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C re ati ng Success

Discovering and shaping success

Committed companies are today faced with complex challenges. One of these is sustainability. Hardly any other topic at present is driving customer requirements and market potential as strongly as this key aspect of farsighted growth. Consumers and politicians, customers and the media are enthusiastic about companies that grow successfully by using limited environmental resources more efciently than others and by introducing onto the market products and processes that combine quality of life and environmental efciency.


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How can you address social challenges to the benet of your business? How can you grow successfully through sustainability? How can you create long-term economic success? Sustainable business practices offer you a unique opportunity to generate added value potential for your company and develop longterm competitive advantages. We are here to support you: BASF Success.



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Success adds value The name says it all: BASF Success is BASFs unique approach to identifying additional opportunities for your company through sustainability, and we work with you to implement them.

Practical solutions for a wide range of topics help you to integrate sustainability into your business strategy more easily and thus ensure your economic success.

and optimize your products. Take advantage of the experience that BASF The Chemical Company has to offer in the elds of sustainability management, energy, product stewardship, health, safety,

Opportunities for your core business taking advantage of challenges

and the environment: BASF Success.

BASF Success: protable, strategic and in partnership BASF Success offers you tailor-made opportunities to benet from our comprehensive know-how.

Together we can address social challenges, which will enable you to differentiate yourself in the market and achieve an even stronger customer focus. Or you can improve the efciency of your processes

Keeping the balance with sustainabilit y

The term sustainable development stands for the willingness to implement solutions that link business success with responsible action. Sustainability means solutions that combine and maintain a balance between economic success, environmental protection and social responsibility.

future generations, it is necessary to deal intelligently with limited resources, e.g. by consuming less resources, by increasing energy efciency, and by reducing emissions into water and air.

New technologies and strong innovation open up new business segments. Together with optimized risk management, they form the basis of success for sustainably operating companies.


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To preserve environmental quality for

Sustainability: Part of the core business Companies that align their core business with sustainability will be seen as credible.

They help you to optimize your processes, analyze your product potential, and they support you in developing long-term strategies.

minimizing potential risks, developing innovative products with improved performance or reducing raw material and energy consumption. In short: it creates a long-term competitive advantage.

We at BASF have developed Success precisely for this purpose. Sustainability experts from BASF Success work with you to nd solutions that are t for the future.

Sustainability pays off The target-oriented use of sustainability creates specic added value for your company and contributes to the bottom line: through generating new business,




In todays society, social responsibility has become a key asset for any forward-thinking company. Only socially responsible corporations gain the license to operate from their stakeholders. 5



Ind ividual modules for individual success

Many years of experience stand behind our comprehensive range of services. This allows us to concentrate on your individual needs. In other words, our solutions are tailored to the specic requirements of your business environment a sensible investment with fast payback.

Tailor-made solutions Depending on the region and industry, our services range from an initial assessment and measurements to comprehensive process and product evaluations and the subsequent development of strategic concepts. With our sustainability services we can support you with your:

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we provide you with tailor-made solutions to suit your specic business requirements.








On the following pages, you can see how








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We assist you in optimizing your processes In terms of sustainability, there is often unused potential for optimizing production processes. BASF Success offers you know-how unique within the industry to improve and design specic processes.

We support your strategies Sustainability concerns every business today. Focusing your business strategy on this issue contributes to the long-term success of your company. The Success experts help you to integrate sustainability into your strategy.

We analyze your product potential BASF Success helps you develop and position your products in markets where purchase decisions are increasingly in uenced by ecological and social criteria. We thus assist you in identifying additional opportunities for your products. Or if you need to know how legal obligations like REACH will affect you, we will be pleased to support you with our expertise.

Sustainabilit y in tune with your processes

Successfully aligning production with sustainability requires a critical analysis of all process sequences and an identication of potentials for improvement. We can help you, for example, to reduce the environmental impact of your processes and thereby decrease costs. BASF Success experts analyze your production processes and offer you the right tailor-made optimization solutions.

We optimize through our experience It is often difcult to identify individual opportunities for improvement within specic manufacturing processes. It is even more difcult to determine in-depth potential for optimization. This is where the real challenge begins: Individual suggestions for improvement need to be integrated smoothly into the overall process sequence. Experts with the necessary experience can be of assistance: the BASF Success team.









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Waste Manage me nt Wastewate r Tr eatment Ener g y Consultancy Health and S afet y at the Workplace

Case 1
Practical experience of BASF Success Services: Wastewater treatment at a large European textile company. Analysis and solution.
The customer: A large European textile nishing company.

Its area of expertise: Bleaching, dyeing, printing and nishing work clothes.

The problem: The company has substantial extra costs due to high wastewater emissions.

The decisive step: The company brings in experts from BASF Success to help solve the problem. The solution: Our experts suggest changing the process by using special textile The procedure: After an initial analysis of the situation, the experts examine representative wastewater samples. Thereafter, a suitable pretreatment process is developed. At the same time, textile chemicals still present in the water are identied as one of the main factors for the poor wastewater quality. The outcome: The company discusses a change in specications of the textile chemicals with the supplier so that the characteristics of the product suggested by BASF have the required effect. As a consequence, costs caused by the high wastewater emissions are decreased considerably. chemicals. This would result in decreased wastewater pollution and, combined with procedural improvements, would substantially reduce the wastewater charges. The envisaged result: considerable savings for the company.

Stepping stones for sustainably successful products

Operational processes are designed to allow the manufacturing of successful products, with sustainability rather as an implicit aspect. However, this is exactly where untapped potential for your company may lie. Our BASF Success experts can uncover this potential for you to capitalize on.

Focus on product characteristics There is often more to products than rst meets the eye. This is why companies approach and commission us to analyze products for both their obvious and hidden characteristics, particularly in the area of sustainability.

instruction on transportation safety. Of course, we also coordinate and implement the REACH requirements you will be facing.

Our Success service packages comprise elements ranging from consultancy on environmental trace analysis through performing energy checks to providing

to sustainable Seamless steps


Envi r onmental Tr ac e A nal ys i s RE ACH Consultancy ce


product safety:

BASF Success


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Case 2
Practical experience of BASF Success services : Product safety and chemicals legislation.

Background: The product of a German customer comes under public scrutiny.

The criticism: A consumer magazine tested the product and rated it as inadequate. However, no individual ingredient constitutes a health risk in the intended use.

The assignment: To counteract the criticism, the customer commissions the Technical Control Board (TV) to test the product and asks BASF for support. The experts compile a toxicological assessment of the materials used, drawing on information from BASFs large database and its many years of experience. The outcome: Thanks to the fast reaction and the competent support of BASFs experts, the customer receives the technically sound arguments necessary to refute public criticism. Production and sales are safeguarded. The threat of damage to the companys image is averted. The toxicological assessment: The BASF experts reach a clear conclusion that using the product as intended involves no risk for the consumer.

Strategies leaving nothing to chance

In future, especially companies that effectively combine environmental protection and social responsibility with economic benet will be successful. The linchpin here is the degree of importance assigned to sustainability in your strategies. We help you to dene and implement goals, to successfully differentiate yourself from the competition with all our experience and a wealth of services.

The sustainability experts of Success support you to evaluate the opportunities of sustainability. They do not, for example, consider a product in isolation, but rather in the context of its actual application compared with other alternatives, e.g. with eco-efciency analyses. This approach leads to solutions that embrace ecological and economic advantages and, where required, also examine social implications. Furthermore, you can draw on our many years of experience in organizational and strategic sustainability management.

Always one



From analysis to strategy




Sustainabilit y Manage me nt Ec o - Ef fic ie ncy A nal ys i s E ne r g y Ef fic i e ncy Climate Pr otection

long-lasting strategies.













Case 3
Practical experience of BASF Success services: The best solution for eco-efficient furniture coatings.

Background: A customer that manufactures coatings for the furniture industry and procures his raw materials from BASF would be interested in comparing currently used and potential processes from his own customers viewpoint. Coating of furniture involves various technologies, which differ both in the chemical composition of the products used and in the application process.

The decisive question: Which products and processes will have future advantages in the market? How can environmental impact be reduced while quality is improved and costs remain unchanged? The customer wants a clear strategic recommendation on which to base development in coating technology. The answer: The BASF eco-efciency analysis. First, the total cost and the environmental impact over the entire life cycle are assessed. The result: The cost of the different coatings and the technologies employed are very similar for the furniture manufacturer. However, there is a marked difference in the environmental impact.

Our recommendation: The results of the analysis clearly show which technology should be developed further and in which customer segments the coating manufacturer could initiate active marketing a clear and promising strategy.

On review: The customer followed our recommendations in this segment and increased his market share. In addition, the new products reduced the environmental impact. A further bonus was that our customer was awarded an environmental prize during the market launch of the new products, demonstrating that it is a good idea to take a close look at things together with us.

Turning sustainabilit y into r ealit y : What can we do for you?

Now you know the BASF Success approach. But that is only the rst chapter of a success story. Are you interested? We support you both in details and on a large scale in any case sustainably and at a reasonable cost. Simply contact our experts to nd out what tailor-made offer we can design for you.














Our service portfolio at a glance:

Waste Management Consultancy on waste management and disposal routes Hazardous waste and sludge incineration Consultancy and support with questions on waste legislation

Emergency Response Management 24-hour product information service for emergencies Medical support in managing a chemical accident Consultancy on hazard prevention and storage of hazardous goods Environmental medicine consultancy and support

Product Safety, Chemicals Policy Product Safety, Chemicals Legislation REACH consultation for manufacturers, importers and downstream users Assistance in fullling REACH obligations

Health and Safety at the Workplace Consultancy on plant safety Hazard evaluation in the handling of chemicals by an accredited test center Consultancy on selecting suitable personal protective equipment Instruction and training on handling hazardous materials Biomonitoring Measuring hazardous material at the workplace Noise protection at the workplace

Wastewater Wastewater test and wastewater analysis Ad hoc assistance with incidents in wastewater treatment plants Preventive water protection

Authorizations and Statutory Regulations Legal regulations for plants Legal regulations on transportation safety

Soil Protection, Groundwater Pollution Consultancy on soil and groundwater pollution caused by product leaks

Incident threshold values

Sustainability Management Interaction with the public during operational incidents Consultancy on sustainability management

Emissions/Ambient Air Concentrations and Environmental Analysis Consultancy on the emission status of plants and factories Consultancy on ambient air concentration and meteorological problems Noise pollution Environmental trace analyses

Distribution Safety Distribution safety training and instructions

Eco-Efciency Eco-efciency analysis SEEbalance (Socio-eco-efciency analysis) Product development and marketing management game Eco-efciency seminars

Safety and quality assessment systems Consultancy on the safe transport of hazardous goods

Energy and Water Supply Energy consultancy Consultancy on energy efciency Water purication and water supply

The Eco-efciency Label

Experimental Toxicology and Ecology Support with toxicological and ecological questions Testing Alternative methods to animal studies

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