 3-4, 4-7, 7-8, 8-9, 9 8-26, 7-13, 4-23, 3-12 0-3, 3-7, 7-8, 8-9, 8-19, 7-13, 3-12 7




SW1, SW3

SW2, SW4

3, 7, 8

0-3, 3-7, 7-8, 8-9, 8-19, 7-18, 3-15

37 36 35 69 SW 1







44 SW 2


51 50 46 47 48 49

66 65

10 11











27 28 29 30 31 32 70 SW 5 55 56 57 58 59 60 SW 3 54 53 52


68 SW 4 64 26 25 24 23 22






Fig. 15

Modied 69-bus system

branches forming a feeder section may also vary in different congurations. In practice these topology changes should be accounted concurrently to perform any analysis during system operation. This is taken care of in the present work and forms an important contribution towards the development of fast acting network topology processor.


Case study

The proposed method has been tested also on the standard 69-bus distribution system [10, 14]. The actual 69-bus distribution system is modied as shown in Fig. 15 to include ve switches. The details of the switches are given in the Appendix (Section 8). Three different topologies have been created by operating the switches as shown in Table 4. The developed topology processor program is compiled and

executed in a Pentium III, 1.13 GHz processor with 512 MB RAM. The CPU time for reading data, creating initial feeder sections and for the switching operations are shown in Table 5. The time for 100 switching operations are calculated using the clock( ) function dened in the time.h header le of Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 compiler, for ten different executions of the program. The average time for 100 switching operations is found to be 0.04 s and for a single switching operation (operating one pair of switches) is 0.4 ms. The time calculated for switching includes the time for establishing new links between the objects of the modied topology. Due to the local updating process of the proposed method the links between the objects of the modied topology are established as quickly as possible.
IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 153, No. 2, March 2006

Table 4: Status of switches in different topologies of modied 69-bus system

Topology (a) (b) (c) Open switches SW2, SW4, SW5 SW1, SW4, SW5 SW2, SW3, SW4 Closed switches SW1, SW3 SW2, SW3 SW1, SW5

program could be employed in SCADA systems where the status of the switches can be obtained from RTU and the static information of the branches will be kept in the database. 7 References

Table 5: Execution time for topology processing (System: modied 69-bus system)
Operation reading data and creating feeder sections 100 switching operations 1 switching operation CPU time (s) 0.01 0.04 0.0004

For comparison, the dynamic data structure provided in [10] has been implemented by the present authors and tested for the modied 69-bus system. The average CPU time for topology processing following a switching operation is found to be 0.25 ms. The CPU time for the present method (Table 5) is slightly more than this due to the time involved in message passing between the objects. The topology update method proposed in this paper can handle different switching options as described in Sections 5.1 and 5.2, while the method provided in [10] is found to be unsuitable for all switching options. Another advantage of the present method is that it is completely object oriented and hence open for future modications without affecting other analysis modules. The major difference between the present method and other available methods lies in the model of FeederSection. In [10, 11], the FeederSection is modelled as a collection of buses existing along the feeder. In this paper, on the contrary, FeederSection is modelled as an aggregation of branch objects, which resembles the real-world feeder. Moreover, most of the radial distribution system analyses are based on branch power ows rather than nodal power injections. Hence the proposed object model is more suitable for topology processing together with different load-ow algorithms such as NewtonRaphson based [4], forwardbackward sweep based [5, 9], Distow-equations based [14] and power-loss based [10] as well as the reconguration algorithm based on branch exchanges employed in [15]. 6 Conclusions

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8 Appendix

8.1 Modied 69-bus system data

The original 69-bus system has 69 buses (0-68) and 68 branches. The modied system for the present study additionally includes ve switches. It has 71 buses (0-70) and 73 branches. The branch data is available in [14]. The data associated with the switches, included to modify the 69-bus system shown in Fig. 15, are as follows:

This paper has proposed a dynamic object-oriented model for representing the feeder sections of the radial distribution system. An efcient topology processor for handling the switching operations has also been presented. Decorator and State design patterns were exploited to untie the topology-based information from the static attributes of the distribution system objects. The proposed topology processor can quickly track the network connectivity, performing only the local updates on a particular feeder section. In future the developed topology processor

8.2 Switch data

Branch Branch name SW-1 SW-2 SW-3 SW-4 SW-5 From bus To bus Initial status 1 0 1 0 0

69 70 71 72 73

2 45 54 68 34

69 66 70 64 70

IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 153, No. 2, March 2006


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