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1.What of the following actions can be carried to problems of statistical research? A.

Set of investigated persons and the phenomena B.Definitions of new directions in a medical science. C.Substantiation of necessity of the organization of day time hospitals. *D.Definition of levels and structures of the phenomena which are studied in concrete groups of the population. E.Choice of sources of reception of the information. 2.What of the following actions concerns to stages of statistical research? *A.Scheduling of statistical research and development of its program. B.Choice of object and observation unit. C.Calculation of derivative sizes. D.Choice of a method of research. E.Enciphering of a material. 3.What volume of actions is carried out at the first stage of statistical research? *A.Scheduling and programs of statistical research (the program of gathering of a material, the program of development, the program of the analysis) B.Choice of set in which borders statistical research is carried out C.Definition of the purpose and problems of statistical research D.Definition of organizational questions of statistical research E.Definition of an observation unit of statistical research 4.Define an observation unit at studying average duration of stay in a hospital of patients with apendectomy depending on terms of delivery in a hospital and the clinical form appendicitis. *A.The patient with apendectomy B.The patient who has acted in a hospital. C.Average duration of stay of the patient in a hospital. D.Terms of delivery of the patient. E.The clinical form appendicitis. 5.As a statistical grouping they understand: A.Drawing up the list of the attributes which are a subject the account. B.Drawing up the list of codes. *C.Choice (definition) of groups by registration attributes on the basis of the qualitative analysis. D.DrAwing up of the list of columns in breadboard models of tables. E.Choice (definition) of groups of derivative sizes according to the attributes which are a subject of the account. 6.Statistical research is carried out. It is necessary to generate a sample. What of the specified methods is not applied to selection of observation units in a sample? *A.Similar. B.Mechanical C.Typological D.Serial E.Casual 7.The program of statistical supervision (data gathering) represents: A.The list of developing tables. B.The list of analytical tables. *C.The list of attributes which characterize each observation unit. D.The list of codes to registration attributes. E.The list of the actions directed on performance of the purpose of research. 8.It is entrusted to local pediatrician to lead the analysis of infantile death rate. What should it take for an observation unit in studying infantile death rate? A.The child who has died in first 6 days. *B.The child who has died in the age of till 1 year. C.The child who has died on the first month of a life. D.The child who has died after 28 weeks of a life. E.The child who has died during sorts. 9.Than necessity of calculation of number of supervision for statistical research is caused?

*A.Carrying out of selective research B.Carrying out of continuous research C.Use in research of a method of standardization D.Carrying out of the correlation analysis E.Calculation of parameters dynamic of some 10.What includes IInd stage of statistical research? *A.Data recording, gathering of a statistical material B.The statistical analysis C.Scheduling of statistical research, development of its program D.Development and report of data E.Introduction of results of research in practice

11.What one from the specified elements concerns to the plan of statistical research? *A.Formation of the purpose of research. B.Grouping of attributes. C.Drawing up of breadboard models of tables. D.Enciphering of a material. E.Estimation of results reliability. 12.What does the observation unit represent? *A.Separate persons B.The certain contingents of persons C.Separate research reception D.Set of persons or the phenomena which are investigated E.The certain subjects, the phenomen 13.What is the object of supervision? *A.Set of persons or the phenomena B.Separate research reception C.Separate persons D.The private phenomenon E.Separate observation unit 14.The structure of primary disease of the population on 17 classes of illnesses has been studied. By means of what type of the diagram results of the given research should be graphically displayed? A.The column diagram *B.The sector diagram C.Cartograms D.The radial diagram E.The linear diagram 15.In 2002 in Ukraine the share of children of 0-14 years which have died of traumas, poisonings and other external reasons, made 25,7 %, from congenital anomalies - 21, 4 %, illnesses of nervous system - 6,5 %, new growths - 6,4 %, etc. are the most expedient for using. What kind of diagrams for the analysis of these data? *A.Sector. B.Linear. C.Cartogram. D.Column. E.card diagram . 16.In the city of N the population makes 400000 people. For a year 5600 cases of death, including 3300 cases from illnesses of system of blood circulation, 730 - from new growths are registered. What from the following parameters will allow to characterize death rate from illnesses of system of blood circulation in the city of N? *A.Intensive parameter. B.Extensive parameter. C.index of relative intensity. D.index of presentation. E.index of a parity.

17.In city - 100 000 inhabitants. From 160 cases of infectious diseases 75 it is necessary on a flu. What index of disease of a flu concerning all infectious diseases should be used? A.Parities. B.Intensive. C/Relative intensity. D.Presentation. *E.Extensive. 18.In what cases the radial diagram is used? *A.At the image of dynamics of the phenomenon during the closed cycle of time B.At the image of a statistics of the phenomenon C.At the image of structure of the phenomenon D.At the image of volume of the phenomenon E.At the image of statistical sizes on a geographical car 19.In what cases the cartogram is applied? *A.In case of the image of statistical sizes on a geographical card B.In case of the image of structure of the phenomenon. C.At the image of statistical sizes in the form of figures. D.At the image of dynamics of the phenomenon or the closed cycle of time E.At the image of volume of the phenomenon. 20. 45,0% made in general morbidity of urban population the illnesses of breathing organs. What statistical index is morbidity of urban population illnesses of breathing organs reflected by means of? *A.Extensive B.Intensive C.Presentation D.Parities E.Average arithmetic 21.There are 70000 people in the district. From them in age 0-14 years -13,0%, 15-49 years - 52,0%, 50 years and more senior 35,0%. By what type of graphic image it is more expedient to represent the age structure of population of district? A.the Column diagram *B.Sectoral diagram C.the Linear diagram D.the Radial diagram E.cartogram 22.45,0% made illnesses of breathing organs in the structure of general morbidity of urban population. Means of what statistical index the morbidity of breathing illnesses of urban population is reflected by? *A.Extensive B.Intensive C.Presentation D.Parities E.Average arithmetic 23.Choose a method of a graphic representation of monthly data on number of the registered cases of sharp intestinal infections in their comparison with average monthly sizes which are received for 5 last years. *A.The linear diagram B.The radial diagram C.The sectoral diagram. D.The figured diagram. E.The curvilinear diagram. 24.For the analysis of activity of an ambulance station from annual accounting documents there have taken data on mid-annual quantity of the population, quantity of doctors, quantity of the registered diseases (all and on separate classes of illnesses) and quantity of visits. What attitude of data answers concept an index of intensity? *A.Quantity of diseases to mid-annual quantity of the population B.Quantity of doctors to mid-annual quantity of the population C.Quantity of diseases on separate classes to total quantity of diseases D.Mid-annual quantity of the population to quantity of doctors E.Quantity of visits to mid-annual quantity of the population

25.For the analysis of activity of an ambulance station from annual accounting documents there have taken data on mid-annual quantity of the population, quantity of doctors, quantity of the registered diseases (all and on separate classes of illnesses) and quantity of visits. What attitude of data answers concept an index of extensiveness? *A.Quantity of diseases on separate classes to total quantity of diseases B.Quantity of doctors to mid-annual quantity of the population C.Quantity of diseases to mid-annual quantity of the population D.Mid-annual quantity of the population to quantity of doctors E.Quantity of visits to mid-annual quantity of the population 26.For the characteristic of prevalence of diseases among the population in area N, corresponding indexes paid off. What index characterizes these phenomena: *A.Intensive. B.Extensive. C.Parities. D.Presentation. E.Standardized. 27.Morbidity of a dysentery in area on months of year in absolute numbers made: January - 6, February - 9, March - 11, April 10, May-16, June-23, July - 19, August - 33, September - 58, October - 19, November-11, December - 5. In total for a year - 220 cases. What kind of a graphic representation most evidently will show a monthly deviation of dysenterys morbidity from an average level? A.The sector diagram. B.Cartogram. *C.The radial diagram. D.Cartogram. E.The column diagram. 28.Shigellzoms morbidity in area on months of year in absolute figures makes: January - 6, February - 9, March - 11, April - 10, May - 16, June - 23, July - 19, August - 33, September - 58, October - 19, November - 11, December 5. In total for a year - 220 cases. What kind of a graphic representation most evidently will show monthly deviations of Shigellzoms morbidity from an average level? A.The column diagram. B.Cartogram. *C.The radial diagram. D.Card diagram. E.The sectoral diagram 29.The assistant of the head physician on medical work has carried out research of a level of morbidity of the population which is served in a polyclinic, for last 5 years. By means of what statistical sizes it can calculate levels of prevalence of illnesses? *A.Relative sizes B.Average sizes C.The standardized sizes D.Absolute sizes E.Adynamic number 30.If we accept frequency of an infectious hepatitis in area A in 1998 for 100 % in the following year the given index will have such appearance: 1999 - increase at 62,5 %, 2000 - increase at 25 %. What index has been used at the analysis of the resulted data? A.Extensive *B.Presentation C.Intensive D.Parities E.Rate of growth 31.The level of morbidity by a flu and for last 5 years was studied. What kind of a graphic representation is the most expedient for using for the evident image of dynamics of these diseases? *A.The linear diagram. B.The sector diagram. C.Cartogram. D.Card diagram. E.The incolumn diagram.

32.The level of infectious diseases among the children's population of settlement of city type was studied. What index is expedient for counting in this case? * Intensive. Parities. Extensive. Presentation. Standardized. 33.The structure of primary disease of children living in radius of service of a children's polyclinic is studied. By means of what diagram results of studying can be presented? *The sector diagram. The radial diagram. The column diagram. Cartogram. The linear diagram. 34.What kinds of schedules can be used for the image of extensive indexes? * The sector diagram The linear diagram Cartogram The radial diagram The column diagram 35.What kinds of graphic representations can be used for the image of a level of birth rate in different regions? The linear diagram, the sector diagram, the radial diagram. The sector diagram, the radial diagram, cartogram. The radial diagram, cartogram, card diagram. * Cartogram, card diagram, the column diagram. , the column diagram, the linear diagram. 36.What kinds of relative sizes are there? Physical inabilities, intensity, extensiveness, relative intensity, a parity. * Intensity, extensiveness, relative intensity, a parity, presentation. Extensiveness, relative intensity, a parity, presentation, disease. Relative intensity, parity, presentation, disease, death rate. Intensity,order(systemization), parities, presentation, death rate. 37.What parameter specifies, in how many time the increase or reduction of compared sizes took place? * index of presentation Index of a parity Extensive index Intensive index index of a pure gain 38.What index specifies quantitative distribution of structural parts in aggregate? * Extensive index Intensive index index of presentation index of a parity index of a pure gain 39.What index does characterize a level, frequency, prevalence of the phenomenon in the environment where it occurs and with what it is integrally connected? * index of intensity Factor of a parity index of extensiveness index of presentation Factor of correlation

40.Concentration albuminus (g/l) in whey of blood of 10 women which have been included in one inspection, has made: 42,41,44, 47, 38, 40, 35, 38, 43, 41. What from statistical sizes or parameters are generalized by these data? Dynamic of some Extensive Intensive Presentation * Averages 41.During a year in a polyclinic 11600 diseases have been registered. Among them: a flu and - 5800, cardiovascular - 3480, diseases of bodies of digestion 1300, other diseases 1020. What kind of relative sizes can be calculated on these data? * Extensive Intensive Presentation Average size Parities 42.Security of the population doctors infectioners makes 4,0 doctors on 10000 person. By means of what statistics security of the population by doctors infectionists is reflected? * Parities Average arithmetic Extensive Intensive Presentation 43.The kind of the graphic representation necessary for comparison of parameters of primary disease in different areas of area is defined. What of the specified images can be used with this purpose? * The column diagram, cartogram, . Linear, radial diagrams, . Sector, intracolumn diagrams. Figured, linear diagrams, cartograms. Sector, column diagrams. 44.To characterize efficiency of inoculations against a flu if it is known, that from 450 imparted 23 persons were ill, and from 840 not imparted persons was ill 620. Disease of a flu: * Among imparted below in 14,2 times. Among imparted above in 3 times. Among imparted below in 4 times. Among imparted above in 9 time. Had an identical level. 45.Characterize essence of parameters of a parity: Distribution of set to its components. Frequency of the phenomenon in the environment in which it occurs. * Attitudes between diverse sizes. Attitudes of each of compared sizes to the initial level accepted for unit or for 100 %. Part of the phenomenon (%) 46.According to references of the population in a district clinic it has been revealed: in January - 257 cases of a flu, February 222, March - 210, April - 81, May - 26, June - 5, July - 3, August - 8, September - 19, October - 29, November - 49, December 152. It is necessary to show evidently seasonal prevalence of fluctuations of a level of disease of a flu. What method of a graphic representation is most expedient in this case? * The radial diagram. The sector diagram. Cartogram. The histogram. The column diagram.

47.According to the report on work of a polyclinic data about structure of disease, distribution of diseases on classes of illnesses are obtained, relative density and levels of separate diseases, and also about decrease in the general disease on 5 %. What of the resulted indexes are intensive? * Levels of separate diseases. Distribution of diseases on classes of illnesses. Decrease in the general disease on 5 %. Relative density of separate diseases. Structure of disease. 48.According to work of surgical branch of city hospital data on total of the operated patients in occasion of a stomach ulcer of a stomach and quantity of complications after the operations lead to these patients have been received. What kind of relative sizes can be calculated in this case? * Extensive. Parities. Presentation. Standardized. Intensive. 49.The index of children's death rate for the last year has made - 16,3 , and in present to year - 15,7 . Name a kind of the diagram which can be used for a graphic representation of the specified indexes. * column Linear Intracolumn. Sector. Radial. 50.At studying the organization of granting of medical patientss service with gastroenterological pathology data about a level of security of the population by beds of gastoenterological structure, about a share sick by a stomach ulcer of a stomach among hospitalized, about frequency of a stomach ulcer of a stomach among adult population of different age groups and etc. are obtained.. What of the resulted indexes are extensive? * Share sick of a stomach ulcer of a stomach among all hospitalized in therapeutic branch. Frequency of a stomach ulcer of a stomach at men in the age of 30-50 years. Decrease in disease by a stomach ulcer on 13 %. Level of security of the population by beds of gastroenterological structure. Frequency of a stomach ulcer of a stomach among adult population of different age groups. 51.At comparison with the last year the level of disease of a flu has increased for 30 %. What parameter is used for an illustration? * Presentation. Intensive. Relative intensity. Extensive. Parities. 52.At comparison with the last year the level of disease of a tuberculosis has increased for 12 %. What parameter is used for the analysis? * Presentation Intensity Extensiveness Parities Relative intensity 53.Studying structure of primary disease of children which live in radius of service of a children's polyclinic is lead. By means of what graphic representation results of research can be given? * The sector diagram. The radial diagram. The column diagram. Cartogram.

The linear diagram. 54.Among all quantity of the registered diseases of the population of the city of V of illness of bodies of blood circulation have made 23 %. What statistics are resulted? * Extensive Intensive Presentation Parities Average size 55.Among the population of the city of A 500 cases of urolithic illness on 10000 person are registered. By means of what statistics disease of the population of urolithic illness is reflected? * Intensive Parities Presentation Extensive Average arithmetic 56.Among the reasons of death rate of the population cardiovascular diseases (60 %) borrow from the doctor of the general practice for last year the first place, the second - new growths (18 %), then - traumas (8,3 %) and ... What diagrams most informatively illustrate structure of the studied phenomena? * Sector. Cartogram. column. Linear. Radial. 57.With the purpose of the analysis of a state of health of the population and a level of medical service in a cardiological clinic were counted such indexes: a level of primary disease of illnesses of system of blood circulation - 62 ; a level of the general disease of illnesses of system of blood circulation - 483,55 ; a death rate from illnesses of system of blood circulation - 10,9 ; relative density of cases of death from illnesses of system of blood circulation among all reasons of death - 67,0 %; a level of primary physical inability from illnesses of system of blood circulation - 16,2 on 10 thousand population. What of the resulted parameters is extensive size? * Relative density of cases of death from illnesses of bloods system of circulation among all reasons of death Level of primary disease of illnesses of bloods system of circulation Level of the general disease of illnesses of bloods system of circulation Level of primary physical inability from illnesses of bloods system of circulation Death rate from illnesses bloods system of circulation 58.Requirements which are shown to graphic representations in statistics: . Correct calculation of represented parameters; a choice of an adequate kind of the schedule; presence of the full name; presence of a final line with units of measure. Choice of an adequate kind of the schedule; presence of the full name; presence of a final line with units of measure; observance of scale. Presence of the full name; presence of a final line with units of measure; observance of scale, presence of symbols. Presence of a final line with units of measure; observance of scale, presence of symbols, correct calculation of represented parameters. * Choice of an adequate kind of the schedule; presence of the full name; observance of scale, presence of symbols. 59.Level of the general death rate of the population characterize: * Intensive parameters Extensive parameters Parameters of a parity Factors of correlation Absolute number died 60.The local doctor has established, that in comparison with the last year the level of disease of a flu has increased for 30 %. It has taken advantage of what relative parameter in this case? * Presentation

Intensive Extensive correlations Relative intensity 61.The local doctor of a city polyclinic 1 leads inspection of a state of health of the population, a served site. By means of what statistical sizes it can compare parameters and define tendencies in levels of prevalence of illnesses for last 5 years * Parameters of presentation Intensive parameters Extensive parameters Parameters of a parity Parameters dynamic of some 62.Photo time-keeping research of reception sick of doctors-therapists of a polyclinic 1 And in 1997. Has shown, that on preparation and acquaintance with a medical card, 10,6 % are spent for interrogation - 15,1 %, on survey and inspection - 35,9 %, on other elements of work - 38,4 % of general time of reception of one patient. By means of what kind of diagrams it is possible to illustrate results of research evidently? * The sector diagram Card diagram. The linear diagram. The radial diagram. The column diagram 63.What does characterize the intensitys index? * Prevalence of the phenomenon, level, frequency. Level, frequency, structure. Frequency, structure, distribution. Structure, distribution, relative density. Distribution, relative density, prevalence of the phenomenon. 64.What does characterize an index of presentation? Distribution of set to its components. Frequency of the phenomenon in the environment in which it occurs. Attitudes between diverse sizes. * The attitude of each of compared sizes to an initial level which is accepted for unit or for 100 %. Part of the phenomenon (%) 65.What does characterize ancindex of extensiveness? Prevalence of the phenomenon, level, frequency. Level, frequency, structure. * Frequency, structure, distribution. Structure, distribution, relative density. Distribution, relative density, prevalence of the phenomenon. 66.In medical statistics it is widely used definitions of an average level, as one of the major receptions of an estimation of the quantitatively-qualitative characteristic of the phenomena of processes, attributes. Than the average level is caused? * Variability (a variation, a variety) an attribute in statistical set. Interrelation between the phenomena, processes, attributes. Distribution of attributes in statistical set. By representation of observation units in statistical set. Many other things features of statistical set. 67.The information which is necessary for calculation of average arithmetic weighed: Frequency variants, amplitude of some, numerical value variants. Number of supervision, amplitude of some, numerical value variants. Numerical value variants, number of supervision, a median. Number of supervision, median, fashion. * Frequency variants, numerical value variants, number of supervision.

68.What of the resulted techniques of statistical processing is used for an estimation of statistical uniformity of set? * Average quadratic deviation. Average size Dispersion Variation Standardization 69.What kinds of average sizes to you are known? Average arithmetic, average mistake of average size, average square-law deviation. Average mistake of average size, average square-law deviation, fashion. Average square-law deviation, fashion, median. Fashion, median, amplitude of some. * Average arithmetic, a fashion, a median. 70.What criteria of definition of quantity of groups in a variational number? * The quantity of supervision, and also distinctions between the maximal and minimal values a variant is considered The quantity of supervision is considered Distinction between the maximal and minimal values a variant is considered Through definition of an interval in a variational number between groups Through definition of amplitude variational of some 71.On a sample of city dwellers studied an average level and character of a variety of following laboratory parameters: a level of the general fiber of whey of blood, speed of erythrocytes subsidence, quantities of leukocytes and erythrocytes. On the basis of what statistical criterion it is possible to draw a conclusion on the highest degree of a variety of laboratory indexes? * Factor of a variation Criterion of Stewdent Average arithmetic weighed Average square-law deviation Average arithmetic idle time 72.Practical application of variations in medicine: Estimation of a measure of variability of attributes, estimation of some amplitude. Estimation of amplitude of some, definitions of the phenomenas interrelation. Definition of phenomenas interrelation, comparisons of distinctions of two average sizes which characterize the different phenomena. * Estimation of a measure of variability of attributes, comparisons of distinctions of two average sizes which characterize the different phenomena. Estimation of a measure of variability of attributes, definitions of interrelation of the phenomena. 73.Practical application of average sizes: For the characteristic of qualitative attributes. * For the characteristic of physical development. For the characteristic of a level of disease. For the characteristic of absolute data. For comparison of absolute data. 74.At studying an average level and character of a variety of some laboratory parameters such data are obtained: for the general fiber of blood - an average square-law deviation 4g/l, factor of a variation of 6 %; for - accordingly 2 mm/, 23 %. What of studied attributes is the most various? * Speed of erythrocytes subsidence (). The general fiber of whey of blood. Differences in a variety of attributes are absent. For studying a variety additional calculations are necessary. For studying a variety additional researches are necessary. 75.Studying physical development of children was spent. A variational number of parameters of growth of children is received. What statistical sizes can be used for the generalized characteristic of these data:

* Averages Relative Absolute Absolute and relative Average and absolute 76.Average growth of boys of 6 years makes 116,9 sm (= 4,2 sm), average weight of a body - 22,2 kg (= 3,4 kg). By means of what parameter it is possible to compare a degree of variability of attributes? * On factor of a variation On a dispersion On amplitude of numbers On factor of correlation On media square deviation 77.Average growth of newborn boys is equaled 50,9 sm at 1,66, and average weight of a body - 3432 at 5,00. By what criteria it is possible to compare a degree of variability of these attributes? * Factor of a variation. sigma. Limit. Amplitude. Factor of association. 78.Average duration of stay in a hospital of patients with appendectomya 8 days at Lim 732. Most authentically, that postoperative complications: * Were it is no more, than at one-two patients. Were at few patients. Were at many patients. Were at all patients. No 79.Components (characteristics) variational of some: Set of qualitative attributes, amplitude of some, deviations of everyone variants from average. Amplitude of some, deviations of everyone variants from average, numerical value variants. Deviations of everyone variants from average, numerical value variants, frequency which there is everyone of a variant. * Numerical value variants, frequency which there is everyone of a variant, total of supervision. Frequency which there is everyone of a variant, total of supervision, set of qualitative attributes. 80.In treatment-and-prophylactic establishment therapeutic efficiency of a new method of treatment was studied. In experimental group which consisted from 10 person, average duration of treatment was 5 days, and in control group (10 person) - 7 days. Name the most possible reason of that the received differences of averages have appeared statistically doubtful (> 0,05). * Small number of supervision. Small duration of treatment. Insignificant absolute distinction of parameters Insignificant relative distinction of parameters. Non-uniform groups. 81.In medical and biologic researches often there are situations when it is necessary to define reliability of a divergence between separate parameters with use of criterion t. What size of criterion t confirms reliability of a divergence of these parameters? * More than 2,0 More than 1,5 More than 2,5 More than 3,0 More than 3,5 82.In settlement K prevalence of malignant new growths is studied. Result P2m is received. It is necessary to specify a degree of probability of the forecast for the received result. * 95,5 % 68,0 %

99,7 % 100,0 % 27,8 % 83.In settlement K in 2003 high disease of inhabitants of a craw was observed. Mass sanitary-educational actions among the population concerning the obligatory use of iodine salts, granting to children antistrumine are lead. In 2004 disease of a craw has essentially decreased. Whether by what technique of the statistical analysis it is possible to define really reduction of disease it is caused by the lead actions or it is casual? * Definitions of reliability of distinction of parameters. Measurement of limiting fluctuations of a parameter. Definitions of Stewdents factor. Calculations of the standardized parameters. Definitions of reliability of a parameter. 84.The technique has been entered into practice of surgical branch of a hospital laparoscopic cholecistectomy. As a result average duration of postoperative treatment of patients was reduced up to 3,4 (0,8) day in comparison with 7,3 (1,1) day at usual cholecistectomy. It is possible to confirm with what method of medical statistics reliability of distinction of parameters? Calculation of average sizes. Calculation of relative sizes. Calculation of factor of correlation. * Calculation of Stewdents confidential factor. Calculation of the standardized parameters. 85.In area B an idex of infantile death rate for accounting the period made 13,8 , and in area G - 12,4 . What statistical method is necessary for applying to comparison of these indexes? * Definitions of reliability of distinctions between iindexes. The dynamic analysis. The correlation analysis Standardization of indexes. Normalizations of intensive indexes. 86.As a result of introduction of a new technique of treatment average duration of hospitalization in experimental group of patients has made 12,30,2 day in comparison with 15,40,4 day in control group of patients which treated under the old scheme. What calculation of factor (criterion) it is possible to estimate importance of a difference of these results? - Willcocsons criterion Criterion of signs (z-criterion) Criterion conformity (-square) * Factor of reliability (t-criterion Stewdents) Kolmogorov's criterion Smirnovs 87.From 1000 children who have been imparted from a flu, were ill 100 person, and from 400 not imparted children was ill with a flu 50. What from below the listed techniques is the efficiency most comprehensible to check an inoculation from a flu? * Estimation of reliability of distinctions in disease of a flu. Calculation of factor of correlation. Estimation of a measure of variability of indexes. Check of accuracy of calculation of parameters. Standardization of parameters of disease by a flu. 88.What of the resulted criteria concern to parametrical criteria of an estimation of reliability of results of statistical research? Kolmogorov-Smirnovs criterion -Willcocsns criterion. Factor of a parity. Criterion of signs. Stewdents coefficient (t). 89.What methods of definition of reliability of results of statistical research exist? Parametrical, standardizations. * Parametrical, nonparametric.

Parametrical, analytical. Parametrical, combinational. Nonparametric, grouped. 90.The estimation of reliability (importance) of results of statistical research in particular is spent for definition and an estimation: * Differences between numerical characteristics of general and selective sets. Level of relative size. Level of average size. Forecasting of change of an attribute. Presence of communication between two derivatives (relative or average) sizes. 91.By results of research at 102 newborn boys the average length of a body makes 50,9 sm (m=1,66). What means to lead an estimation of reliability of result? * To define confidential borders in which the result of general set can change. To define reliability from which it is possible to transfer result on general set. To translate accuracy of measurements of an attribute. To check up accuracy of calculation of result. To find difference of the received result from results of other researches. 92.By results of inspection of 1000 girls of three-year age average growth made 95,6 sm (? = 4,2). What index is necessary for calculating for an estimation of a measure of accuracy of carried out research? * Mistake of average arithmetic. Factor of a variation. Factor of correlation. Mistake of relative size. Average square-law deviation 93.At comparison of parameters of disease at the industrial enterprise before carrying out of a complex of preventive actions it is certain, that after carrying out of these actions disease has decreased. The calculated Stewdents factor (t) makes 2,8.What does it testify? * About presence of statistically authentic decrease in disease, probably, owing to effective preventive actions About presence of direct strong correlation communication between operating conditions of workers and a level of their disease About independence of decrease in parameters of disease of age-sexual structure of workers About the constant tendency of decrease in disease About presence of changes in structure of disease 94.It is carried out clinic-statistical research of action of a new pharmacological preparation on patients with ischemic illness of heart. What parametrical criterion (factor) can be used for an estimation of reliability of results? * Stewdents factor (t). Criterion of signs. Factor of conformity. T-Willcocsons criterion. Kolmogorov-Smirnovs criterion. 95.Studying efficiency of inoculations against a flu at workers is spent. What initial information is necessary for carrying out of an estimation of reliability of results of such research? * Quantity ill on 100 workers by whom inoculations against a flu and quantity ill on 100 workers by whom inoculations against a flu have not been made have been made. Number of complications owing to inoculations. Quantity of workers by which inoculations have been made. Quantity of workers by which inoculations have not been made. Quantity of diseases on 100 workers by whom inoculations against a flu and quantity of diseases on 100 workers by whom inoculations against a flu have not been made, total of workers have been made. 96.Distinctions between parameters in greater samples are not essential, if criterion t (Stewdents): It is equaled 2,25 It is equaled 2,05

* It is equaled 1,80 It is equaled 3,12 It is equaled 2,68. 97.Distinctions between parameters in greater samples are essential, if the criterion t (Stewdents) is equaled: 1,25 0,9 1,8 * 3,12 1,68 98.Average duration of treatment sick of hypertonic illness in hospital 1 made 17 days (m1,0), and in hospital 2-15 days (m0,5). Whether distinctions of parameters are authentic? * No. Yes. It is necessary to increase number of supervision. It is necessary to reduce number of supervision. It is necessary to define factor of a variation. 99.The standard of average growth of boys has made 125,02,5 see Define a degree of probability of the forecast of the received statistical size. * 99,7 %. 95,0 %. 100,0 %. 97,0 %. 68,0 %. 100.It is established, that on 100 sorts at women who have risk factors, was 30 premature, and at women who have no risk factors, on 100 sorts was 5 premature. What method of statistical data processing optimum to use to the doctor to estimate importance of divergences in compared groups? * Calculation of Stewdents criterion. Method of standardization Calculation of relative sizes. The correlation analysis. Calculation of average sizes. 101.Frequency of complications at intestinal impassability among the operated children has made 3,00,5 %. It is necessary to specify, in what limits this index can change at probability of the statistical forecast in 95,5 %. * 4,0 - 2,0 % 3,0 - 1,0 % 3,5 - 2,5 % 4,5 - 1,5 3,0 - 0,5 % THEME 6. THE METHOD OF STANDARDIZATION. 102.How from expected numbers to receive the standardized parameter? Average of arithmetic their values. Amplitude of " expected numbers . The maximal size from expected numbers . The minimal size from expected numbers . * The sum of " expected numbers . 103.What you know the basic methods of standardization? Idle time, group, direct. Group, direct, indirect. * Straight line, return, indirect. Return, indirect, mixed. Indirect, mixed, a straight line.

104.What parameters can display the valid frequency of the phenomenon: Extensive. Expected numbers in groups. The sum of " expected numbers in sets which are studied. Standardized. * The intensive general and in groups. 105.What of the specified actions represents one of stages of calculations by a direct method of standardization? * Calculation of the general and group intensive parameters. Calculation of an average level of parameters. Calculation of extensive parameters. Comparison of the standardized and extensive parameters. Calculation of a deviation of " expected numbers from intensive parameters. 106.At the enterprise during a year in the first half-year from 2000 working men had traumas 320, from 4000 working women 280. In the second half-year from 6000 men are injured 720, from 2000 women - 160. What method of statistical data processing is optimum for elimination of distinctions in structure of working on a floor and the analysis of a traumatism at the enterprise the therapist? Calculation of relative sizes. * Method of standardization. Regression analysis. The correlation analysis. Calculation of average sizes. 107.The parameter of the general death rate in area And makes 11,9 , and in area - 15,9 . In age structure of the population of area And the share of persons of age of 50 years and more makes 30 %, and in area - 40 %. It is necessary to check up, whether heterogeneity of age structure of the population has affected distinction of parameters of the general death rate. It is the most expedient to take advantage of what method of medical statistics in this case? Calculation of confidential factor. Calculation of relative sizes. * Calculation of the standardized indexes. Calculation of average sizes. Calculation of factor of correlation. 108.Practical value of a method of standardization consists that it: Allows to estimate dynamics of parameters. Allows to compare extensive parameters. * Excludes influence on parameters of heterogeneity of structure of investigated groups. Allows to define reliability of distinction between two derivative (average or relative) sizes. Allows to define a level of relative size. 109.At studying disease in city N. It has been established, that the population of different administrative areas differs on the age structure. What allows to exclude influence of this factor on parameters of disease from statistical methods: * Method of standardization -Willcocsons criterion Correlation-regression analysis The analysis of dynamic numbers Calculation of average sizes 110.It is spent studying a traumatism at two enterprises which have different age-sexual structure of workers. To what of statistical methods should use for exclusion influences of this factor on diseass indexes? *Method of standardization Calculation of relative sizes Calculation of average sizes Definition of Wilcocsons criterion Correlation-regression analysis

111.Daily average fatality in surgical branch of city hospital 1 in 2001 - 0,1 %, in 2002 - 0,5 %. The presumable reason of growth in 2002 - inopportuneness of hospitalization as result of work of first aid. The indexes calculated under condition of identical distribution by patients on terms of hospitalization: in 2001 - 15,0, in 2002 - 11,0. What method has been used for calculation of these conditional parameters? * Standardization Correlation Calculation of average sizes Calculation of relative sizes The analysis of dynamic numbers THEME 7 DYNAMIC NUMBERS 112.Kinds of dynamic numbers: increte, instant. rang,non rang. Simple, discrete. * Instant, interval. increte, discrete. 113.In accounting to year the parameter of infantile death rate in area has made 20 , and in previous - 21 . For the characteristic of dynamics of the phenomenon it is necessary: To lead standardization of parameters. * To calculate parameters dynamic of some. To lead an estimation of reliability of distinction of parameters. To use a graphic representation To study structure of the reasons of infantile death rate. 114. For a long time studying tendencies in change of parameters of the general disease of the population is spent. What of statistical methods can be used with this purpose? * The analysis of dynamic numbers. Standardization Corellation-regression analysis. Estimation of reliability of parameters. The analysis of average sizes. 115.In what the purpose of use of dynamic numbers consists? Calculation of statistics. * Estimation of the tendency of development of the phenomenon. Estimation of influence of separate factors on dynamics of process. Estimation of influence of separate factors on rate of growth. Estimation of influence of separate factors on rate of a gain. 116.Choose true definition of concept a dynamic number A number of numerical measurements of the certain attribute which differ in the size and are placed in rang order. Set of parameters which characterize the phenomenon in adjacent territories, establishments. * Numerical values of the certain size during the consecutive periods of time. Distribution of the phenomenon to components. The size of the phenomenon for the certain moment of time. 117.Seasonal dynamics of parameters of disease is studied And and Century What statistics should be used with this purpose? * Rate of growth, rate of a gain, pure gain, absolute value of a gain of 1 % The standardized parameters Parameters of relative intensity Factors of regres Factors of rang correlation 118.What of the specified parameters are used for the analysis of dynamic numbers? Level of some.

The minimal value of some. The maximal value of some. Average quadratic deviation. * Rate of growth or decrease. 119.On the basis of data about hospital fatality: 1995 - 1,8 %, 1996 - 2,1 %, 1997 - 1,9 % to lead the analysis of its dynamics for 2 years (1995 - 1997). * Has increased on 0,1 %. Has decreased on 0,2 %. Has increased on 0,2 %. Has decreased on 0,1 %. Has increased on 0,3 %. 120.During long time studying the tendency in changes of parameters of the general disease of the population is spent. What of statistical methods can be used with this purpose? * The analysis of dynamic numbers. Standardization. Correlation-regression the analysis. Estimation of reliability of parameters. The analysis of average sizes. 121.To what the parameter of absolute value of one percent of a gain testifies? * Testifies to the attitude of a pure gain to rate of a gain About percentage of the subsequent level to the previous level About percentage of a pure gain to the previous level About distinction between levels in it to year and previous About change of volume of the phenomenon 122.To what the parameter of a pure gain testifies? * About distinction between levels in it to year and previous About percentage of a pure gain to the previous level About percentage of the subsequent level to the previous level About absolute value of one percent of a gain About change of volume of the phenomenon. 123.To what the index of rate of growth testifies? * About percentage of the subsequent level to the previous level About percentage of a pure gain to the previous level About distinction between levels in it to year to previous About absolute value of one % of a gain About change of volume of the phenomenon 124.What purpose alignment of dynamic numbers is spent with? For reduction of number of some levels. * For revealing the precise tendency in dynamics. For calculation of the parameters necessary for some analysis. For construction of tables. For an estimation of influence on dynamics of process of separate factors. 125.For an estimation of a harmony of physical development on morphological parameters (the length of a body, weight of a body, a circle of a thorax) pupils of a grammar school use following methods: * Calculation of factors of regress (Ryx) Calculation of standardly-sigmale deviations (M) Calculation of formulas Calculation of indexes Calculation of factors of correlation (ryx) 126.Values of factor of correlation in borders 0,3-0,7 speaks about:

* Presence of communication of average force between studied attributes Presence of statistically significant distinctions between studied parameters Low level of variability of an attribute in a variational number Conformity of size of a studied attribute to -physiological norms Typicalness of average arithmetic for corresponding variational of some 127.How statistical communication between attributes if the factor of rang correlations is equaled + 0,5 is characterized? Straight line, weak. * Straight line, average force. Straight line, strong. Return, weak. Return, average force. 128.What of the specified methods is applied to definition of correlations factors? Method of signs. Method of the least squares. Method sliding average. Method of standardization. * Method of definition of linear communication (Pirsons). 129.What criterion can be applied to an estimation of communication between a level of disease of a diphtheria in different regions and frequency of inoculations? Criterion of conformity. Factor of a variation. Criterion of signs. * Factor of linear correlation. Factor of a parity. 130.Correlation-regression analysis of interrelation between the phenomena, processes, attributes are often used in medical statistics for definition of character of communication, force of communication, cause and effect features of communication. If at pair interrelation one attribute has changed on unit of its measurement other attribute too changes on any size. What statistical criterion defines this size? * In factor of regress. In factor of correlation. In factor of rang correlations Sgma of regresses. Criterion of conformity 2. 131.The method of linear correlation is applied to an estimation of communication if results are given: Descriptively. In semi quantitative kind. * Exact numerical characteristics. In the form of distinction between actual and "expected" sizes. In parameters of presentation. 132.On the basis of data about disease of sharp respiratory diseases and monthly average temperature of air the factor of correlation which has made - 0,67 is calculated. Define an orientation of communication between attributes? * Feedback Direct communication Strong communication Average communication Weak communication 133.On representative set sick the flu leads studying communication between a body temperature and a pulse rate. The calculated factor of correlation is equal +0,5. Define an orientation of communication between studied attributes. * Direct communication. Feedback. Strong communication. Average communication.

Weak communication. 134.On representative set sick the flu leads studying communication between a body temperature and a pulse rate. The calculated factor of correlation is equal +0,5. Estimate force and a direction of communication between these attributes. * Average straight line Average return Strong straight line Strong return Weak straight line 135.On representative set sick the pneumonia leads studying communication between a body temperature and a pulse rate. The calculated factor of correlation is equal +0,7. Define an orientation and force of communication between studied attributes. * Direct strong communication. Direct average communication. Direct weak communication. Full communication Data about interrelation are not authentic. 136.By results of monitoring data about a condition of an environment are obtained and health of the population for the period of time of T.Kakie from the listed methods of statistical data processing is necessary for using for an estimation of a measure of influence of factors of an environment on health of the population? * The correlation analysis The analysis dynamic of some Methods of an estimation of reliability of distinctions Methods of standardization Calculation of relative and average sizes 137.By results of five years' monitoring estimated a measure of influence of factors of an environment on parameters of health of the population. What statistical method should be chosen for an estimation of communication between the specified attributes? Calculation of factor of reliability of differences Calculation of factor of conformity * Calculation of factor of correlation Calculation of the standardized factor Calculation of parameters dynamic of some 138.Data concerning scope of children by inoculations in different administrative areas of area and disease of measles are cited. What technique can be applied to the analysis of dependence of disease from a level of scope by inoculations? * Design procedure of rang factor of correlation. Design procedure of relative density not hurted. Design procedure of a parameter of a parity. Design procedure of a parameter of presentation. Design procedure of probability. 139.At studying disease in areas of city which differ a degree of pollution of atmospheric air, it is established, that value of factor of linear correlation makes +0,8. It testifies: * About presence of direct strong correlation communication between the resulted attributes About presence of direct average force of a relationship of cause and effect between attributes About presence of statistically authentic distinctions between parameters of disease of the population of different areas About variability of parameters of disease and pollution of an atmosphere About the unidirectional tendencies in dynamics of parameters of disease and pollution of an atmosphere. 140.At studying disease by a tuberculosis of lungs data about social conditions and bad habits of patients have been obtained. What from following techniques allows to estimate a measure of influence of smoking of tobacco on disease of a tuberculosis?= * Calculation of factor of correlation The analysis of parameters dynamic of some Calculation of factor of regress

Calculation of the standardized parameters Estimation of reliability of distinctions of parameters 141.At studying disease by a tuberculosis of lungs data about social and economic conditions of a life and bad habits of patients have been obtained. What of the specified methods allows to estimate a measure of influence of these factors on disease of a tuberculosis? Calculation of factor of reliability * Calculation of factor of correlation Calculation of factor of regress Calculation of the standardized parameter Calculation of a parameter of conformity 142.At studying dependence of disease by a belly typhus from scope of the population by inoculations it is established, that between these attributes there is average force a feedback. In what of digital ranges there is a factor of correlation? * From-0,30 up to-0,69 From-0,70 up to-0,99 From +0,01 up to +0,29 From +0,30 up to +0,69 From +0,70 up to +0,99 143.At studying dependence between disease of a belly typhus and scope of the population by corresponding inoculations it is established, that between these attributes there is average force a feedback, the factor of correlation is equaled-0,6. How will disease of a belly typhus change at increase in scope of the population inoculations? * Will decrease. Will increase. Will not change. Will increase on 40 %. Will decrease for 40 %. 144.At studying dependence between a level of pollution of atmospheric air and prevalence of diseases of bodies of breath it is established, that the factor of pair correlation r is equaled + 0,82. Estimate force and a direction of communication. Average straight line * Strong straight line Strong return Average return Weak straight line 145.At studying communication between number of references of agricultural population behind medical service in area A and distance to rural ambulance stations the factor of rang correlations - 0,9 is received. How it is possible to estimate force of communication between the specified attributes? * Strong return. Strong straight line. Moderated return Weak straight line. Weak return. 146.Studying influence of temperature of air was spent to the autumn period on disease of sharp respiratory infections. The calculated factor of correlation is equaled-0,75. How disease of sharp respiratory infections will change at decrease in temperature air during the autumn period? * Will increase Will decrease Will increase on 25 % Will decrease for 25 % Will not change 147. Studying the factors which have affected regional features of health of the population is spent. What statistical methods can be used for definition of force and a direction of communication between parameters of health and factors influencing it? * The correlation analysis.

Standardization. The analysis of dynamic numbers. Parametrical methods of an estimation of reliability Nonparametric methods of an estimation of reliability. 148.With what purpose the correlation analysis is applied? Estimations of reliability of distinction of attributes in the interconnected sets. Definitions of a degree of change of one attribute at change of other attribute. * Measurements of force and direction of communication between attributes. Forecasting of tendencies of change of an attribute. Calculation of statistics. 149.By means of what method it is possible to establish force of correlation communication between age of men and their death rate from a heart attack of a myocardium? * Method of rang correlations (Spirmens). The correlation attitude Method of squares (Pirsons). Indirect method (Stewdents). Method of step correlation (Armlers). 150.At 200 sick hypertonic illness the size of arterial pressure and age of the patient was studied. What statistical size needs to be used to measure force of communication between the specified attributes? Mistake of represintation Factor of a variation * Factor of corellation Factor of Stewdent Sigmale deviation 151.At working women who work in dye shops of cotton-mills of region D, communication between contents aozinophils blood and the experience of work was studied. By means of what parameter it is the most expedient to lead the analysis of these data? * Factor of correlation. Criterion . The standardized parameter. Average size. Parameter of presentation.

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