1955 07 25 Letter

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July 25, 1955

The adjacent property owners and the members of the Woodland Park Association
feel honored that their sub-division was selected by the Methodist Church of
Ferndale as the proposed location for their parsonage. It is felt that such
a residence and its occupants could contribute favorabl,y to the general character
of the neighborhood. However, the proposed size of the dwelling and the location
of the buildings upon the lot ("3911 of Woodland Sub-Division in Ferndale) is of
considerble concern to the limnediate property owners.
We should like to draw your attention to the following.
1. It is the understanding that no building permit has been issued prior
to the zoning ordinance now in effect. Article 4 of the general provisions -
Section 4.01 states
accept as herei11 after provided, no building or land or
part thereof shall be used, altered, or reconstructed, except in
conformity w:ith the provisions of this ordinance". Therefore, we feel very
strongly that this new proposed construction be governed by this ordinance,
inasmuch as it has as its purpose among other factors, to provide for adequate
light andair and the prevention of the overcrowding of land.
2. The plans as drawn and submitted to the association for comments, indidate
as follows:
----a/ The area of the buildings to be approximately 2,040 square feet;-
the lot area as recorded in the City Engineers Office to be approximately
x 117
) 7,675 square feet. Here we would attract your attention
to Section 5.04 of the ordinance entitled LOT COVERAGE which states in
part "a one family dwelling, together with accessory buildings, hereafter
erected on a lot in R-1 districts, shall not cover more than VNenty-five
(25%}percent of the area of such lot: - -"(from the foregoing figures it
will be notedthat the size of the proposed building exceeds the maximum
dimensions by approximately 120 square feet or representing approximately
26.6% of the total area of the lot).
b/ Section 5,06 entitled SIDE YARDS, states in part as follows "In R-1
di$tricts there shall be provided a side yard on each side of everr lot
which shall be not less than four (4) feet in width and the combined width
of both side yards shall not be less than twelve (12) feet, etc. etc.

Thus the location of this proposed building on Lot #39 of the Woodland
Park Sub-Division, indicates the intention of building three (3) feet
fr"m the lot line on the east side and seven and one half (7i'r.) feet on
the west, We petition that the drawings be revised to conform to at least
the minimum of the ordinance., and preferably centered equidistance from
each side boundry.
Inasmuch as the SIZE of the house, THE LOCATION on the lot and the area of the side
ya.rds are definitel,y not in conformance w:ith the minimum requirements of the current
zoning ordinance of ,the City of Ferndale, and do not represent the spirit or purpose
of the ordinanceJ is recommendedthat revised plans be submitted before consideration
be given to a building permit for this building,
The. property >Ywrwrs &rid the moilmbers 1:11' -the Woo<:a.a.nd Par){ 1\Ssooi:ation .
fejil hdnored that 'thei:r sub-division WM ('Jelf;oted by the Methodist of
Fernd<Jle all the :p1'9po$ed location f9r It is felt that such
a re.sidence and its' occupants could contrib.ute 'favorably tp the genera.l .. ,oharacter
of the neighborhood. However, the ,-ropose<l s:i.Z!,l of dwelli:f!g 'and th!! J,ooation
of the buUqings l,l!X>n the lo.t (P:39'' of Woodland 81Jb-Di'lir.lion in l,"<;rndale) 1s of
eonsiderhle oonoJ:rn.to the immediate property
We should lik:e to. draw ;/our attention to the fo11ow:Utg.
1. It b the 'Wlli<J!rstanding that no bUilding permit b,.at> been. bsuEJCi prior
tO the zoning drdinance oovi 1n effect, 4 of. the general provisions -
Section states ''accept as.l!erei,n aft0:r j:i:rovie:led,. nci building or land or
part shell be us<;:d, aJ.terod/ constructed or :redonst:r;.cted, except in
corii'oi'!II1ty il)it!,l thEi of this ordi:n.ance" 11e feel very
str6ngly that; this prGpo,secl constl'uetion g<;>verned by Wb orcli;rumoe,
inslilllluch as 1'\1. h?-s as its PUZ:IxHlle ll!ltO!lg .other fac1;ora, to provide for ad10quate
iight andair and the of tlte overcrowding of land,
2. The plans as drawn and to the a!"eQciati<,m for C(>ll\!l)!ilnts, indid&te
as followe1
SI,ZE . . . . . . . . .
s/ The area of the to be 2,040 square feet;-
the lQt .area as recorded .i.n t,he City Engineers Oftic.ei to be app;roJCilnately
(65.6' x 1171) 7,675 JSquare filet, HerEd1illw9uld your attention
to Set:tion ;.04. of. the ord.ina!\ce -ent:t:U;<:) LOT. COVll!lA(}E which stat;es in
part "a on<;: Qillily With a,ccessor,rJ:n:lildings, hilrai'l\er
er!!!cted. on a lot. in R ... ldi&tiricts, ilba,llnot cover more than twenti"-five
percen't. of .the IJ.l'fl!'a of such lot: ,.; ...:
(..t'xorA the, foregoing fig11Tes it
wiJ.l. be not,;dthat the. llibf! of the proposed building exceeds .the l!ll).)dmllll!
dl1l1tem;ions b'.r 120 sqwU:e :t'CJet. or rep:resilntil:lg appro:x:ill\atel;r
26.6% ot: the t!)tal ar<Jiio ot the lot); .
SIDE tA :0
b Sectit>rJ,!i.O? si,DB; YATIDS, sts,tes iu jlart as follorts 1ttn R,..l
there shaJ.l be Pl'OVided a side yard on eack< side. of IIV!i1:r:y lo't
which. Sh!ill be not .less than f<>ur .(4)' in width and the cpmbined vlidth
. of botq side lf&J:'d!ll shaJ.l, net be bss than twelve (1;2) feet, .,to,; etc,u,
Thus tile l,ocation of thb proposed building on .t.:>t #'39 of the '\'ibodll!llid .
Pa:tik Sub-"Divbion, ind:tcatee.the intention of three (3) fe'E>t
fro.m thEr l:ot li1:1e .on th<l! lla$t and seven and one half on
the )lie petUiqn that t{f,e drawing$ be rsvlsed to donfol'llt to 11t. least
the lllirdmlllll .of. the . and preferably: .ceiltei'ed equidiStaace from
J>ide . . ,
a.e the SXZJ,i: o.:t' the house, ,THE LOCATION o!l the lot and the. area of the side
yards are not in oonfo:t'lllanoe vdtll the mifl.imum requirements of .the current
zoning ordtruince ot the Ci,iy of Ferndale, and do not represe<tt the spirit or purpose
of the t'lrdinance., It. :ts recol!'.lll.endec.lthat revised plam;; be sul:ml:itted be:t'ore consideration
be given to a bUilding permit for this building.

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