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MODULE 9: BUYING AND SELLING Language focus 1 Comparative Adjective/ Practice/Adjective Vocabulary/pg 78 79 K16E23, Term II/ 2010 2011 Goals Upon completing the lesson, students will: 1. Understand the types of comparative adjectives; and its irregular form 2. Know how to compare things using comparative adjectives structure 3. Know vocabulary related to clothes and shopping. Material Textbook: New Cutting Edge Elementary s/ Delivery material: projector, white-board; Supplie s Procedure 20 I/ COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVE: Warm-up: Teacher gives examples about cars then asks students to identify the adjectives and its opposites (1.a; 1.b/ pg 78, student book) Teacher gives students a picture and explains Julians situation asks them to talk about Julians demand. (2; 3/pg 78, student book). Gives students a small exercise of Julians situation leading them to recognize the structure of comparative form. 35 Presentation Form: comparative adjective 1. Short Adj. (1-syllable; 2-syllable ending Y,consonant vowel -consonant): small, old, tall, busy, lazy etc. Adj. Old Small Big Ugly Pretty lucky comparative Old + er Small + er Big + g + er E.g. Older, cheaper smaller, newer,

Bigger, hotter, fatter, thinner

Ugl + i + er Uglier, prettier, luckier, Prett + i + er friendlier Luck + i + er S1 + to be + one syllable adj + er + than S2 S1 + to be + one syllable adj. + (double final consonant) + er + than S2 (consonant vowel + consonant) S1 + to be + two syllable adj. ending in Y + (reject Y) + ier + than S2

2. Long adj. (two syllable): expensive, attractive, important, etc.

Adj. expensive comparative More + Expensive E.g. More comfortable, more difficult, more interesting, more intelligent

S1 + to be + more + adj. + than + S2

3. Irregular adjective and Exception:

Adj Irregular Bad, little, far Exception Narrow Clever Simple Narrow + er = Narrower Clever +er = Cleverer SimpleSimpl Simpler +er = E.g.: Bad worse, little less; far further


II/ PRACTICE: 1/Correct sentences

a) My brother is (tall) than me. b) This topic is (easy ) than the others.
c) The road in Hanoi is (narrow) than in Bangkok

d) Is there anything (boring) than watching a bad movie? e) My sister is (careful) with her writing than I am with


15 20 35

2/Exercise 1: pg 79 1. Correct sentences (1/ pg 79, student book): 10 2. Work in pair using the comparative form to compare the products (2a; 2b/pg 78, student book): 10 3/Exercise 2 (follow-up: strong elementary level): 20 Work in pairs to talk about another topics: Laptop and PCs, different TV channels (VN Ido and potential music star); two famous actors; etc. Pronunciation: stress/ weak syllable Listen to the recording and identify the stress/weak syllable (T9.1 ; T9.2/ pg79 - Rec. 41; 42/ disk two) Help Ss practice the pronunciation Break Additional Practice: pg 52, Workbook (optional) 1. Adjectives opposite, pg 52 2. Comparative adjectives, pg 52 II/ VOCABULARY: SHOP & SHOPPING Activity 1: Matching the pictures to the shop (1/pg 82, student book): 10 1. A bakery (cake, bread) - A 2. A butchers (cheese, sausage, all kind of meat) - B 3. A clothes shop (pants, skirt, dress, pull, pull-over, shirt) - D

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A dry-cleaners - C A gift shop (present, gift, souvenir) - E A hairdressers (hair cut, nail repaired, hair washed) - F A local shop (food, drink, newspaper, magazines) - G A pharmacy (medicine, toothpaste) - H A post office (sending letter, buying stamp, making phone call, posting parcel) I

Activity 2: Checking meaning: T asks Ss the meaning of the bold word in sentences giving then asks them write the answers to the questions (2/pg 82, student book): 10 abcdefghiA dry-cleaner A hairdresser Bakery A clothes shop A gift shop A Post office A butchers A local shop A pharmacy

Acitivity 3: (15) T makes a shopping list and asks students where to buy those things. Shopping list: Thing to buy: A news paper, meat, bread and cakes, jeans; Thing to do: wash dress, get hair-cut. Question for asking: I need a news paper. Where can I buy it?--> a local shop I also need to wash my dress to go to my friends birthday. Where should I go? Answers: a. Local shop b. B.. ..(butchers) c. B. (bakery ) d. C (clothes shop) e. D. (dry-cleaner) f. H.. (hair dressers) 5 Homework: Learn by heart form of comparative adj./ vocabulary of clothes and shopping. 1, 2/pg 85 (Ss book) Vocabulary: Shops and Shopping, pg 54 (work book):

MODULE 9: BUYING AND SELLING Language focus 2: Superlative Adjective/Practice/Reading the worlds famous market K16E23, Term II/ 2010 2011 Goals Upon completing the lesson, students will: 1. Understand the types of superlative adjectives; and its irregular form 2. Know how to compare things using superlative adjectives structure Skills involved: reading Material Textbook: New Cutting Edge Elementary s/ Delivery material: projector, white-board; video clips Supplies Procedure Time Activity 10 I/SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVE Review comparative adjective form (10) Group: 5-6 Situation: A woman is declaring her losing things to a caption. She describes its feature to receive them back. (Video: Comparative Listening-Practice2)

Requirement: Ss listen to a dialogue between a woman and a caption.

Write down the comparative adj. while a woman is describing the things she lost.


Presentation Form of superlative adjective + examples (15) 1. Short Adj. (1-syllable adj.; ending Y, consonant +vowel +consonant): Old, big, ugly Adj. old Small Big Ugly Pretty lucky Superlative The + old + est The + small + est E.g. Oldest, smallest, cheapest hotter, newest, fatter,

The + big + g + Biggest, est thinner

The + ugl + i + Ugliest, prettiest, luckiest, est friendliest The + prett + i + est The + luck + i + est to be + the + one syllable adj + est to be + the + one syllable adj. + (double final consonant) + est (consonant vowel + consonant) to be + the+ two syllable adj. ending in Y + (reject Y) + iest

2. Long adj.: expensive, comfortable

Adj. expensive superlative The E.g. + most + The most expensive, the Expensive most comfortable, the most difficult, the most interesting, the most intelligent

to be + the most + adj.

3. Irregular adj. and exception Adj Irregular Bad, good, far Exception Narrow Clever Simple

E.g.: Bad the worst, good- the best; far the farthest/ furthest

Narrow the narrowest/ the most narrow Simple the simplest/ the most simple Clever the cleverest/ the most clever

4. Comparative Adj. and Superlative Adj.:

Adjective Comparatives (2 things/ persons/ places) Superlative (>= 3 things/ persons/ places)

Fast Big Easy Difficult Good Bad

faster Bigger Easier More difficult Better Worse

The The The The The The

fastest Biggest Easiest most difficult best worst

Examples: The King of Thailand owns the biggest diamond in the world. It weights 2.6 kg The most expensive car in the world is Farrari. It is also the fastest car which can drive from 0 100 km/h in 3.65 seconds Some people think that Chinese is the most difficult language. 20 II/PRACTICE Exercise 1: T9.3/ pg 80 Recording 3: T43/disk two (10)

Additional activity: T helps student correct their pronunciation while they

30 are responding to the answers in exercise 1. Exercise 2: 2a, 2b/ pg 147 (10) III/ READING: THE WORLDS FAMOUS MARKET Pre-reading: Activitie1:


Ss, in pairs, take turn to ask and answer 3 questions related to market(10) Show videos (with subtitle) about the markets mentioned in the reading material. And briefly introduce the markets in the videos (only where, famous, attract Tourist) (15) Ask Ss some information they have just seen in each videos. In the first video clip, teacher answers the following questions as an examples for students. Ss do the rest video clips. (10) o What is the name of the markets? o Where is it? (Italy, Mexico, Thailand,) o Which things do you see there? (food, clothes, vegetable, flowers,) Lexicon/ Vocabulary check: show image + explain in English; help student practice pronunciation (20) Carpet /kpt/: a thick woven material made of wool, etc. for covering floors or stairs Rug / r/: a piece of thick material like a small carpet that is used for covering or decorating part of a floor a piece of thick warm material, like a blanket, that is used for wrapping around your legs to keep warm Toy/ t/: 1 an object for children to play with Gift/ ft/: a thing that you give to somebody, especially on a special occasion or to say thank you

Bird/ bd/: a creature that is covered with feathers and has two wings and two legs. Most birds can fly

Herb / hb/: a plant whose leaves, flowers or seeds are used to flavour food, in medicines or for their pleasant smell. Parsley, mint and oregano are all herbs Decoration/ dekren/: a thing that makes something look more attractive on special occasions

Medicine / medsn/ : the study and treatment of diseases and injuries Floating market: a traditional market where people sell and buy things (fruits, clothes, food, etc.) on boats. 15 40 Break While reading Instruction: Examine 5 paragraphes in the reading lesson. Instruct students

to comprehend the topic by flowing techniques Paragraph 1: statement of markets/Paragraph 2/Paragraph 3/ Paragraph 4/ Paragraph 5 (20) Indentify the main idea by using visual image, scanning and Predict text content Guess word meaning via context/ inference clues Activity 2 (group work): Invite students into groups of 5-6. Assign each group fills in the blank table to complete information about 5 markets in the reading lesson (10) Activity 3: after finishing completing the table. One group asks and another answers to check their comprehensive reading ability (10) Name
The Grand Bazaar Sonara Market Floating Market, Damnoen Suduak

Where/Locatio n
Istanbul, Turkey Mexico, Mexico 100km from Bangkok, Thailand

Any thing, rug and carpet (popular) Toys, birds, herbs and natural medicine Fresh tropical fruit, vegetables

When/ time opened

Not mentioned Early morning till late night/ every day 6am midday

Campo de Fiori

Rome, Italy

Flowers, fruit, vegetables

7am midday/ every day (except Sunday)

End of Nov till Xmas

Nurnberg Christmas Market

Nurnberg, German

Toys; hand-made gifts, Xmas decorations, food & drink


Post reading: Activity 2 (individual work): delivery a very simple template to students, instruct Ss how to introduce a market (5). Ask them to re-write 5 markets they have read (8) and response in front of the class (7) Write about a market where you often visit to or a famous market in your local. Using comparative adj. is encouraged Template: The market is opens sells a lot of. I often go there because I likeI prefer to go to A market because it is than B market/ it is the my city. Home work: divide class into groups. Let each group search information about few floating markets in the world then write an essay based on information they got with a template they have learned at the class


Material s/ Supplie s Procedure Time Activity 20

MODULE 9: BUYING AND SELLING Real Life :Asking in shops-Task : Choose Souvenirs from your country MODULE 10: STREET LIFE Language focus 1: Present continuous K16E23, Term II/ 2010 2011 Upon completing the lesson, students will: 1. Know new words of shops and shopping 2. Talk confidently with people via a role play section and other speaking practice work related to shopping and souvenir topics 3. Understand the rule of present continuous tense Skills involved: listening, speaking Textbook: New Cutting Edge Elementary Delivery material: projector, white-board;

I/ ASKING IN SHOPS Presentation: T explains in English then asks Ss what does that mean in Vietnamese. Finally, teacher corrects in Vietnamese and help them practice pronunciation (10) Basement /besmnt/ (n): the lowest floor of a building, usually below ground level, usually used for car-park (tng hm) Ground floor /ground fl(r)/: the floor of a building that is at the same level as the ground outside. (tng trt) o Note: First floor (in USA) (tng 1 My) First floor: the level of a building above the ground level (tng 1) o Note: Second floor (in USA) (tng 2 My) UK 2 floor 1st floor Ground floor Basement

USA 3 floor 2nd floor 1st floor Basement


Kitchenware /ktnwe (r)/ used in shops/stores to describe objects that

you use in a kitchen, such as pans, bowls, etc. Perfumery /pfjumri/: - a place where perfumes are made and/or sold - the process of making perfume Cosmetic /kzmetk/: a substance that you put on your face or body to make it more attractive, beautiful Stationery/stenri/ (Bri.) /steneri/ (Ame.) - materials for writing and for using in an office, for example paper, pens, envelopes - special paper for writing letters on


as decoration Activity 1: Game to review vocabulary The Messenger (ngi a tin): (15) Divide class into groups forming lines. In each line, 1 person stands 1 meter length and faces his/ her face to the others. The final one of the line will be received a message with a list of shop/store/selling departments name. He/she whispers to her nearest team member. The message will be conveyed through the line to the top. The top team member hears and writes down the list then reports to teacher. The quickest team is the winner Vocabulary List: gift shop, jewellery shop, bakery shop, stationery, cosmetic shop, kitchenware store, dry-cleaners, book store, CD shop Activity 2: Exercise 1a/pg 82: Look at the pictures a-e. Ss, in pairs, take turn to ask and answer which departments/ floors they are on. T makes an example then goes around to supervise whole class. (10) E.g: picture (a) Student 1: which department is it? Student 2: it is a Food hall Student 2: Where is it? Students 1: It is in the basement. Answer: The Food hall/ in the basement The DVD/Video/ Music department/ on the 2nd floor The Books department/ on the 3rd floor The Stationery department/ on the ground floor The ladies clothes department/ on the 1st floor Activity 3: Exercise 1b/pg 81: Play the recording, ask Ss to listen and compare their answers with partner. (Recording T44-48/ CD2) (10) Answer: 1. B 2. E 3. C 4. D 5. A Activity 4: True/ False questions (T/F): Ask students work in pair to check T/F answer then report to the class. (10) 1. Anna wants to buy a CD T/CD players 2. She pays 15.20 F/ 50.20 3. Anna likes color of the topT 4. She doesnt buy the topT 5. The book about Greece in the travel section T 6. They sell diaries in the book departmentF/ stationery department 7. She buys a penT 8. She buys a diaryF/ they only sell diaries in November and December 9. She buy a pain muffinF/ chocolate muffin 10. Therere a restaurant on the fourth floorT Activity 5: Exercise 2/ pg 83 (10) 2a. Matching the questions with answers (5) 2b. Listen again and check: (T49/CD2) (5) Answer: 1G/2F/ 3H/4A/5B/ 6C/7D/ 8E Activity 6: Exercise 3/ pg 83 (25) 3a. list of vocabulary: explain the unknown words then help students practice with pronunciation (10) Answer: 1. Post-cards/2.T-shirt/ 3. Stamps/ 4.Fruit/ 5.Batteries for

Jewellery /dulri/: objects such as rings and necklaces that people wear

a. b. c. d. e.




camera / 6.Sunglasses/ 7. Toothpaste/ 8.Bread /9.Cake 3b. (5) Play the recording. Listen and tick the thing Peter buys. Students work in individuals then check the answer with their partners Recording T50-53/ CD2 Answer: the underline words above 3c. Ss work in pair acting as they are Peter (P) and shop assistant (A): Ss listen to the audio than try to practice the dialogue. (see transcript of the dialogue/ Module 9/ pg 171) (10) Dialogue 1: P: How much are these post-cards? A: twenty five pence each. How many have you got? P: Eight A: Thats two pounds? P: And Id like two stamps for Canada A: Thats 4.80 altogether Dialogue 2: P: Do you sell batteries? A: Yes, what size? P: Its for this camera A: Let me see.Okay, how many do you want? P: Two, please A: Thats 2.10 Activity 7: Exercise 4/ pg 83: Role Play (RP): Ss, in pairs, assume they are in a store. Student A play a role of a client (C). Student is a shop assistant (A). Students work based on the information given in hand-outs. Hand-out: Mod9 -Asking in clothes shop A: Hello, welcome to our shop. Can I help you? C: Hello, I am looking for shoes please. A: Oh shoes. Yes, we have a lot shoes right here. C1: Do you have another color? A: Yes, I have blue shoes here. C1: How much is this? A: It cost 20 dollars. C1: Can you give me some discount? A: 15 dollars. C1: Thanks A: Youre welcome! Have a nice day. C1: You too. Bye bye. A: Bye bye. Homework: 1. Study/ Practice: Asking in shops/ pg 85 2. Workbook: Asking in shop/ pg 57 II/TASK: CHOOSE SOUVENIR FROM YOUR COUNTRY Preparation: Listening Activity 8: 1/ pg 84: Match the words and phrases in the box with photos: ask students discuss in pair and then report to the class (4) Answer: a. a silk scarf b. a CD c. cheese d. a leather bag e. a lamp f. a doll Activity 9: 2/pg 84: Listen to the recording (T54/ CD2) and number the


souvenirs in orders as they are mentioned in 6 talks (6) Answer: Doll Lamp Leather bag CD - Cheese Silk Scarf Task: Speaking: Activity 10: 1-3/pg 84 Explain the usage of useful language related to giving ideas, discussing and saying what you decided. Useful language
a. Giving your ideas I think (a doll) is good souvenir for (Anna) (Thailand) is famous for (silk) so You can buy some (really good cheese). How about (a book)? b. Discussing What do you think? I think a (CD) is better because I think the best thing to buy is a (book). Yes, thats a good idea. Yes, but c. Decision: Saying what you decided: (For Amy) we want to buy a The best souvenir for (Tom) is a In (Italy) we make/have the best (leather) so we decided to give (Helen) (a leather handbag).

Leave 3 to Ss. Let Ss work independently to read about people on page 143

15 20

then write down the souvenirs from Vietnam or others country for the people. Then they, in pairs, discuss what the best souvenir is for the people using the useful language given in the book (7) Suggestions: a. Mark and Anna love ethnic furniture, rug, lamp, plates Hoian lanterns b. Tom loves folk musicCD of Tung Duong, Ngoc Khue singers Helen likes ethnic clothes Ao Dai Their kids like toysdolls, car-toys, c. Amy likes unusual food and drink/ cheese, bread, wine Hue food, Thai food. d. Roberto enjoys travel book, cookery book, novel, poetryHoian travels guide etc. E.g 1: I think a doll is a good present for Anna. What do you think? I think the best think to buy is lantern because she likes lamp. E.g 2: Helen likes ethnic clothes. How about if we buy Ao Dai for her? Thats good ideas. How about the souvenir for her kids? Yes, I think we can buy dolls for them because they like toys. Break III/ MODULE 10: STREET LIFE: Language focus 1: Present continuous tense Use 1 : Now (an action is happening now, or around now, not necessarily at this moment)


What am I doing? I am writing on the board (happening right now)

They are running I am reading the book The Guru of Management (around now, or in
progress now, a the present period )

Tom is looking for a new job. (around now, or in progress now)

Use 2: Near feature (planning already)

Then ask student are you visiting your parents next weekend? to make them guess this is the use of near feature or not. Teacher finally confirms the correct answer. This is also the use of near feature in the present continuous tense. 30 Forms: 1/ Positive: introduce and explain example of positive form to elicit the form: Singular Plural st 1 person I am working we are working 2nd person you are working you are working 3rd person he/she/it is working they are working S + to be + V-ing (S = I, we, you, he, she, it, Lan, Tom, etc.) (I am = Im, we/you/ they are = were, youre, theyre, he/she/it is = hes/shes/ its) 2/ Negative: ask students make the structure by adding not after the previous examples 1 person 2nd person 3rd person

I meeting some friends after work. I am going to the party tonight.

Singular I am not working you are not working he/she/it is not working

Plural we are not working you are not working they are not working

S + to be + NOT + V-ing
(are not = arent; is not = isnt)

3.1/ Question: same process 1st person 2nd person 3rd person Singular Am I working? Are you working? Is he/she/it working? Plural Are we working? Are you working? Are they working ?

TO BE + S + V-ing
Short Answer: Yes, S + TO BE + V-ing No, S + TO BE + not 3.2/ Question: What/ Where/Who/ Why + TO BE + V-ing *Note: V-ing form: a/ If the verb ends in a short vowel and a consonant (hit, run, set, get), you have to double the last consonant, then add ing. Wrong: hiting (x) Right hitting Hitting, running, setting, getting b/ If the verb ends in consonant + e (share, make, write), then you dont write the e when you add ing. Wrong: making (x) Right: making Sharing, making, writing Activity 11: game (13) Divide class into 2 groups Rule: each group has one member turned her/his back to the screen. T one after another shows the pictures as given. The rest if the team will act as shown in the pictures. Then he/she will tell what is it? (Crying, walking, etc.). The quickest team is the winner.








Jumping Swimming Homework: Exercises 1-2/58/ workbook


MODULE 10: STREET LIFE Practice: Present continuous tense (contd) Vocabulary: Clothes Listening: People who wear uniform K16E23, Term II/ 2010 2011 Goals Upon completing the lesson, students can: 1. Consolidate the use of present continuous tense 2. Have new words of clothes, uniform of some jobs Skills involved: listening Material Textbook: New Cutting Edge Elementary s/ Delivery material: projector, white-board; hand-outs Supplie s Procedure Time Activity 15 I/ PRESEN CONTINUOUS TENSE PRACTICE: (contd) Review present continuous tense Use 1: to talk about activities happening now or around now, not necessarily this very moment, in progress around now.

Look! The kid is crying. S + to be + V-ing Be quiet! They are studying next room. S + to be + V-ing I am sitting here because I am tired. S + to be + V-ing You are not studying hard these days. S + to be + NOT + V-ing
Use 2: to talk about activities happening in the near future, especially for planned future events I am having an arrangement with my partner on Wednesday. S + to be + V-ing Peter is coming for dinner tomorrow S + to be + V-ing Are you eating out tonight? TO BE + S + V-ing What are you doing at weekend? Form: 1. S + to be + V-ing (I am = Im, we/you/ they are = were, youre, theyre, he/she/it is = hes/shes/ its) 2. S + to be + NOT + V-ing


(are not = arent; is not = isnt) 3. To be + S + V-ing? 4. What/where/why/who +TO BE + V-ing? 5. V-ing form PRACTICE 1. Add ing to the verbs (10): Hand-out Mod10-V-ing form Put class into 4 groups. Delivery hand-out 1 to 4 groups. Ask them write the V-ing form of the given verbs. The fastest one is the winner. do__________ cook__________ make__________ hit__________ play__________ share__________

practice_________ leave _ __________ smile__________ listen__________ look__________ wish__________ sit__________ tidy__________

dream_________ win__________ _ watch_________ say__________ bake__________ rain__________

swim__________ fit__________ clean________ bet__________ sell __________ give__________ put__________ fly__________

2. Write a Be Verb in the blanks to complete each sentence. Then ask students read out loud and translate the sentences. Teacher corrects their pronunciation and translation. (10) Hand-out 2: Write a Be Verb in the blanks to complete each sentence: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Billy _______ trying to climb a mountain. Kate and Charlie _______ making a pizza for dinner. Jake and I _______ working hard in school. Patrick _______ sitting on the floor right now. I _______ playing tennis right now. Wendy _______ going to America. My sisters _______ sleeping right now, so be quiet. My mother and father _______ talking about something important right now.

Answers: is/ are/ are/ is/ am/ is/ are/ are 3. Fix the mistakes in sentences. (5) Hand-out 3/ Fix the mistakes in the following sentences: a) Jessica reading a comic book right now. ______________________________________ b) They are eat dinner at their favorite restaurant right now. ____________________________________________ c) I watching a movie right now, so please be quiet! ____________________________________________ d) The baby is cry so loudly! I cant do my homework! ____________________________________________

e) Jackie walking to the park right now with her friends. ____________________________________________ Answers: is/ eating/am/crying/is

4. Listening (10) Material: video present continuous tense listening Task: listen to the conversation between a man and a woman. He is doing something in his house. Tell what he is doing by writing down the V-ing. Instruction: Ask students memorize the words listed in the hand-out 1, reveal some of them will be appeared in the conversation so that it will be easier for them to listen to the conversation. Answers: cleaning/ tidying/ cooking/ wearing/ coming/leaving

5. Homework: leave homework for students (3,4,5/ workbook/pg 58-59)

55 II/ VOCABULARY: Clothes Presentation: 1/ Meaning of new words (15) 1. Trouser /trazz)/: a piece of clothing that covers the body from the waist down and is divided into two parts to cover each leg separately 2. Tights / tats/ : a piece of clothing made of very thin cloth that fits closely over a woman's hips, legs and feet 3. Coat / kt/ : a piece of outdoor clothing that is worn over other clothes to keep warm or dry. Coats have sleeves and may be long or short 4. Briefcase / brifkes/: a flat case used for carrying papers and documents 5. Scarf / skf/: a piece of cloth that is worn around the neck, for example for warmth or decoration. Women also wear scarves over their shoulders or hair 6. Trainer/ tren(r)/ : a shoe that you wear for sports or as informal clothing 7. Jumper / d mp(r)/: a knitted piece of clothing made of wool or cotton for the upper part of the body, with long sleeves and no buttons 8. Earring/ r/: a piece of jewellery that you fasten in or on your ear 9. Suit/ sjut /:a set of clothes made of the same cloth, including a jacket and trousers/pants or a skirt 10. Jacket / dkt/ : a piece of clothing worn on the top half of the body over a shirt, etc. that has sleeves and fastens down the front; a short, light coat 11. Backpack / bkpk/: a large bag, often supported on a light metal frame, carried on the back and used especially by people who go climbing or walking Activity 1: 1a-b/pg88: Ss, in pairs, look at the picture, one asks while another answers the following questions: which things are the people wearing? Which are they carrying? (5) Wearing Pedro suit shirt tie shoes A briefcase Dimitri jeans T-shirt belt trainers Helen jacket T-shirt earrings trousers shoes A backpack sport bag Camilla hat jacket scarf dress sandals A handbag Mel jumper skirt earrings boosts briefcase


Break 60

Activity2: 2/pg 88: Ss work in pairs, describe and guess who he/she is in the picture. T makes an example first. (10) Note: useful language to demonstrate the people: this person/he/she is wearing a blue shirt, a suit,.. Activity 3: Divide class into 2 groups. Members in this group describe a member in another group, then they have to say who is mentioned (10) Activity 4: Listen to a song of clothes edited by Peter Weatherall. Write down the clothes they hear. T can play the song twice if needed. (10) Answers: socks/shirt/shorts/skirt/T-shirt/jeans/dress 2/ Practice pronunciation: Recording 6 (T63/ CDs): Exercise: Listen an audio speaking a list of clothes, then tick the clothes they hear that also appear on the list in 1b/pg88 (5) 15 LISTENING: PEOPLE WHO WEAR UNIFORMS Warm-up: T shows some pictures and asks Ss to guess who they are in the picture (e.g.: teacher, doctor, etc.?)

(1) Answer: 1. Doctor 2. Fire fighters


(3) 3. Workers 4. Businessman


Pre-listening: 1/pg 89 Refer Ss to look at the picture s of Andy and Michelle in the book pg 89. Let Ss guess and answer the following questions: What are their jobs? (Andy: guard, Michelle: police officer) What are they wearing? (they are wearing uniform) Are their uniforms smart /ugly /heavy/ uncomfortable? (Andy: a hat looks uncomfortable; Michelle: her clothes look smart) T explains some new words if necessary. While Listening: 2/pg 89 Let Ss listen and check who they you think wear the clothes in the box. A black and white hat a hat that is 300 years old

A white shirt a leather trousers a black trousers Answer: Andy: a hat that is 300 years old, a leather trousers and tights. Michelle: a black and white hat, a white shirt and very big shoes Play the recording twice, ask Ss to answer the questions in textbook. Ss are required to work in pair to discuss and give the answers. Answer: a) because it is small and very heavy, you cant move your head b) because the trousers are leather and uncomfortable

c) no d) yes, because its smart e) the shoes. Because they are big and ugly Post-listening: Ss are asked to discuss in groups the question in the textbook. Do you wear a uniform at school? Do you like it? If not, would you like to wear a uniform? Who wears uniform in your country (Vietnam)? Which uniform do you like best? T can may do example for Ss: In our school some department have uniform. In our accounting department, blue Ao Dai is our uniform. Sometimes, when it is raining, Ao Dai is uncomfortable to wear. Anyway, I still like it very much because it our traditional custom. It is representative of Vietnamese woman. Homework: Review form of: Comparative & Superlative; Present continuous tense Learn by heart Vocabulary: Shops, clothes MODULE 10: STREET LIFE Present simple or Present continuous tense Practice Regular check K16E23, Term II/ 2010 2011 Upon completing the lesson, students will have ability to recognize the different between Present simple and Present continuous tense Check students comprehension via regular check. Textbook: New Cutting Edge Elementary Delivery material: projector, white-board; hand-outs


Material s/ Supplie s Procedure Time Activity 75

I/ PRESENT SIMPLE: 1/Warm-up: Focus Ss on the picture of Michelle. Ask them to read and answer the questions in textbook. Answer: a. She is getting ready to go out. b. She is wearing a new pink top, a blue skirt and quite a lot of make-up. c. She usually wears dark colors.--> Present simple d. She wears bright colors. -> Present simple e. No, she doesnt. -> Present simple f. Yes, she is. -> Present simple 2/Presentation: Present Simple: Use: Use 1: we use Present simple to talk about something that is always true or a fact E.g: The Brians come from Canada so that they can speak both English and French. California is in America. Water boils at 1000C

Use 2: we use Present simple to talk about habit/routine/schedule E.g.: Michelle usually wears dark colors. She wears bright colors I wear suit to go to work but I wear Ao Dai to go to class Tri doesnt like tea. He prefers coffee Do you like English? The train leaves tonight at 6 PM. Form: T introduces the form of Present Simple and asks Ss to refer the examples if needed. (+ I/we/you/they + wear/come S + V(inf.) ) He/she/it + wears/leaves, is S + V (s/es) Note: V(e/es) Vs ending in O, CH, SH, S, X, Z V + ES
O go- goes, do does CH watch watches SH wash -washes S Pass- passes, Kiss - kisses X fix fixes, mix- mixes

Vs ending in a consonant and Y omit Y, then add IES

() (? )

E.g.: study studies, cry cries Other Verbs: add S. Vs have no consonant before Y: only add -S as usually E.g.: play plays; buy - buys I/we/you/they + DONT + wear/come He/she/it + DOESNT + wear/come. DO + I/we/you/they + wear/come ? DOES + He/she/it + wear/come.? S + DONT + V(inf.) S + DOESNT + V(inf.) DO + S + V(inf.) DOES + S + V(inf.)

3/Compare Present simple with Present continuous tense: PRESENT SIMPLE 1/ to talk about the something that is always true/ a fact Brian comes from Canada so that he can speak both English and French. Water boils at 1000C Anh lives with her parents in Kontum PRESEN CONTINUOUS TENSE 1/To talk about something happening now or around now Water is boiling. Billy can you turn it off? (happen now)

She wears dark colors at work.

Tonight, she is wearing a pink top top.

2/ To talk about something happening 2/ to talk about habit/ routine around now: She wears dark colors at work. I wear suit to go to work but I wear I like management book. I usually Ao Dai to go to class read books of Brian Tracy (Present I like management book. Simple). But at the moment, I am My boss always goes to work at reading an interested book of Liz 6.30 am. Murray. Anh lives with her parents in Kontum. But now she is living in Danang to study MBA.


II/ PRACTICE Exercise 1-2/ pg 90 Hand-out: Mod10 Pre.Simple & Continuous Homework: Do related exercises in Workbook Teacher delivers Hand-out: Mod10-Simple review. Hi everybody! I'm The Present Simple Girl. I like habits and routines. I always do the same things and at the same time. For example, I always drink two glasses of milk in the morning and I usually arrive at school at twenty five past eight . I often wear jeans and T-shirts. I love pop music. I also love animals and plants. I have a beautiful garden.

I live with my parents and my brother, The Present Continuous Guy. He is very different from me. He never arrives on time for lunch. He likes new clothes and fashion, and he doesn't listen to pop music. He plays hard rock in a group called "Metal Bananas" . We are in an English club called The Happy Verby Gang. We go to the club on Saturdays.


Voc. & W.: Describing People - Task: complete & describing a picture - Real life: Street talk K16E23, Term II/ 2010 2011 Goals Upon completing the lesson, students will: 1. Have ability to understand, speak and write about peoples appearance as well as about a picture. 2. Have ability to ask and give advices (asking for directions, for a bill or changes at a restaurant, ask for a time, a schedule, etc) Material Textbook: New Cutting Edge Elementary s/ Aids: projector, white-board, images, hand-outs Supplies Procedure Time Activity


I/ VOCABULARY WRITING: DESCRIBING PEOPLE Activity 1 - Warm-up: (10) General competence: to understand vocabulary of describing people. Method: visualize by images Interaction: teacher students (T-Ss) Class management: individual/ whole class activity (follow-up) Procedure: Show pictures of some celebrities. Describe their appearance including hair, eyes, body, age. Focus on new words of describing these people: middle-age, moustache, beard, brown hair, grey eyes, slim, tall, pony-tail, etc. Brad Pitt is a famous actor. He is middle-age but he is handsome. He has got moustache and beard, he has short brown hair. He is wearing suit.

Roberto Baggio is a sport star. He is middle-age. He has got pony-tail hair. Jennifer Aniston is a famous actress. She is in her early forties but she is very attractive. She has blonde pony tail hair and grey eyes. She is wearing earrings. Naomi Campel is a supper model. She is the first famous black model. She has straight long hair, she is slim and tall. Justin and Selena are teen movie stars. They are both young and good-looking Selena has got long hair, Justin has short hair. They are wearing casual clothes.

Will Smith is a singer an actor. He is middle-age, hes handsome, he has got dark skin and short black hair He is well-built. Mr. Bean is ugly. Hes around 45. He has big dark eyes and short dark hair.

Activity 2 - Follow-up: (10) Explain new vocabulary of describing peoples appearance in the previous examples. Deliver hand-out Mod10- Physical App. Ask students to build/complete the hand-out to describe peoples appearance and how they look.

1. Moustache / mst/ (n): images of Brad Pitt

a line of hair that a man allows to grow on his upper lip

2. Moustaches / mst/ (plural noun): a very long moustache 3. Casual clothes / k ul, klz/: images of Justin and Selena 4. Slim/ slm/ (adj) image of Naome Campel
thin, in a way that is attractive

comfortable clothes that you choose to wear in your free time

hair that grows on the chin and cheeks of a man's face; similar hair that grows on some animals 6. Pony-tail/pnitel / (n) images of Roberto Baggio, Jennifer Aniston a bunch of hair tied at the back of the head so that it hangs like a horse's tail 7. Blond(e) hair /blnd/: image of Jennifer Aniston. Blonde: is referred to woman, girl Blond: is referred to man, boy Hand-out Mod 10 -Physical App (pg 1/3 of handout) Hair bald, straight, curly, pony-tail, shaved head, etc Black, blond (e), red, brunette, grey, etc Eyes big round blue eyes, large, small, bright, narrow blue, green, grey, brown, black, etc Face Good-looking, beautiful, nice, etc. Complexi Black, color, light, white on Height/ (Not very) tall, short, slim, thin, fat, well-built, heavy, etc Body Age In her twenties, in her early forties, around 25th, young, old, middle-age, etc Clothes casual, formal, smart, tidy, messy Practice: Complete the description in the picture of hand-out (pg 2/3 of handout) (5) Activity 3: General competence: to interact in speaking, writing of a description of peoples appearance. Method: visualize by images; useful languages (template) Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-Ss Class management: individual, pairs work, class activity Procedure: a/ Speaking - whole class activity: Ask students who they are in the pictures below by using sentences (10) Who has got (a) moustache? Who has got blonde hair/medium-length hair/ blue eyes/ pony-tail? Who is wearing casual clothes Who is slim/tall/ good-looking. Who is in her/his twenties/ thirties/ early forties? b/ Writing - Individual: Ss are asked to write down a description of people in the pictures. Ss are recommended to use hand-out Mod10 Physical App. above and following Hand-out Mod10- Useful language 1 (10) Hand-out: Mod 10 Useful language 1: He has got (a) (moustache/ blonde hair/ blue eyes) o (*) (students can use has got or has) She is in her...(twenties) She is(short)..

5. Beard/ bd/ (n): image of Brad Pitt


She usually wears...(jeans and jumpers)But, today she is wearing (suit and tie)... She isnt very tall = she is short She isnt very slim = she is fat

c/ Speaking- Pairs work: Student no.1 (S1) reads her/his description. S2 must guess who it is (10)


(Jessica and her husband, Cameron Diaz, Vin Diesel, Gaga Lady, Jennifer Hudson, David Beckham, Prince William, Nick Carter, Robert Einstein) II/ TASK: DESCRIBING A PICTURE Activity 4: General competence: comprehension of listening in peoples appearance, picture Method: imagining, guessing by picture Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-Ss Class management: whole class activity Procedure: a/ Speaking -Individual & whole class activity: Focus picture A in textbook. Ask Ss the questions in pg 92. Get them answer. Check the answers: Its morning Its growling at a cat Black and White Shes listening music. Shes wearing dress. Shes got a cup of coffee or tea Hes wearing a (yellow) jumper or T-shirt, (brown) trousers, a hat, (grey) shoes and sunglasses They are sitting at the table. The man has got moustache. He is wearing a jacket, trousers, and shoes. The woman has got (blonde) hair. She is wearing a (purple) dress. b/ Listening- Individual & whole class activity : Listening to the Rec. 8


(T66/ CD2) to find 4 mistakes. The girl is wearing a black dress. Not white skirt The dog isnt running. Its growling at the cat There are a man and a woman sitting at the coffee shop. Not 2 women The woman has got long blonde hair. Not black short hair TASK: Speaking Activity 5: (15) - Listening: General competence: to understand what people describe in a picture (in short form) Method: images, guessing and checking by listening the audio Interaction: T-Ss Class management: whole class activity, individual Procedure: Shows 3 pictures to students, play an audio describing a picture (Big step 1, TOEIC test Test 1) (15) Help Ss imagine what people are doing in the picture or what is happening in the picture Focus Ss on some clues: o The manis riding his bike on a road. o They are.....discussing a topic.. o The floor .has been cleaned o The school has been closed down.. o There is a picture on the wall. Activity 6: General competence: to interact in writing and speaking of a description of a picture Method: questioning, guessing; useful languages Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-Ss Class management: Individual, pairs work, whole class activity Procedure: a/ Writing (10) - Individual Teacher delivers 2 pictures missing some items. Ss are asked to add 10 things as given in the box (1/pg93) to one picture, then write down a description of a picture. Ss are recommended to use Mod10-Use language 1 and following Hand-out Mod10 - Useful language 2b: Position In the middle of the picture, at the top, at the bottom, on the left, on the right Who is doing Its raining what?/ What is There are 5 people are chatting happening? The man (in the middle) has got long hair The Girl/ shes eating ice-cream E.g: In the middle, there are 5 people are having meal. On the left, there are parents. The father is wearing glasses. On the left, there are their kids. A girl is speaking something. The others

are listening her story carefully. b/ Speaking (15) - Pairs work Student no.1 (S1) reads her/his description. S2 draws to complete the picture. S2 check the S1s picture by asking some questions (see Hand-out Mod10-Useful language 2a). S1 does the same process to draw a picture of S2. After finishing the drawing they compare the pictures to see they are same or different. Which team gets the best matching will be the winner. (10) o Whats the woman (on the right hand) doing? o Whats the man (in the middle) holding? o Whats he/she wearing? o Whats happening in the rooms (above) the caf o What kind of hair has he/she got? o Is he/she smiling? Break III/ REAL LIFE: STEET TALK Activity 7: (25) General competence: to understand to ask when being at the street. Method: useful languages Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-Ss Class management: Individual, pairs work, whole class activity Procedure: Do an example to the whole class Ask Ss work in individual then compare with their partner. Check by listening the Recording 9 (T67/CD2) Check answer: 1a/ 2b/3c/4b/5a/6c/7b Practice: workbook: 11a-b/ pg62 Activity 8 - Follow up (35) General competence: comprehension of asking and giving information (e.g: direction). Method: visualize by videos; useful words, exercises. Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-Ss Class management: Individual, pairs work Procedure: Show videos (Asking & Giving Direction 1,2) Focus Ss on the useful words using in the videos. o Excuse me, I am looking for.(Cham Museum). o Would/ Could/ Can you tell me the way to (Danang station) .please? o Would/ Could/ Can you tell me where the.(Vietcombank) is, please? o Go straight, turn left/ turn right into the ABC street, go down, o Youll see it on your right hand o Thank you, you re welcome, etc Exercise Exercise 1-Individual Insert the missing words (5) a) Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to Big Supper Market, please? b) Go straight. Then turn right into Hung street. Go straight again. Itll be on your right hand. c) Where is the nearest Vietcombank ATM?

15 60

d) Excuse me. I am looking for the Cathy shop. Can you tell me where it is,
please? Exercise 2- individual insert the missing preposition (10) a) Take the first turning on the left b) Turn left into Le Loi street c) I am looking for Duy Tan university d) Itll be on your left e) Can you tell me the way to Green Plaza hotel? Exercise 3-pairs work: Imaging that you are a US volunteer coming to Danang for teaching English at DTU. You are just arrived Danang airtport. Ask a Tourist information assistant the way to go to school. Use useful words and exercise 1, 2 to make the dialogue. Note: Ss can do the task at class or at home if the class doesnt have time enough. Homework: Describe a relative or a friend of yours or a famous person you admired. Work book: 8/ pg 60; 10,12/pg 62 Consolidation: A & C/ pg94


Goals Language focus 1: going to, would you like to, want to Practice K16E23, Term II/ 2010 2011 Upon completing the lesson, Ss will: Know the use of feature expression (going to) Understand the polite way express a statement (would you like to, want to)

Material s/ Supplie s Procedure Time Activity 30 30

Skill involved: speaking, writing, listening Textbook: New Cutting Edge Elementary Aids: projector, white-board, images, hand-outs

Homework check (15) Regular checks result and answers (15) I/VOCABULARY LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 ( going to) PRACTICE Presentation: 1a/Usage: Ask Ss what do they do usually at the weekend? Ss discuss in pairs and answer the question. Teacher can may make an example if needed e.g: This weekend, I usually stay at home and relax at the weekend. But, this weekend I am going to attend my friends wedding party. Then play the audios (Rec. 12.1- Track 11-16/CD3) about 6 people talking about their plan this weekend. Ask students listen and complete the table below: Name Plans for Saturday Plans for Sunday Neela Club with friends (Sat. Lunch with her night) grandparents Phil Stay at home and relax, finish his book, sleep a lot Megan Go shopping Have a barbecue Jamie Go a way to the country Anna Work on Sat, see a film A friends wedding Sharif Watch the football Do something with his children, may be take them swimming. Analyze the plans and above example to elicit the usage of going to future intention. (Focus Ss on the underline words to remind the different use of Present continuous Tense and Present Simple tense again so that leading them to the usage of future attention) Activity 1 Listening: General competence: comprehension of listening about what people talking about a plan. Method: audio (Rec. 12.2 - Track 17/ CD3), filling gap. Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-Ss Class management: individual/pairs work Procedure: 2b/pg 104 Answers: 1. big group 2. have lunch 3. Be/ birth day 4. Do much 5. Finish book 6. Get, camera 7. This weekend 8. Friends wedding 9. Watch, football 1b/ Form of going to:

Write on the board the plans of Neela and Phil to elicit the form of going to Write positive form of to be going to. Ask Ss to elicit the Negative and Question form. (+) S + to be going to + V (inf.); (-): S + to be + NOT + going to + V(inf) (?) To be + S + going to + V(inf)

Note: S = I, we, you, they, he, she, it, Anna etc. To be = am, is, are I am = Im You/ We/ They are = Youre/We re/ Theyre He/she/it/ Anna is = hes/ shes/ its/ Annas We dont usually use to be going to GO


Practice Activity 2: 1/ 105-Individual: Ss are ask to write sentences about each person (5) Activity 3: 2/105- Pairs work (15) a) Shes going shopping b) Hes going to meet his girl friend c) Theyre going to take the dog for a walk d) Hes going to have a cigarette e) Hes going swimming f) Shes going to catch a plane II/VOCABULARY LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 (Want to, would like to) PRACTICE: Presentation 2a/ Examples: give examples, help SS elicit points of difference between want to and would like to a. It is my boy friends birthday and I want to get him a digital camera (direct demand) b. Child: Mum, I am very hungry. I want to eat a sandwich (strong, direct demand) c. A: I want to go to the cinema tonight. B: I dont want to. Because there is a good fild on TV (strong, direct demand) d. Id like to go away somewhere this weekend (just a plan, not really need to do) e. Waiter: What would you like to have / drink? Costumer: I would like to have soup / drink water. f. I am going to Hoian tonight for full-moon festival. Would you like to go with me? That would be nice! (a polite way to offer/ invite and order a service) 2b/Usage: want to = would like to Stronger, more direct Informal statement customer service a plan, suggestion, invitation, offer formal/polite statement, especially in


2c/ Form: write positive form on the board and ask students to guess

and complete the form. After all, teacher corrects the form for students. Want to: (+) S + want to/ wants to + V (inf.); (-): S + dont want + V(inf) doesnt want (?) Do/ does + S + want + V(inf) Break Would like to = d like to (+): S+ would like to/d like to + V (inf.) (-): S + wouldnt like to + V (inf) (?): Would + S + like to + V(inf)

15 60

3/Activity 3 Practice: 3.3/105 Individual/Pairs work: Rec.T12.3 (Track 18) (15) a) Are b) Are, are c) Do, do d) Are, would e) Are, are f) Would g) Do h) Do, would Workbook: 2/pg 70; 4,5/pg 71 (30)

Vocabulary- Speaking Going out & Staying in Language focus 2: suggestions and offers Practice Tasks: plan a weekend



Material s/ Supplies Procedure Time Activity 40

away. K16E23, Term II/ 2010 2011 Students will have ability to 1. Know phrasal verbs more related to Go and Stay. 2. Make suggestions/ offers 3. Respond to suggestions/ offers. 4. Understand what people talk about a weekend away and can describe their own plan either. Skill involved: speaking, writing, listening Textbook: New Cutting Edge Elementary Aids: projector, white-board

I/ VOCABULARY SPEAKING: Going out & Staying in 1/ Warm-up: 25 Ask students about their weekend, get students answer then lead them go through the questionnaire from A to E. Ask them mark the activities that they
1-never; 2- occasionally; 3-sometimes/ quite often; 4-usually do.

Revise above frequency adverbs and where to put these words in a sentence.

Makes an example to whole class then ask Ss work individually. Ask Ss who never/ usually/ occasionally/ sometimes/ quite often/usually does the activity in Awork and rest/ B-sport and exercise/ C-social life/ D-culture/ E-go away for the weekend. Group Ss to same groups if they are in common. Let groups explains what and why each others. Focus Ss on some phrasal verbs in the questionnaire. Make maps as following to help student memorize phrasal verbs with go, (stay, do, have: same map) e.g: To a concert/ an exhibition/ a
Swimming/ shopping museum

To the theatre/ country/beach/gym Out/for/away cinema/ the

Activity 1 (4/pg106): Divide class into 2 groups. Teacher shows the words or phrase on slide, groups are asked to read an appropriate phase of it. The winner is the fastest. (15) E.g.: the country go to the country Answers: 1. Stay at home: 6. Go to the gym 2. Stay in bed 7. Go to the country 3. Do the housework 8. Go for a walk 4. Have a party 9. Go out with friends 5. Go swimming 10.Go away for the weekend.


II/ LANGUAGE FOCUS 2: SUGGESTIONS AND OFFERS Warm-up: 7 Ask what they usually do/plan for their birthday? Get them to answer then lead them listen to the conversation of planning a birthday between Lisa and Amy. (T12.5 Track 20/cd3) Ask them what Lisa and Amy decided to do? Answer: they decided to go to a French restaurant/ French Table with some friends. Activity 2: 8 Focus Ss on the gapped dialogue Ask them fill in the missing lines in the gaps Play the audio (T12.6 track 20/cd3): 2-3 times if necessary. Answers: a-5/ b-4/c-1/d-2/e-6/f-3 Grammar: 30 Write the following on the board: we all go out for a meal that new French restaurant? phone and book a table? book it for eight oclock Ask Ss remember and add why dont we, how about, shall I and lets to above phrase. Refer Ss back to the dialogue and elicit the form of making suggestions/offers and respond to suggestions/ offers Answers: a/ Why dont we all go out for a meal Yeah. Okay. That sounds more fun! b/ Where shall we go? -(name of the restaurant) c/ How about that new French Lets go there. Itd like to try it restaurant? yeah. It sounds good. d/ Ill speak to Martin and the others e/ Shall I phone the restaurant and Yes, please if thats okay. book a table f/ Lets book it for eight Yes, good idea. a/ Suggestions and Responses: Suggestions with lets, shall we, we could + V: Suggestion e.g. Positive response Negative response Lets (=let us) Good idea! (thats Oh, no! good idea!) (+reason) Shall we Watch a Yes, fine/ sure/ okay. I am sorry video? (+ reason) We could Go to a club That sounds (more) fun Why dont we Go on Yeah. It sounds good. holiday? Note: How about + N/ V-ing. How about that new French restaurant? How about going to the dancing club tonight? b/ Offers and Responses: Offers with Shall I? and Ill + V: Offer Positive response Negative response
(ask Ss to complete the table after finish Practice 1/pg107) (ask Ss to complete the table after finish Practice 1/pg107)

Shall I order a pizza? Ill make some coffee

Good ideal! Yes, please if thats okay Fine/ Ok/ Sure! Thanks. Thats very kind of you

Its Ok. Thanks. But (+ reason)


Activity 3 follow-up: Individual work (T-Ss): 10 Teacher interacts with Ss by making suggestions and offers to Ss. Let them respond suggestions/ offer in each situation. Ss work in individual to complete


the task. Situation: a suggestion to have a drink at the beach after finishing a class. Make a question: what are you going to do after you finish the class? Ask some of them answer the question. Make a suggestion to have a drink at the beach: Its very hot today. Why dont we go to the beach for a drink?/ Lets go to the beach for a drink, etc) Encourage Ss to answer in positive (interested in) or negative response (not interested in/ or busy), the others may suggest another place to go, encourage Ss to speak out their suggestions. III/ PRACTICE 1a/pg 107 Individual work (5) 1b/pg107 (T12.6 track 21/cd3): check pronunciation (10) Answers: 1. A: How about a coffee? 6. A: Lets have another drink. B: That sounds nice B: Im ok. Thanks 2. A: Shall I take your jacket? 7. A: Shall I call you tomorrow? B: Oh, thanks. B: Yeah, Okay. 3. A: Shall we ask for the bill? 8. A: Why dont we meet at the B: Yes, good idea. station? 4. A: Ill take you home B: That sounds nice. B: No, Its okay. Ill call a taxi. 9. A: Ill book the tickets 5. A: Why dont we go to the B: Great. cinema B: Yeah, thats a good idea. 2/pg107: encourage Ss to practice as much as possible (10) Ask Ss what suitable use in each situation is. Answers: a- 5,9,8 /b-1,2,6,8,4/c-1,7/d-1,3,6 3/pg 107: Homework Break IV/ TASK: PLAN A WEEKEND AWAY 1/ Pre-reading & Listening: Check the meaning of the words (10) Ask Ss do you ever go away for weekend. Tell them about teachers own weekend away. Explain if they are in UK, there many great places to go for weekend. Show the photos of these places. Get them to try to match the words in box to the appropriate photos. They can use Mini-D to check the meaning of the bold words or ask teachers.

15 25

Answers: cliff and beach (1,5) ; cathedral (2), castle (3,4,9), traditional music (6), golf course (7,9), sailing (8); lake with and island (9); B&Bs (10, 11) 2/ While reading -listening: 10 Put Ss into groups of 5-6. Ask Ss read 3 texts from guidebook of England. Ask them to list the things in the box (exercise 1) can find in each place. Ss can write number 1 for Isle of Wight; 2- Canterbury and Leed castle; 3Dublin next to the words. Ss are asked to work individual then check the answer with group. Answers: 1- Isle of Wight: Beautiful views; Cliffs and beaches; a castle; sailing, B&Bs 2- Canterbury and Leed castle: a magnificent cathedral, B&Bs, a castle, lake with islands, a golf course 3- Dublin: a castle, traditional live music, beautiful views, B&Bs, lively bar, beaches Put Ss into groups of 5 or 6. Leave 5, get them to discuss the question which would you most like to visit (do this task if needed) 35 3a/ While listening (10) Set a situation of 3 friends (Julia, Sarah and Robin) deciding where to go for the weekend. Give Ss few minutes to read questions (2) Play the recording (T12.7- track22/cd3) Ss work individual to tick the correct answer then compare the others. Answers: a-3/b-3/c-3/d-3/e-2/f-1/g-2 3b/Post listening (10) Refer Ss to page 173 Play recording T12.8 track 23/cd3, get Ss to listen and repeat without sound Ask Ss, in pairs, to practice the transcripts. a) How about Canterbury b) Id really like to see Leeds Castle c) Id like to try somewhere different d) There are lots of things to see e) It sounds great to me f) Lets go to Dublin then g) Where are we going to stay?

h) Ill find a B&Bs if you like. i) Shall I check the times? Task: Speaking (15): Ss work in group and plan a weekend away. They are asked to describe where to go, how to get there, where to stay, what to do, when they come and get back home. Teacher encourages Ss using the useful language (pg 109) to describe their plan. Teacher may make example first. Wed like to go to Cham Island in Hoian. It takes 2 hrs to go there. First, we drive one hr from Danang to Hoian and then take a boat to Cham island. We depart Danang at 8 am so that we can arrive the island around noon. Wed like to stay in a guesthouse because its cheaper and more convenient than stay in a big hotel. After having lunch with seafood, we will go sighting around the island. There are a lot beautiful views for us to see. We can go up to the hill either we can go fishing at the sea. There is one round trip from Danang-Hoian. That why we will leave Cham Island at 12h30 when it drop passengers to the island next day.


Real life: Talking about weather/ Practice MODULE 14: KEEPING IN TOUCH Reading: Getting in touch through the ages. K16E23, Term II/ 2010 2011
Goals Students will know vocabulary related to the weather. Skill involved: reading Material Textbook: New Cutting Edge Elementary s/ Aids: projector, white-board Supplie s Procedure Time Activity 60 REAL LIFE: Talk about the weather 1/ Warm-up: Talk Ss about the weather in UK (spring, summer, fall/autumn, winter). Ask Ss how about the weather in Vietnam. Get them to answer then lead them how they feel about the weather right now in Vietnam. o Asking the weather: - Whats the weather like today? - How is the weather today? o The answer may be: hot, sunny Then show pictures with words describing the weather. Ask them match the words in appropriate with the pictures.









2/ Form of talking about the weather: Refer Ss back to the ways teacher ask about the weather before Whats the weather like? Or How is the weather? and the way to answer it its sunny, etc. to elicit the form of talking about the weather. What + to be + the weather + like? How + to be + the weather? It + to be + adjective Activity 1: practice with vocabulary of the weather. Hand out the gapped song about the weather (clip: The weather song by Peter Weatherall; hand-out: Mod12 - Weather) Play the song. Get Ss to listen and fill in the gap.

Activity 2: Help Ss predict the content by asking where is the hottest, coldest, driest place in the world you know Show the following place with a map of it. Get them to read the fact in the box and answer the question. Answer: Brazil: it never snows Chicago: it is called the Windy city El Azizia: the hottest place in the world Malaysia: has only two season a year Mawsynram: the wettest place in the world Vostok: the coldest temperature in the world Activity 3: True or False. Listen to Sumalee from Bangkok and Cathy from Vancouver talking about the weather. Which statements are true about Thailand and Canada? Listen again (twice if needed) to correct the false statement Thailand: 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6 (underline numbers are true) Vancouver: 1, 2, 3, 4 Homework: Ss are asked to write a description about the weather in her/his city. Ss are recommended to use template: In.there are.seasons. From.. to The average temperature in my city is about. Its (winter) (summer) Do all on pg 111/175 (Practise) Module 14: KEEP IN TOUCH READING: GET THROUGHT THE AGES: Presentation: New words: Typewriter / taprat(r)/ (n): a machine that produces writing similar to print. It has keys that you press to make metal letters or signs hit a piece of paper through a strip of cloth covered with ink Penny /'peni/(n): small British coin and unit of money. There are 100 pence in one pound (1) Invention /in'venn/(n): a thing or an idea that has been invented/ the act of inventing something Incredible /in'kredbl/ (a) : impossible or very difficult to believe Demonstrate /'demnstreit/ (v): to show something clearly by giving proof or evidence Enormous/i'n:ms/(adj) : extremely large Activity 1: Ask Ss what is your favourite way to keep I n touch? Elicit the different ways of keeping in touch in the last few hundred of years Then ask Ss to focus on the picture a-c and answer the question Answer: a) 500 years ago, 5 months b) 150 years ago, 2 weeks c) 1969, 1.3 seconds Activity 2: 2 students discuss and put these ways of communicating in order from the oldest (1) to the newest (7). Answers: 1. pen and paper 2. the postage stamp 3. the typewriter


15 60

4. the telephone 7. text message Break While Reading:

5. the fax machine

6. e-mail

Activity 3: Ss, individual, read the text in 5. Introduce things mentioned in the reading material Ss scan the reading to decide whether each statement is T or F. T then gives feedback. Answer 1) Scribes were people who wrote letters for everyone else in Ancient Egypt T 2) The first stamp in 1840 was expensive F (one penny) 3) Letter writing was still strange to people in the 1840s F (so popular) 4) Typewriter was made in 19th century T 5) The first telephone and the first fax machine were appeared at the same time T 6) People didnt like telephone and fax machine at the first time T 7) After World War Two, police officers used whistle to call for help F(walki-talkiw) 8) It take not too long to send messages and email nowadays T Activity 4: Ss, in pairs, take turn to ask and answer the questions in exercise 3/ pg 120 T gives feedback after all. Answers: a. by hand b. one penny c. several times a day d. in the same way as in 1871; ill the letters in the world typewriter are on the top line e. around 1876 f. because they were heavy; around 13.5 kilos g. in 1992 h. thirty six billion Activity 5: exercise 4/pg 120 Post-reading: discussion Put the class in to groups of 5-6. Ss, in team, discuss these questions: Which information in the text did you find most surprising? Do you think people send too many e-mails/ text messages? Do you ever receive annoying e-mails/ phone calls/ letters? What do you often do in that case?

Homework: Learn by hear new words Prepare Present Perfect Tense in advance


Language Focus 1: Present Perfect Language focus 2: Time Phrase with Present Perfect & Past Simple Past Practice K16E23, Term II/ 2010 2011 Goals Students will have general knowledge of Present Perfect Tense (use, form) Students will ability to recognize the different between Present Perfect Tense and Simple Past Tense Material Textbook: New Cutting Edge Elementary s/ Aids: projector, white-board Supplie s Procedure Time Activity 45 I/ PRESENT PERFECT TENSE: Presentation: 1/ Use: We use the Present Perfect to describe past actions that are

connected to the present. Very often they happen in a time period that is not finished

Examples: I have been a teacher for more than ten years. We haven't seen Janine since Friday. How long have you been at this school? I have lost my wallet already. = I don't have it now. Jimmy has just gone to South America. = He isn't here now. Have you finished your homework yet? = Is your homework ready? Tip! We often use since, for, just, already and yet in the Present Perfect Tense 2/ Form: (+) S + have/has + P.P (-) S + have/has + not + P.P (?) have/ has + S + P.P Note: a. Regular past participle: verb+ ED Ex: I have owned 3 Pcs in my life/ or (Ive owned) My boss has not checked any email this week. He is going far away for holiday. b. Irregular past participle: read, written, drunk, gone, sent,

etc. Ex: Ive sent about 10 emails today I have never been UK before. Activity 1: PP form T gives a list of verbs. Ask Ss to change them into PP. T gives feedback after all. List of verbs: a/Loose b/Forget c/ phone e/ Check f/ Leave g/ receive i/ buy j/keep k/ have

d/pay h/ use l/ bring

a/ Lost e/ Checked i/ bought Answers:

b/Forgotten f/ Left j/ kept

c/ phoned g/ received k/had

d/paid h/ used l/ brought

Activity 2: Exercise 1, 3/ pg 123 - Exercise 3/pg 127 30 II/ TIME PHRASE PRESENT PERFECT & PAST SIMPLE Activity 3: 1-2/pg 124

Ask students to read the e-mails and answer the questions. Then, T gives feedback
PAST SIMPLE Use: is used to know exactly when an action happened. an action is finished. it can be a short action (phoned) or a longer one (was in bed, believed) Time phrase: last night, yesterday afternoon, last month, in September, in 2004, all weekend, etc. PRESENT PERFECT Use: is used when we dont know exactly when our action finishes. an action can happened at the present

Time phrase: this year, this month, so far this week, in my life, ever/ never (in your life till now), just, recently, since

Activity 4: Practice: 2/pg 125 Answer: 1. Have you passed your driving test? When did you pass? 2. Have you taken any exams recently? When did you take them? 3. Have you eaten in a restaurant this week? When and where did you go? 4. Have you been ill at all this year? Where were you ill? 5. Have you ever been in hospital? 6. Have you ever been/gone on a long flight? When and where did you go? 7. Have you been/ gone to stay with friends recently? Who did you visit? 8. Has anyone you know started a new job recently? When did they start?


III/ PRACTICE Exercise 1: Please fill in the blanks using the present perfect simple tense (has/have + past participle).

1) I __________ (recently finish) reading that book. It was very interesting. 2) Tony and Margaret __________ (sing) in the church choir since they were little kids. 3) My mom __________ (not clean) out the basement yet. 4) I __________ (forgot) to bring my driver's license. Will I need to go home and get it? 5) Everyone __________ (practice) for an hour already. Let's take a break. 6) Neither my brothers nor my mother __________ (go) to Disneyland before. 7) The class __________ (already sing) their song. 8) The Cardinal baseball team __________ (win) the championship three years in a row. We have to beat them this year. 9) The symphony __________ (play) in both Europe and Asia this year. 10) My dog __________ (not get) his shots yet. Answers: 1) I have recently finished reading that book. It was very interesting. 2) Tony and Margaret have sung in the church choir since they were little kids. 3) My mom has not cleaned out the basement yet. 4) I have forgotten to bring my driver's license. Will I need to go home and get it? 5) Everyone has practiced for an hour already. Let's take a break. 6) Neither my brothers nor my mother have gone to Disneyland before. 7) The class has already sung their song. 8) The Cardinal baseball team has won the championship three years in a row. We have to beat them this year. 9) The symphony has played in both Europe and Asia this year. 10) My dog has not gotten his shots yet. Exercise 2: Loch Ness is a lake between the Scottish towns of Inverness and Fort Augustus. The word loch is Scottish for lake. Loch Ness is about 37 km long and extremely deep, the deepest part is 226 m. Loch Ness is famous for its friendly monster, Nessie. Most people think that this is only a legend, but every year tourists from all over the world come to Loch Ness and hope that they will see the monster.

15 60

Write the verbs in present perfect simple 1) Tourists from all over the world (be) to Loch Ness. 2) Most of them (see/not) Nessie, however 3) Only very few people say that the Loch Ness Monster (appear) in front of them 4) Even scientists (come) to Loch Ness to find the monster. 5) And the boss of the Guinness brewery (promise) to pay 500,000 Pounds to the person who catches Nessie Break Exercise 3: Write sentences in present perfect tense using the words or phrases given in each question. 1. Jane / return / from / office. 2. She / write / a novel. 3. He / act / in / ten films. 4. I / not / receive / your / letter. 5. I / never / hear /of that / place. 6. She / lose / her / money. 7. Look / what / john / give / me! 8. Police / arrest / 80 suspected / drug traffickers / in raids. 9. A 24-year old / woman / kill / in an accident. 10. Honey / I / lose / my keys. 11. I / answer / six / phone calls / since / lunchtime. 12. I / study/ hard / for years. Answers 1. Jane has returned from office. 2. She has written a novel. 3. He has acted in ten films. 4. I have not received your letter. 5. I have never heard of that place. 6. She has lost her money. 7. Look, what John has given me! 8. Police have arrested 80 suspected drug traffickers in raids. 9. A 24-year old woman has been killed in an accident. 10. Honey, I have lost my keys. 11. I have answered six phone calls since lunchtime. 12. I have studied hard for years. Exercise 3: Simple Past or Present Perfect Simple A) Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

1. A: (you / buy) the tickets for our journey yet? 2. B: Yes, I (go) to the station yesterday and (buy) the tickets. 3. A: What time (you / go) there?

4. B: I (take) a friend to the station in the morning. His train (leave) at


5. A: (you / pack) your bags yet? 6. B: Of course. And I (ask / already) my neighbour to empty my letter box.
What about you?

7. B: I (pack) my bags two days ago.

B) Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

1. Yesterday, my brother (come) home from school, (switch) on the TV and 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

(watch) TV until dinner (be) ready. Oh no, it's raining and I (leave) my umbrella at home. Look! There is so much food left. Nobody (eat) anything. Where (you / be) yesterday? - I (go) to the shopping centre and (buy) a new computer game. Why don't you want to play football with us this weekend? - I (break) my leg. The road is closed. There (be) an accident. I (have) an accident when I (be) in Manchester last year.

8. Come on, let's celebrate! Our team (win) the match.

Homework: Workbook: all exercises of Present perfect and Simple Past tense


Real life: Telephoning Task: Analyze a question K16E23, Term II/ 2010 2011 Goals Students will have ability to make and respond to a call phone ability to discuss (agree, disagree) and compare an opinion Skill involved: speaking, listening Material Textbook: New Cutting Edge Elementary s/ Aids: projector, white-board Supplie s Procedure Time Activity 90 I/ REAL LIFE: Telephoning: Activity 1: 1/pg 125 Ask Ss Have you ever made a call phone in English?. Do you find it easy or difficult? Focus Ss to a picture of Jane. Ss read her note list and answer the questions. Then T plays recording T14. 4 (Track 43 -46/cd3). Ss listen and answer the question. Answer: 1- Paul/ 2- Julia (about her plane ticket)/ 3- Tanila/ 4-Dad Activity 2: 2/pg 125 Listen 4 conversations (T14.4: Track 43-46/cd3). Complete the sentences in the textbook. T plays the recording twice if needed. Answer:

a. can I speak to b. he is not here c. hell be back d. this is; Im calling about e. Im not here at the moment f. Leave a message g. Can you call me h. Its me, Dad there i. Ask him to call me. Activity 3: 3/pg 125 T asks Ss to collect the languages using in the lesson to help them elicit the useful languages to make and respond a call phone in English T may add more useful languages if necessary: Useful language Greeting Dialed call: Hello. (tell your name). Can I speak to Paul pls? (polite, used in customer service) Is that Julia? Is that Dad (friendly only) Greeting Received call: Hello. This isCan I help you? (polite, use in customer service) Hello. (tell your name). I am speaking (normal) When the line busy/ or in waiting: Hold on please! Hold a second/ few minutes/a moment, please! Leave a message Dialed call: Can you call me back? Can you ask him/ her call me back? Offer Received call: Would you like to leave a message? Can I leave a message? Voicemail: Hello. This is.I am afraid I am not here at the moment. If youd like to leave a message, please speak after the tone This is. I am ringing to.. Ss, in pairs or individual, complete the telephone calls. Suzi: Hello? You: (1) ____________________________ Suzi: Im not sure if hes injust a minute. JOE!!! Sorry, hes not here. Hes probably still at college. Hes usually here after four oclock. You: (2)_____________________________ Suzi: Okay, whats your number? You: (3) _____________________________ Suzi: Okay, Ill tell him. You: (4) _____________________________ Suzi: Bye Answers: 1. Can I speak to Joe, please? 2. Can you ask him to phone me? 3. (your phone number) 4. Thank you, bye. Activity 4: 3b/pg 12 Activity 5: 4/pg 127 Activity 6: 4/pg 125 Role play Ss are asked to practice both calls in situations 3a -3b.


Ss are recommended to use useful language.

II/ ANALYZE A QUESTIONAIRE: Preparation Reading: Ask Ss to work individually to complete the questionnaire. Explain new words to Ss if necessary Activity 7: Ss, in pairs, take turn to explain why they feel as the idea they chose. While one is stating her/his ideas, her/ his partner is required to remember all ideas either taking note all the ideas (if needed) Ss are required to use useful language (a) to express her/his own ideas. I agree. I am the same I am completely different because. Personally, I (love the phone) because Activity 8: Student who has the same idea (similarity) and another who has the different idea (different) will work in pair to compare their idea. Ss are asked to use the useful language b to complete their task: She uses (internet ) a lot, but I never (use) it She never (send emails) He loves/hates (new things). He thinks (computers are boring), but I (love them) Homework: Practice exercise 11/pg 86/ workbook All exercise of the lessons Prepare for revision and final test

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