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Captain Claw Contents [hide] Cheat Codes Cheat mode Hints Saving ammunition Magic Reaching difficult places

Defeating normal enemies Defeating Aquatis Defeating Gabriel Defeating Katherine Defeating Le Rauxe Defeating Marrow Defeating Omar Defeating Red Tail Defeating Wolvington Level 2: Secret area Level 13: Secret area Level 14: Secret area Cheat Codes Cheat mode Enter one of the following codes during game play to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling cheat codes will not allow the game to be saved. Effect Code Requires v1.1 or greater Full health mpapple Enable anti-death tile mparmor Full dynamite mpblaster Toggle background mpbotless Stronger Claw mpbunz Invisibility mpcasper Decrease screen resolution mpdecvid Default screen resolution mpdefvid Developers heads appear instead of treasure mpdevheads View frame rate mpfps Lightning sword mpfranklin Catnip mpfreak Full Magic mpgandalf Goble information mpgoble Turn enemies into ghosts mphaunted Fire sword mphotstuff Increase screen resolution mpincvid Unlimited lives mpinfinity 320x200 resolution mpjazzy Super jump mode mpjordan or mpflubber God mode mpkfa Monolith logos and music mplith, mplogo, or mpmonolith Full ammunition mploaded Full magic mpmerlin Unknown mpmetrix Toggle middle plane mpmidless Bouncing treasure mpmoongoodies Level skip mpnext Jump higher mpnippy Toggle onscreen information mpnoinfo Show objects in bottom left corner mpobjects

Ice sword mppenguin Unlimited lives mpplayallday Shows global position mppos Previous level mpprev Full dynamite mppyro Full ammo mprambo Enable Roids mproids Scorpio information mpscorpio Claw is a shadow mpshadow Claw is invisible to enemies mpspooky Time displayed in bottom left corner mpstopwatch Super throw mode mpsuperthrow View timing data in top left corner mptiming Toggle foreground mptopless View update data in top left corner mpupdate Invincibility mpvader Level skip mpscully Advance to the Boss mpskinner Harder to kill enemies with the sword mpwimpy Full magic mpgandolf Increase enemy strength mpcultist Advance to level 1 mpcheesesauce Advance to level 2 mpexactly Advance to level 3 mpracerohboy Advance to level 4 mpbuddywhat Advance to level 5 mpmugger Advance to level 6 mpgoofcycle Advance to level 7 mprotarypower Advance to level 8 mpshibshank Advance to level 9 mpwhyzedf Advance to level 10 mpsuperhawk Advance to level 11 mpjobnumber Advance to level 12 mplistenandlearn Advance to level 13 mpyeahright Advance to level 14 mpclawteamrulez Return to the previous level mpmoulder Requires v1.2 Enable turbo mptwinturbo Double range attack mplongrange Next sound effect mpnoise Music speed increases mpmaestro Music speed decreases mplangsam Normal music speed mpnormalmusic Easy mode mpeasymode Move around upside down mpwildwacky Black and white graphics mpgloomy sspencer and Radu Suciu Hints Saving ammunition Pick up and throw the powder kegs instead of wasting your ammunition. Pick up and throw your enemies whenever you have the chance. Save your ammunitio n for the enemies that can use long-range attacks against you. Do not save your pistol ammo and dynamite. Use these against the regular enemies because the normally will not work against the Bosses. Magic You do not have very many magic attacks to use. Only use magic if you can defeat at least two enemies with one attack. Reaching difficult places Jump and throw dynamite to get to hard to reach locations.

Use the Catnip power-up to get the items that are normally out of reach. However you must be fast because the Catnip will not last very long. Defeating normal enemies Use the following tactics to defeat the normal enemies in the indicated levels. Robber thieves and cutthroats (levels 3 and 4): Dodge their arrows and knives an d attack them with a high slash. White and brown guard dogs (levels 5 and 6): They are very defensive. Your sword will rarely do damage against them. Use your pistol on them. Bear sailors (levels 7, 8, and 13): They will try to grab and crush you. If you get grabbed, quickly do as many movements as possible to escape. Red Tail pirates (levels 7, 8, and 13): They are most vulnerable to a punch atta ck immediately after they swing at you. Crabs (level 7): Use a Magic Claw. Peg leg pirates (levels 9 and 10): They will be stunned if you hit them in their peg leg. They also hate to be punched. Crazy hook pirates (levels 9 and 10): After they swing their hooks at you, run i n close to hit them. Mercats (levels 11 and 12): They will shoot tridents when you are seen. Stay out of sight and come in for a sneak attack. Sirens (levels 11 and 12): They will freeze you if they hit you with their attac k. Clear the area of any Mercats before you get near the Sirens. Royal Tiger Guards (level 14): They hate to be picked up and thrown. Defeating Aquatis Use your sword to hit the three tentacles and get them out of your way. Then, ru n to the right edge of the platform and toss a stick of dynamite into a small ho le just behind Aquatis by holding the button down. The dynamite will explode in the hole and shake a stalactite loose from the ceiling. The stalactite will fall and damage Aquatis. Quickly run as far to the left as possible to avoid Aquatis ' tentacle frenzy then repeat the strategy. Note: There is no need to stand on t he small floating platform next to Aquatis. Defeating Gabriel Jump up the disappearing platforms to the top then jump to the right and hit the switch on the mast. This will tilt the cannon so that it is pointing at Gabriel . The next time Gabriel fires a cannonball at you, it will hit him instead. Jump back up the platforms and repeat this until Gabriel does himself in. Fend off t he enemies that hop down to fight you and avoid the explosions while you are hit ting the switch. Defeating Katherine Jump towards Katherine and hit her with a high slash attack. As soon as your fee t hit the ground, jump away from her and repeat. If you happen to stun Katherine , kneel down in front of her and attack as many times as possible. Running away does not work against Katherine because her whip will be able to hit you anywher e. Defeating Le Rauxe Jump towards Le Rauxe. As you come down from the jump, attack him. Immediately c rouch and attack La Rauxe again then jump back to get out of the way of his atta ck. If you get too close to a wall, jump over Le Rauxe to the other side of the room then start your attack pattern again. Do not stand still for very long. Defeating Marrow Wait by the pit and hit the parrot when you see it fly towards you. After you hi t the parrot three times, the bridge will appear. Run across the bridge and use a jumping high slash attack on Marrow. Once you hit Marrow five times, the parro t will pick Marrow up and fly to the opposite side of the screen. Quickly jump u p to the platform and wait for the parrot again. Keep repeating this strategy. Make sure you have at least 25 bullets. Start on the pit and pull yourself back as far as possible, until you are touching the wall where the door is supposed t o be. Crouch every time you hear Marrow shooting. Try to shoot him back as you c rouch, but try not to expend too many bullets. The parrot will make a different sound each time. Be ready, as it will fly straight towards you. This is when you must shoot it. Hit it three times, then the bridge will open. Once it is set, j

ump onto it and stay in the middle. From there jump towards Marrow and make an a erial slash (sword attack while jumping). Immediately after doing it, and while still on the air, pull yourself backwards again to the middle of the bridge. Rep eat this until you have hit him five times. This must be repeated four times bef ore he finally dies. Note: When attacking him, try not to jump too high or he wi ll probably shoot you in the head. Also, do not get too close to him; always cha se him in the distance and stay on the bridge when attacking him. Defeating Omar Omar has protective shields going around him. Your special attacks are not going to do any damage to him. Drop down to the area below and look at Omar to see wh at type of shield he has around himself. Omar switches between a fire shield and an ice shield. If you see a fire shield, climb up the ladder and follow the rig ht path. Climb down the next ladder and go to the right. Take the ice sword and return to Omar. Shoot an ice bolt through the opening in Omar's shield to do dam age. If you see an ice shield, climb up the ladder and follow the left path. Cli mb down the next ladder and go to the left. Take the fire sword and return to Om ar. Shoot a fire bolt through the opening in Omar's shield to do damage. Keep do ing this until Omar has been brought down. Then, climb up the ladder and ride th e lift up to the top. Time your jumps over the lava and Omar's attacks, then jum p over to him. Once you are next to Omar, attack him with your sword to do damag e. Then, go over to the opposite side and repeat those tactics. If Omar has a fire shield around him, do not shoot with a fire sword or his heal th will increase. If he has an ice shield, do not use an ice weapon. Omar is first surrounded by either fire or ice shields. Go down and take a look at his shield. If it is an ice shield, climb the ladder and move towards the lef t to get a fire sword. Return to him, then fire at the small shield opening. Thi s will decrease his life. If it is a fire shield, climb the ladder and move towa rds the right to get the ice sword. Return and fire in the opening. Once his lif e decreases and gets low, he will move upwards. Follow him and attack him with y our sword. He will move towards the right and left. Keep following and attacking him until he has been defeated. Note: When you attack Omar with the same sword as his shield type, he will regain life. Defeating Red Tail Start by hopping up onto the platform above you. You will be torn to shreds if y ou remain on the ground. Stay up high to avoid most of Red Tail's attacks. Once you are up above, try and stay directly over Red Tail as he runs back and forth. When he jumps up to your platform, kneel down and attack when he lands from his jump. He should then jump back down to the ground. Stay up there and repeat thi s until Red Tail has been defeated. Start by getting onto the platform where Red Tail stands. He will probably come down to get you at first. This is when you have to gain advantage and get to the right-hand side of the platform. Try to stay near the edge, but not far enough to fall down. If you fall from the platform you will probably have to start agai n. Once at the right edge of the platform, Red Tail will probably throw knives a t you. Jump in between them to dodge the attack. When Red Tail jumps up to the p latform, immediately jump and slash him with your sword while he is in the air. Afterwards immediately slash him again (but do not crouch) then quickly perform your third attack. He will dodge it and go down again. Run away from him so that he does not bash you on his way down. Repeat the same procedure until he has be en defeated. Note: The technique is effective because when you slash him in the air, he becomes momentarily stunned, giving you a chance to attack him again. Al so, if you do not crouch, you can move freely and dodge his attacks. Defeating Wolvington To defeat Wolvington, just watch his movements. After you reach him, do not move . Let him come near you. When he gets inside your reach, press Z to pick him up and start moving towards the wall on the right. Stop a few steps before you reac h the wall and throw him. Immediately sit down. When Wolvington gets up, start t o slash him with the sword. Because he is so near to you, he will not be able to use his magic or fists. Jump towards Wolvington and hit him with a high slash attack. Immediately attack

Wolvington with a low slash to force him back. Then, quickly jump towards him a nd repeat. Wolvington will shoot magic attacks at you. Be prepared to dodge them . If you stay fairly close to him, he will not shoot but will instead try close range attacks. Carry Wolvington up. Get near to the end and throw him. Get closer to him. Get d own and hit him on the leg. He cannot use magic because you are near him, and he cannot hit you because you are down. Level 2: Secret area In the area just before the battle with Le Rauxe is a tall outpost. Climb up to the top. Notice the small white cloud directly to your left. Jump onto the cloud . It will support your weight. You will also notice some more white clouds in se quence. Jump from cloud to cloud, get the Catnip power-up, then continue to the platform towards the secret area. Level 13: Secret area This area is extremely difficult to reach. Once at the end of the level, enter t he Boss fight with Redtail. He will start firing his pistol at you. Dash over an d dodge until you reach the end of the small sandbar. Get a running start and ju mp as far as you can into the water. If you are lucky you will land on a small p latform hidden in the water. The platform will take you to a skull and an extra life. Get them both then return to the battle with Redtail. Level 14: Secret area Just before the long corridor that leads to Omar, there is an invisible platform just before the overhang starts. Get a running start and jump onto it. The plat form is positioned against the wall. The platform will take you up into the last secret area. Category: PC

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