Recruit Selection Tcm15-26841

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QR Governance & Management Framework

Human Resource Management System

Standard HRS/SPC/3005/REC


Date: Controlled Copy No. Author:

1 December 2008 Xx Chief Human Resources Officer


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Version 1.1

1. 2. 3. Purpose ......................................................................................... 3 Scope............................................................................................. 3 Key Roles and Responsibilities................................................... 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4. 5. Chief Human Resources Officer................................................. 3 Direct Reports to the Chief Executive Officer ............................. 3 Hiring Manager and Recruitment Consultant ............................. 4 Recruitment Centre .................................................................... 4 Applicants................................................................................... 4

Requirements................................................................................ 4 The Recruitment and Selection Process .................................... 4 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Pre-Recruitment ......................................................................... 4 Recruitment Timeframe .............................................................. 5 Advertising Vacancies ................................................................ 5 Shortlisting Applicants ................................................................ 6 Selection Tools........................................................................... 6 Reference Checks ...................................................................... 6 Finalising the Selection Process ................................................ 6


Implementation ............................................................................. 7

Copyright QR, 2008. This document is protected by copyright and contains information which is the property of QR. No part of this document may be copied or stored in an electronic retrieval system without permission of the Chief Human Resources Officer.


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Version 1.1

1. Purpose
The aim of this specification is to guide managers to: Recruit and select individuals who demonstrate the attributes and capabilities that are consistent with our business direction and QR Values and Behaviours Attract, retain and deploy people in roles that maximise their contribution and potential to achieve our business objectives and deliver our future success Develop and maintain a fair, merit-based, cost effective and efficient process for recruiting and selecting employees for roles on behalf of the organisation.

The benefits of implementing this specification are: Improving QRs ability to attract and retain quality employees Providing greater flexibility to enable QR to recruit the best person for the right job through a merit-based selection process Improved organisational performance through a skilled, satisfied and highly productive workforce Fair, equitable, timely and informed processes.

This specification supports POL 09 Human Resource Policy.

2. Scope
This specification sets the requirements for recruitment and selection in QR Limited, QR Passenger Pty Ltd and QR Network Pty Ltd (excluding contract management and executive level positions). QR in this document refers to QR Limited, QR Passenger Pty Ltd and QR Network Pty Ltd.

3. Key Roles and Responsibilities

3.1 Chief Human Resources Officer
The Chief Human Resources Officer shall ensure this specification is monitored and formally reviewed within 5 years, and shall ensure that the Recruitment Centre appropriately monitors its application across the organisation.

3.2 Direct Reports to the Chief Executive Officer

Direct reports to the Chief Executive Officer are responsible for discharging the requirements of this specification, and where necessary implementing business instructions within their areas of responsibility.


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Version 1.1

3.3 Hiring Manager and Recruitment Consultant

The hiring manager and recruitment consultant are responsible for adherence to this specification and shall ensure that recruitment and selection processes are consistent with QR Values and Behaviours and legislative requirements.

3.4 Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre manages all recruitment and selection processes in QR and provides support to hiring managers and applicants throughout the recruitment and selection process. Recruitment Centre services to regional centres are delivered by HR Services, Rockhampton, for Central Queensland, and HR Services Townsville, for North Queensland.

3.5 Applicants
Applicants shall ensure that they follow the specified recruitment and selection process when applying for positions in QR.

4. Requirements
Recruitment and selection in QR shall be guided by a commitment to finding the best person for the right job. This will be achieved through: merit forming the basis of recruitment and selection processes recruitment and selection being aligned with the QR Values and Behaviours.

Merit selection refers to finding the best possible match of an applicants knowledge, skills, abilities, qualifications and relevant experience to that required in a particular role as specified in the position description. A roles position description in its entirety shall be the focus of the recruitment and selection process. Selection decisions shall also consider reasonable adjustment principles as part of the assessment process when an applicant with an attribute under the Queensland Anti Discrimination Act 1991 (eg. disability) is being considered and/or recommended for appointment.

5. The Recruitment and Selection Process

5.1 Pre-Recruitment
A formal position description shall exist for each vacancy that is advertised.


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Version 1.1

5.2 Recruitment Timeframe

QR is committed to ensuring that all recruitment and selection processes are carried out in an efficient and effective manner. Part of this commitment is ensuring that recruitment processes are conducted in a timely manner to ensure quality candidates do not exit during the recruitment process due to extensive timeframes, and to ensure efficient use of selection panel time. To support this commitment, it is recommended that the timeframe from the closing date of an advertisement through to selection of a successful candidate is no longer than six (6) weeks.

5.3 Advertising Vacancies

Equity Target Groups
In Queensland the Equal Opportunity in Public Employment Act (1992) aims to promote the employment prospects of target group members and remove barriers to their career progression. Target groups are identified under the Act due to their historical and ongoing disadvantage in employment. The Act defines the following people as current members of equity target groups: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people People who have migrated to Australia whose first language is a language other than English, and the children of those people People with a disability Women. Where members of equity target groups are under-represented, or form a significant part of a positions client group, vacancies may be filled through targeted advertising. The Recruitment Centre shall assist the hiring manager where targeted advertising is suited.

Advertising a Vacancy
It is the hiring managers responsibility, with the assistance of the recruitment consultant, to determine the most effective and efficient way to advertise a vacancy. It shall be the hiring managers discretion to choose one of the following options when advertising any position:

internal advertisement; or internal and external concurrent advertisement.

All vacancies shall be advertised via the Recruitment Centre. Where members of employment equity groups are under-represented, or form a significant part of a positions client group, targeted advertising may be recommended. Appropriate vacancy information shall be available for all applicants and should include a current position description, contact person details and information about QR Values and Behaviours.


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Version 1.1

The closing date for applications shall be two (2) weeks from the date of advertisement.

5.4 Shortlisting Applicants

Unless an exemption is approved in special circumstances, only applicants who have applied in accordance with the specified recruitment and selection process shall be considered in the shortlisting phase of the recruitment process.

5.5 Selection Tools

Where a position description includes a mandatory qualification, appropriate assessment against the qualification shall occur. Where necessary, applicants for certain roles shall be declared medically fit for the position. Psychometric assessments shall occur for positions involving safety critical activities or safety critical tasks.

5.6 Reference Checks

Reference checks are mandatory for all successful applicants being considered for appointment (excluding those applicants whose current supervisor or manager is the hiring manager of the position for which they applied).

5.7 Finalising the Selection Process

Completing the Selection Report
The hiring manager is responsible for preparing the specified recruitment and selection report. The recruitment and selection report shall record the final decision of the selection panel and shall be signed by all panel members. The Recruitment Centre for review and processing. The Recruitment Centre may request other selection information as necessary.

Notifying Applicants of the Outcome and Arranging Appointment

Once a selection decision has been approved by the delegated manager, reviewed by the Recruitment Centre, and a job offer has been accepted by the successful applicant, the hiring manager shall ensure that all other applicants are verbally advised of the recruitment and selection outcome.

Providing Selection Feedback to Applicants

The hiring manager is responsible for ensuring all applicants, (including the successful applicant), are offered an opportunity to receive feedback about their performance in the selection process.


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Version 1.1

6. Implementation
This version of the specification takes effect from 1 December 2008.


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