Small Chem Biz: Division of Small Chemical Businesses American Chemical Society

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Small Chem Biz

Division of Small Chemical Businesses American Chemical Society

March 2012 Volume 41, Issue 1 SBIR/STTR Programs Senator Mary Landrieu
WASHINGTON Senator Mary L. Landrieu, D-La., Chair, United States Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, released the following statement after President Barack Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Conference report, which included a six year reauthorization of the Small Business Innovation Research and the Small Business Technology Transfer programs. We made it; we crossed the finish line. Today, the President reauthorized one of our nations top publicprivate partnerships, keeping our country on the forefront of technology and scientific innovation. Out of $150 billion in national research and development dollars, SBIR and STTR program managers take $2.5 billion and get that money into the hands of big thinkers in small businesses who transform ideas into products and services. Through 2017, participants will have stability they need to continue to invest in this invaluable program, and I look forward to seeing their inventions in the years to come.

243rd National ACS Meeting

March 25-29, 2012 San Diego CA

Program Overview

your opportunity to meet i) SCHB officers and members ii) learn what SCHB is doing and iii) provide input for the direction of SCHB. SCHBs technical program starts at 10:00 am, with The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). PROF is a cosponsor. Health care policy experts will convene in a panel discussion to address the impact of the PPACA on businesses, focusing on new employer roles and responsibilities, health benefits and health care delivery system changes, new rules governing health insurance companies, and the local economy. Bring your questions! The sessions is part of the thematic program Chemistry of Life. At 1:30 pm, Chemistry Education: The Case for Business Skills (PROF, SCHB and CEPA cosponsor) will present, What Works in Teaching Business Skills to Chemistry Students. Note that this session is in the San Diego Marriott Marquis & Marina, Ballroom F (adjacent to the Northwest end of the SDCC.) This session will be recorded for archival
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by Joe Sabol, SCHB Program Chair

SCHB has three full days of programming at the ACS Spring meeting in San Diego. The technical sessions are in the San Diego Convention Center (SDCC), Upper Level, Room 26B, which is at the Southeast end of the building go to your left as you enter the building from Harbor Drive. SCHB will collect business cards from attendees and at the end of each session we will draw a winner for a gift. To help you plan your experience at the SDCC, see Floor plans of all the San Diego hotels are on Sunday, March 25, 2012 Sunday morning coffee to Start the Meeting!! (at 8:45), networking, and SCHBs annual business meeting (9:15-9:45 am) in Room 26B. The meeting is open to all, and this is
March 2012

Program Overview ................. 1 Program Summary.................. 2 Executive Committee ............. 3 Member News ........................ 4 ACS Webinars ........................ 7 Entrepreneural Board ............ 8 Member Spotlight ................. 10 Philadelphia Preview ............ 12
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SCHB Program Summary

243 National American Chemical Society Meeting

March 25-29, 2012 San Diego, CA.

ing/Social Reception (cosponsor CHAS & BMGT) Cafe Sevilla, 353 5th Ave. 8:00 - 10:00 PM Sci-Mix - SCHB Posters, SDCC Hall D. Tuesday, March 27th 8:15 - 11:30 AM The Emerging Biofuels Industry (cosponsor CEPA & COMSCI). 1:15 - 3:00 PM Best Practices for Entrepreneurs (cosponsor BMGT, CEPA, COMSCI, & PROF). 3:15 - 5:00 PM Making a Science Fellowship Part of Your Career Path (cosponsor BMGT, CCPA, CEPA, PROF, & YCC).

SCHB @ Regional ACS Meetings

by Joe Sabol Regional Meeting Coordinator

SCHB events will be in the San Diego Convention Center, Room 26B, except where noted. Sunday, March 25th 8:45 AM Coffee 9:15 - 9:45 AM SCHB Business Meeting (Coffee at 9:00 AM). 10:00 - 12:00 noon The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Health Care Reform and the Impact on Chemists and the Chemical Community (cosponsor PROF). 1:30 - 4:30 PM Chemistry Education: The Case for Business Skills (PROF, cosponsor CEPA & SCHB) Location: Marriott Marquis Hotel, Marina Ballroom F. 4:00 - 6:00 PM SCHB Executive Comittee Meeting, SDCC Room 23B. 6:00 - 8:30 PM Exposition Opening, SDCC Hall A, SCHB Booth 1237. Monday, March 26th 8:30 - 11:15 AM True Stories of Success from Chemical Entrepreneurs (cosponsor BMGT, CEPA, COMSCI, & PROF). 1:30 - 4:15 PM Exponential Technologies: Disruptive Influences and Rapid Advancements in Chemistry (cosponsor CEPA & COMSCI). 5:00 - 7:00 PM SCHB NetworkPage 2

SCHB plans programming at five ACS regional meetings in 2012. Its not too late to get involved: present a paper, poster or volunteer your time to help with on-site arrangements. Take an active role in SCHB! What would you like to see SCHB present at regional meetings? Contact the organizers, listed below, if you would like to present a paper, have suggestions, or questions. MARM, May 31- June 2, Baltimore MD, The Maryland local section hosts Chemistry on the Chesapeake. SCHB plans Best Steps for the Chemical Entrepreneur. Organizer: Gianna Arnold, Additional support from Saul Ewing LLP. CERMACS, June 5- 9, Dearborn MI, The Detroit local section is celebrating its centennial and is host for Driving Chemistry for 100 Years (The Throwdown in Motown.) The sessions are Resources for Start-up, Small, and Growing Businesses ,So, you want to start a company and be your own boss? Heres what to do to get started and True Stories of Success. Organizer: Joe Sabol, program@acs-schb. org. NERM, September 30-October 3, Rochester NY, http://nerm.sites.acs. org/. The Rochester local section is celebrating its centennial and is host for 100 Years of Creating a Better Future through Chemistry. Organizer: Jennifer Maclachlan,
March 2012

Volunteer for SCHB Contribute to SCHB. We need Newsletter assistant Webmaster assistant Sponsors - development Symposia organizer Graphic artist Your ideas Contact Chair Elect, Jonathan Goodman at

Free Ad & 1 Day Registration

Presenters at the SCHB meeting programs are entitled to a free business card ad in Small Chem Biz and 1 day registration fee. Send ad to Sharon Vercellotti, Editor, and contact Program Chair Joe Sabol ( for details concerning your presentation.

Visit the SCHB website

Our webpage ( is emerging with a new look. Webmaster David Deutsch (webmaster@acs-schb. org) welcomes your input - news, local events, business opportunities.

SWRM, November 4- 7, Baton Rouge LA, Organizer: Sharon Vercellotti, Two half day symposia are dedicated to entrepreneurship. Resources for Entrepreneurs: A number of government and business resources are available for entrepreneurs, whether start-ups or later stage businesses. Topics will include funding, incentives, business organization, patents, consulting, manufacturing, and expanding outreach. Entrepreneurs on the Road to Success: Entrepreneurs will share their experience in starting and runing their own businesses. The speakers will include entrepreneurs from both new and established busineses. We invite entrepreneurs to contribute their stories to the program. SERMACS, November 14th17th, Raleigh NC, http://www. The meeting theme is Catalyzing Sustainable Innovation. SCHB is a sponsor of Entrepreneurial Chemistry for Industry and Academia. Contact Mukund Chorghade, past-chair@ and Larry Evans, SCHB hopes that you can attend one or more of these ACS regional meetings in 2012. If you have any questions or comments on SCHB regional meeting programming, contact Joe Sabol at

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viewing after the meeting. The SCHB Executive Committee meeting is 4:00-6:00 pm, Sunday in the SDCC, Room 23B. This meeting is open to all and another opportunity for you to learn more about SCHB and how you can become involved. Please attend if you want to take an active role in SCHB or offer suggestions for future SCHB activities. The Expo opens Sunday evening, 6:00-8:30 pm, SDCC Hall A. Stop by SCHBs booth #1237 and visit with SCHB members, officers and see what SCHB can do for you! If you cannot make it Sunday evening, be sure you stop by the Expo on Monday or Tuesday, 9:00-5:00 pm. Monday, March 26, 2012 Monday morning SCHBs flagship session, True Stories of Success from Chemical Entrepreneurs has five presentations on what works and what would be better as a do-over in starting and running a chemical businesses. This session will be recorded for archival viewing. Monday afternoons Exponential Technologies: Disruptive Influences and Rapid Advancements in Chemistry will showcase visionary entrepreneurs from the Californias biotechnology and nanotechnology industries. They are leveraging the vast power of the emerging paradigm, influencing and challenging our approach to solving problems as well as creating highly adaptable, multi-disciplinary teams to get the job done. This session is part of the thematic program Chemistry of Life and will be recorded for archival viewing. Monday evening 5:00-7:00 pm is

SCHBs networking/social reception with CHAS and BMGT. Meet old friends and make new connections over good food and drink (and door prizes) at Caf Sevilla, 353 Fifth Ave. (between K & J Streets.) Exit the SDCC and walk up Fifth Ave. two blocks. Finish Monday with SCHB posters at Sci-Mix, 8:00-10:00 pm, SDCC Hall D. Tuesday, March 27, 2012 Tuesday morning is The Emerging Biofuels Industry. The biofuels industry is expected to grow significantly in the coming years and become a new source of jobs as the extraction and production of conventional fossil fuels become more expensive and problematic. Opportunities abound for early entry participants. This symposium features a wide spectrum of business models, issues needing to be addressed, and technological approaches, including biofuels processing challenges and the intellectual property issues that confront market entrants. This session is part of the thematic program Chemistry of Life and will be recorded for archival viewing. Tuesday afternoon has two panel discussions: Best Practices for Entrepreneurs, where seasoned experts will share their knowledge and answer your questions on starting and running a business, and Making a Science Fellowship Part of Your Career Path, where past and current science and technology fellows will share their experiences as administrative and legislative science advisors for the federal government.

March 2012

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Member News

A New Year with the ACS Division of Small Chemical Businesses

Stan Seelig, Chair SCHB Technical Manager Equinox Chemicals LLC
At SERMACS, 2011 the following were in a symposium, Social Media in Science: Kevin Majors, Ken Podraza, Thomas Devore, Laura Provan, Jennifer L. Maclachlan, A. Martin, F. Luna-Vera, Ashton T. Griffin, Barbara Reisner and Nathalie Herring.

Meet your SCHB Executive Committee Members

Jonathan Goodman is the new Chair Elect of SCHB. Additionally, he is a patent attorney and counselor to growing chemical businesses. Jennifer L. Maclachlan is the SCHB Public Relations Chair. She is a member of the ACS National Committee on Public Relations and Communications and also is a member of the Public Relations subcommittee of the ACS Northeastern Section. David Deutsch is the SCHB Treasurer and Web Master. He is also serving temporarily as the SCHB Exposition Booth Chair. David is a major contributor to SCHB. He is the proprietor of Vista Marketing & Financial. Larry Evans is the Secretary of SCHB. He is also owner and President of Soltec Ventures with extensive chemical synthesis experience. Sharon Vercellotti, SCHB Councilor and Newsletter Editor, is President and owner of V-LABS, INC., supplying consulting services and products for biological systems. Joe Sabol is SCHB Program Chair, Treasurer of the Upper Peninsula Local Section, member of the Great Lakes Regional Meeting Steering Committee; and consultant to the chemical, polymer, and semiconductor industries.

As the new Chair of SCHB, I would like to welcome everyone to our divisional newsletter and activities. My name is Stan Seelig and I have been in the chemical industry for over 30 years from research chemist through chemical entrepreneur, including having my own consulting company (Seelig and Associates, Inc.) and start-up company (Waterless Cleaning LLC). Although both are in my past, I presently work as a Technical Manager at a fast growing startup chemical company (Equinox Chemicals) in southwest Georgia involved with cleaning formulations and ionic liquids. Please feel free to contact me at Chair@ if you have any questions, comments or would like to help the SCHB. This year we will have numerous programs at the two ACS National Meetings (San Diego in March and Philadelphia in August) as well as many of the ACS Regional Meetings. You can present, chair, and/or organize symposia through our division at future meetings by speaking with me or Joe Sabol, our Program Chair. We are also represented on the Chemical Entrepreneur
March 2012

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Council (CEC) which is looking to promote and develop programs for chemical entrepreneurs that require assistance in raising start-up monies through investors, developing business plans, preparing business pitches and much more. SCHB also hosts receptions at the national meetings so that new and old members can get together and socialize. I look forward to meeting you in the future at these meetings. Please volunteer your services to the division if you find an interest.

Thomas Eaton, University of Basel, Switzerland, and Anne Taylor, scientific writer and SCHB member, share ideas at the SCHB booth in the Small Business Row at the ACS Exposition in Denver CO.

The CCMR Industrial Partnerships Program Foster

New Connections with Industry

Support Business

SBIR News You Can UseTM Vol 12, Edition 1, 28 February 2012 Go to News12-01.pdf John Davis, CEO & General Manager SBIR Resource Center(R) The intelligent choice when youre serious about SBIR (410) 315-8101
March 2012

Jim and Jennifer MacLachlan help take down the SCHB booth at the ACS Exposition. Jennifer is SCHBs Public Relations Chair and Social Media Coordinator. Page 5

Take Advantage of ACS Webinars

by Tanya Fogg

Robert Wiacek, winner of the SCHB travel drive, and Joe Sabol, SCHB Program Chair There is a drawing for a travel drive at each half day session of the SCHB program. Winner must be present.

The e-books titles listed below by Stanley Manahan are available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble Pubit: Green Chemistry and the Ten Commandments of Sustainability, 3rd ed. ($9.90) Environmental Chemistry of Global Climate Change ($2.99) Environmental Geology and Geochemistry ($2.99) Anthropocene: Environmental Chemistry of the World Made by Humans ($2.99) Environmental Science: Sustainability in the Anthropocene ($2.99) ChemChar Research, Columbia, Missouri

ACS Webinars is a free, weekly online event serving to connect ACS members and scientific professionals with subject matter experts and global thought leaders in chemical sciences, management, and business. The ACS Webinars are divided into several series that address topics of interest to the chemical and scientific community. The series includes career development, professional growth, small & medium business, green chemistry, and executive view. Each webinar is 60 minutes in length, comprising a short presentation followed by Q&A with the speaker. The live webinars are held on Thursdays (and on some Tuesdays on career topics) from 2-3pm ET. Recordings of the webinars are available online and upcoming events are posted at See website for more. Save the Dates! Tuesday March 6, 2012 Tips for Creating High Impact Scientific Poster Presentations Thursday March 15, 2012 FOOD CHEMISTRY: More Advanced Beer and Brewing Tips, Tricks, and Tidbits You Wish You Knew Thursday March 22, 2012 EXTREME CHEMISTRY: Designer Babies Thursday, April 5, 2012 Jobs in Startups Differences and Similarities to Real Companies Risks and rewards; learn what it takes to be part of the startup culture!

Ann Nalley, Elaine Yamaguchi, Marinda Wu, Paul Vartanian and Judith Iriarte-Gross met at Wus presidential candidate booth at the Denver ACS Exposition. Dr. Wu was elected President of ACS, serving in 2013. Page 6

March 2012

Contribute to SCHB! Election of Officers

Elections for Councilor (3 year term) and Treasurer (2 year term) will be in the fall. Please consider serving the SCHB Division in one of the offices. The terms will begin January 2013. If you are interested in running, please send a 250 word biography with an emphasis on ACS activities to Larry Evans, SCHB Secretary, at larry.evans@ by September 1, 2012. You must receive a confirmation from the Secretary to be included on the ballot. The Councilor represents the interests of the Division on the ACS Council. The term is three years, January 1, 2013-December 31, 2015. The Treasurer responsibilities encompass caretaker of the funds of the SCHB Division, tracking Debits/Credits as well as to making disbursements subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer is also to submit a financial report to ACS as well as the SCHB Division at the annual meeting. The term is two years, January 1, 2013-December 31, 2014.
Joonhyung Cho and Gerald Roston meet at the SCHB social hour in Denver. at the National ACS Meeting. The social hour was at the Cactus Club of Denver. Long time SCHB member and former Chair of the division, Ed Huffman, organized and hosted an excellent reception!

Gerald Roston, Diane Holman, Jane Garrity, Michele van de Walla, and James Dye were participants in the symposium Small Businesses Spin-Offs into the Commercial Sector, cosponsored by BMGT and PROF.. C. V. Hampton, J. Cho, Organizers J. Garrity, Organizer, Presiding at the National ACS Meeting in Denver CO in August.

All officers are expected to participate in the Executive Committee activities, including monthly teleconferences, and business meetings, and contribute to the activities of the Division.

Advertise in Small Chem Biz

Single issue rates $25.00 business card 2 x 3.5 in. $75.00 per 1/4 page 3.5 x 4.5 in. $130.00 per 1/2 page 7 x 4.5 in. $210.00 whole page contact editor:
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March 2012

Appointments to Entrepreneurship Initiative Advisory Board

The Entrepreneurship Initiative Advisory Board (EIAB) will provide guidance and support for the design, implementation, and operation of the new ACS Entrepreneurship Initiative (EI) and its component parts: the Entrepreneurial Training Program (ETP) and Entrepreneurial Resources Center (ERC). The EIAB will report directly to the ACS Board of Directors Standing Committee on Professional Member Relations Professional Advancement Subcommittee (PAS). The EIAB will be chaired by Michael Lefenfeld of SiGNa Chemistry, and will meet quarterly to review and provide guidance to ACS staff in the implementation of the ETP and ERC. EIAB will soon have an initial meeting to approve the group charter, and to advise on the content and direction for the Entrepreneurial Resources Center. The staff liaison and primary contact for the EIAB is David Harwell. The Entrepreneurship Initiative (EI) is a two-year pilot program, created in response to the recommendations of ACS Past-President Joseph S. Franciscos Presidential Task Force on Innovation that ACS support entrepreneurs by facilitating training and affordable access to resources that could foster the creation and growth of chemical start-ups. Among other important tasks, EIAB members will principally define: a) the core outcomes desired for the EI via the ETP and ERC, and b) the selection criteria, review processes, and approval mechanism for awarding an applicant access to the ETP and ERC.
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David Deutsch, SCHB Treasurer, Carlyn Burton of Osha Liang, and Jane Thomas of Wyoming Analytical discuss some of the interesting presentations on climate change, part of a one day symposium at the ACS meeting in Denver.

Joonhyung Cho, Intellectual Property Associate, LSU Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge LA, and Bill Hoffman, retired, enjoy the SCHB social hour at the Cactus Club in Denver.

Joe Sabol, Jennifer Maclachlan, Presidential Candidates Marinda Wu and Dennis Chamot, and John Piwinski of JJ Piwinski Pharma Consulting, LLC. March 2012

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Advisory Board members include the following. Michael Lefenfeld, Chair, is a scientist at heart and an entrepreneur by nature. He has dedicated his career to cutting-edge scientific research and developing innovative technologies that make our industries safer, products greener and societies more sustainable. Entrepreneur and founder of SiGNa Chemistry. Judy Giordans research interests are mechanisms to support and foster diversity in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and facilitating STEM intensive entrepreneurship, business and economic development. Todd Kimmel is an experienced entrepreneur and investor in the cleantech sector. Todd joined Mayfield Fund from Advanced Technology Ventures, a bi-coastal venture capital firm, where he led cleantech investing in its West Coast office. Carmichael Roberts started his career as a technologist. He moved into business developing applications for his research interests and subsequently to entrepreneurship and venture capitalism, exploring ways to finance those businesses. After receiving his doctorate in chemistry from Washington University, St. Louis, in 1986, Dr. Sadiq Shah spent sixteen years in industry managing the research and development efforts for product and technology development for the specialty chemicals and health care markets. Chair of COMSCI, serial entrepreneur. Michael Strem, President, Strem Chemicals, Inc., founded Strem Chemicals immediately upon receiving his Ph.D. in chemistry. Strem Chemicals Inc. was established in 1964, and is a privately held comcontd on pg.10

Judith Cohen, Chair of Women Chemists Committee with Kathryn Hach-Darrow, cofounder of Hach Corporation Kathryn Hach gave a very entertaining presentation at the Women Chemists Luncheon at the Denver ACS Meeting in the program, Women Entrepreneurs in the Chemical Enterprise. Katharyn Hach told about her experiences in beginning and growing the Hach Corporation with her husband Clifford, an innovative company that simplified analytical processes through the development of instrumentation, particularly in the water treatment industry. The Hach Scientific Foundation has generously funded scholoarships for chemistry students. The American Chemical Society christened its headquarters building in Washington, D.C., the Clifford & Kathryn Hach Building, during an outdoor ceremony on June 3, 2009. The name commemorates the Hach Scientific Foundations $33 million donation to ACS, the largest in the societys history.

Anis Rahman, CEO/CTO of Applied Research & Photonics, Harrisburg PA chaired a symposium at the Denver ACS Meeting. Aunik K Rahman, Sr. Engineer of Applied Research & Photonics, Harrisburg, PA., and Trevor Broadt, Head of Process Analytics/Quality Control, Biopharmaceutical Development Program, SAIC-Frederick, Inc., Fort Detrick, MD meet after the SCHB session. March 2012

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Member Spotlight
still not be as successful as it could be if it lacks proper marketing. Without a history or long experience, one would need to jump start a company by promoting it. Promotional products and advertising specialties come to mind, butunless these are backed up by a supplier trained in business and human motivation, these advertising dollars don't go as far as they should. This is where a promotional products company run by a certified advertising specialist can be of service to the entrepreneur starting his/her company. Evelyn Kelly has been a volunteer greeter at our national program for many years.

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pany that manufactures and markets specialty chemicals. http://www. Representing Corporation Associates. Sharon Vercellotti founded V-LABS, INC., a laboratory specializing in carbohydrates with the vision of making available both products and services to researchers in biotechnology, biochemistry, and in the rapidly developing glycobiology with its potentially revolutionary approaches in solving biomedical problems. Sharon is Councilor for the Division of Small Chemical Businesses. Representing the Committee on Economic and Professional Affairs. Kent J. Voorhees is a professor at the Colorado School of Mines. He earned his Bachelors Degree at the Utah State University in 1965, Masters Degree in 1968, and Ph.D. in 1970. He has been a member of the American Chemical Society since 1967. Representing the Board/PMR/ PAS.


Your product is great but who knows about it? Marketing is a very important part of success; you have to let the people who would be interested in your excellent product know about it and how to obtain it. If we get into business we expect to be successful at it. Success can take several forms: (1) the pleasure of working at something you like and (2) improving your financial status. We will assume that the pleasure or sense of accomplishment that one can get is why you started the business in-the first place. We will concentrate on improving the financial side of the business. What are some (not all) elements of achieving financial success? Naturally, a good product or service that is great or perceived as great will sell itself. Other good marketing/advertising connivances are: knowledgeable, reliable, honest, industrious management, representative(s) and employee as well as convenient access to the product(s) or service(s). With all of these, the business will
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Neal Langerman from the Division of Chemical Health and Safety, Dennis Chamot, ACS presidential candidate in 2011, and Stan Seelig SCHB Chair visit at the SCHB Social Hour at the Cactus Club. March 2012

Business Workshops
by Joe Sabol SCHB Program Chair

Business Valuation & the Sale of Business Process is scheduled for Tuesday, March 26, 9:00 am - noon, San Diego Convention Center, Room 12. A step-by-step process on how to value a business and how to increase the future value of the business. Business owners will get practical tools and learn how to package their business to make it attractive to a buyer; how to maximize the future potential of the business; how to increase sales through marketing and market research; organizational planning; how to substantiate goodwill; and more! The workshop will cover practical aspects of the sale-ofbusiness process; how to transfer a business to a family and employees using an ESOP; how to target and attract suitable buyers; how to negotiate an increase in price on the basis of a favorable deal structuring; and practical examples on the sale-ofbusiness process.

Co-op Program Available at Drexel University

by Lisa Sydney

SCHB is promoting two workshops at the San Diego meeting. Each has a separate fee and you can purchase with your advance registration or at the on-site registration. Best Practices in Defending Your Price is scheduled for Saturday, March 24, 1:00 - 5:00 pm, San Diego Convention Center, Room 23B.

Suppliers in scientific markets face a challenging sales environment. Customers are more demanding; pricing pressure is increasing, and margins are contracting. Many suppliers have responded by emphasizing the value they offer customers but most find it hard to resist competitive pressure or customers' demands for lower prices. This half-day workshop is designed to introduce participants to the concepts and best practices for Fee: $295 Workshop registration is defending your price from attacks found at Ticketed Events on the by low-value competitors and to San Diego meeting registration. For help you develop a plan to become more information, contact Al Oppenand remain a high value supplier of premium products and services. This heimer at workshop may be used as a preparaBooth at the ACS Expo tory exercise for a company-specific SCHB Member Benefit Defending Price workshop, in One of the benefits of SCHB memwhich a more detailed and custombership is the ability to participate ized plan can be developed. as a vendor in a professional trade ACS Member Fee: $395; ACS Non- show, the ACS Exposition, with reduced cost and the support of exMember Fee: $495; the discount perienced show managers. A memcode for ACS Members is ACS100. ber can explore the dynamics and Maximum number attendees: 25 value of a trade show presence for Limited seating, please register their enterprise with no permanent in advance to reserve your place: investment in materials or additional The cost of an SCHB booth in practicesindefendingpriceacsevent. For more information, contact Dave the Small Chemical Business Row Jarvis at dave@techsalesconsultants. is $500. The booth is 10 x 10. Contact David Deutsch at expo@ com.
March 2012

Drexel University has been a pioneer in cooperative education (co-op) since 1919 and operates one of the largest co-op programs in the world. The program has strong relationships with both research and industry based organizations. Drexels Steinbright Career Development Center works with over 1,500 scientific, business, industrial, governmental, and other organizations who offer students the opportunity to acquire practical experience related to their college studies and career plans. Co-op at Drexel enables undergraduate and graduate students to balance classroom theory with practical, hands-on experience prior to graduation by alternating six months of classes with six months of full-time paid employment. Students in more than 73 majors participate in the co-op program, chemistry, chemical engineering, materials engineering, business, product design, and accounting. Members of ACS have been longstanding partners with Steinbright and we look forward to future collaborations with ACS members and their organizations. To learn more about the co-op program, contact Mark Gress Jr., 215-895-6467 ( or visit our website www.drexel/ edu/scdc.

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Notice of Change of Name or Address

Write name with any changes below.
New Address____________________ Name __________________________ Old Address_____________________ City, State, Zip___________________ Email __________________________ Effective Date___________________ New position, School, or Employer ______________________________ Please email to Ankush Argade

by Joe Sabol SCHB Program Chair

Philadelphia Preview

In addition to the above, SCHB is

The 244th ACS National Meeting will be held in Philadelphia PA, August 19-23, 2012. While the specific times and dates of SCHBs program and other events are months away, below are the sessions that are being planned (organizer/moderator shown). True Stories of Success from Chemical Entrepreneurs. (Patrick McCarthy) Best Practices for Entrepreneurs panel discussion. (Joe Sabol) Entrepreneurship: Drug Discovery Innovation at Start-Up, Small-, and Medium-Sized Biotechnology Companies, cosponsor COMP, MEDI, ORGN, (Allen Reitz) How Small Businesses Increase Sales and Grow Using Social Media) (Jennifer Maclachlan) Marketing and Technical Sales for Start-up and Growing Businesses. (David Jarvis) What You Need to Know About the New U.S. Patent Laws, cosponsor CINF. (Jeff Bergman) Terahertz Spectroscopy Moves From the Laboratory to the Commercial Sector. (Anis Rahman) Running for Elected Local, State, and Federal Office, cosponsor OPA. (Ray Garant) Chemical Entrepreneurs Poster Session/Sci-Mix. (Jennifer Maclachlan)

co-sponsor of CINFs Global Opportunities in Chemical Information (Rachelle Bienstock) and INORs Symposium in Memory of Michelle Millar (Debbie C. Crans & Bernadette Donovan-Merkert.) Michelle was the co-organizer of the INOR/ SCHB Charles Lathrop Parsons Awards symposium for Mike Strem of Anaheim, CA. who unexpectedly passed away February 13, 2011. SCHB is planning a networking/ social reception with CHAS (Russ Phifer.) See anything missing? Its not too late to add an event or activity. What are your ideas for SCHB? For more information or comments on SCHBs national meeting program, contact SCHB Program Chair Joe Sabol at

2012 SCHB Officers

Chair - Stan Seelig Chair Elect - Jonathan Goodman Past Chair - Mukund Chorghade Secretary - Larry Evans Treasurer and Webmaster David J. Deutsch Councilor - Sharon V. Vercellotti Alternate Councilor - Ron Versic Committee Chairs Membership - Ankush Argade Program Chair - Joe Sabol Public Relations Jennifer Maclachlan Younger Chemists - Katie Leach ycc@acs-schb-org
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If you see any session in which you would like to present, feel free to contact the organizer. Contact info is found at Abstract submission will close on March 19, 2012.

to Small Chem Biz, the Division of Small Chemical Businesses Newsletter. Member News Column: share your successes, changes, and other items of interest (up to 50 words). Member Spotlight Column: We can feature you and your business (up to 250 words + photo). We also appreciate publishing resources valuable for our members. Send your contributions to Editor Deadline: July 1, 2012

Contribute your news

March 2012

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