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Why Bamboo

anything about bamboo

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

PROPOSAL STATEMENT: The Boy Scout of the Philippines, Kidapawan City National High School Outfit 177 would like to have a project that would generate income, sustain awareness in environmental concern, self reliance and training for future engagement on industry development. The BSP KCNHS Grass of Hope Project is a joint project to be implemented and managed by

the Metro Kidapawan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Foundation Incorporated. This is a cost recovery Bamboo Nursery who plans to sell the bamboo propagules to stakeholders like LGU with riverbank erosion problem, Water Districts maintaining a watershed area, reforestation projects and in full support of the National Greening Program of President Aquino Administration and DepEd Secretary Armin Luistro had been looking into the E-Kawayan Technology for armchairs, tables and desks. GRANT REQUEST: BSP KCNHS Grass of Hope Project needs and initial amount of PHp 88, 000.00 for the purchase of polybags, garden tools, bamboo propagules, training expense and professional fees and other related expenses in establishing a mini-bamboo nursery in our campus ground. NEEDS ASSESSMENT/PROBLEM STATEMENT: Motivation to engage into Income Generating Enterprise is that BSP Kidapawan City has promising youth leaders from which scouting is one of the training ground, moreover, when advancement trainings and regional encampment comes, only those who can afford to shoulder the cost of travel can attend. We tend to solicit on politicians, well off and well meaning individuals and these cycle comes year in, year out. Of course, we do not want to teach our future leaders to always rely on the external assistance and beg for it. We need to slowly diminish the vicious cycle of begging for help, we need to be self reliant for we are molding our potential leaders to be resourceful enough to solve perennial problems. ANTICIPATED RESULTS AND METHODS: The BSP KCNHS would like to initially produce 20,000 ready for planting materials of bamboo propagules (apos, botong, kawayang tinik and bayog variety) after six (6) months. While in the growing and rearing stage, the project partner, Chamber of Commerce will conduct marketing campaign with the LGUs, Water Districts, Private Corporation and other entities interested into bamboo planting and growing in support to the National Greening Program and DepEds thrust on leadership training of youth as well as raising environmental awareness campaign. The propagules will be sold at reasonable price so as to generate income and portion of the money raised will be used again for the next cycle of the bamboo propagules growing to cater additional demands on bamboo seedlings. This is a cost recovery project and an income generation to fund scouting events and averting on frequent soliciting of funds to finance scouting related activities. SUSTAINABILITY AND VIABILITY: Bamboo propagation does not need sophisticated technology, basically because it belongs to the family of grass, and where grass would grow, it would also grow and the stubborn desire of a grass to proliferate, the bamboo virtually has the characteristic of it. It does not need an extended process of soil analysis for it will thrive as long as there is water, enough sunlight and quality time of care. In five (5) years time, the bamboo grows as a fully grown plant and a ready source for bamboo wood for armchairs, tables and desks. Moreover, the bamboo farmer can start an enterprise with the minimal expense for it does not demand costly farm inputs. It has 5,000 uses according to a published book and global demand of US$10 billion of bamboo market that was waiting to be filled (source: World Bamboo Congress, 2007) NEW AND UNIQUE: BSP KCNHS will have a steady stream of income generation to augment their financial needs for trainings and individual development and other projects. This is first in concept on a school based nursery and actively paired by a business sector for the marketing component so as not to hamper the study time of the students involved.

Bamboo Farming is new and innovative way of farm enterprise, this is well introduced in areas where there was no agricultural activities done. It is well recommended to plant along water shed areas, buffer zones and in riverbanks, at 5 x 5 meters quincunx planting method to protect staple crops and erosion. A 1,000 square meters of land strip in the riparian zone planted with bamboo could gain 16,000.00 per month of household income on sale of bamboo poles at 50.00 per pole for engineered bamboo production, after 5 years of incubation period. With the implementation of EO 26 which is the total log ban, the need for an alternative in wood industry as it needs a replacement and bamboo wood is at par excellence in terms of strength and durability. PROJECT PROPONENTS INVOLVEMENT: BSP KCNHS will hold the day to day activities in watering, weeding and other nursery related activities. They can hire a temporary nursery caretaker on a contract basis to do their part. The MKCCIFI will handle the nursery training, enterprise training and capability building. The latter will also facilitate the marketing and other actual related jobs like deliveries, project monitoring, fund sourcing and among others. BUDGET SUMMARY: Projected Expense Amount Polyurethane Bags 10,000.00 Topsoil 4,000.00 Organic Fertilizer 4,000.00 Garden Tools 10,000.00 Payment for Water and Lights 5,000.00 Capability Building Training (professional Fees and training expense) 30,000.00 Bamboo Propagules 20,000.00 Other related expenses 5,000.00 Total PHp 88,000.00 Other sources who already committed PHp 20,000.00 for Consultancy Fee (MKCCIFI) In kind services Php 10,000.00 Project Proponents: BSP KCNHS Outfit 177 WB Marvin Inting BSP Coordinator Nea Cesaria Q. Paren, EdD BSP Unit Leader 0907 614 4942 / Rimmon A. Paren Rural and Social Development Consultant METRO KIDAPAWAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND FOUNDATION INC. 2/F Sheer Mktg. Building, Quezon Blvd., Kidapawan City 0908 467 7004 Posted by Rimmon Alojado Paren at 8:04 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook


PROPOSAL STATEMENT: The Boy Scout of the Philippines, Kidapawan City National High School Outfit 177 would like to have a project that would generate income, sustain awareness in environmental concern, self reliance and training for future engagement on industry development. The BSP KCNHS Grass of Hope Project is a joint project to be implemented and managed by the Metro Kidapawan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Foundation Incorporated. This is a cost recovery Bamboo Nursery who plans to sell the bamboo propagules to stakeholders like LGU with riverbank erosion problem, Water Districts maintaining a watershed area, reforestation projects and in full support of the National Greening Program of President Aquino Administration and DepEd Secretary Armin Luistro had been looking into the E-Kawayan Technology for armchairs, tables and desks. GRANT REQUEST: BSP KCNHS Grass of Hope Project needs and initial amount of PHp 88, 000.00 for the purchase of polybags, garden tools, bamboo propagules, training expense and professional fees and other related expenses in establishing a mini-bamboo nursery in our campus ground. NEEDS ASSESSMENT/PROBLEM STATEMENT: Motivation to engage into Income Generating Enterprise is that BSP Kidapawan City has promising youth leaders from which scouting is one of the training ground, moreover, when advancement trainings and regional encampment comes, only those who can afford to shoulder the cost of travel can attend. We tend to solicit on politicians, well off and well meaning individuals and these cycle comes year in, year out. Of course, we do not want to teach our future leaders to always rely on the external assistance and beg for it. We need to slowly diminish the vicious cycle of begging for help, we need to be self reliant for we are molding our potential leaders to be resourceful enough to solve perennial problems. ANTICIPATED RESULTS AND METHODS: The BSP KCNHS would like to initially produce 20,000 ready for planting materials of bamboo propagules (apos, botong, kawayang tinik and bayog variety) after six (6) months. While in the growing and rearing stage, the project partner, Chamber of Commerce will conduct marketing campaign with the LGUs, Water Districts, Private Corporation and other entities interested into bamboo planting and growing in support to the National Greening Program and DepEds thrust on leadership training of youth as well as raising environmental awareness campaign. The propagules will be sold at reasonable price so as to generate income and portion of the money raised will be used again for the next cycle of the bamboo propagules growing to cater additional demands on bamboo seedlings. This is a cost recovery project and an income generation to fund scouting events and averting on frequent soliciting of funds to finance scouting related activities. SUSTAINABILITY AND VIABILITY: Bamboo propagation does not need sophisticated technology, basically because it belongs to the family of grass, and where grass would grow, it would also grow and the stubborn desire of a grass to proliferate, the bamboo virtually has the characteristic of it. It does not need an extended process of soil analysis for it will thrive as long as there is water, enough sunlight and quality time of care. In five (5) years time, the bamboo grows as a fully grown plant and a ready source

for bamboo wood for armchairs, tables and desks. Moreover, the bamboo farmer can start an enterprise with the minimal expense for it does not demand costly farm inputs. It has 5,000 uses according to a published book and global demand of US$10 billion of bamboo market that was waiting to be filled (source: World Bamboo Congress, 2007) NEW AND UNIQUE: BSP KCNHS will have a steady stream of income generation to augment their financial needs for trainings and individual development and other projects. This is first in concept on a school based nursery and actively paired by a business sector for the marketing component so as not to hamper the study time of the students involved. Bamboo Farming is new and innovative way of farm enterprise, this is well introduced in areas where there was no agricultural activities done. It is well recommended to plant along water shed areas, buffer zones and in riverbanks, at 5 x 5 meters quincunx planting method to protect staple crops and erosion. A 1,000 square meters of land strip in the riparian zone planted with bamboo could gain 16,000.00 per month of household income on sale of bamboo poles at 50.00 per pole for engineered bamboo production, after 5 years of incubation period. With the implementation of EO 26 which is the total log ban, the need for an alternative in wood industry as it needs a replacement and bamboo wood is at par excellence in terms of strength and durability. PROJECT PROPONENTS INVOLVEMENT: BSP KCNHS will hold the day to day activities in watering, weeding and other nursery related activities. They can hire a temporary nursery caretaker on a contract basis to do their part. The MKCCIFI will handle the nursery training, enterprise training and capability building. The latter will also facilitate the marketing and other actual related jobs like deliveries, project monitoring, fund sourcing and among others. BUDGET SUMMARY: Projected Expense Amount Polyurethane Bags 10,000.00 Topsoil 4,000.00 Organic Fertilizer 4,000.00 Garden Tools 10,000.00 Payment for Water and Lights 5,000.00 Capability Building Training (professional Fees and training expense) 30,000.00 Bamboo Propagules 20,000.00 Other related expenses 5,000.00 Total PHp 88,000.00 Other sources who already committed PHp 20,000.00 for Consultancy Fee (MKCCIFI) In kind services Php 10,000.00 Project Proponents: BSP KCNHS Outfit 177 WB Marvin Inting BSP Coordinator Nea Cesaria Q. Paren, EdD BSP Unit Leader

0907 614 4942 / Rimmon A. Paren Rural and Social Development Consultant METRO KIDAPAWAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND FOUNDATION INC. 2/F Sheer Mktg. Building, Quezon Blvd., Kidapawan City 0908 467 7004 Posted by Rimmon Alojado Paren at 8:02 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Monday, December 5, 2011

Seeking niche in $1B bamboo market
The government is spearheading a "bamboo revolution" to harness the potential of the worlds tallest grass other than as a material for handicraft and enable the country to get a bigger slice of the $8-billion global market for the material. Executive Order 879, which was issued in May 2010, created the Philippine Bamboo Industry Development Council (PBIDC) that aims to promote the bamboo industry. The order directed the use of bamboo for at least 25 percent of the desk and other furniture requirements of public elementary and secondary schools and prioritizing the use of bamboo in furniture and other construction requirements of government agencies. In 2009, it was estimated that the Department of Education DepEd bought about P1 billion worth of desks every year. Trade Undersecretary Merly Cruz, in a presentation highlighting the accomplishments of the bamboo industry project, cited the other benefits from planting bamboo: it can significantly help mitigate climate change and reduce impacts of natural disasters. The Bamboo Network of the Philippines (BambooPhil), an organization composed of Filipino bamboo scientists, advocates and entrepreneurs, also said bamboo is great for erosion control and carbon dioxide control. It can be tapped as a cash crop because it is fast-growing and easy to propagate. Celso Lantican of BambooPhil said cost-wise, bamboo is cheaper than wood and, therefore, a good substitute for the wood the country imports from Malaysia and Indonesia. According to Cruz, the Philippines contribution to Aseans efforts toward large-scale production of bamboo is the reforestation of at least 500,000 hectares with bamboo from 2010 to 2020. During the first PBIDC meeting in January, Trade Secretary Gregory Domingo, council chair, said bamboo should be competitive in cost against wood to make substitution viable; otherwise,

bamboo should be marketed as a premium product through research and development. While technology is available, the council sees the need for technical assistance and capacity building and training. Lantican said that raw materials are either insufficient or not suited for the production of certain products. He said massive planting of bamboo should be encouraged. The council also eyes benchmarking with China, which has developed a breakthrough technology in tissue culture, leading to mass propagation. Lantican said bamboo farming or plantation costs P30,000 per hectare. The average harvest per hectare is 1,200 culms or poles calculated at 6 culms per clump and 200 clumps per hectare. Cruz said large-scale bamboo plantations will enable local government units to participate more actively in processing various products, creating jobs and livelihood. So far, the program has established 11 new nurseries while about 900 new hectares have planted on the propagation side. On business development, some 25 nodes and eight hubs and one Bamboo Negosyo Village have been set up. One of the strategies adopted was a "big bro-small bro" subcontracting partnership. Bambu International Corp. in Iloilo has been subcontracting from eight medium- and small-scale producers and sells bamboo products to the local and export markets. Before the EO, the DTI had identified engineered bamboo projects under its one-town, oneproject (OTOP) program. OTOP has identified bamboo production and processing as a strategic industry for its potential not only in the domestic but also in the export market. The industrys major products come in the form of engineered construction materials. DTI has forged a strong collaboration with the Department of Natural Resources, with the latter handling the establishment of bamboo nurseries and the growing of cuttings. The clustering approach has been adopted for bamboo production and processing such that each island will have its own clusters. In Luzon, Pampanga has been identified as a pilot area and hub for Central Luzon; Abra for Northern Luzon, Laguna for Southern Luzon, and Tarlac, Palawan, and Camarines Sur, among other provinces, as nodes.

In the Visayas, Iloilo and Negros Oriental are hubs and the whole island of Panay is a site of nodes. In Mindanao, General Santos City is the hub with Sarangani, South Cotabato, Davao del Norte, Compostela Valley, Bukidnon, Lanao del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur and Zamboanga Sibugay as nodes. According to the DTIs OTOP on bamboo, the tinik and or bayog varieties, which are economically important and the most widely cultivated, are the choice for the project. The botong and tinik bamboo varieties mature between three to six months and have a gestation period of 4 to 5 years. As of 2009, the bamboo project has generated P 2.443 million investments, P1.991 million domestic sales, 257 jobs, and created/assisted 57 MSMEs. Cruz said from meeting the school desk requirements of the DepEd, the project aims to go into higher-end wood products such as wood panels both for the local and export markets. Laguna served as the first pilot site due to its abundance of water, especially around the Laguna lake. The Laguna bamboo model was replicated in Iloilo for Visayas and General Santos for Mindanao. Early in the implementation of the project, DTI was exploring the possibility of exporting bamboo products to Japan, which heavily promotes the use of biodegradable and organic products. Bamboo belongs to the grass family and has about 1,000 species. It is described as the fastestgrowing plant on Earth and has been measured to grow as fast as 121 centimeters or 47.6 inches in one day. Previous attempts to put up bamboo nurseries in the country had been unsuccessful because of the absence of a market to sell the bamboo harvested and the lack of processing facilities for higher-end applications. Business Insight Business Posted by Rimmon Alojado Paren at 10:16 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Concept Paper on Bamboo Nursery

PROPOSAL STATEMENT: The Boy Scout of the Philippines, Kidapawan City National High School Outfit 177 would like to have a project that would generate income, sustain awareness in environmental concern, self reliance and training for future engagement on industry development.

The BSP KCNHS Grass of Hope Project is a joint project to be implemented and managed by the Metro Kidapawan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Foundation Incorporated. This is a cost recovery Bamboo Nursery who plans to sell the bamboo propagules to stakeholders like LGU with riverbank erosion problem, Water Districts maintaining a watershed area, reforestation projects and in full support of the National Greening Program of President Aquino Administration and DepEd Secretary Armin Luistro had been looking into the E-Kawayan Technology for armchairs, tables and desks. GRANT REQUEST: BSP KCNHS Grass of Hope Project needs and initial amount of PHp 88, 000.00 for the purchase of polybags, garden tools, bamboo propagules, training expense and professional fees and other related expenses in establishing a mini-bamboo nursery in our campus ground. NEEDS ASSESSMENT/PROBLEM STATEMENT: Motivation to engage into Income Generating Enterprise is that BSP Kidapawan City has promising youth leaders from which scouting is one of the training ground, moreover, when advancement trainings and regional encampment comes, only those who can afford to shoulder the cost of travel can attend. We tend to solicit on politicians, well off and well meaning individuals and these cycle comes year in, year out. Of course, we do not want to teach our future leaders to always rely on the external assistance and beg for it. We need to slowly diminish the vicious cycle of begging for help, we need to be self reliant for we are molding our potential leaders to be resourceful enough to solve perennial problems. ANTICIPATED RESULTS AND METHODS: The BSP KCNHS would like to initially produce 20,000 ready for planting materials of bamboo propagules (apos, botong, kawayang tinik and bayog variety) after six (6) months. While in the growing and rearing stage, the project partner, Chamber of Commerce will conduct marketing campaign with the LGUs, Water Districts, Private Corporation and other entities interested into bamboo planting and growing in support to the National Greening Program and DepEds thrust on leadership training of youth as well as raising environmental awareness campaign. The propagules will be sold at reasonable price so as to generate income and portion of the money raised will be used again for the next cycle of the bamboo propagules growing to cater additional demands on bamboo seedlings. This is a cost recovery project and an income generation to fund scouting events and averting on frequent soliciting of funds to finance scouting related activities. SUSTAINABILITY AND VIABILITY: Bamboo propagation does not need sophisticated technology, basically because it belongs to the family of grass, and where grass would grow, it would also grow and the stubborn desire of a grass to proliferate, the bamboo virtually has the characteristic of it. It does not need an extended process of soil analysis for it will thrive as long as there is water, enough sunlight and quality time of care. In five (5) years time, the bamboo grows as a fully grown plant and a ready source for bamboo wood for armchairs, tables and desks. Moreover, the bamboo farmer can start an enterprise with the minimal expense for it does not demand costly farm inputs. It has 5,000 uses according to a published book and global demand of US$10 billion of bamboo market that was waiting to be filled (source: World Bamboo Congress, 2007) NEW AND UNIQUE: BSP KCNHS will have a steady stream of income generation to augment their financial needs for trainings and individual development and other projects. This is first in concept on a school

based nursery and actively paired by a business sector for the marketing component so as not to hamper the study time of the students involved. Bamboo Farming is new and innovative way of farm enterprise, this is well introduced in areas where there was no agricultural activities done. It is well recommended to plant along water shed areas, buffer zones and in riverbanks, at 5 x 5 meters quincunx planting method to protect staple crops and erosion. A 1,000 square meters of land strip in the riparian zone planted with bamboo could gain 16,000.00 per month of household income on sale of bamboo poles at 50.00 per pole for engineered bamboo production, after 5 years of incubation period. With the implementation of EO 26 which is the total log ban, the need for an alternative in wood industry as it needs a replacement and bamboo wood is at par excellence in terms of strength and durability. PROJECT PROPONENTS INVOLVEMENT: BSP KCNHS will hold the day to day activities in watering, weeding and other nursery related activities. They can hire a temporary nursery caretaker on a contract basis to do their part. The MKCCIFI will handle the nursery training, enterprise training and capability building. The latter will also facilitate the marketing and other actual related jobs like deliveries, project monitoring, fund sourcing and among others. BUDGET SUMMARY: Projected Expense Amount Polyurethane Bags 10,000.00 Topsoil 4,000.00 Organic Fertilizer 4,000.00 Garden Tools 10,000.00 Payment for Water and Lights 5,000.00 Capability Building Training (professional Fees and training expense) 30,000.00 Bamboo Propagules 20,000.00 Other related expenses 5,000.00 Total PHp 88,000.00 Other sources who already committed PHp 20,000.00 for Consultancy Fee (MKCCIFI) In kind services Php 10,000.00 Project Proponents: BSP KCNHS Outfit 177 WB Marvin Inting BSP Coordinator Nea Cesaria Q. Paren, EdD BSP Unit Leader 0907 614 4942 / METRO KIDAPAWAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND FOUNDATION INC. 2/F Sheer Mktg. Building, Quezon Blvd., Kidapawan City 0908 467 7004 Posted by Rimmon Alojado Paren at 10:09 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Proofs of BioDiversity with Bamboo Forest
Posted by Rimmon Alojado Paren at 12:03 AM 1 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Monday, September 26, 2011

Bamboo Info(source:Bamboonet)
One-Node Culm Cutting Propagation of Giant Bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) using Intermittent Mist Clonal Propagator Floresca and Sayo (ISU) developed a technology for the propagation of giant bamboo by using intermittent mist clonal propagator. Findings The mist provides a cooling effect and the cyclic (intermittent) misting provides a controlled environment of low temperature and high humidity; which favors root and shoot development of cuttings. Survival rate for one-node culm cuttings reached up to 80% compared to only 20% for branch cuttings. Under a glass house (or shed), propagating beds (1 mx 8 m, uncovered) filled with pure sand medium were used. One-node culm cuttings of D. asper were prepared and dipped into root hormone solution. Each propagating bed was equally divided to accommodate the cuttings. Automatice misting cycle was set at 10 seconds on and 5 minutes off duration. After 60 days, the seedlings were placed in polyethelyne pots filled with ordinary soil and then hardened in the nursery from 0.5 to 1 month. Propagation of 300 pieces one-node culm cuttings for 2 - 2.5 months will incur Php6,100 and Php9,000 for inputs and labor, respectively. Sales of 250 pieces of giant bamboo seedlings (assuming 80% survival rate) will have a gross income of P25,000. Source: PCARRD, 2003. Highlights 2002, Los Baos, Laguna, 214p Zafaralla and Malab (MMSU) developed a machine called "kawayan tile maker" (KTM) for processing bamboo butts into solid flat bamboo tiles suitable for flooring, parquet, panels, furniture, and handicraft. The machine has five major operations with only one source of power: crosscutting, knot removing, width sizing, thickness sizing, and tile length cutting. The machine can produce tiles of 20-30 cm wide x 10 mm wide x 100 mm long in 25 seconds with a precision of 86-92%. The conversion output per butt is 69%. Only one operator is needed to operate the machine. The eventual commercialization of the machine can benefit small-scale bamboo farmers since the cost of fabricating the machine is only US$538.46 or approximately Php28,000. The machine is designed for village operations and is for pilot testing in areas with sufficient bamboo standes. Alongside is the promotion of bamboo tiles as construction and architectural materials as well as material for the furniture and handicraft industries.

Source: PCARRD, 2003. Highlights 2002, Los Baos, Laguna, 214p. Glue-laminated bamboo and bamboo-wood combination Bamboo has been globally recognized as an ecologically friendly substitute to the commonly used timber, Its strength, lightness combined with extraordinary hardness, range in size abundance, easy propagation and short gestation period make it suitable for various construction purposes. Alipon et. al (FPRDI) developed glue-laminated bamboo-wood combination for structural uses. Two bamboo species, kauayan tinik (Bambusa blumeana) and botong (Dendrocalamus latiflorus) and one timber species, yemane (Gmelina arborea), were used in the study. The samples were laminated by using urea formaldehyde (UF) + ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) as Glue I and UF + isocyanite as Glue II. The effects of species, glue type, and type of laminates (either bamboobamboo or bamboo-wood) were evaluated based on dry and wet shear tests. Findings Strength properties in bending and compression parallel to the grain and shear along glue line of laminated bamboo and composite bamboo-wood lamination were found to be comparable with those of traditional timber species used for general structural purposes such as beams, girders, flooring, etc. In the strength classification of wood devised at the Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI), laminated bamboo was comparable to commercial timber species under Class 2 (moderately high strength) such as kamagong (Diospyrus discolor), molave (Vitex parviflora), and narra (Pterocarpus indicus). The composite bamboo-wood lamination fell under Class 3 (medium strength) to which Philippine mahogany species such as white lauan (Shorea contorta), red lauan (Shorea polysperma), bagtikan (Parashorea malaanonan), and tanguile (Shorea polysperma) belong. Chemical removal of cutin from bamboo twigs and branches Cutin is the waxy substance found on the substance found on thesurface of bamboo. It inhibits the adhesion of finishing materials. Palisoc (FPRDI) conducted a study on the chemical removal of cutin from twigs and branches of kauayan tinik (Bambusa blumeana) by boiling in disodium octaborate tetra hydrate (DOT) and slake lime at 5, 10, and 15% concentrations for 30 and 60 minutes. Treated samples were applied with nitrocellulose (NC) lacquer and painted to evaluate their finishing adhesion performance and hot-and-cold-check resistance following ASTMD121160 method. Findings Kauayan-tinik twigs and branches treated with 5% DOT and 5% slake lime at 30 minutes boiling exhibited high finishing adhesion when NC lacquer was applied with one coat of sanding sealer. The hot-and-cold check test showed that NC lacquer and paint rated high in the three indices of finishing serviceability, appearance, integrity, and protection. Using the 5% DOT and boiling for 30 minutes, the chemical removal of cutin was P 0.70 less per piece of 60 cm long bamboo twigs and branches than manual scraping. Growth performance of bontong (Dendroclamus sp.) wildlings. Bontong is an erect clump-forming bamboo, which usually attains a height of 20m with culm diameter of 15 cm. It is generally used for construction. Culms are split for flooring and walling of low-cost houses. Decipulo et al. (DENR-ERDS Region X) determined the possibility of

raising bamboo through wildlings and assessed its performance when applied with fertilizer. Guano and inorganic (14-14-14) were the fertilizers used in this study. Findings Bontong can be successfully regenerated through seedlings/wildlings. The application of organic and inorganic fertilizer increased shoot/culm production, as well as height and diameter of bontong, although there was no significant difference among the treatments used. The ability of bamboo to produce more and bigger culm is generally influenced by moisture and not necessarily with fertilizer, although more shoots were produced by the fertilized clumps than the unfertilized ones. Rejuvenating old kauayan tinik clumps. To meet the increasing demand for bamboo, new plantations should be established and the productivity of existing clumps should be increased. Rejuvenating old clumps through the application of suitable cultural treatments such as sanitation cutting, cleaning, or fertilizer application offers a quick and cheap means of increasing the supply of bamboo. Rosario and Samsam (MMSU) conducted a study to: 1) determine the effects of cleaning or sanitation cutting on the shoot and culm production of old kauayan tinik clumps; 2) evaluate the response of old kauayan tinik clumps to complete fertilizer application; and 3) establish the cost-benefit derived from cleaning and fertilizer application on old kauayan tinik clumps. Findings Cleaning of clumps enhanced the growth and development of new shoots and culms resulting to better quality of harvested culms. The harvesting cost was greatly reduced in cleaned clumps. Estimate of income obtained from the harvested culms was higher in the cleaned clumps. Complete fertilizer application had significant influence on the number, diameter, and height of shoots; number and diameter of culms; diameter and length of harvested culms; and potential income from the harvested culms. Applying 2.0 kg 14-14-14/clump per year to old kauayan tinik clumps can increase shoot and culm production. It can also enhance culm height and diameter growth and development, resulting to better quality of culms produced and ultimately more income per clump can be obtained.

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