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Contact Info E-mail: Lqm5057@psu.

edu Phone: 202-390-6492

Le o n a rd o Ma y e r

Current Address 646 E. College Ave, Meridian 2 Apt 710 State College, PA 16801

OBJECTIVE: Obtain a summer internship position in the field of Industrial engineering, oriented towards machinery manufacturing and production processes. Educ a tio n B.S in Industrial Engineering Minor in Six Sigma Minor in Engineering Mechanics The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. S kills Language: Fluent in Spanish, Hebrew and English. Computer: C++, Solid Works, HTML, Access Excel and Data Studio. E x p e ri e n c e Internship at SunEdisons Israel branch, SunIsrael Clal Summer 2011 Maximized profit by designing cleaning schedules for all the systems and developed a fully automatized sheet to calculate optimal dates for cleaning. Defined points of concern, determined inspection parameters and developed a warning system to alarm if maintenance is due in any SunIsrael site. Simplified, adapted and translated several SunEdison protocol manuals to fit SunIsraels conditions. Student Internship in Helados EFE C.A Caracas, Venezuela 2009 Teamed with plant personnel and industrial engineers to overview and participate in daily duties. Assisted in the maintenance of bottling, filling and packaging machines. Studied production line, production procedures and possibilities for improvement. Shnat Ajshara, Yearlong program in Israel by the Jewish Agency 2008 - 2009 4 month leadership and personal growth course. Focused on developing leadership and teamwork skills while enriching culture in terms of history, current politics and Hebrew. 10 week enrolment in the IDF teamwork, leadership and physical attitude program. Social Work based on the city of Tel-Aviv. Provided services for Darfur and Eritrean victims shelters. Museum of Yad Vashem School for Holocaust studies. Volunteer at Keren Ezra, center of Jewish community relief for people in need 2005 - 2006 Organized assembly line for food baskets and delivered them to people in need. Cumulative GPA


Expected graduation: May 2013

Ac tiv itie s
Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity - Penn State Chapter Fall 2011 International Jewish Fraternity. President of the Organization for Students Interested in Hispanic Cultures at Penn State 03/11- Present Intent to promote Hispanic culture and serve as guidance to international freshmen at Penn State. Executive Board of TAMID Israel Investment Group 03/11- Present Student led initiative that connects American college students with major Israeli companies. Member of IIE Institute of Industrial Engineers 01/11- Present Worlds largest professional society dedicated to the support of the industrial engineering profession. Participated in the National High School Model United Nations 03/2008 Participated in a UN developed model by posting as a UN delegate in mock committees to formally discuss and further propose possible solutions to actual current problems. Member of Noar Le Noar youth movement 2006 - Present Worked as counselor and matured as community activist by being part of an idealist youth movement. Studied at Iran Caros Airbrushing Arts Atelier 2003 to 2008 Represented Moral y Luces Soccer club 2002 to 2008

A w a rd s a n d Ho n o rs
Honorary recognition from the National Society of Collegiate Scholars Pennsylvania State University Deans List 04/2011 2009, 2010, 2011

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