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INTRODUCTION The Cumaean Sibyl Mary Shelley, The Cumaean Sibyl and THE LAST MAN In 1818, Mary

Shelley first described her expedition into murky subterranean passages within the trapezoid cavern of Cumaean Sibyl near Naples, Italy. It

was here, in the cave so frequently described in Virgils first century Eclogues and neid, that Shelley asserts she discovered the ancient apocalyptic writings of the Roman prophetess Cumaean Sybil, recorded on oak leaves. Translating and editing the Sibylline Prophecies, Mary Shelley published The Last Man in 1826. Described as a memory at the end of history The Last Man begins, ...let me fancy myself as I was in 2094 and continues to describe an horrific plague that destroys mankind as a species. The Last Man would become the first modern account of an apocalyptic pandemic and disturbingly, would be written as a nihilist narrative in a posthuman era. Contagion, the transmission of disease, has always been a unique entity, surpassing all potential cataclysms with its singular characteristic of being entirely sovereign and nondiscriminatory. Borderless, apolitical, and smugly defiant, disease has spread, multiplied and mutated and has historically shown deference to no one.

A POX ON BOTH YOUR HOUSES Ring around the rosy: ashes, ashes. Though mortality estimates of pandemics throughout history are often unreliable (if not entirely unknown), their impact has often been measured only by these statistics, with less examination of concurrent societal disruption. With the exception of medical and scientific study, epidemics were understood mostly within their literary and classical context. Childrens songs, nursery rhymes and colloquialisms would hint of their impact, but nothing in recent memory would demand the serious attention of many in western society. The sustained scourge of AIDSis familiar in concept, but easily dismissed unless there is direct involvement. Ebola, cholera, plague, Marburg, SARS and anthrax are serious sounding, but largely irrelevant to the generations raised in a society of eradication, vaccines and fix em fast antibiotics. There has been growing concern among experts of the fast-rising density of human populations and the immediate need to strategize to avoid high death tolls in inevitable natural disasters. Similarly, public health experts warn that vigilance and speed in tracking and responding to disease outbreaks is vital to

limit the changes of a pandemic. Every age in history has had its plagues, wars and disasters. What is different about our world today is the enormous potential of a catastrophic pandemic situation. A public health emergency at this level would be far more catastrophic than any other type of naturally occurring, accidental or other instigated event that the world has ever experienced. While Hollywood has steadily inoculated the comfortably preoccupied masses with remarkably prescient bio-threat scenarios, I Am Legend, Outbreak, The Stand, V for Vendetta, the very real and prolific research programs began to notice that life forms confined to the microscopic realm were changing: rapidly, sometimes predictably, oftentimes unpredictably and in some instances, chillingly purposefully. It has been only within the past five years that serious attention and discussion of infectious threats have taken place at a popular level, and these have been limited, for the most part, to ingestible Mad Cow/Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and avian influenza strains. These too however, are fast succumbing to the social fatigue of media hype. No one can identify a specific pandemic agent with absolute certainty, but it may be possible to determine the most likely. Under the Internet umbrella is a massive collection of data, documentation and detail and perhaps a deterministic hint. The proportional ratio of available literature and guidelines for influenza is, by comparison to other potential pandemic threats, in such stark contrast that one could entertain the suspicion that influenza pandemic is actually an orchestrated effort. Some will say this discussion of the Avian Flu is an overreaction. Some may say, Did we cry wolf? The reality is that if the H5N1 virus does not trigger pandemic flu, there will be another virus that will. Secretary Mike Levitt Department of Health and Human Services November 2, 2005 Newly developed and otherwise newly emerging strains are designated novel: their patterns not yet determined. Prof. Angus Nicoll, Senior Expert and Head of Influenza Programme of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, explains: When a major change in surface proteins occurs spontaneously, a new subtype can emerge that has not previously circulated in

humans, and to which no one will have full immunity. If this new virus also has the capacity to spread efficiently and in a sustained manner from person to person, an influenza pandemic can occur. But while pandemics are broad in effect, the toxicity of the operative pathogen needs to be carefully balanced. A pandemic virus emerges via two principal mechanisms: reassortant and adaptive mutation. WHOS WHO? The World Health Organization describes past pandemics as the epidemiological equivalent of a flash flood, often beginning abruptly, without warning and sweeping through populations with ferocious velocity, leaving considerable damage in their wake. WHO also notes a predictable feature of pandemics: the tendency to recur in waves, often with a stronger, more virulent mutation of the affecting agent: Subsequent waves often began simultaneously in several different parts of the world, intensifying the abrupt disruption at the global level. The US Department of Homeland Security projects the potential effect of pandemic influenza on the United States population: The clinical disease attack rate will be 30 percent in the overall population during the pandemic. Illness rates will be highest among school-aged children (about 40 percent) and decline with age. Among working adults, an average of 20 percent will become ill during a community outbreak. The eventuality of a global pandemic of unprecedented scope has been the singular priority within the international response community for years. There has never been a discussion of if there will be another global pandemic, only the best estimates of when, and within the space of weeks a pandemic could affect multiple communities, nations and regions simultaneously. Likewise, there are coincident factors which would be dependent upon the status of regional (or available) infrastructure and all include variables at different, and often unstable, levels. These Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources, CIKR, are the focus of the US Department of Homeland Securitys Pandemic Influenza guide. The eighty4

four page document introduces the crucial nature of infrastructure integrity in section 1.3: THE SITUATION The mounting risk of a worldwide influenza pandemic poses numerous potentially devastating consequences for critical infrastructure in the United States. A pandemic will likely reduce dramatically the number of available workers in all sectors, and significantly disrupt the movement of people and goods, which will threaten essential services and operations within and across our nations CI/KR sectors. Industries in every sector of the critical infrastructure will experience pandemic impacts. Given todays highly mobile population, disease outbreaks may occur simultaneously throughout the country making the reallocation of human and material resources more difficult than in other disaster or emergency situations. As thorough preparedness at every level is imperative, it is prudent to examine the manner of response contingent upon sociobiological realities, specifically, a pandemic Situation as it would be managed with: I II COMPARATIVELY INTACT CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE / KEY RESOURCES (CI/KR) SUBSTANTIAL IMPAIRMENT OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE / KEY RESOURCES (CI/KR)

III EXOTIC THREATS In 2008, WHO published the Operational Procedures for Event Management for international public health security, drafted within the context of communicable diseases, but adoptable for all hazards, chemical, biological, radio-nuclear, etc. Having established guidelines for risks or events which are or have the potential to be of international concern, WHOs International Health Regulations (2005) identifies and mandates protocol when public health security across international borders is threatened. The parameters themselves can vary widely within WHOs 193 member

nations. International collective oversight permits the management and distribution of resources to appropriately designated vectors from the most technologically superior western standard to the less developed and often balkanized nations. If specific threats are identified as extreme and rare, the Director-General of WHO may declare events to be Public Health Emergencies of International Concern (PHEIC) with provision to assess, coordinate and manage the identified emergency. It is through WHOs International Health Regulations, IHR, that rules are established which member states must follow in the identification and management of disease outbreaks. Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, said in a news release. "Given today's universal vulnerability to these threats, better security calls for global solidarity... International public health security is both a collective aspiration and a mutual responsibility. The new watchwords are diplomacy, cooperation, transparency and preparedness." As if in precise commemoration of the 91st anniversary of the H1N1, Spanish Flu Pandemic which began on March 11, 1918, the spring months of March and April, 2009 brought a quadruple reassortant novel virus of two genes of European and Asian swine, one of avian origin and one human element, triggering alarm within the scientific community who recognize the anomalous construction of the agent. In accordance with the prescribed initiatives for pandemic guidelines, the World Health Organizations Operational Procedures were immediately launched. While the elevated status Public Health Emergencies of International Concern (PHEIC) is by internal documentation an extraordinary event, DirectorGeneral Margaret Chan took little time before pronouncing a pandemic emergency in late April. Shortly thereafter, WHO elevated the threat phase from 4 to 5: one phase below full pandemic status. While the strategic benefits of cooperative oversight and management are enormous, the language, range and levels of control contained within the official documents are boldly unambiguous and broadly comprehensive. There are specific and repeated references to legal compliance. Participating as necessary in the event management process to advise on the legal adherence to the IHR (2005)

International Health Regulations (2005) [IHR (2005)] - International legal instrument that is binding on 194 countries, including all the Member States of WHO. Their aim is to help the international community prevent and respond to acute public health risks that have the potential to cross borders and threaten people worldwide. (emphasis, smb) In the United States, a federal or local public declaration of a health emergency is essentially considered to be a suspension of long held Constitutional rights. The suspension of personal sovereignty, even on a temporary basis, is difficult under the best of circumstances. Many who carefully scrutinize temporary or drill/preparation scenarios have genuine and defensible concerns. The use of private property, the rationing of health care services and supplies, the threat or the actual implementation of isolation and quarantine procedures, the possibility of enforced curfew or a martial law situation raises reasonable and presumably expected apprehension. As of this writing, there is the appearance of limited pandemic control but there is also a sustained public recognition of the potential for abuse of authority, even due to poor communication, during these periods.

Image credit, National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Institutes of Health

COMPARATIVELY INTACT CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE / KEY RESOURCES (CI/KR) First world status implies access to reasonably intact and operative modern medical standards, and while pandemic crises are not trivial, they are not likely to be catastrophic. Though it is far too early to accurately assess the April, 2009 outbreak of H1N1, it would appear that this is, a very limited example. Living conditions in many regions of central Mexico have historically been crowded with limited access to medical facilities as well as somewhat substandard baseline nutritional and overall health. The same biological agent responsible for increased morbidity and mortality in Mexico had significantly lesser effect on comparable hosts in the United States and Western Europe. Such findings have been historically demonstrated by contrasting cultures,

geography and demographics. Risk areas are assessed, disease progression surmised and trends projected through regional and global monitoring. Statistical models are then developed and event management directed and coordinated. SUBSTANTIAL IMPAIRMENT OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE / KEY RESOURCES (CI/KR) Vulnerability Assessment: CI/KR Using present day North American and Western European models as context in a pre-event assessment of CI/KR, consideration must be given to the likelihood of limitations to regional and international traffic and commerce as a causative: a result of the event itself. The reason(s) for impairment, whether single or multiple, would not necessarily be immediately evident. This model would also carry no expectation of near-term abatement or available response or support infrastructure. Although the endless roster of variables within a catastrophic scenario would be far too lengthy to enumerate, all additional consequences would amplify already severely limited resources. Additionally, it would be expected that within even the most sophisticated cultural situations, there would be limited experience in the management of contaminated environments. A strange quartet: Solar Cycles, Volcanism, Pandemics and El Nio According to Science Daily (August 28, 2009) the 11-year solar cycle, the stratosphere, and the tropical Pacific Ocean work in sync to generate weather patterns which affect much of the globe. It has been demonstrated that solar cycles are tied to the El Nio weather patterns, and that major pandemics are tied to El Nio. Solar activity has also been as specifically linked with increased earthquake activity, underwater volcanism and historical pandemics. The massive volcanic eruption of approximated c. January 1258, apparently in Central America or Mexico, caused a rain of sulfuric acid aerosols and tiny glass shards which changed the weather worldwide. Europe suffered cold weather and heavy rains which led to severe crop damage and famine. Pestilence and plague followed in 1258 and 1259, and very cold winters in 1260 and 1261 (Stothers, 2000).

According to Robert A. Freitas, Sunspots and Disease (1984), six of the major influenza epidemics going back at least to 1917 were synchronized with the sunspot cycle (or solar cycle). In most cases, the flu virus was able to develop a new coat of protein in an antigenic shift making it resistant to the immunities which the population had built up. This coat may have developed due to penetrating radiation which was enhanced during periods of high solar activity.

DARK AGENDAS Biowarfares Invisible Army The unpleasant reality of biological warfare begins in its ancient past and ends in a time yet forward. From poisoning enemy wells, hurling dead corpses over city walls or giving smallpox ridden blankets to American Indians, it is difficult to grasp the concept of being assaulted by a living, albeit microscopic, enemy. But the plagues of history past bear little resemblance to their emergent constructs. As science continued its quest for unlocking DNA, a parallel priority - with a far more sinister agenda - was already growing and on the loose. Designed for maximum casualties and high emotional impact, this nano-army can be crafted for ethnic specific targeting. If history could teach mankind anything, it would be that weve not yet chosen to understand it. Despite warnings and flags, these unseen warriors are eager to meet their new hosts and are prepared to launch a new campaign, promising to reveal themselves in all of their horror, in an unprecedented spectacular finale. In Plague Wars: The Terrifying Reality of Biological Warfare, authors Tom Mangold and Jeff Goldberg assert that, Biological weapons are both more immoral and more lethal than their pestilential cohorts in the nuclear and chemical armoury, for infecting the enemy aggressor can infect his own side; the pathogens blur the lines between peace and war as they silently spread through the ranks of families and non-combatants... ... To contemplate their use is to wink at evil, for pestilence and poison are

afflictions as much as weapons. National security and intelligence must function in a complex and increasingly unsteady international environment. The element of strategic surprise can be a formidable weapon or a powerful adversary. Authors M. Wheelis, L. Rozsa and M. Dando analyze the often contradictory historical developments of three central issues of biological weapon research since WWII in Deadly Cultures, Biological Weapons since 1945: Why have states continued or begun programs for acquiring biological weapons? Why have states terminated biological weapons programs? How have states demonstrated that they have truly terminated their biological weapons programs? Despite the shifting view of the nature of the BW [biological weapon] threat, it has been evident for over 60 years that biological agents can be used to cause mass casualties and large- scale economic damage... .. .Contemporary concerns relate largely to the threat of BW acquisition and use by rogue states or by terrorists. However, the BW threat has much deeper roots, and it has changed markedly... ...During most of the Cold war period, major global powers invested substantial resources to develop a strategic BW capability aimed at the military forces, civilian populations, or agricultural resources of their adversaries. Indeed, early in this period BW were considered to rival nuclear weapons in strategic importance. With the comparatively recent explosion within microbiologcal field study, and specifically DNA, it is becoming increasingly popular to advance biologic novelties: Glow in the dark pups, fish and plants vie for media attention and capital while less glamorous but decidedly more dramatic are the bio products that find their places in dark circles but seek a more pernicious and indelible glow. EXOTIC THREATS Some more exotic than others. Plum Island Located off the NE Coast of Long Island, NY, beyond Montauk, the Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) is a Level 3 Biosafety Agriculture

facility. Transferred in 2002 from the US Dept. of Agriculture to the US Department of Homeland Security, Plum Island is a federal facility for the research and investigation of foreign and domestic animal pathogens. Plum Islands offshore status allows the study of forbidden mainland organisms, but has recently been the subject of serious East Coast tsunami related vulnerabilities and concerns. Plum Island's mission of diagnosis, research and education permits the housing of freezers which contain samples of polio and other microbial diseases that can be transferred from animals to humans which have, in the past, been compromised by weather related issues. Plum Islands directives are managed under Homeland Security Presidential Directive, HSPD-9. NEST Nuclear Energy Support Team, US Department of Energy Formerly the Nuclear Emergency Search Team, NEST, operating under the US Department of Energys Nuclear Safety Administration, the Nuclear Emergency Support Team, NEST is one of seven emergency response branches of the NNSA. Information from the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists indicates that NEST has the ability to deploy up to 600 people in the event of a nuclear incident alongside the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Domestic Emergency Support Team or the State Department's Foreign Emergency Support Team. In February, 2004, Popular Mechanics magazine featured a cover story, When UFOs Arrive. Within the seemingly whimsical text, story author Jim Wilson hinted: ...State Of Emergency: If ET turns up at NASA's doorstep bearing that invitation, it is in for a surprise. Instead of getting a handshake from the head of NASA, it will be handcuffed by an FBI agent dressed in a Biosafety Level 4 suit. Instead of sleeping in the Lincoln Bedroom at the White House, the alien will be whisked away to the Department of Agriculture's Animal Disease Center on Plum Island, off the coast of New York's Long Island. Here it will be poked and probed by doctors from the National Institutes of Health. A Department of Energy (DOE) Nuclear Emergency Search Team (NEST) will tow away its

spacecraft. Unfriendly as this welcome may seem, it is the chain of events that most likely will follow the visitor's arrival. Unique as the appearance of an alien-piloted spacecraft may be, the event incorporates elements of three situations familiar to federal emergency response workers: a plane crash, the release of radioactive material, and the capture of an animal suspected of harboring a contagious disease. Responsibilities in these situations are spelled out in Presidential Executive Orders .... (emphasis, smb) High Energy Physics Biological Warfare Implications Traditionally unpopular within the western scientific community, the study of high energy, torsion physics is rapidly gaining interest and acceptance. The reunification of Germany in 1988-1989 greatly facilitated the exchange of support documentation from formerly Eastern bloc nations for experimentation. One of the most astounding, albeit highly controversial, areas of scientific development is the consideration and implementation of scalar interferometry and its effects on matter and time itself. In Aids, Biological Warfare, Ret. Lt. Col. Tom Bearden describes and documents the results of repeated independent studies of Dr. Vlail Kaznacheyev, director of the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Novosibirsk, Siberia: The Soviets reported detecting near-ultraviolet photons bioluminescence - as carriers of the death/disease pattern. However, scientists at the University of Marburg in West Germany also duplicated the effect in the infrared. This shows that bioluminescent photons in the near UV and in the IR can definitely carry "disease and death" information between cells. Further, integrating a continuing input of such photons coherently integrates the disease or death pattern from the virtual state into the observable state. Note also that portions of the infrared spectrum are a subharmonic of the near ultraviolet. Harmonics are well-known in nonlinear oscillator theory, and biological systems are filled with nonlinear

oscillators. It may be that harmonics and subharmonics are directly involved in the death pattern... ...[in] other words, one can create the healing pattern - the antidote, if you will, for any biological warfare agent. Cancer, leukemia, AIDS, viral diseases, bacterial diseases, whatever. One can create the antidote within minutes after the first symptoms of the disease or death pattern appear. One can then simply add the negating (healing) signal to power line signals, television and radio signals, special transmitters, etc. - and immediately start to "administer the antidote" to the irradiated population one wishes to protect. Now one can see why the Soviets are so ready to expose the entire world to something like AIDS. It doesn't represent a real problem to them, the instant they decide to negate it ... ...There are other even more diabolical possibilities, but these should be quite sufficient to illustrate the point. ...Pandoras box has already been spilled, and the end of humanity is ticking away like a time-bomb. Its already nearly midnight, and the watchman hasnt even sounded the alarm yet.... In the DVD presentation, Tom Talks Tesla, Lt. Col. Bearden describes the profound significance of scalar implications: Looking at it along the lines of scalar interferometry, and dealing with something [that] can [have] some rather astounding weapons effects, we can see... ...Now, what does that imply?... ...Those radiators [scalar] could conceivably create within a mass population, the instantaneous spread of mass diseases of all kinds. They would be anomalous, you could be dying, for example, of bubonic plague and you wouldn't have the organism...... But if that part is true, it represents a biological weapon of incredible implications for population warfare.


I hope to God I'm wrong. . . but I don't think I am." (emphasis, smb) Stephen Kings uncanny prescience in the science fiction genre, applies Lt. Beardens harmonic/resonance capabilities in the 2006 novel The Cell which discusses the aftermath of what Albert Einstein describes the repeatedly tested principle of quantum entanglement of spooky at a distance resonance capabilities: Artist Clayton Riddell had been in Boston negotiating a successful deal to sell his comic book project. His joy at finally hitting it big is shattered by an event called The Pulse which causes all those who were using their cell phones at the time of The Pulse to become zombies attacking and killing anyone in their way. ... civilization as we know it grinds to a halt in a terrifying riot. of violence. In May, 2011, the Centers for Disease Control issued a preparedness page for a potential Zombie Apocalypse. As bizarre as it appears, there is actually sound science behind the horror. By examining historical evidence, disease patterns and similar neuro-toxins, scientists are finding strong links to toxins, virus and specifically scopolamine, an active agent of the burundanga plant. Scopolamine has been used for centuries for ritual magic as well as criminal activity in the Western Hemisphere. (National Institutes for Health, 1985). It would be unrealistic for any country with a centralized infrastructure and bureaucracy, to consider that it could prepare and implement a detailed and comprehensive pandemic plan in weeks, or even months. We have recently seen and experienced an extremely limited local, regional, national and global response to a potential pandemic situation. Specific pandemic identification, protection and response strategies are continually evaluated and reconsidered, but all will have varied implications and efficacy within and across multiple sectors. A multisectoral approach means the involvement of many levels of government and people with various specialties including policy development, legislative review and drafting, animal health, public health, patient care, laboratory diagnosis, laboratory test development, communication expertise and disaster management.

All are health strategies necessary to limit social interactions and disease spread, reducing illness and death and mitigating, as much as possible, the direct economic impacts. All also have potentially significant side effects and social outcomes which, coupled with the health impact. SUMMARY Assumptions, substantially compound the direct effects on personal, private, corporate, military and government operation. CONCLUSION As of February 20, 2010, the current World Health Organizations alert phase continues to be at phase 6. The official WHO Guidelines for Humanitarian Agencies are presumably currently in effect although there is no urgent, unusual, active or ongoing communication. There persists however a perceptible uneasiness, perhaps a consequence of performing extensive background documentation and research. BUT: Perhaps this April H1N1 Situation is following far too closely the prescribed regimens for the described scenarios within the ridiculously copious official directives. Perhaps this April H1N1 Situation is mirroring the unusual spring timing of the first H1N1 Pandemic 91 years ago. Perhaps this April H1N1 Situation is following the wave pattern as the first H1N1 Pandemic did, recurring with a strong, unusually virulent mutation the following August. Perhaps this April H1N1 Situation is following the second wave pattern as WHO Director- General Margaret Chan has warned and may strike with a vengeance in August or September. V for Vendetta?


Or just perhaps it is the WHO guidelines of April, 2006 which end with instruction point number 6.6.6: Management of dead bodies, or the reminders that the Black Plague began 666 years ago in 1343. As a culture engorged with death, taking morbid pleasure in temporary vicarious misery, do we in some way prescribe our misery? Consider the cover description of Stephen Kings The Stand, self-described as the greatest horror novel ever written: It is an apocalyptic vision of the world, when a deadly virus runs amok around the globe. But that lethal virus is almost benign compared to the satanic force gathering minions from those still alive to destroy humanity and create a world populated by evil. (emphasis, smb) Another posthuman sequence which gathers its, minions from an insurgent and ravaged humanity before complete usurpation. Pandemonium. If the cosmic, geologic and geopolitical events expected in September 2011 do not have enough to keep the world on edge, Hollywood has prepared the silver screen for one more. Warner Bros. has added a cast of heavy hitters actors for Contagion: Contagion follows the rapid progress of a lethal airorne virus that kills within days. As the fast moving epidemic grows the worldwide medical community races to find a cure and control the panic that spread faster than it virus itself. At the same time. In theaters September 9. While Mary Shelleys The Last Man has been popularly recognized as a first generation science (fiction) novel: it is worth remembering Shelleys insistence that this work is a translation of the nine ancient Sibylline Books as recorded by the priestess Cumaean Sibyl while presiding over the Apollonian oracle. Incredibly, Mary Shelley also records the Sibylline prophecy of a war between the West and Islam. These ancient Roman descriptions of an apocalyptic pandemic plague of unprecedented magnitude in the twenty-first century are difficult to ignore as the penetrating proclamation of April 30, 2009, by WHO DirectorGeneral Margaret Chan that "all humanity is under threat," dramatically

punctuates the Sibyls macabre echo.

2011, Sue Bradley

References cited: Prometheus Unplugged Julie K. Scheutz University of Notre Dame Prometheus Unplugged Prof. Angus Nicoll, Senior Expert and Head of Influenza Programme European Center for Disease Prevention and Control Stockholm, Sweden Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, BBC World Health Organization "Emerging Microbial Threats to Health in the 21st Century" Institute of Medicine 500 Fifth Street NW Washington, DC 20001 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road Atlanta, GA 30333 CDC Guidance Plan 11.2008 Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America North American Plan for Avian & Pandemic Influenza August, 2007 US Department of Homeland Security Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Response, and Recovery Guide September, 2006 US Department of Homeland Security CI/KR Pandemic Influenza Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Guide 2006 Plague Wars: The Terrifying Reality of Biological Warfare Tom Mangold and Jeff Goldberg Great Britain, Macmillian Publishers Ltd., 2000


Deadly Cultures, Biological weapons since 1945 By Mark Wheelis, Lajos Rzsa, Malcolm Dando Harvard University Press, 2006 Plum Island Animal Disease Center U.S. Department of Homeland Security P.O. Box 848 Greenport, NY 11944 Plum Island Animal Disease Center US DHS When UFOs Arrive Jim Wilson Popular Mechanics February, 2004 Aids, Biological Warfare Tom Talks Tesla Thomas Bearden, Lt. Col. (ret.) US Army Black Death: The Disease Cell Stephen King, Simon and Shuster, 2006 J Ethnopharmacol. National Institutes of Health, A multidisciplinary overview of intoxicating snuff rituals in the western hemisphere 1985 Dr. Mike Ibeji BBC History WHO guidelines, 2006 Influenza preparedness and mitigation in refugee and displaced populations The Stand Stephen King, Penguin Group (Canada), 1990 Contagion, Warner Brothers, 2009 Special thanks informational and organizational contributions: Stephen DeNagy, MD Idaho Falls, ID Eduardo Codina, MD Barcelona, Spain Diane L. Audette, RN Clinical Nurse Coordinator Dept. of Developmental Services State of CT


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