Weaver Prayer Letter: Spring 2012

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Please pray for our personal support. We have dropped to 75% because of a new law requiring us to pay Hungarian social security in addition to our US social security. Pray that our students will finish the school year strong. Pray for our alumni who are serving the Lord throughout the world. Pray for Paul as he continues his PhD studies with Baptist Bible Seminary. Pray for our neighborhood Bible Club and our village, which needs the Gospel. Pray for Paul as he travels to the Czech Republic next month to teach at a youth conference.

Weaver Update
Spring 2012 Ministry Update

Ministering throughout Hungary...

Spring time is youth conference season in Hungary. During the months of March thru May, you can almost bet that someone from Word of Life is attending a conference somewhere in Hungary, promoting our Bible Institute or summer camp program. Recently, Paul was invited to teach a seminar at one of the biggest youth conferences in Hungary, the SZEBIN Szegedi Ifjsgi Konferencia. The theme of the conference, written on the cross to the right, was Destiny or Choices. Paul chose to teach his seminar on Discerning the Will of God, which fit the conference theme nicely. Several youth thanked him for the words of wisdom, and a couple showed interest in the Bible Institute and serving at our summer camp. It was an encouraging weekend for the youth who attended the conference, and for us. Maybe a couple of the attendees will decide it is Gods will for them to attend the Bible Institute next Fall!

Enrollment for next Fall is looking very strong. Generous donations to the Solid Foundation Scholarship Fund. Gods continuous blessing upon our lives and ministry. Wonderful supporters like you!

and around the world!

Radio host and prophecy conference speaker, Dr. Jimmy DeYoung is a long-time friend of Word of Life Hungary. In fact, he has been teaching at the Bible Institute for over 15 years! We recently asked him to share in an online live-streaming seminar for Word of Life Hungary. This livestreaming event was not only for our students, but it was meant to be an encouragement to our alumni around the world. Many of the Bible Institutes alumni are struggling in the ministry for various reasons, or they simply do not have a steady source of encouragement. We wanted Dr. DeYoungs seminar to offer our graduates an opportunity to be encouraged in the Word and be united with other fellow BI alumni around the world. Dr. DeYoung enthusiastically agreed to the seminar, so on February 29th, we held our second official online live-streaming seminar (the first was called The Trinity: The Center of Everything, taught by Dr. Scott Horrell). The theme of Dr. DeYoungs seminar was entitled Interpreting Current Events in Light of Biblical Prophecy. The program was a great success and over 150 people tuned in to watch the livestream, or watch a recording of the seminar later. If you would like to watch the recording of Dr. DeYoungs seminar, you can do so by visiting this link and clicking on the February 29th video: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ prophecy-today-live

Contact Us
Phone: (317)495-1491 E-mail: pweaver@eletszava.org jweaver@eletszava.org

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Weaver Update: Spring 2011

Village Life: Paul and Jill recently had the honor of

sharing in the annual village celebration of the 1848 Revolution. March 15th is a Hungarian national holiday, commemorating the fight for freedom from the Habsburg Monarchy. Our small village of Talms remembers the March 15th Revolution by laying wreaths at the bottom of the Freedom Statue, located in the middle of town, which reads For God, For Home, For Freedom. What a privilege it was to be a part of this celebration by laying Word of Lifes wreath and commemorating the heroes who fought for freedom.

Exciting Bible Club News!

As many of you know, Jill organizes a weekly Bible Club in our home for the neighborhood children on Friday afternoons. This is the third year we have hosted the club, but our next-door neighbors have never come. Of course we have invited the two children, ages 5 and 10, but the parents would not allow them to attend the club inside. They were permitted to play games with us in the backyard, but when it came time for the Bible story inside the house, they always went back home. One of our most rambunctious club kids, Regina, recently made friends with our 5-year old neighbor, Nomi. The past few weeks, they played together during the outdoor game time, but of course, Nomi had to go home when the Bible story would start. Well Regina did not want her friend to leave! She went over to Nomis parents and begged them to let her attend the entire club, Bible story and all. The parents were not overjoyed at Reginas request, but eventually they gave-in and allowed Nomi to attend the entire club! We have been praying for our neighbors for several years now, and this was a great encouragement! Please pray that Nomi continues to attend the Bible Club, and that the Lord will do a great work in our neighbors hearts. Pray for their salvation! It is so humbling to see how God can use even the most challenging of kids, like Regina, to accomplish His will.

Student Ministry Spotlight

Every student at the Bible Institute participates in some kind of weekend ministry. The goal is for our students to take what they have learned in the classroom, and immediately apply it in practical ministry opportunities, whether it is teaching Sunday school, street evangelism, drama team, and much more! One of Word of Life Hungarys most effective ministries is without a doubt the Born Again to a Living Hope drama. This true-life drama portrays the story of Pablo and Adriana, an Argentinian couple who contracts AIDS through heroine needles. Before the disease could take their lives, both were saved at a WOL camp. Pablo and Adriana had no hope on this earth, but through the grace of God, they were born again to a living hope! The Born Again drama, consisting of WOLHBI students and staff members, travels to public schools, conferences, and orphanages throughout Hungary to present this powerful story. The storyline is designed to teach teenagers about the dangers of HIV/ AIDS, alcohol, and drug abuse as well as the destructive effects of negative peer pressure, but the most exciting aspect of the Born Again

ministry is the fact that our students can share the Gospel in public schools. Just last weekend, sacrificing a week of their Spring Break, the Born Again team conducted a five-day tour in Eastern Hungary, presenting the drama seven times. Praise the Lord, eleven people responded to the Gospel message! How exciting it is to see the Lord working through our students and their weekly ministries! Please pray for the Born Again team as they spread the Gospel through this powerful drama.

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