Critical Thinking

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Critical Thinking Running Head: Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking Joshua Jangula University of Phoenix

Critical Thinking Critical Thinking

Many different definitions exist for the phrase "critical thinking." The one that sums it up the best is "purposeful and reflective judgment about what to believe or what to do in response to observations, experience, verbal or written expressions, or arguments" (Wikipedia, 2009). The main goal of critical thinking is to arrive at some form of a judgment by taking all factors into consideration. Critical thinking is an important part of the problem solving process and many times is the key to finding the best possible solution to any type of problem one might have. But how can a person make sure he or she is thinking as critical as possible? Is there a way to evaluate one's own thinking to ensure that the right decision is made? People tend to not realize how often critical thinking is used. Any problem, anywhere, at anytime, that a person thinks over and weighs the possible solutions for a situation or problem involves critical thinking. Many times a person's thinking can become obscured by self motive or emotions. When a person can put all other motives aside, take in all the evidence, and realize their own biases, the person truly is thinking critically. By avoiding all other emotions and motives, a person can reflect on the problem or the situation more critically compared to taking a personal approach to the problem and ending up making the wrong decision. By taking a step back evaluating how one is thinking can be the key to becoming a better critical thinker. Some of the main characteristics of a good critical thinker are rationality, self-awareness, honesty, open-mindedness, discipline, and judgment (Kurland, 2000). Most of the characteristics I listed are understood but I believe 3 of them are overlooked. Discipline refers to keeping yourself from making fast decisions before thinking them through. I know it might seem that a person tends to think before acting, but often the individual does not look at all the options before making a quick decision that he or she thinks is best. Honesty is the part I was discussing in the first paragraph of this paper. Making sure our self motives and emotions do not blind us

Critical Thinking when making a decision is crucial to finding the best possible answer. Honesty and selfawareness go hand in hand when it comes to thinking critically. Being aware of any personal assumptions and biases before analyzing the problem is a very hard thing to do, but if done correctly will also cause the solution to the issue to be resolved better than if a person takes his or her personal prejudices and biases into account. The best example of critical thinking in my career happened a couple years ago when I was offered a management position from the owner of the company. I had been working at the company for some years as a supervisor, but I never was able to see business side of the company. By taking the job I would have received a substantial pay raise and would have had more power in the company. But was I ready? I honestly wanted to take the position for the money alone, but after thinking long and hard about the offer, I refused

it. I had no knowledge of how the business was ran at the level ahead of me and granted, I would have gained personally from the pay, there was no way I was ready to take on the role. If I would not have had any discipline, I would have accepted the job hands down, without question. If I would not have been honest with myself, I would have taken the job. By realizing that I was not ready, I saved myself from having responsibilities that I was not ready for. Come to find out a couple months later once an individual has been promoted to a management position, the person cannot turn back. By this I mean if I would have failed, I would have been terminated instead of demoted back to my supervisor position. I saved my job by being aware and not making a haste decision. The business started to do poor and I would not have been able to save it at the time, and I would have been accountable for it. "Effectively evaluating our own thinking and the thinking of others is a habit few of us practice" (Critical Thinking, 2009). Everyone makes decisions every day. Some harder than

Critical Thinking others. By thinking critically and making sure a person can evaluate and understand how one is thinking will allow them to make more sound and decisive decisions whether the decisions are work related or personal decisions. The more often a person "checks" his or her thinking, the

better that person will become at being critical about his or her decisions and his or her thinking.

Critical Thinking References The Critical Thinking Community (2009). Critical Thinking: Identifying the Targets. Retrieved September 11, 2009 from Kurland, Daniel J. (2000). What is Critical Thinking? Retrieved September 12, 2009 from Wikipedia (2009). Critical Thinking. Retrieved September 12, 2009 from

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